Razer Orbweaver Chroma Gaming Keypad review
Razer Orbweaver Chroma Gaming Keypad review
PROSSeveral adjustable parts for optimal comfort.20 programmable keys.
Best thumb controls available.
Keys could use more tactile differentiation.
No color options for backlight.
I think the most underused is for film it's usually just on the spacebar and that's why I really wanted to try the orb-weaver because it has extra buttons for the film when you're setting up your key configuration you should aim for something that will allow you to make your movements and actions without any pause or problem for example you wouldn't put your back key on C if a strafe key is on D because then you couldn't stray from that direction while going backwards and you wouldn't put a special on the K if your fingers are on asdf because then you'd have to move your hand completely the orb-weavers some buttons give you up to ten extra commands personally my spacebar is zoom or secondary file so having this pedal is great for that then there is the direction button you can set this to either four or eight directions I personally found it too hard to distinguish eight directions so I set it to 4 and even four were a
bit hard to get right all the time so I ended up binding two directions for the same thing meaning I set it to two I guess if you just need to spend some buttons then it's probably good and then there is the top button which could be great for your ultimate in overwatch so I love the idea of having extra buttons for the thumb to use in fact I'd love to see even more and that's where the positive experience with the orbiter ends everything else about this is either wrong or just could be a lot better I want to stress here that I'm not going to bring up these negatives because of any hateful razor I would love if they took my advice and improve this product or made an even better one so if you start it's not stable it Rock side to side that doesn't feel as bad with a mouse pad under it and then yes you can adjust each section here here and here but that makes it feel a bit more flimsy and the palmers does seem a bit pointless you can also set a
different key maps which is great but that's not something you'd need to change in-game quickly so I would have liked to dedicate a button right here to switch between them personally I'm not going to learn to use it with editing software because I'm too trained with the standard keyboard and that brings up the next point most people are already used to the standard keyboard layout even after a month I'm still not used to this it's just not a comfortable device for me with the hand of a team by nine centimeters the shape and angle of the keys puts me off I would have rather do say stuck to the standard layer I'm much more comfortable playing on a Black Widow than this so I guess if they gave me extra thumb buttons on a black widow it would be no contest I'd always use the Black Widow but the thumb buttons are why I'd want to use your Weaver because I really believe gaming keyboard should use the thumb more the key
caps of different angles but here's a look at the five next to an arrow key from the Black Widow the caps on the orb-weaver might be better for people with bigger hands because they're larger but I find it hard to reach the keys and here to the flatter design I also feel like I slip a bit more the quality feels fine but they seem to move more than a standard keyboard as you can see here this one uses two rosy green switches and the LEDs are quite smooth when changing color it has 20 keys but I like to rest my fingers here so I'd want another row of keys for my index finger to reach and that way I have two back row for my little finger even if you position your fingers where they intended you're still going to miss a row that your little finger could access again we seem to be losing something that would have on a keyboard as for the belt it's good enough the wrist rest is rubberized and fairly comfortable the palm rest is textured rubber and the rest is
plastic the cable is great it feels like high quality and it's about a 1.8 meters long with a gold plated USB is a quick sound test the software is very the synapse so it has the usual functionality keyboard mouse macro that detects both media wants programs and more and it has chromophore lighting which gives you a few effects and the ability to alter them as I said the color wave seems quite smooth and the color representation fairly accurate to give you my conclusion and love having extra buttons to my thumb to using game that's brilliant and makes me want to keep using it however I don't think it's superior to a regular keyboard overall it's not going to offer enough advantage and it's not like you can replace the keyboard either you still need a keyboard nearby to type and change in game which makes me wonder why they don't just make you keyboard with extra thumb button why do we need a separate gaming
device for keys you can play them pretty much any keyboard it's not that different which means it's just the thumb button and they're great but are they worth an extra hundred thirty dollars in a way yes in another way no I'll leave it up to you so I've enjoyed it in some ways but not in others hopefully we see some extra innovation and get a keyboard with great some buttons someday for now it's not going to be high on the recommendation list big
if you're an FPS gamer you probably love this stick around for the full review of the Razer orb-weaver it's pretty awesome has a lot of gaming center features as you can probably guess and is the chrome edition so it's just even more cool , check our website at Tecton GBA you came from what inform of this and many other products and also up-to-date news on all things tech stick around for this awesome video so to give you a bit of history on the orb-weaver set is basically an upgrade to the Razer Nostromo which are actually originally a Belkin product which is kind of weird but I actually have a reason as drummer and they're still quite good but yeah anyway the coolest thing about this this product is the stickers I thought it sounds weird but I love these yeah they're basically kind of the reason logo but with that you know reflective as there's bit around them so the when you chain them under white light they change colors and there's no way I'm not stealing them from the box before I sent this back but anyway yeah this is basically
