XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 1386MHz OC 8GB GDDR5 AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P8DFD6)

XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 1386MHz OC 8GB GDDR5 AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P8DFD6)
XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 1386MHz OC 8GB GDDR5 AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P8DFD6)

XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 1386MHz OC 8GB GDDR5 AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P8DFD6)

Edged out Nvidia's competing GTX 1060 in most of our DirectX 12 tests.

Not much faster than Radeon RX 480, despite being larger, power-hungrier.
XFX model we tested is big for a card in this class.
XFX card had tricky, recessed eight-pin power connector.

the rx 500 line so make sure to subscribe and kill across that notification belt to be part of the notification squad for all of our upcoming rx 500 contents now you can see this launch as a refresh not exactly as a rebrand so let's see if they're on the right track and is it time to upgrade find out after this cool master master keys keyboard lineup is now available and three sizes to fit within your space with large medium and small boards with either beautiful RGB or pure 

white LED illumination a little something for everyone make it yours with the master keys Pro by Cooler Master all right so let's dive right in with the key points about the rx 500 lineup so first it's using the same Polaris 10 architecture from the RX 400h using the 14 nanometer FinFET process with improved power efficiency during light loads and AMD is really pushing hard on radio and chill that renders only frames that are needed while consuming less power 

and running cooler the four variants are the RX 585 75 60 and the 550 so spending broad range covering all the way from a few GS stuff to competing with iGPS the RX 580 has the same number of stream processors as the arcs 480 but with much higher clock so around 12% increase on the base and 6% increase on the boost with promising Headroom for overclocking hmm overclocking Headroom huh we'll see about that the TDP has seen an increase to 100 85 

watt and 200 watts on some overclocked models and it's priced exactly the same as the our Expo 80 and we will see both four gigabytes and 80 Mike models to fill in that gap between the gtx pen six is three and six gigabyte models moving on to the RX 570 it's pretty interesting because it has the same amount of extreme processors arabes and texture units as the RX 470 but with the massive increase in frequencies 26% increase on the base clocks and only 3% on 

the boost versus the RX 470 it is priced ,so it should compete with the gtx 750ti the RX 560 and the 550 covered the sub price points so let us know if it won't these covered channel but in this review you will see benchmarks for 14 games man that is a lot of work we did first card is the 

sapphire rx 580 Nitro+ limited edition which is a beat I has been rx 580 with a 14 10 megahertz boost and a second bias available for 14 50 megahertz overclock and it's priced at to a USD the second card is the XFX rx 580 GTS xxx Edition xxx really but it has a more reasonable price point and a slight twenty six megahertz overclock on the boost frequency compared to reference so let's begin with 1080p benchmarks notice we are using the 1% 

minimum to better portray performance fluctuations and in the stack are the arcs 480 GTX 1060 founders Edition and dbg superclocked alongside the GTX 970 founders Edition you can see the arcs 580 cards fare pretty well against the GTX 960 and offer an attractive Delta of about 5 to 13 percent increase over the originals are explained I do want to mention overwatch and GTA 5 were the only games with the AMD cards in the bottom three moving on to 1440p 

resolution it seems that the RX 580 takes an extra lead over the gtx 960 in majority of games , and again Amy occupying the three lowest spots and games like overwatch GTA 5 and titanfall 2 but still fairly close to the gtx 960 acoustically these two cards are some of the quietest we've ever tested and this will vary of course based on board partners and their own cool design but check this out temperatures are in total control stabilizing around 75 

degrees Celsius on both cards with totally stable frequencies as well and that is excellent to see and based on these gaming results the RX 580 seems to be an excellent option price point and is a clear winner come when compared against the gtx 960 so Nvidia price cuts maybe now when we did our follow up with the RX 480 is performance with maturer drivers we actually saw a significant boost in performance so hopefully the RX 580 carries that trend 

