The best AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Processor with Full review

The best AMD  Ryzen 7 1700 Processor with Full review
The best AMD  Ryzen 7 1700 Processor with Full review

The best AMD  Ryzen 7 1700 Processor with Full review

we've got our brand new risin 7 1700 n this is the non ex version like we reviewed this morning compared to 1700 X this is the first retail packaging I've seen so I thought we would see what's in here together and there we go that's pretty nice looking you can see the processor little go on the side there I'm gonna just pre said processor comes a nice box located on the side yeah brand new horizon I think you can get it there on the screen I like how I am bees putting 

them in these clam shells now you don't going to get two so leave it in there for now also you get a rising sticker in there to put on your case if you want installation instructions and here is the cooler that comes with it as well,nice presentation again and that's pretty snazzy-looking light over here it is a fairly robust cooler dang I know who makes this I've seen this one before anyway fan shroud looks nice bring your back in a little bit tighter nice copper slug twist in there extruded aluminum cooler I like the fact here one thing I know nobody's ever liked 

about the Intel stock coolers at the cheap tens they put on there these are actually screws to screw down into the base plate so that's awesome see once you put this thing on there you'd have to you have to give it a whole lot of hell - good - come on so that one thing that's interesting by the fan here on the cooler is you're here so this is they called the rate cooler LED cooler yeah it's right here on the side of the fan shroud you can travel this tab and you can a little socket there it also comes with this cable let's get the RGB LEDs in it so you can insert the cable 

they're plugged wrestling your motherboard and you can control this there's a light ring around the edge of here another thing we wanted to look at and so I'm going to look it up this looks tremendously like coolers back from shoot from probably the Thunderbird days one was I think called our kueh which is no longer in business under that name and another called thermal integration so one thing we've been talking about and after I showed you laughing that block the other day is how the integrated heat spreaders have changed so there's a razor 

straight edge and I clean the thermal interface material off so you'll see that even on these coolers you can see just exactly a straight of an edge we're dealing with there so that is flat all the way across so if we take come back here and look and take this near rise and CPU and keep it there tighten back in you'll see a sweat these CPUs are as well so the integrated heat spreaders on these units or just stream with flatware these to be a tad bit convex and that's why you saw a lot of your cooling blocks were actually a little concave shape to them .

let's take a look at that red circle to the right of me what's up y'all I'm using the 1700 mi new build and let's test out the risin fire race cooler which is a one that comes stock with the 1700 1800 and 800 X to come with the spire max which is a little bigger has a higher TDP TDP on this little thing is 95 watts which is actually 30 watts more than the TDP of the CPU which might allow for some overclocks maybe just a few hundred extra mega Hertz but that's pretty 

cool first cooler also the fact that it has a little light ring on it which is pretty cool lights up AMD and it has a RGB cable if your aim if your motherboard has the RGB header on it then you can do re my motherboard doesn't RGB so not going to in this review sorry yeah anyways it's a really cool CPU cooler actually AMD's really stepping up their game for stock cebu coolers a lot of people unless you're doing significant overclocking or you want a really quiet rig 

i wouldn't even suggest getting a new CPU cooler because this thing's pretty dang awesome it's pretty small still which is nice for compatible with a lot of cases it's used to install as you'll see in some my installation videos you want to look at those because I built this computers you can see me set up the CPU literally all you do is you screw it into the stock backplate very very very simple and it comes with thermal paste pre-applied the first time you apply it a course which is 

always really nice this way I'm not going to be overclocking my CPU at all because I mean you could like I said you could get a couple extra make a Hertz 100 megahertz out of this thing using this Wraith cooler but honestly then you're going to just hike up the third moles of course and are also going to hike up the sound because it's going to be louder if it's a smaller CPU cooler and you're going to be overclocking so I really wouldn't suggest doing any overclocking 

with the CPU cooler I might hardly be doing that in this review because I feel like it's kind of a waste if you're going to be overclocking get either a i/o water cooler or just some sort of big heat sink even a hyper Evo 2 1 2 would honestly be fine for you know like 500 extra megahertz or something like that probably so as you guys might build to maybe tell I have a 264 running in the background here and thermals really aren't that bad let's see it's been running for 15 

