AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor with Wraith Spire (no LED) Cooler (YD1600BBAEBOX)

AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor with Wraith Spire (no LED) Cooler (YD1600BBAEBOX)
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor with Wraith Spire (no LED) Cooler (YD1600BBAEBOX)

AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor with Wraith Spire (no LED) Cooler (YD1600BBAEBOX)

 this is what we just got in this morning about lunchtime there's one there's two let me show you what we got her to test we have rise in five 1600 and a rise in five 1600 we bought these online we'll have those linked for you and what we're going to do today is we're going to do a unboxing and then later on this week we're going to return back to you with some overclocking numbers in it but also since we bought those and we don't need to rely on AMD samples what we have right there is a big box from AMD and that is our risin 5 reviewers sample kit and 

what we're going to do since we bought our own risin 5 CPUs what we're going to do is give away this kit next week unopened and we'll talk a bit about that a little bit later on so we're back on the test bench with the to AMD risin 5 1600 CPUs that we got in this morning 3.2 gigahertz base 3.6 precision boost and later this week we are definitely going to be putting these on a test bench and seeing what we can overclock these two so we'll definitely have data on that this week for right now we just wanted to kind of take a closer look at what was in the box and 

show you exactly what to expect and how to install the cooler here it's not going to be much different than what we saw last time but I know there's a lot of you that are probably coming into the AMD fold that are not familiar with this at all so I'll give you a little bit better a little bit better instruction at it last time it's a rise in 5 CPUs the first one we've seen it's a rise in 5 1600 this one is made in China not that we saw any difference on that last time but that's kind of worth noting so what's going to be different this and what we showed in our last review was 

this is the Wraith cooler but this one is actually a tad bit different on air so initially looking at this it looks exactly the same surely the only difference here is that we don't have the LED ring on this one so you'll notice that you don't have a plug down here or I think it was over here on the last one and you only got one cord so that's that's the big difference okay it's no big difference there this is cooler still it's still uh it's rated at 95 watts as the other one was and so let's show you how to install it real quick and we'll cover that veteran we did last time because 

we left out a couple of steps all right so the board out in front of me right here is the Asus crosshair six hero and if you took it out a package this is exactly how it looked okay last time we didn't show you this and like I said in a bunch you guys are probably new to this so a lot of a lot of the coolers on the market will use these tabs here on these mounting brackets that come stock on this board and our cooler is not use those right let me show you how this works and I'm going to use a Philips head screwdriver and simply remove the two screws either side when

 you're doing this be careful not to drop the screws on the motherboard anytime and God forbid don't do this with the board plugged in either that's not smart at all so you see once you get those two screws out that bracket comes right off there not a problem at all on most of these boards you will find that the plate behind these boards is actually glued on this is what the plate will look like the backplate this one doesn't have any adhesive on it but most of the he's probably will headed he to have adhesive on them and so I'll show you why that's somewhat 

important because it makes it easier to mount so we got screws off that one lift it right up it's out of the way so if these do have adhesive on them you'll notice that these don't move right because that backplate that hold down plate is it here to the back of the board so that makes these much easier to install makes it cooler is much easier to install last time I showed you one that was not done that way because we'd already ripped it apart to do water cooling on it so 

next thing you want to do when you insert your cooler or you're in central processor before your cooler obviously you always want to make sure you've grounded yourself off to something metal in the environment that's preferably plugged in the wall like a power supply or something take your processor out you will notice that you process your hands a little gold mark over in one corner okay so that will line up with a little arrow right here so you will see an arrow there at one corner of your socket and so that's where the arrow goes so when you put 

this in and align it easily it straight and let it fall into the socket for God's sakes don't don't push on it now once once you're down into the socket like this I highly suggest it is so you know it's in the socket right go ahead and push down with two or three fingers I didn't push down as hard as you want pretty much as long as you're on a good searching on your terp your board then go ahead and lock down your CPU arm that way you know that that processor is flat down in the socket and you're going to get a good contact with all the pins okay so next thing is 