forward but there are two caveats regarding this new cards first of all is power consumption it is actually pretty high just as much as the foundation gtx 1070 and that is 70 watts more than the gtx 1066 gigabyte version and two overclocking do not bother after hours of thinking with Walkman we were only able to achieve 60 megahertz on both cards as an increase from there you know perspective boost clocks so it is very limited but that is after hours of crashes and 

instabilities and stuff so overclocking on the rx 500 series is limited and to wrap things up the RX 580 is a fantastic targets for maximum 1080p gaming and 1440p on high something that the GTX pens 66 give bike model sort of lags behind and there's a lot of potential for excellent competition  mark and if you've been considering a gtx 1066 gigabyte 
model would you consider team red now the RX panini is out let us know in the comments i also want to mention the RX 570 is already in the lab .

an RX 580 and I've already unboxed one rx maybe two in the past but this is an X if X some sort of fancy a cooler possibly overclockable more grabs cards so let's unbox it y'all , we've already unboxed a couple five 80s I believe and since the 580 it's basically a 480 that just has like BIOS tweak and maybe a few things different but the chip is basically the same I'm not going to go over that too much but as you can see and it has all these things which is pretty cool 

let's see power consumption is right here this card doesn't really use that much I don't think you have 500 watts which is pretty typical of a grass card these days and you need 4 gigs of ram and it's pretty much all you need to know other than the fact that you have to have a PCI Express slot and if you don't know how to install Graf's cards I haven't a I have a how-to review and I'll show how you do that it's pretty simple but yeah 580 is a nice card if you're not if you're looking to not really get to crazy price wise as long as you exempt the fact that mining has 

recently made grass skirts a lot more expensive in particular radio and cards because AMD cards are really good at mining compared to Nvidia cards but now I think that's gone a little bit over the a little bit away and we'll go back to unboxing some more GPUs y'all see I know I'm too much on the back so why not to go back into what I always do on these unboxing reviews is let's check out cutting-edge gamer y'all if you guys already see my unboxing reviews and you 

know about cutting kramer you can skip through us if you want or if you don't care about cool offers but cutting-edge gamer is really cool that's how I have personally get my cards cards you pay monthly for gratis cards instead of paying several  at all up front and it just makes the process a little bit easier to do that especially if you don't have a full-time job but a ton of money or if you're like you know if you just want to upgrade all the time you can 

upgrade whenever you want with cutting of camera which is pretty ballin and grabs cards come out pretty frequently and let's see our RX Vega just came out so you could upgrade to that if you really wanted to I'm a little bit expensive but you can upgrade to that but beyond that if you grabs credit or breaks they'll send you a new one right away and you don't have to deal with RMA which is a lot of BS so it's nice that cutting-edge gamer takes that BS out of your life and beyond that's pretty cool service check out link of the description helps up my site if 

you guys are interested but if not let's unbox this creepy you as XFX usually does we got the whole box within a box thing going on here and that box is pretty tough to get out from inside their brand is walking by so if you guys hear somebody dropping her backpack that's her alright in another box within another box which probably has a bunch of stuff I guess there's Miranda's hand show it show it some more show off your hand some more that's my girlfriend 

all right so you get a power adapter which I've never seen that on a radiographs card don't say you're sorry and a 4 to a 6-pin you shook the tripod dammit Miranda that's all right and you get a DVD if you don't have internet to download the drivers so that's pretty cool all right guys we got that box put back together Miranda is opening up some ice cream right now for you so if you hear that in the background that's what's going on driver information if you're connect to the internet you should download drivers and how to achieve oc+ clock rate all right that's 

partially in Chinese so that's cool is it all right so it's all partially in Chinese but there is some English so that's cool I guess hey there's a graphics card let's check it out all right guys there's Miranda's hands again all right so as I saw online this pretty much looks like a balls-to-the-wall GPU an RX 580 balls-to-the-wall so Miranda strap in chocolate on the ground sorry about that but so yeah this craps card looks pretty sweet as a nice carbon fiber look although I highly 