minutes and it's pretty much leveled off at 55 degrees and to keep note I have on the silent fan profile my motherboard I'm Mike gigabyte gaming a micro ATX board right here so that's a good thing to keep in mind if you had on a higher fan speed it would obviously be cooler than but ia 264 for 15 minutes around 55 degrees not too shabby though there has been some question about AMD thermals with Rison I know core temp which is the program I usually use 

doesn't work with Rison yet which kind of blows you can use IMD risin master but from my experience it kind of sucks but that's all you can really use at this point other than the fact that I ate at 64 also tracks temperature so I guess keep it with a kind of a grain of salt but it's not too bad if it is 55 and since I have on the lower fan profile I can go ahead and may be able to get some b-roll footage I have it on the lower fan curve right now that makes a lot better of course I 

did have it on the stock fan curve and maybe after I'm done talking I'll get some a little bit of footage of you know like fan noise at the lower and then the higher fan curve but is if I was using this I would always I I would suggest putting it on the lower fan curve at least silent or at the very sort of even better make your own fan curve and drop that thing down because I really doesn't need to be that loud and it's still only 55 after 17 minutes at this point that's really not 

that bad alright so let's get into maybe I'll just point the camera at the CPU cooler with first off the lower fan curve that I have right now and then I'll do it you know the other higher fan curve the normal fan curve as gigabyte says and their motherboard bio all right here's the lower fan profile still running out of 64 all right and I don't know if you guys can hear that but occasionally it does spike up a little bit despite having all orfan curved I guess that's just wood 

CPU cooler do sometimes but apparently still is doing a good job because makes me able to see at 64 that blue 54 right there that's the CPU temperature so not too shabby after you know nine minutes of Ida sixty fourths after nineteen it absolutely has leveled off which is nice so the sepia looks great and it sounds okay still spike suffered once well but definitely cools pretty well so it's going to pop up and curve super temperatures drops and see if our ears start bleeding a 

little bit and then there's full speed that's a little bit on the last side it's Larry guys here's a normal sound profile doesn't look like it's too much louder but then whenever it spikes up it is latter so we'll see if that so you actually I'm the normal sound profile it's really not a lot louder there it's like separate bricks go to talk but yeah it's not a lot louder but then it does those occasional spikes which I'm not sure if you guys are being able to pick up on no but if there's any suggestions out there on how to prevent those like random spikes and fan you know speed 

let me know because even on a little on it you can even on the low fan profile with the spire cooler it's really noticeable whenever that sand picks up a little bit it only picks it for like a second then it goes back down those little pick ups are just annoying to me but let me know you guys let me know if you guys have any solutions to that in the comment section below man are they annoying content Ida 64's we're running for a few minutes now pretty much proper kind of level awesome you know fifty lower or fifty here the lower 50s we're gonna go a little bit 

higher at the 49 but yeah so not too bad it's a normal fan profile really not a lot louder overall sound but I'm yeah whenever it does spike up yeah so there's my opinion on the race by our cooler it's pretty good first time EXPEED the fan could still be a little bit loud sometimes though I do you think I'm gonna go ahead and compare it to my knock to a cooler I guess I'll go ahead and do that in this review let's put it right at the end but it's at we'll see if the temperatures are a lot cooler they should be because I have heat pipes and it's like more of a 

vertical cooler this obviously it's just like a you know a stock cooler that's like smaller and everything doesn't really go vertical away from the CPU to really direct the heat away just it just dissipates it like right on top of the CPU but anyways so let's do that and kind of finish up the review really quick well there it is ladies and gentlemen the knock to a cooler is in there in HD 15 in case you guys are wondering knocked with us feel like it's our biggest cooler there's 

like twelve heat pipes I might think and see two big stacks and heat sinks and heat pipes to pull my heat away from the CPU installation was really nice you know of course I got the new mounting for a name for the networked really well I don't think those cases really meant for my career this cooler is really bad for a micro ATX case as you can maybe tell I'm even like I'm like the fan so like an actual has like a little fan like metal bracket things that like clip on there and it's actually really really easy I had to bend the metal because it was too close to the GPU and 

it's touching the GPU so I think this is very very much going to be temporary as you can see I feel like I shed some more light but like as you can tell like as you can maybe tell if it's not too dark the CP heat sink in the GPU are almost touching like they are a but hair away so let's see but because of that look at our CPU temperature is 22 degrees Celsius a lot cooler we'll go ahead and start a 264 and I'm sure temperatures will fight back a little hype up type up a little 