a mechanical gamepad this is really good for FPS games and when I say mechanical I mean mechanical switches a lot cherry switches they're actually razors own switches that razor mechanical switches and they're very similar to Cherry MX blues our greens the clicky and relatively loud have a similar actuation point and similar load pressure and the natural noise they make is very very similar to my Razer BlackWidow Ultimate 2013 which has blues but yeah it's actually is really those two I guess not very type on but use and the general feel of it the build cause is really nice there's actually a lot of customizing ability to be had here which I'm showing you in just a second but yeah the overall sort of few of us very nice the actual killeth key layout is nice as it's kind of in a almost a halfpipe shape so it's really easy to guess which key you're pressing and you know if you're using it as a sort of like FPS game pad it's
really easy to go to hold shift down while you're running or whatever and something in terms of the you know kind of bottom palm rest you've got the razer logo as well as some very nice soft touch plastic unless your bottom you get a hell of a lot of sort of rubber pads so when your hand is on this gaming there was no way this is moving anywhere which is really nice the kind of USB and USB cable is it pretty nice to high quality nice braided cable is nice and long it's got gold plating on the end of a nice railroad oh that's cool you can adjust the size which is partly the customizability I was talking about which is actually pretty easy you just hold a button down on the base you can also change the palm this sort of upper palm rest locations if you wanted to be a little bit further up like I do you can you can also change the thumb button area and by the way this is what the button is sound like when you cannot click on themselves
so there you have it I'm giving this thing is really cool actually one of the coolest things is actually the lighting setup that you have here and as you can see there is a load of lighting modes I'm actually gonna take you through the software real quick just to show you what it's like and how to change the stuff up but yeah it's really cool one of my favorite since the pulse mode which is the ripple mode which is when you press a key it ripples rainbows or whatever you want and across the keys and it just looks really killed and in terms of the razor software i've been using reason synapse for a while since I've had the keyboard which is about two years so it's really improved and it's just generally pretty good you have a lot of key maps so you can actually change a key map depending on what game you're playing and stuff like that so you can assign and any key there to anything including macros which is really cool you can assign
individual lighting although all has to be the same mode so it can either be you know every key a different color but in static mode or every key has to be you know pulsing or something like that you can't have one key in static one key pulse you know was pulsing and then the other ones off you have to have them either or static doing like different colors or a same color whatever you like or you know just the general lighting so in terms of gaming on this this is actually a really nice kind of device I'm going to talk about more initiative conclusions that but basically I found that if you're on FPS gamer this thing is amazing you can set it up really easily to give you know all the functions you would possibly need for you know at PS gaming in terms of other games personally if you're you know a racing fan then you're probably gonna buy a
racing wheel if you're a you know RCS bound the suit this could still be a good thing especially at all the macro support personally I am a GTA fan so this is kind of a bit of a mix for me because I tend to use a gamepad you know an Xbox 360 controller as well as the keyboard and a phone that it was actually kind of occasionally easier to use the Enter key and general keyboard for the serve gaming I was doing there but basically it's kind of the sort of thing where if you you know know you're gonna be able to use it then definitely check it out but if you are more in the kind of racing gamer or something like that then this may not be for you but yeah I said I'm gonna go over more detail in the sort of conclusion there and that and obviously pros and cons so we're gonna jump into the pros and cons which kind of roll into my opinions anyway and but basically this is a really nice built you know really nice build quality great style great feel and great features you know it just looks feels and just generally is
amazing in fact the only con I can think for that add this is that it's not for everyone and that's kind of my opinion too for me I actually own as I said the Razer Nostromo which is the older version of this with you know no mechanic cookies and it doesn't have you know the chroma support but it's still it's basically the same thing and that was that the reason I don't use that anymore it's just because it's not for me I the games that I play are an FPS they don't really use the keyboard much either and if I'm gonna be using the keyboard it will be for GTA because somebody shot me and I have to run around and like snipe them or something but most of the time I end up using my expose xbox360 controller because I play rocket League and I play GTA and any games that don't use you know the keyboard generally use a bit more than just that kind of the half of a keyboard so for me it's just not my thing but I can certainly see it being
great for FPS gamers RTS you know mm RPGs you know World of Warcraft and League of Legends and dota and all that sort of stuff it's probably great for it's just not my kind of game at home so yeah that's that's kind of the pros and cons Oh in terms of so bank money it's probably get a four it's gonna get a five for performance music is a really nice device it's gonna get a fire functionality too because well the frame which does everything you're expected to do it's gonna get a five for style and actually a five protecting GB score too because it's a really fantastic product it's just not my fantastic product it's also gonna get the gamer approved award and because it is a fantastic gaming product and it really is worth some gamers money so yeah that's probably quickest I've ever done the awards but yeah let me know what you think of it in the comments down below would you buy one would you buy a gamepad in general