doubt that it's actually carbon fiber so let's get off all this goddamn plastic all right so that's it looks pretty cool has a slight little texture to it which is cool but obviously it looks like carbon fiber which is pretty cool it has a bunch of fins it's a nice tube you design for sure I like that a lot as for our display outs I hate that there's no pull tabs on these that sucks FX XFX come on Wade you in there I have to like I don't know I don't have fingernails like you seem I don't have 

it's like I can't get that open but I'm gonna assume these are three display ports in an HDMI port I'm gonna check to see if the HDMI port work on a 4k TV I've had issues in the past cuz I don't know if something's weird with their HDMI ports but then you also get DVI but if there is an issue with did this the HDMI port going to 4k you can just get an adapter for the display board which is a good alternative I guess wow this is kind of weird so the PCB stops right there 

but the backplate extends a little bit so keep that in mind if your case is a little size limited I don't really know why they would intentionally do that other than the fact that there's heat pipes there but that seems like they're just making their grass card bigger for no point animal I don't know but yeah yeah cool to fans pretty cool good fans we got two that will protect me there which is cool we'll go ahead and check out our supplement or power which is just an 8-

pin I haven't had an Rx for 580 forever but if you like probably all of them have that one 8 pin actually I think they didn't they have issues with power I'm not really sure let's take off the plastic here on the back plate which looks pretty cool alright it has like a kind of a weird goal well ending to that I've never seen a grass card that like points out like that so I think that's all aesthetics if you look through there it's basically just kind of wasted space I guess maybe for 

that one little bitty cord but alright brand is really looking intensely over here she's like what is this so yeah I'm not sure why they put that little corner there and put it I guess it looks cool but doesn't add any benefit at all you're making some noises over there aren't you all right so that backplate looks pretty nice nothing really too crazy but at least it's color neutral and in general 
this card is pretty color neutral and the fact that it has two big bull's-eyes on the front so and then on the side we got the XFX a little bit I would bet  that it lights up so we'll see if that bed is good .

XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 1386MHz OC 8GB GDDR5 AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P8DFD6)

 this rx5 baby this review neurotics 580 right here this is actually do a cute version here as you can see right here on this picture here it's a overclocked edition after two hundred megahertz and this is the sexy part here itself and you can see it's XFX and it has T's two fans here copper plating and at the top and there's a back pick as well and it has let's see three display ports some one HDMI and they're ready the eye so you can see the exit test logo right there and let 

me let's get started guys so I'm with so my guys will come back so this is my to coin money rig here is the sapphire X the special edition this is actually a high Nixa memory and over here here's the one I just installed my sake was all over this this is my second GPU setup and the user in Hongdae it says deep which I got when I was over at price so I bought the poison in the back those are my nieces nephews they're watching DVDs and they're making a 

lot of noises down there so as you can see is loaded up on I don't would say here we're at about sixty four point one volts 68 sorry so let's see how this goes as you can see here I got this peanut video rolling let's go and let's see where it is so listen in to GPU , all right let's give it some time and as you can see down there here's one of it hynek's memory and see what's the book my next one is this a firebender as you can see there and the other one is the XFS and I 

will have to download our tiny marks and let's do it without as it is let me close this real quick here just do do mining ok we'll see where it's at Steven it started with put alone so as you can see you're getting a total of two new one so the 21 is the the armada bios which is the RX 580 here the XFX a gig while the other one is at 27 which I set to how the chicka see if it's overclocked but that's the annex memory that's easy sapphire and so again we have wood with 

blue money with my psych one open and go to gaming let's see if this one has been it's a 2000 this one is our 2000 in cases this is the one that I have this so as you can see here this is the sapphire version of it I have not overclocked it yet had it BIOS modern so this is where is that bounce model gets at twenty seven point four five five let's overclock it real quick we set this - I'm using the Walkman because this is actually the I'm using the blockchain driver here please 