bit but we'll see what they go up to but yeah I think this is very much going to be a temporary CPU cooler it's just way too big I have to get like a water water cooler or something sorry about the text but yeah I have to get a water cooler or something Anna utilize all this radiator space because that's just way too cluttered in my opinion for my gradient piece well we're up to 34 degrees which really isn't that much Filipe honestly very impressed for the Noctua cooler fans 

are still kind of you know I don't know if this is just a thing with AMD system because I feel like my Intel system doesn't do this but like the fan like the CPU fan I think is what happen is what's accelerating like accelerates really quickly standings loud for a second maybe and then it cranks back down no idea why seems like it happens with every CPU and every every fan in every fan profile so I don't know .

The best AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Processor with Full review

 the rising r7 1700 or the risin 7 1700 so the non x1 now we're going to try and whisk through this quite quick because I'm still dosed up with lots of paracetamol and stuff but at the end of the day being a little bit under the weather means I've been sitting in front of the PC trying to get all these benches done now the 1700 actually turned up at the same time that I got this but then the day before I'd actually got the MSI be 350 motherboard as well and if you'd like to go 

and see the be 350 review the board is only a hundred pounds and I did test it with an 1800 X so it might be a good thing for some of you guys to look at if you're thinking about right Rison 5 or you're thinking about building a rising rig on a budget so jump onto the channel go and take a look at that review you might find the results quite interesting anyways this 1700 processor 1700 process is  the 1800 X is still commanding  in the UK so we're looking at difference now there's two real major differences between the 1700s and 

the 1800 X other than the price one is the XS are and that is our it's kind of version of turbo mode and the 1800 X has it the X means X fr 1700 dozen what that does mean is one of the cores can kind of boost itself up up to 4 gigahertz and beyond if required it only does that on one core the most I've seen them going to is almost 4.1 gigahertz on one core with the 1800 X something that we did quite strangely find is even in single threaded applications if you were to 

set the the COS 2 4 gigahertz rather than let them go of that you know almost a four point one because the clock stays very stable rather than it going up and down all over the place logic can be with the XFR so run it slightly lower cut ended up actually being slightly more better in the graph and like I said that's even on single threaded applications we were finding the results from coming out significantly better so all of the overclocked stuff in the graphs and stuff that 

I'll show you in this with the 1800 X that would have been running 4 gigahertz so with the the 1700 you get a 3 gigahertz base and a 3.7 gigahertz turbo no xfr to take it further whereas the 1800 X starts at 3.6 and then goes up to 4 then the X X afar goes a little bit further than that now we've set up a standard system that we're going to be testing all of the rides and processes in cluding the rising farms and they do arrive and we've done that to standardize the testing 

process so that we can really compare the CPUs exactly yes we do have an Nvidia graphics card in it which a lot of people have been flipping loops about but when you do see the rest of the result we've tested all of those results with the old 980 as well so the reason why we're using it is literally just so that the graphs are comparable and we couldn't go back and test every other see for you all over again it breaks my heart when I have to change the big things like the 

graphics card because it means as to start the graphs all over again so that's the only reason why it's in there so 980 in there we've got um some 3,000 megahertz memory is in there as well the board is the X 370 Pro Prime from Asus it's not expensive but it's also not the cheapest that you can get out there again we're going to be going right the way through with these if you're interested in the original 1800 X results as well like stand alone on their own you can go into that and it's the same for the if you're interested in the Asus prime 

motherboard go and have a look at the X 370 sorry the 1800 X results because you know they are the same it's just we've named 18-under next but it was tested on the motherboard so you kept either side anyway so we've got that in there we're using a Corsair MP 500 m2 as well and we're using fairly beefy cooling we've gone with the height 110 igt because it's actually got the little tabs that lock on to this standard M sorry I am for bracket and that works are they in for 

name three and all those ones because it doesn't have to bolt into the motherboard they've gone with that but also with the the fact it's a 280 millimeter a IO cool that means we shouldn't have ever have any problems with temperatures now first things first the exit bar does it really make any difference that it's not there will in some respects yes but in all of the well no we'll just go with you yes it does make a difference but I'd actually say it's better for it not being there because in in their wisdom AMD decided that the excess our processors we're going to have a 

