amazing full review of AMD FD9590FHHKWOF FX-9590 8-core Processor

amazing full review of  AMD FD9590FHHKWOF FX-9590 8-core Processor
amazing full review of  AMD FD9590FHHKWOF FX-9590 8-core Processor 

amazing full review of  AMD FD9590FHHKWOF FX-9590 8-core Processor 

 today I have a special video for you guys it is about a new processor that has just recently launched from AMD it's the AMD FX 95 90 and it is nowhere to be seen here on the table in front of me well it kind of is it's actually right here but this box is actually the box for the FX 8350 which is currently in here I will explain ok the 95 90 is a new cpu from AMD and basically it's the first ever CPU that's 

publicly available that has a frequency of 5 gigahertz in fact it's got a 4.7 gigahertz base frequency a 5 gigahertz turbo frequency so when conditions are appropriate it will automatically overclock itself to 5 gigahertz now there's some special caveats to bear in mind when you're dealing with the 95 90 first off in order to achieve this frequency of 5 gigahertz AMD has had to apply a V core of 1.5 volts which is pretty high pretty extensive when it comes to your typical desktop CPU along with that they've had to increase the TDP or the thermal 

design power the amount of heat that's the whatever cooling solution you're using needs to dissipate so as a result it's pretty much impossible to just go out and buy an AMD 95 90 processor by itself in fact if you're purchasing from Newegg it will be available in as part of a kits or a combo deal so you can purchase it just to make sure that the additional hardware you that you're buying along with the CPU is going to be able to handle the heat output as well as to make sure that whatever system that you end up assembling again is able to handle the heat 

output and keep the processor running within its designated temperatures so all that being said today's video is going to be about a few things of course it will be a bit more detail in the 90 on the FX 95 90 processor itself I'll be taking you through my personal build that I did just recently here in the corsair carbide 500 our case to give you guys a little bit better a bit of an idea of how to assemble a computer using this processor then we're going to end with just a few benchmarks to show you a bit of the relative performance gains that you might get by going 

with a 95 90 as compared to the FX 8350 so let's jump in and take a closer look at this system first off when it comes to the case that you're choosing this particular case I went with because it has a high amount of air flow available you have a large intake fan here on the side you also have a couple intake fans up at the front which are pre-installed so that's going to provide plenty of air coming in which in in part will help push the air out also for exhaust up on the top 

for being helped along by our cooler which is the coarser h100 personally if you're are looking at coolers right now and you're looking at the H 100 I'm not even sure if it's still available you might want to jump to the H 100 I which is a newer version but the CPU cooler is going to be one of the the key components when it comes to building with the 95 90 so definitely double check the AMD website for recommended coolers but something pretty substantial like this one 

which is a full 240 millimeter cooler so 2 by 120 millimeter it's got 220 millimeter fans up on top helping to disperse the heat and again the closed loop liquid cooling solutions are just a great option for this simply because you do want to move that heat away from the processor and out of the computer as quickly as possible again particularly if you're running at 5 gigahertz now apart from that and to internalize that we got some AMD gamer series memory just because you know it's an AMD build so I went with AMD memory we also have at the back the 

motherboard that's another thing you guys are going to want to pay close attention to is which motherboard you're using this is the gigabyte 990 FX aud 7 revision 3.0 there's a revision 1.1 which might not work out of the box with a 95 90 go with revision 3.0 if you're going with this board in particular and there's some other boards from other motherboard manufacturers that are also compatible to 90 95 98 there again those will be available in combo deals which you can pick up at new accom for a video card which is required to have a discreet video card in this 

build simply because the 95 90 does not necessarily have an integrated GPU such as some of the AMD FM 1 or FM 2 socket processors we have an AMD radeon HD 7970 that's just the reference design as you can probably see black and red apart from that to power everything down at the bottom we've got the cooler master v one thousand two one thousand watt power supply fully modular 80 plus gold rating on that one I tend to go a little bit over a little bit overboard when I'm choosing a power supply for a build simply because I want to have plenty 

of headroom in the future in case I want to upgrade or add an additional video card or something along those lines this is a bit overkill for this particular build but again you'll find combos available on that have power supplies included in case you were curious about what might work better than others finally for our storage we simply have a Corsair force GS 240 gigabyte SSD and here's a quick look at me kind of assembling this entire system didn't take too long I was really happy with the the build quality and everything of the corsair 

carbide 500 our computer case it provided plenty of space and it was really nice that had the mounting solution already in place for the 240 millimeter radiator so that popped in nice and easy then of course the full complement of fans so that right out of the box without having to add any extra airflow the system was able to get up and running and all the temperatures have been well within range as should be expected I'm not going to go into detailed temperature benchmarks with this particular CPU but I can't say we didn't peak it more than 70 72 degrees 