again real quick just pick this drop this temperature down to 58 they actually holds this up there which I really like tip negative 28 let's set the fan up to about 1600 just a soft take this to negative 20 that's what I found to be a 18 to 19 or 20 needs to be a good okay placement and it's going this woman let me adjust this a real quick to us wrong so let's give it at a 2113 set the temperature down real quickly there might be a long video but I'll try to do the best I can then 

let's see here as you can see it jumped one that went down but let's see here as you can see then one application drop the other one what a neat piece of sapphire one and we'll be right back guys somebody just a little eking and I'll be right back hi guys so we're back again so I'm gonna do this video thing to conclude everything and show you guys how the bow bow is small this guy so as you can see if you go to ATI and then it's I will flush and I'll go and this is where it's a 

trainee on and I pulled the other one out so that way I don't get confused and this is the one I wanted to bomb on so I save it first but I already say two here so make sure you always save your order version so as you can see here this is the rx version right here and this is the original version so when the original and the model version and as you can see here here's the sapphire one I did already and you want to save so just go into one of these folders that were click and 

just click Save yeah it'll save the wrong wants a rhombic save this is a little button then you download Polaris's editor here's here's a editor this is original for the RX 5 eighties i will do a link to these files for you guys to download and my google drive and it's open this cleared up right real quick and it's bowa's modest this sucker so i'ma go open and let's go find where I put it so it's in my documents moderate version here let's do TT I wouldn't last version of it and from here this is the tricky part where you gotta be careful what you want to do with this 

timing as you can see here's the number ones here timing set timings and number two set timings here let me just back up again so you want to slowly go up what you want to do is you want to copy these 1,700 here so let's ctrl a ctrl C and copy it to the 2000 so ctrl a ctrl D and as you can see is all through some 1000 just stop would check this caliper switches in case okay so they're the same the same now we go down to the to 1750 here it's like control a control C and 

stake here control a control v behind again here control a control V and we want to make sure they're the same the P 1399 holotape in this world looks very ugly 13 once these 3 timings are still the same and as that we check this guy here too this guy just got the same here we're good I would say don't going to touch anything else except for just the timing but hit save and we'll save it to this version right here which is the modern version here I got a reward and they say 

yes I will write it once it's done which closes got here virus here we load the image in HIV flash Paco will find it so I'll put it into my documents to the model version this version here open it and we hit program we when you hit program let do it staying oh say might not respond or so forth but see that took his time as you can see here it says not responding wait let it take this time let it do the stain and you do not want to brick your graphics card because if you do it's 

gonna be a pain in the butt trying to get it back again so let's just give us some time here and it'll just program itself out there done so I've sexually bowels Molly's and let's click ok and then I'm not to read but real quick so I'll be back guys alright so we're back guys let's see where this dance so I'm gonna double click this I did a quick reboot and let's run to see if there's any changes to this GPU that I just our powers mod just give us some time room right so from then 

went from 21 to 24 as you can see and the sigh has slightly increased too as well so let's do a quick the closes real quick let's do a quick modification open this yes I know I gotta get at the burner rope but I'm using the Claymore I'm sorry the blockchain driver so the black chain forever kind of restricts you from using see the other burner which just gave you a little headache so let's decrease this a little bit so this doing 15 here and 15 here to 20 here let's just 

it's down to do I'm not to play with the planet settings later down the road let's get this up just see what happens for this it's okay so we're gonna do mine again start back where money you big here and not uh not you theory on but let me let me finish this up and I probably might gonna do another video it's for quicker versions of the breakout or how much this car can do 

and it's running and it's interesting let's try this turn the condom is set serial I'm getting 27 let's see if I could just do that on two minor all right let's copy this real quick he said that's let's just go right here just run it by itself so I'm hashing at 2727 with this sitting so it seems like something is a lot wrong I will have to go and play with it but alright guys so this is my review 

and I gotta go figure out why with this setting I'm only getting 27 with this hynek's 8 gigs thank you for checking out this review if you have any question concerns let me know right now it's actually pulling two hundred and thirty thirty vaults from the on the wall and I will have to figure out why it's not doing at least 13 why it's doing only 29 maybe my timing for this is low off so I gotta go and check it out thanks everybody I'll do the update review.