20 degree temperature offset so that is the board's think they're running 20 degrees temperatures 20 degrees temperatures higher than they actually were so as your processor at load of 60 degrees it would actually be reporting 80 problem anatman that pretty much all of the board manufacturers fans were going absolutely nuts because it's at 80 degrees and it's trying to cool it down now I will say that sometimes hundred percent fan speed can tame a very high overclock so something inside me says AMD have given it that 20 degree and booster 

maybe kind of if you're running a lower spec cooler maybe they've done it to try and make it appear stable for the people that might not necessarily understand what's going on is it trying to overclock or you know they've got an insufficient cooler trying to keep everything in check but with the 1700 the XF are and that 20 degree offset isn't there and oh my days but the best way to explain it is testing rising especially with an overclock was a bore like because you were going deaf all the time and a fans always running nuts and it's really not a pleasurable 

experience genuinely not even just running a simple game the fans that were a hundred percent with an overclock and it is horrible this is night and day it was so much quieter so much nicer as well if you're a silence freak you are the best thing that I can say is you would never want to attach the fans to the motherboard if you are running an 1800 X the reason why you don't have them attached to the motherboard is because then you can make up you decide your fan speed 

yourself whether you've got an external fan adjuster or whether you do not I mean you literally just set them with a fan speed reducer or something like with this 1700 it's still kind of cool calm and collected again it can get a bit warm once it's been overclocked but they're still significantly lowere fan speeds than you will have been getting before we talk about overclocking as well we did manage to get four gigahertz out of it on this board now when I 

tested the 1800 X this board only got four gigahertz on it as well and where some of the higher-end boards I did get 4.1 the BIOS hasn't been changed really since I've done that though so in fact it got to four gigahertz I was very happy with to compare it with the 1800 X but to be fair I would have been happy if it was 3.9 on the same bias now when we do look at the graph excuse me I do apologize I do apologize so when we do look at the graph you do need to consider that

 at stock the clock speeds are significantly lower at stock like I said we're looking at our 3 gigahertz 23.7 with the 1800 X you're looking at three point six two four so if we were to go on and have a look at some of the first ones and again in one there's a lot of chitchat about not being very good at gaming and up the Regulus I think if they had a slightly higher clock speed they would have done significantly better there are the arguments about games have never been optimized for and this and that and to be honest with you I can understand why people are 

fighting for AMD because we do want some competition and that but at the end of the day it does seem to be like excuses and it's forever this and it's that and we'll wait for this and we're going to wait for that and that's it that's all fair enough at the end of the day if you're going to buy an 8 core processor like this just for gaming and I do mean just for gaming your money would at this present moment in time be better spent on something else but if you buy an 8 core

 processor just the gaming I do kind of think that you might be missing the point you do get there multitasking side of things and they do shout a lot about the fact that you can game and you can stream and stuff all at the same time and that's all quite valid but really if you're going to buy an 8 core processor I'm going to assume that you are going to be doing some kind of video editing or multi-layers kind of photo editing 3d modeling that sort of thing so I'm going to assume that your eye is on this for that because if you were just a gamer and I do mean just a 

gamer you're going to get yourself a relatively decent clocking 4 core processor anyway because that is kind of the sweet spot a lot of people shout about the 17 a 7700 K well that is a lot of money and the only people want people go on about that so much is the fact that it's four point five gigahertz out of the box of the turbo and it will overclock a little bit more really really the sensible gaming option is a 7600 K it's a lot cheaper Cox just as well or near enough just as well so you know I mean when you're talking about gaming right and seven just the gaming not 

really kind of where we want to be shout on it if you were just a game where the rise and fives are going to be the one that you really want to get going to want to pay attention to one of the things I will say though is when you do a look at gaming please go and have a look at the Asus crosshair 6 review that I did because if you are million to gaming and you're a Tweaker and you like to play around and you like to spend a little bit money on your rig something that we have 

noticed is that when you do have that clock generator onto the board like asus did for the crosshair 6 it loves a bit of base clock settling and the gaming results a bit of base clock settling as well so I do kind of see that you know if you're really chomping and you want to go rising seven all that the crosshair six I know it's got the clock generator it's the only one that I've tested so far that has but the other boys have got keep an eye on those because that could be 