Celsius which is about the max range that you're going to want to see with an AMD processor now here's a closer look at the CPU itself I I did want to show it to you guys since it seems difficult to do a video without actually showing the product we're talking about so as you can see towards the top there you get nine five nine zero that's the ninety five ninety so this is kind of the flagship of the FX series right now you also have the FX 93 70 which AMD released at the same time as this one it is slightly lower clocked and a bit less expensive than this one so you 

guys can check that one that one out as well that one has a TDP of two hundred Watts versus the 220 watt TDP TDP of this one the eighty 350 which I have the box for right there but that's about all that one had a TDP of 125 watts now internally there's not a whole lot going on that's different we're looking at the same architecture we both of them are eight core processors you get an eight megabytes of l2 and l3 cache ddr3 speeds officially supported of up to 1866 they're 

all unlocked they all feature turbo core this one does feature turbo core 3.0 which helps provide a little bit additional boosting when it's doing the overclocking and then of course these are all an three-plus socket CPUs but let's go ahead and jump from there and take a closer look at our benchmarks first off we're going to take a look at our benchmark slide number one and this is our hardware which you guys probably remember from the build I just showed you guys be 

doing but nonetheless it's the gigabyte 990 FX au d7 revision 3.0 16 gigs of AMD gamer memory it's clocked at 1600 right now of course our h100 liquid CPU cooler course air force GS 240 gig SSD corsair carbide 500 our case the cooler master v 1000 80 plus gold power supply and we're testing using windows 7 pro 64-bit 4 CPUs just to give you a comparison I ran the FX 95 90 at its stock speeds of 4.7 gigahertz base and 5 gigahertz turbo and I'm also going 

to be comparing it against the FX 8350 which has a 4 gigahertz base and a 4.2 gigahertz turbo frequency our first tests was PC mark 7 and this is a synthetic test but it is a whole system test I've selected some of the benchmark results here to share with you guys the overall score as you can see 5060 6 on the 80 350 and we jumped up to 5000 417 on the 95 90 if you're comparing the clock speeds of these two processors you'll notice that the clock speed of the 95 90 is about 

15 16 % faster than the 83 50 so we're going to see that reflected over and over in our tests as we run down all of them lightweight score you can see similar similar results as well as the computation score it also ran through a video transcoding test that's using the down scaling method so that's imitating for instance re-encoding a 1080 video down to 720 or lower resolution so you can copy it over to a smartphone or tablet for example we also have an image 

manipulation test than just so those results were readable I did multiply that score by 100 just so it would appear on this particular chart next up is Cinebench this is 11.5 it uses your CPU exclusively to render a high detail 3d image again here we can see I think this is about a 12 percent boost for the 95 90 score of seven point seven nine versus two eighty three fifty score of six point eight five next up we have I'd s 64 and item 64 actually has a whole suite of tests that you can run I did focus on just a couple of them here the cpu-z Lib is a test that you can run 

with I 264 it is an integer benchmark it does a combined CPU and memory subsystem its uses just basic x86 instructions but again here you can see the score jumps from 3:30 to 374 with a 95 90 CPU hash is a CPU performance benchmark that uses a many actually most of the available instruction sets in the CPU and this happens to be a tested AMD CPUs do very well at you'll even see AMD CPUs outpacing many of the higher-end Intel CPUs with this particular test but again we saw the FX 95 90 jump up to just shy of 4600 in the overall score versus 4111 

for the 8350 next up is 3d mark 11 and I know this is more of a graphics specific test but it does run some cpu tests as well so what we're seeing here is reflective a lot of the AMD radeon HD 7970 GPU that we have in there but our overall score using the extreme preset was 3385 our combined score was three thousand eight hundred and eighty two and then the physics score which is very dependent on the cpu in particular we saw a nice jump of just about 8500 versus 
the 8350 score which was seven thousand 181 .

amazing full review of  AMD FD9590FHHKWOF FX-9590 8-core Processor 

this review you can check the current price and discount by clicking the link in the description below now let's check some customer reviews review by Larry I purchased the FX 9 v 9 o CPU as an upgrade from an fx-8150 that I've been using for a few years I purchased this CPU along with a Corsair Hydra series H 100 IV to extreme performance liquid CPU cooler to keep things cool and so far I am pleased with it with the cooler it does seem to take care of the heat that this processor can generate and it is noticeable when playing graphic intensive games one thing I 

did notice right away was some lock ups and freezes but after turning off the 5.0 gigahertz turbo boost in the BIOS I've had absolutely no problems running at a constant 4.7 gigahertz I'm running this setup currently on an Asus saber-tooth our point2 motherboard as it does support a 220 watt CPU I'm running 1333 Corsair memory overclocked to an 1866 profile no problems and use an older 1200 watt ultra modular power supply in combination with an 

EVGA GTX 1080 FTW graphics card I am quite pleased how things are working together with no issues happy camper here review by Tim carlac I have mixed opinions on this CPU I did some of the research lull the CPU is about seven percent to 12 percent faster than the FX 8350 and only certain Mambo's can run it I have one of them it uses a bit more electric and runs a bit hotter for  I made the leap after I got it before I installed it I decided to read people's 

opinions on it instantly having buyer's remorse people said it's incredibly power hungry versus the processing output AMD actually recommends 1000 watt psu I have a 750 watt runs incredibly hot so great god I dropped more money to get this thing running smoothly read more reviews people stated it ran fine with 750 watt PSU okay so we'll run mine if it burns up it burns up whatever Slashdot after I installed it f asterisk asterisk asterisk all the haters love I love this thing it's a beast totally worth the dollar my PSU runs it just fine for now and my 