go back the on the stock cooler we already have you already have the Tim on there see it comes off really easily so you can make a mess at this point really easily what you want to do is kind of get down make sure you line up where your posts are going to be to set it make sure you get all that lined up this is so much easier to do outside of the case I highly suggest doing this outside of the case okay so we're going to come back and we bring out here none you can see a little bit better so we're going to come over here you can turn the screws backward while pushing down 

and so you heard that all right so listen so let's do it again I'm going to turn the screws backwards while pushing down and you're going to hear the clunk from the thread catching here comes okay there it is so now I know I can go forward my threads are lined up so I grab about a thread over there and I go diagonal the other side of the board I'm going to do it again there's my thread now I can move for to turn there's thread now go forward let's do it over here there's thread now I go forward okay now what that does is that keeps you from cross 

threading any of those threads and make sure you also get an even count I'm going around so go across I get one two three I'll go across one two three I'm going to go across one two three across one two three okay so you get the idea there and I'm going to go down until all these are flush okay that one's flush that one's tight now once you feel that thread bottom out you do not need to crank on this you're not needing to tighten that on there in any way shape or form okay so now our cooler is in there that thing's not going anywhere that is way it should be mounted 

now if you're wondering how good a mate we get let's actually take this back part and look at it and when you take it apart I'd suggest you kind of do the same if you're checking your mating surface I would suggest you do it the same , now adding adding heat put to this the mates going to look a little bit different then and say if you'd have run it under load for a while I'm going to pull this straight up and let's take a look down on the board so we got a 

pretty good mate there we pushed out a lot of the extra thermal paste you can see right here around the edges want to paste their excess paste on the edges that got pushed out that number one tells us we got a good seat under there let's get that up there you can see we were down really really thin in here as well so let's look at what the cooler looks like so first off you're going to notice almost immediately that the copper slug there almost looks naked that we put so much the paste out so I mean we get a tremendous amount of paste there in that corner 

tremendous amount here so our mating on these is extremely good now obviously if you take yours off and check it then you need to reapply that temp do not put it back on without reapplying the thermal interface material so that's it that is the rise in v 1600 unboxing showed you how to install the cooler properly right out of the box and one thing we talked about the beginning of the video is hey so AMD Rison reviewers sample giveaway since we bought all of 

our samples we're going to be using we'll be using this with Corsair Vengeance Ram as well what we're going to do is I'm going to give away that whole box inside the box is one Rison v 1600 X CPU one rise in v 1500 X CPU one MSI be 350 tomahawk motherboard one AMD Wraith max CPU cooler and one AMD Wraith spire CPU cool that's both the the Wraiths spire 

is what you just saw here that is the 95 watt version the max is a 65 watt version and also on that kit is a guy'll memory kit 16 gigabits center 16 gigabytes of ddr4 rated at 32 hundred megahertz so get back to you on later this week how we'll do that through the forums.

AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor with Wraith Spire (no LED) Cooler (YD1600BBAEBOX)

so four years of building the Zen core now this processor horizon is in the hands of so many excited people out there how does it feel it feels absolutely great JT and if you think about you know four years ago we started with incredibly ambitious goals to build a leadership CPU for the market and we absolutely accomplished that now getting 52% IPC over our previous generation you know having incredible performance and capability in a number of workloads so yeah it feels absolutely wonderful there's been more than 300 reviews of Rison seven at this 

point from every corner of the globe essentially that's almost information overload what's your view what's your take on Rison seven at this point there is an incredible amount of information out there about rising and I translate that into an incredible amount of excitement when you look overall we're really pleased with where Rison is if you think about on the IPC side you know we exceeded our expectations in terms of where Rison is from an IPC standpoint when 

you look at the power consumption this is the best low-power processor out there for a quarter device when you look at the overall application performance whether you're talking about content creation or video or productivity or gaming now it's a great all-around experience from both just the performance standpoint the power standpoint as well as the price performance you know standpoint so I'm really pleased with where it is I think the other main message I want people to know is that we are extremely committed to building this rise in ecosystem the 