something going on in there as well so gaming performance at stock it really wasn't that great because of the low clock speed but you introduce the overclocking and it does start start to fight its way back and it was pretty damn good against the 1800 Exynos so if you're going to go rising seven versus rising seven gaming there's no difference between this and the 1800 X want to introduce an overclock let me go to PC mark 8 again lots and lots of results in these graphs you 

can pick through each different one don't forget about price also when you think about looking at like the I threes and stuff at think about the clock speeds that they could have been running when I tested the 73 50k for example the overclock on that was up around the 5 gigahertz mark but again with the PC mark 8 it does like clock speed it's not just about gazillions of course otherwise if you think about it if it was just about gazillions of course you'd have the 6 950 X at 

the top and yet we've got an i3 with an overclock at the top of this graph how does that work it's only two cos with four threads now the the AMD stuff is about midships it puts up a quite a good one this is obviously about multitasking and all that sort of thing as well you may see some refinements come through with the benchmarks and the way AMD you know kind of optimize themselves because they're already starting to work on the memory and I'm assuming that 

they're going to be other stuff but it does sound a bit like but at this present moment in time middle of the graph we go into Cinebench Cinebench r15 this is the single call result now this is a quite an interesting one because it's single threaded so this really does come down to like clock speed and stuff but if you look at the the Rison seven overclock it mark the sorry nineteen hundred I forgot verses eighteen hundred ex overclocked there is may only be a couple of points but it is there and they're pretty much level pegging and it's pretty much the same when you go 

through the others as well if you spin through the other graphs you've got the normals Cinebench so this is the multi-threaded one that you can look at and then the x265 benchmark this is for things like if you were to be doing a lot high spec re-encoding 10 bit 4k films that sort of stuff this is the benchmark that you really want to be taking notice of it also means if you're using the real version of this rather than the benchmark means your file size is going to end up 

being quite a bit smaller as well as any of you out there that like to procure films from online will know about x265 and hate spec is something you'll pay a lot of attention to and you can see with this that it this actually does very very well in this graph admittedly we've not done like this sixty nine hundreds or anything in this so with the extra cores they may go above it but for the ones in this graph you can see it's done quite well so as you can see I am trying to whittle my way through this quite well one thing I didn't mention was about temperatures because it's not 

got that excess are offset what it does mean is the you've not got twenty degrees being nailed on to the top so when it gets to 70 degrees that is your cutoff point because if you were running one of the 80 to the 1700 X or the 18 under that that would technically be ninety degrees so you're aiming to keep this processor between sort of sixty and I will say around 68 at the absolute top end because that's when it starts to get a bit uncomfortable with the four gigahertz overclock 

which we have dialed in at one point four volts that was kicking around the 72 so in the 60 to 64 degrees mark with this cooler but it wasn't running with the cooler on a hundred percent whereas with the eighteen under that it would have been running absolute flat taps most important things to think about though is when you're gaming and when you're doing kind of semi normal stuff on a desktop the fans aren't running anywhere near as high but you do still 

need a decent cooler to be a to keep everything in check if you wanted it right to run a little bit lower I was able to get 3.8 Congrats at just one point three volts which made a noticeable difference to the noise that the rig was putting out even under extreme loads that's something you want to keep in mind now  cheaper it's quieter and to be fair once you've given it an overclock in the graph it was level pegging with the 1800 X the 1800 X I would say is kind 

of the processor that you buy if you can't go in and set the system up yourself I genuinely now that I've compared to - I personally wouldn't recommend anyone went out and bought one 1800 X at least anyway until the motherboard manufacturers work out a way to work around that xfr upset because I don't I don't think xsr is that great at all in fact so far all its going to do is give you a little bit more because it got the speed the processors are slightly higher bend but 

then the exit Arbit is when it pushes past that boost a little bit more and really it's the difference between going from full 4 gigahertz up to light 4.08 so you don't even get up to a full 4.1 and it's only on a single core as well doesn't do it across all of course so I don't think the extra money is worth it if you are able to go into the BIOS and you know how to overclock yourself I will probably end up doing a guide with 1700 because I personally see as far as arising 7 - 

concerned I personally see this as being the one that is the best value for money I'm also going to assume this is the reason why AMD thought so long that took so long to send me this and they haven't sent me to 1700 X yet because I think they're fully aware that by the time I've done this review they're going to see that I think the 1700 X is in a bit of no-man's land and you're only really going to go for one or the other so really awards enthusiasts award on this one 