Razer Orbweaver Chroma Gaming Keypad review
take a look at this these are all Weaver keypad here or game pad if you haven't already check out the link for the giveaway that I'm doing for the Logitech G 403 if you're not familiar with my tech Tuesday videos okay generally gaming peripherals show some gameplay I'll tell you the pros and cons give you some idea of what the wide shaper the software I'm just give my general thoughts on the products that I'm looking up they're not sure what game packs for these are to replace the keyboard when you're gaming and put all the keys in a much more easier to reach position than you were doing a normal keyboard so you know stretch him for things like X C maybe F and G maybe some of the 1 2 3 keys also adds a lot more functionality to your thumb instead of just spacebar maybe X CMV so this is my fourth or Weaver here about the oldWeaver original which is a green one no RGB of a deal Weaver elite chroma which is similar to this one has all the elite kind of chroma functionality I've also had another elite chroma and now I've got this stealth chroma as well all we do in comparison video on the difference between the elite chroma and the stealth so subscribe for that you're gonna send your Weaver's like against the Tirana sapling in the description of already done one on that to give you an idea if you're not sure which one to pick now these products are quite limited only raised a Logitech and a few of the third Piper fools do these kind of game pads or keypads cuz I quite a niche market I've been using like studies for four years but I'm going to use the Ostrow mouse beat artery to the Logitech g13 and the razor or Weaver so I'm good understanding of what these are like so the good things about this old Weaver is this ability to be configured to your hand
position this is one of the only ones that allows you to do this the tartars has some functionality with your Weaver itself it has the ability to extend the thumb position is able to extend its main platform you also manipulate the way the pharmacist so rocks backwards and forwards this is a 3-way positional configuration for your hand which makes a lot easier to reach some of the key components I had no issues here reach in any of these keys the only keys that are slightly difficult to reach and put the measurements of my hand up here are the 1 to 5 range and generally the 4 and 5 because of my index fingers a little bit shorter so I have to raise my hand up a little bit as you can see here and just connect to their or 5 key button that 3 1 2 or easy to reach and the rest of the keys are good thumb position on this one is fantastic the keys
themselves here are mechanical these are the stealth ones as you can see although they are stealth you don't have that click of like an MX blue or the Razer greens they still have some sound to them more than generally when the bottom and out I don't - I did have the green ones originally which is the elite and I changed it cuz it were slightly louder these are more of a deeper click the greens a bit more of a louder high-pitched click nothing to notice of these have tactile feedback so there's a slight bump on it the key press is reasonably heavy it's not as light as a razor yellow for instance but it's not too happy that you'd have an issue pushing the key I like back down the thumb rest on the Earl Weaver all the keys he's the same switch but they're much easier to press and they all sound very similar and feel the same there's a few negatives
with this and one of them is the quality I've had to elite chromosome upset mainly due to the fact that I've had issues with the rear pad coming loose and you can see on this one here it's also doing the same seal every odd peels off underneath there the roopa comes away the original one before this I didn't have any issues with that I seen one that's been good and he changed it cause I like the stealth version but the original all breva green one the pad came off Ray's replaced on to our main the replacement one then did the same a year later he's a wouldn't replace that I tried to buy a new lead chroma these 129 codes are quite expensive and then eventually I changed for the stealth hair which again now this is about two months old and
again the pads coming off so I'm sure Razer will replace this but it's a little bit annoying you shouldn't be doing this at the premium that it is I'm not sure it's to do the heat on the palm you hound that raises and causes the flu to go a bit loose or whether it's just a design flaw because they have three of these out of four I hadn't done exactly this problem the real pattern it here is also rubber which is nice it's a nice soft kind of sticky rubber but it's a decent feel it's not sticky avoiding using it but your hand doesn't slip around it's a nice armrest it's not too padded either it's quite firm but it doesn't give me any issues with my hands or anything I don't get any pain I played with this thing for seven eight hours on a Friday night when I'm streaming play unknown or day by day light and switch honestly I've had no issues with it at all I would not be without this or Weaver it might have some issues with the design of also I had one of them lose
a key but let's say that was because as a manufacturing fall out the fourth out only one of the keys is started to fail and keycaps is the other main issue I found these old Weaver's 11 and 16 does wear out any well pretty fast can see already to starting to wear out here on these ones have worn out verse Li so there's no black the keys still work but the key caps do wire out which is a little bit of a shame feel like he caps themselves a like a soft rubber coating so I can sunlight grubs out but gotta expect some more of a premium product for these not to wear out they don't wear out on the black widows I've got just on the old Weaver the design itself looks awesome is nice then profiles and take up too much space on your desk it doesn't slide around because of these rubber feet it's got some decent rubber feet on here the only negative about