AMD Radeon™ RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 8GB


True Clock (MHz)


OC+ Clock (MHz)


Memory Clock (MHz)


OC+ Memory Clock (MHz)

2304 Stream Processors
1366 MHz True Clock
1386 MHz OC+ Clock
4GB 256-Bit GDDR5
7000 MHz Effective Memory Clock

Get Future Ready Technologies, Optimized Game Performance, and Game Changing Control in the latest Radeon™ RX 580 Series Graphics.

Radeon™ RX 580 Series Graphics feature the latest Polaris architecture which includes the 4th Gen GCN graphics cores, a brand new display engine, new multimedia cores, all on the revolutionary Next FinFET 14 process technology for enhanced performance and efficiency.

Award Winning Technologies

The reviews are in, and the RX series from XFX Rocks.

"So obviously XFX has stumbled across some sort of magic formula when it comes to the RX 480." - Jayztwocents

"XFX has put together a solid and well-built video card. It operates silently, power efficient and very cool." - Overclocker's Club

XFX Dual BIOS Mining

Equipped for gaming and mining

We know enthusiast like options, our RX 570 and 580 graphics cards are shipped with a Dual BIOS. If you want optimal gaming performance just install it and go. For cryptocurrency mining, simply shut the system down and flip the BIOS switch on the card. Our mining BIOS is already tuned to give increased mining hashrates without hassle.

XFX True Clock Technology

BIOS Controlled overclocking

Software controlled clock speeds can be hindered by overall computer performance. XFX's True Clock however is hardware controlled clock speed performance optimization, so your card is always running at an optimized performance level.

XFX OC+ Capable

Going Beyond True Clock

While True Clock locks in a super fast optimal speed on a hardware level, RX Series cards with an OC+ rating are tested at the factory to go even beyond XFX's True Clock. We encourage you to try these factory tested speeds by using the simple to use AMD Wattman utility, letting you squeeze every last bit of performance out of your card.

Radeon™ CHILL Technology

Smart GPU control

Radeon™ Chill is an intelligent power-saving feature for Radeon™ graphics that dynamically regulates framerate based on your movements in-game. During peak gameplay, Radeon Chill works to deliver the full framerate potential of Radeon graphics. As movement decreases, Radeon Chill reduces your gameplay framerate. Designed to save power, lower temperature, and increase GPU life, Radeon Chill enables high performance graphics when you battle and saves power when you explore.

Radeon™ ReLive Software

Share your victories

Effortlessly capture, stream, and share your memorable moments and clutch victories with Radeon™ ReLive. Included free with the Radeon™ Crimson Software Package

High Performance Unibody Heatsink

Enhances thermal efficiency by 40%

The XFX RX RS series features our all new Unibody VRM Heatsink construction enable direct transfer to the primary heatsink and heatpipes. This unique combination of material and construction enhances thermal efficiency by a total of 40%.

Custom XFX Aluminum Backplate Design

Protects your GPU while providing additional cooling overall

GPUs are one of the most important, complex and delicate peices of hardware in your computer and as a game, nothing is as important and the slightest bend can drastically affect the performance of your graphics card. But that's a thing of the past because XFX's solid backplate keeps the card strong and secure, eliminating card bend. Graphics cards also emit some heat from the back as well which rises up and affects other components but our cool aluminum backplate can absorb that heat and keep the overall case cooler.

Enhanced VRM and Memory Cooling

Cooling technologies don't stop at just the GPU.