EVGA 240 millimeters CLC keeps it cool as hell I have zero regrets after gaming with it if I burn up my PSU ill gladly upgrade it update after a month of gaming with this CPU normally my electric bill is around  a month considering everyone says his electric hungry CPU I expected a slight increase my bill was  I made zero changes to my lifestyle so this CPU might be a power-hungry Pig but I see no changes in my electric bill review by mr. Kay McKenzie why not five stars because as remarked elsewhere it runs very hot got a very high-

end CPU cooler in three other case fans but it's running hot when playing mm oh geez it's also installed on a mobo that was recommended the Asus AMD am three plus nine nine o FX crosshair V formula for asterisk ddr3 six estrous USB 3.0 12 asterisk USB 2.0 gb e lan seriously thinking of dumping it for a high end six core to see if that works without overheating problems review by come along great CPU however keep in mind the heat because this CPU outputs 

incredible amount of heat I'm using poor sentry H 100 i liquid cooler and it's okay 32 c idol 51 to 55 c under load also i had some issues with cpu system was randomly freezing solution for this problem is disable c 1e and c 6 dates in bios and enable cool and quiet review by Amazon customer great CPU especially for my first build handles like a beast it does get warm so at a high end water air cooler will do but custom water cooler seems to be the better option five on

 Idol and around 40 give or take a degree under a load and also you will most likely not want to go cheap on the PSU as it's quite power-hungry review by Dave arrived early in what a speed difference runs pool using water cooling works a treat no problems in my setup running it over 5.6 gigahertz got 32 G RAM and a 240 GB SSD highly recommend thanks seller review by Peter H good chip works well performs as well as the smaller risin to 1200 1400 chips.

This CPU is only compatible with the selected 990FX motherboards.

For example:

ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z, GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD7 and ASRock 990FX Extreme9.

Please check motherboard manufacturers for CPU compatibility.

*AMD’s product warranty does not cover damage caused by overclocking (even when overclocking is enabled via AMD OverDrive software).

AMD TURBO CORE TECHNOLOGYThe AMD FX Processors come equipped with AMD Turbo CORE Technology. AMD Turbo CORE Technology is a performance boosting technology that helps increase performance on the applications that need it the most.
NEW INSTRUCTION CAPABILITIESAVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) increase parallelism tailored for scientific and 3D applications that use heavy floating point calculations. FMA4 and XOP - Floating Point Vector Multiply - Accumulate improves throughput and performance on many vector functions (integer and floating point). AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) noticeably increases performance on the latest encryption applications like TrueCrypt and benchmarks like PCMark.
AMD BALANCED SMART CACHEShared L3 cache (up to 8MB), improved scheduling and pre-fetch capabilities, 64-ways (16-ways/sub-cache), increased data queue sizes, and coherency for eight-cores.
HYPERTRANSPORT TECHNOLOGYOne 16-bit link at up to 5600MTps, up to 8.0GBps HyperTransport I/O bandwidth, up to 16GBps in HyperTransport Generation 3.0 mode, and up to 37GBps total delivered processor-to-system bandwidth (HyperTransport bus + memory bus). Benefit: Quick access times to system I/O for better performance.
INTEGRATED DRAM CONTROLLER WITH AMD MEMORY OPTIMIZER TECHNOLOGYA high-bandwidth, low-latency integrated memory controller, supports up to DDR3-1866, supports new low voltage memories of 1.35V and 1.2V, up to 29.9GBps memory bandwidth for DDR3, new pre-fetcher improvements, and direct communications to each core in the dual-core module (APIC registers in each core). Benefit: Optimized memory controller to feed more cores.
AMD VIRTUALIZATION (AMD-V) TECHNOLOGY WITH IOMMUSilicon feature-set enhancements are designed to improve the performance, reliability, and security of existing and future virtualization environments by allowing virtualized applications with direct and rapid access to their allocated memory. IOMMU is an extension to AMD64 architecture to support address translation and access protection on DMA transfers. An array of security options delivers the maximum protection for user-level applications and virtual machine guest operating systems, including address translation and access control, device isolation, device assignment in virtualized systems, security and trusted boot support, and unified interrupt management.

Learn more about FX-9590

DetailsCPU Socket TypeSocket AM3+Core NameVishera# of Cores8-CoreOperating Frequency4.7 GHzL2 Cache8MBManufacturing Tech32nm64-Bit SupportYesIntegrated Memory Controller SpeedDDR3Virtualization Technology SupportYesThermal Design Power220WCooling DeviceLiquid Cooling Kit.

amazing full review of  AMD FD9590FHHKWOF FX-9590 8-core Processor 

To find out more from Amazon link below

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