because I think this is one if you're an enthusiast you've done your homework this is going to be the process so that you're going to buy so you've saved yourself  what you do with year x2 170 pound well I would stop moaning about the fact that you might need a better cooler and you can spend an extra quid on a cooler and then I'd spend the rest of the money nailing on to your graphics card budget if you're buying an entirely new system and I would 

focus our on then getting the absolute best graphics card that you can for your money because that is really going to be the place that your graphics card sorry that's really going to be the place that you're gaming frames per second it's going to come from if there are then any BIOS optimizations game optimizations board up to my Dacians windows optimizations all those things that people are arguing about online at the moment if you've got all of the rest in place 

and you're going to get a nice boost if you don't you know that you spend a decent amount of money on your graphics card and you're going to be in you know a fairly good place for it memory wise is one thing that I've not properly mentioned about the 1,700 that was because at the moment memory really comes down to the board and the BIOS that you're on and with this one we tested it at 29 33 but I dropped this the cpu into another board I was testing recently 

and it literally it was like having the 1,800 X in there and I had no problems wagging it up past three thousand two hundred megahertz with the right board and the right money my record at this present moment in time is 3333 megahertz a hundred percent stable and that was done with a 3.2 gigahertz memory divider and then I turned the base clock up a little bit and I managed to get up to three three three three I reckon we might even get a bit more I think we're going to be seeing with extreme boards within not too long I think we're going to be seeing kind 

of 3.6 gigahertz eventually that's all speculation at the moment I do see 3200 mega that's been a really nice stop off point at this present moment in time between performance and you know headaches trying to get everything to run so to recap I personally think that if you know your way around the BIOS I don't think you need to look at the 1800 X especially if you're planning on plugging your fans for your coolers into the motherboard by the 1700s your ears and your 

sanity will thank you later and the money that you save from 1800 X going on to the 1700 like I've already said you can spend on maybe chucking a few extra quid at your cooler maybe upgrading from an air cooler into an AI oh and then chucking the rest of the money on your graphics card and again your eyes is the whole usability thing will thank you for it later on so really I think the r7 rise and reign to the 1700s is the secret powerhouse and it's the one for you 

guys that yes you are going to need to tweak to get the most from it because at stock it really isn't that great if it's okay it's exactly where you would expect it to be for a processor that is running between 3 and 3 point 6 gigahertz but you're willing to get into the buy off get manual don't use any tools or anything like that because they're all terrible get in there and learn yes it's scary but it's really not that hard if you mess it up all you need to do is clear the bios and 

start again so it's not hard and with motherboard viruses as well they will have things in the tools and in the extra section we all have overclock profiles if you find one that works save it and then if you push a little bit too far and you can't get it working getting through your bars and you just go into the overclock profile we enable that one that you already know works it's honestly yes it takes a little bit of time and you have to do things methodically you can't just 

turn volts right up but it's quite rewarding if you're into tweaking and all that sort stuff and with this processor you'll definitely feel the benefit from it as well and let's face it there could be one of your friends out there that have bought an 1800 X it's running it auto you save yourself at this present moment in time 170 quid and you spend a couple of hours overclocking it and getting it set up properly and you'll be blowing them out of the water so what more is there to 

say the 1,700 out the r7 is definitely the one I would suggest you buy and if it was me and I had my wallet out and in my hand as well this would be the one that I would spend my own money on time to think now this has made the 1800 X a bit more money than sense process so on that shocker or I would let's do it the proper way and on that bombshell .

Learn more about Ryzen 7 1700

ModelBrandAMDProcessors TypeDesktopSeriesRyzen 7 1st GenNameRyzen 7 1700ModelYD1700BBAEBOX
DetailsCPU Socket TypeSocket AM4Core NameSummit Ridge# of Cores8-Core# of Threads16Operating Frequency3.0 GHzMax Turbo Frequency3.7 GHzL1 Cache768KBL2 Cache4MBL3 Cache16MBManufacturing Tech14nmMemory TypesDDR4 2667Memory Channel2Virtualization Technology SupportYesPCI Express Revision3.0Thermal Design Power65WCooling DeviceHeatsink and fan included.

The best AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Processor with Full review

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