After countless hours of research, development, and testing our engineers have developed all new VRM and Memory cooling technology, reducing temperatures VRM by up to 30' C and GDDR temperatures by 20' C, all while reducing dB noise by an additional 5%. Best in class for the GPU enthusiast.

XFX Exclusive Ultra Low Noise XL Inductors

Quieter than the competition.

GPU inductors are notoriously noisy with that tiny buzzing noise caused by traditional low quality inductors but XFX's exclusive premium quality XL Inductors utilize multiple layers to seal the Inductors completely and securely nearly eliminating inductor noise.

All New Composite Heatpipe Technology

We combined technologies to create the first super heatpipe.

The new composite heatpipe design used in the XFX Radeon™ RX GTS combines the technologies of both Liquid and Capilary Action heatpipes into one. Doing so allows us to increase the total heatpipe surface area by 30% which tremendously increases the thermal efficiency.

All New Zero dB Auto Load Sensing Fans

Power when you need it and quiet when you don't.

XFX fans are equipped to run at the highest possible performance, while our Zero DB Fan System will also keep your fans running at efficient RPM in order to minimize annoying fan noise by lowering RPM all the way down to Zero RPM. When the heat is on during intense gaming, our fans will speed up as needed.

AMD VR Ready Premium

For extraordinary virtual reality experiences.

Experience the new generation of compelling Virtual Reality content with the Radeon™ RX GTS graphics card paired with the leading VR headsets. The Radeon™ RX GTS graphics card coupled with AMD LiquidVR™ technology delivers a virtually stutter-free, low latency experience, essential for remarkable Virtual Reality environments. Industry leading innovation and powerful performance enables the Radeon™ RX GTS to deliver premium experiences on high-end VR games, entertainment, and applications.

Designed for Vulkan Cross Platform Graphics

The next generation graphics API from Khronos.

Vulkan is the new generation, open standard API for high-efficiency access to graphics and compute on modern GPUs. This ground-up design, previously referred to as the Next Generation OpenGL Initiative, provides applications direct control over GPU acceleration for maximized performance and predictability.

AMD FreeSync™ 2 Technology

No stuttering. No tearing. Just gaming. Gaming shouldn't be a choice between choppy gameplay and high performance. With XFX Radeon™ RX GTS Series graphics and FreeSync technology, it doesn't have to be. Transform the most demanding games into a liquid-smooth, artifact-free, 4K cinematic experience with the highest performance at virtually any frame rate. FreeSync works at the speed of your game for incredible responsiveness and uncompromising smoothness. Every gamer deserves perfectly smooth gameplay and peak performance. Unlike the competing technology, you don't have to choose with FreeSync technology.

Microsoft Windows 10 and DirectX 12

Optimized for gaming performance

New features and functions bring new computing experiences to life with AMD Radeon™ graphics on the Windows® 10 platform. Take your gaming further with XBOX ONE on Windows. Play and connect with your games and friends. Everywhere.

Microsoft's new technology enables great performance and dramatically improved GPU and CPU multiprocessing and multithreading performance thanks to Async Shaders and Multi-threaded Command Buffer Recording for more efficient rendering of richer and more complex scenes.

FinFet 14nm Technology

Unprecedented efficiency on nextgen GPUs.

The Next Gen FinFET 14 process technology puts more transistors in less space, enabling dramatic increases in processing power and power efficiency.

Helps provide better processor performance while using less power and enabling better transistor efficiency than previous generation technology.

AMD Exclusive GCN & Crossfire Technology

The Ultimate Compute Architecture with Multipule GPU Scaling

Discover the direct-to-theGPU performance advantage of Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture, enabling stunning detail and dynamic gaming, a richer and more immersive VR experience, with exceptional graphics performance and low power consumption. 4th generation Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture features asynchronous shaders and an enhanced geometry engine, so you can enjoy exceptionally smooth gameplay on the latest DirectX® 12 and Vulkan™ titles.