rising ecosystem is one that's going to last for you know many many years to come and it's only going to get better with time do you have any updates for us sunrise in five today what I can share is there actually four products in the family so there's a risin five 1600 X is our flagship six core 12th red device will have a rise in five 1600 as well as sitting right beneath that then we'll have the rise in five 1500 X which is the four core eight thread device and we'll have a rise of five 1400 right underneath and all of these risin five processors will be with the m4 

motherboard and ecosystem they're all unlocked and they'll all have sin semi outstanding so what more can you tell us when we see these products on shelf pricing any other details you can give us so I'm really excited to share today that risin five will be on shelf worldwide on April 11th so just a few short weeks away and from a pricing standpoint we really wanted risin 5 to reach all of those users who want a very very good and balanced experience between all the content and productivity as well as the gaming experience risin 5 1600 XR flagship will be 

sitting at 249 Verizon v 1600 will be at 219 Verizon 5 1500 X will be at 189 and then the entry price point the risin 5 1400 will be at 169 so we really have a full portfolio if you look now with risin 5 and risin 7 hitting the majority of price points that are important in the PC market Lisa we are here in the engineering building I know one of your favorite things is to go and visit the lab see product bring the hub see product testing I've done that with you once or twice before or any chance we can do that again today JT that'll be really fun let's go take a look at what's in 

the lab maybe you'd like to check this out alright let's say look well I'm running here is the latest version of blender well we've got on the right side here is the 1600 X from the left side we've got the competition 7600 K which you're gonna see here visually as you see that the awesomeness that we get from having more cores and threads and versus the competition you're seeing visually that we've already gotten advantage at the end of this particular test 

you'll see that our time stamps a a lot faster than there's 1600 X is looking good look at fantastic you got six cores and 12 threads really help oh it certainly does what you see there as we just finished up at about 32 seconds competition is taking this time there they reach the finish line current pace that's that it's looking like it's gonna come in roughly at about the fiftyish second mark and we'll be exact they come in at just under 52 seconds fantastic thank 

you so much Tony you're what more than welcome all right let's see what else we have here Robert how are you I'm good how are you Lisa nice to see you yeah likewise we don't have okay we have an interesting setup here we've been working pretty hard on getting faster memory tuned on Rison we know consumers want that so we've got Rises 7 1800 X's on both this one is running ddr4 2133 sort of the out of box configuration for that memory and then on the right 

running ddr4 29:33 so a faster memory kit out-of-the-box settings on that memory stick and running f1 2016 benchmark at 1080p all right and hope is that we'll see higher scores off the ddr4 2933 I'm pretty sure that's exactly what we're going to see great and we've seen that there's a lot of optimization that we can do with rise to 7 1800s that's right there's there's some software configuration things that that people can be doing certainly faster memory is going to be a big help to the Rison 7 family so us getting faster memory running is going to be a big deal 

for consumers and we're just finished up here on the 29 33 and now on the 21 33 and we see a delta of 16 extra frames per second just by going to ddr4 29 33 that's a great result it's a great result thanks Robert of course all right let's see what we have down here you want to join me yes a lot of fun going on here we're playing overwatch we're going to compare our risin 5 1600 X here on the right to the competitors 7600 games this is 1080p gaming very popular resolution very popular game robot myself we're gonna run through and see how this works so Robert 

jump in here I'm going to take a look at this frames per second so this is we're looking for a hundred and twenty frames per second or better because this is a hundred and twenty Hertz panel so we really want to have a nice fast frame rate to make sure we're above that refresh rate getting the most amount of detail getting the most amount of reaction time out of the PC while you're gaming so as we're looking through here we're watching these frames per second 

I'm seeing where even during these big explosions you know 120 hundred 30 frames per second which should be pretty similar to you of it yeah I'm getting a high 118 119 sometimes in the mid 120 s great yeah it's nice and fluid and smooth Rises definitely delivering a great gaming experience here it's very smooth for the players and it's basically getting the PC out of the way so it's you in the game you're having a great experience doing everything you want to do not 

having to worry about you know your hardware choices limiting you yeah it's a lot of fun it's great to play on Rison 5 and I can't wait to see it in the market fantastic .

AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor with Wraith Spire (no LED) Cooler (YD1600BBAEBOX)

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