these feet is that sometimes they can pick up some dust as you can see here and once they get a bit of dust collected the mat will slide around once you clean those it does not move the only other issue is that if you've got white desks like I have it will leave black marks so you've got B over C to black marks we've prepared for that because if it doesn't move around it will leave some it's got a nice 2 meter braided cable I would like it to be a little bit longer maybe two and a half meters but it's not really causing me too much of a problem it's a bit like the keyboard length so but if you want to wrap it around your desk over a cable management it's probable short but then hey so is every keyboard where you turn to give you a longer USB cable than most of them so so not really an issue profile lights on RGB that's a bit of an issue you have to raise the synapses v2 because v3 doesn't work with your Weaver which again is a little bit
negative it would have been nice I've spoken to razor on the support forms of to give it support for synapses to English said no so the moment black widows on synapses three I had lancehead tornament I was on such a sweet on my old Weaver's on SAMHSA's too but that's me nice or now I don't see why the old believer couldn't be on synapses three it's got the same configuration for chroma as any other ones I think raises trying to hold it back maybe maybe the only two new all Weaver I don't know the space on this is great it's like a little flat plate but it's got great very very sensitive click and it's very fast so you don't have much movement I see you can jump around a lot faster bro you're quite alone for tonight , the directional pad on it is a little bit tricky it's an eight-way directional panel full way I uses a four-way because I find the eight ways a little bit inaccurate to hit in the diagonals it's not very easy to feel the diagonals on the old Weaver and that's why I use it as a four-way and it's also quite sensitive so you can
sometimes flip between weapons the thumb button press here which I use for ERF generally for picking up objects is excellent it's in a great position makes it a lot easier than using the keyboard a lot faster so overall these take a little bit getting used to I've been using for long time and I would never go back I love the old Weaver about four for a reason that's because it's one of the best I've ever used I find it a lot easier than a gaming keyboard and have used gaming keyboards for a long time I can grade my babies I understand so we can get used to it and you want to spend the extra money these are definitely worth looking at you just gotta find the right one for your hand your Weaver gives you the ability to do that a minute peel at your hands especially got big and and you can move it to make sure you can reach the keys okay so let's take a quick look at the software here this is e snaps this version 2 shows you an overview
of virtual or Weaver itself on the left you've got customized lighting add-ons macros chrome wraps and stats if it's like star profiles as you can see here I've got quite a lot of setup for this then we're going to play and then it'll enable if you click it to a program just to launch it if you wish I actually just picked the program myself from the Start menu here right click chroma stealth and then pick which profile I want to ruin that time for that game what you can do is you can select a key so let's say when I'm remap this one here to escape because that's my kind of like natural escape movements over here and this key here which is oh one it says there one you pick key function you bind key push escape on another keyboard your normal keyboard and it clicks escape click save NASA is really about to escape we're gonna reset this to em safe map again defaults V but you go keyboard function got a few other functions here well let me
show the keyboard ones push em map damn that's how simple it is to remap the keys on this or Weaver if you wanna look at the side view for the thumb you can basically push side for the bomb and then you can read map this unknown we have it as like an F items it's now an F and you've got your directional pad here universe buttons or directional I guess you can have eight configuration I was doing directional up-down left-right it's because it's easier for me to hit those sweet spots space by you can reset or when leave as default so that's the busing configuration you can run macros if you wish or you can run anything out to me it's got quite of options macros switch key map switch the profile all these little bits if you want to use it for but I just use the key function of the map feel free to let me know what you use it for in the comments you can add a new profile delete one you can copy profiles which is good you
familiar ways of snapchat software you'll understand that lights in wise you can put the different types of lighting I know I'm just a static one we have on spectrum cycle and if you wish wave ripple all these do want to change the direction of it if you wish and wave reactive if you push them to now it'll light up those different lights ends medium strong light as no me up it on spectrum cycling because it was like that when you put the apply to all if all your chroma devices are on the same synapses software and this always a problem because my Black Widow v2 here is on synapses three and snap just to is the chroma stealth orb-weaver so I can't sink
him a bit of a pain yeah so now razor please that'll be wonderful you can use it for add-ons but I've never used up a Warcraft you've got some macros here that you can brew on again I'm gonna go to table you can record them as you would any other application you're like chrome rats which is standard you got statistics to tell you what games are heat map driven if you're pressing a lot of buttons I say for instance you can see how many keystrokes you've done
distances all those kind of things can see I've used quite a few devices or Weavers shown on now look at the different Weaver's in fact none of them are showing any statistics interesting but they shouldn't do hey hell
Razer Orbweaver Chroma Gaming Keypad review











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