AMD CrossFire technology lets you connect multiple graphics cards to amplify your system's graphics processing capability including enhancements that set a new standard of consistent and smooth gameplay.

AMD Eyefinity Technology

Multidisplay technology for gaming, productivity and entertainment.

Expand your territory and customize your field of vision. Connect up to six displays on a single GPU for dynamic, panoramic multi-screen gaming. You'll get an expansive experience that's truly out of sight. (additional displays may require the use of MST hub).

Tuned By XFX For Peak Performance

Giving you the performance you have come to expect from XFX.

Overclocking your card to it's peak performance potential is not an easy task but a stock card is simply underutilizing your graphics card's full potential. Luckily for you, we have factory overclocked the RX GTS at the BIOS level and have fine tuned it for optimal gaming performance. Our state-of-the art equipment and testing labs ensure that your card reaches it's maximum performance level safely and optimally.

AMD LiquidVR

Exceptionally Comfortable VR .

Experience beautifully rich and immersive VR experiences with advanced comfort and effortless compatibility. Avoid nausea and motion sickness, made possible by the AMD LiquidVR™ initiative, featuring ground breaking Asynchronous Shaders.

The Radeon™ RX 500 graphics cards, combined with AMD LiquidVR™ technology already in use by leading head-mounted display (HMD) vendors, provides an exceptional platform for a fully immersive and comfortable VR experience.

Premium HDR

Expand the range of colors.

Premium HDR - High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a state-of-the-art technology for gamers and cinephiles that care deeply about the display quality of their TV or monitor. Modeled after the acuity of human vision, HDR vastly expands the range of colors and contrast ratios that can be shown by compatible displays. HDRready games and movies played on an HDR display appear strikingly sharp, colorful, and vivid, with enhanced contrast and sophisticated nuance compared to even the most stunning SDR content.

The Radeon™ RX 500 Series graphics card's brand new display engine and HDR ready capabilities equip you for the new wave of HDR displays, content and the future of gaming.

Radeon™ Software

A premium set of driver utilities.

As sophisticated as the Polaris architecture based graphics cards are, the software that powers the cards is equally as sophisticated. Radeon™ Software delivers the ultimate in performance, features and stability to help ensure an exceptionally smooth and fast out of the box experience.

With Radeon™ WattMan (formerly AMD Overdrive™) – Push your hardware to the limits. Radeon™ Settings takes customization to a whole new level with per state control over clocks, voltages, and temperature.

Latest Display Connections

Ready for the latest displays

Radeon™ GPUs with the Polaris architecture support HDMI® 2.0b and DisplayPort™ 1.3 for compatibility with a new generation of monitors that would make any gamer excited:

• 1080p @ 240Hz • 1440p @ 240Hz • 4K @ 120Hz • 1440p ultra-wide @ 190Hz

Extreme 4K Gaming for serious gamers.

Experience resolutions up to four times higher than HD and see everything your opponent throws at you without sacrificing a single detail.

Teleport into life-like 4K gaming realism with AMD Radeon™ Rx 500 Series graphics. Reign over all the action in 4K with supercharged performance and 256-bit GDDR5 memory. Add more muscle with AMD CrossFire technology and amplify your gaming performance with the superior scalability with multiple Rx 500 Series GPUs.

AMD XConnect Technology

Great performance, even on the go.

Should a PC gamer on the go buy a gaming notebook that's tough to carry, or a thin notebook that's tough to game on?

AMD XConnect™ unlocks the best of both worlds on systems designed for Thunderbolt™ 3 eGFX enclosures. Finally you can use a desktop graphics card on a notebook.

XFX's 3 Year Warranty

Giving you the performance you have come to expect from XFX.

Even though we trust that our high quality products will continue working at peak performance well beyond your use of it, we want to put our word behind that promise. That is why we offer our 3 Year Warranty with this series of graphics cards. This means that your product is protected by a 3 year limited hardware warranty on manufacturing defects of anything on the card.


We have re-imagined everything a gaming card can do and made it more accessible. The 4th generation Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture is engineered for gamers who play anything from the latest MOBA's to the most popular AAA titles. Asynchronous Shaders and an enhanced Geometry Engine power new levels of smooth gameplay performance.

Get the next level of gaming immersion with the world of VR gaming and entertainment with Radeon RX graphics cards powered by the revolutionary Polaris architecture.

Experience the latest premium technologies optimized around the revolutionary FinFET 14 technology that provides extraordinary performance and efficiency. Enjoy cool and quiet gaming, and leverage new possibilities with optimized levels of efficient headroom. Imagine the future upgrade capabilities with HDMI™ 2.0b and Display Port 1.3/1.4 features that can enable the latest generation of displays to deliver beautiful beyond-HD, HDR, and ultra-smooth FreeSync™ experiences.

Microsoft® Windows® 10 Support
Microsoft® DirectX™ 12 Support
FinFET 14nm Technology
GCN 4th Generation Architecture
AMD Virtual Super Resolution (VSR)
AMD Relive
AMD Chill
AMD LiquidVR Technology
AMD FreeSync 2 Technology
AMD Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC)
AMD CrossFire technology
AMD Eyefinity multi-display technology
AMD App Acceleration
AMD TrueAudio Technology
AMD XConnect Ready
AMD Radeon Crimson Software
AMD WattMan
AMD APP Acceleration
HDMI 2.0b
Displayport 1.4
Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Support
PCI Express® 3.0
Up to 6 displays supported, (may require the use of MST Hubs).
Advanced GDDR5 Memory Technology
Vulkan and Mantle Ready. Next Generation APIs.
OpenGL 4.5 Support
OpenCL Support

Learn more about the XFX RX-580P8DFD6

InterfaceInterfacePCI Express 3.0
ChipsetChipset ManufacturerAMDGPU SeriesAMD Radeon RX 500 SeriesGPURadeon RX 580Core ClockTrue: 1366 MHz
OC+: 1386 MHzStream Processors2304 Stream Processors
MemoryEffective Memory ClockTrue: 8 GHz
OC+: 8.1 GHzMemory Size8GBMemory Interface256-BitMemory TypeGDDR5
3D APIDirectXDirectX 12OpenGLOpenGL 4.5
PortsHDMI1 x HDMI 2.0bDisplayPort3 x DisplayPort 1.4DVI1 x DL-DVI-D
DetailsMax Resolution4096 x 2160RoHS CompliantYesEyefinity SupportYesCrossFireX SupportYesTrueAudio SupportYesVirtual Reality ReadyYesCoolerDD FansinkThermal Design Power185WSystem RequirementsMinimum Power Supply Requirement: 500W
XFX Recommended Power Supply: XFX 550W PSUPower Connector8-PinDual-Link DVI SupportedYes
FeaturesFeatures3 Years with Registration at XFX

Microsoft Windows 10 Support

FinFET 14nm Technology

GCN 4th Generation Architecture

AMD Virtual Super Resolution (VSR)

AMD Relive

AMD Chill

AMD LiquidVR Technology

AMD FreeSync 2 Technology

AMD Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC)

AMD Eyefinity multi-display technology

AMD App Acceleration

AMD XConnect Ready

AMD Radeon Crimson Software

AMD WattMan

AMD APP Acceleration

Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Support

Up to 6 displays supported (may require the use of MST Hubs)

Advanced GDDR5 Memory Technology

Vulkan and Mantle Ready. Next Generation APIs

OpenCL Support
Form Factor & DimensionsMax GPU Length270 mmCard Dimensions (L x H)10.63" x 4.88"Slot WidthDual Slot
PackagingPackage ContentsAccessories:
8-pin to 6-pin power cable
Driver Disk Installation Guide
Installation DVD.

XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 1386MHz OC 8GB GDDR5 AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P8DFD6)

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