EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper Gaming iCX2 Technology - 9 Thermal Sensors

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper Gaming iCX2 Technology - 9 Thermal Sensors
EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper Gaming iCX2 Technology - 9 Thermal Sensors

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper Gaming iCX2 Technology - 9 Thermal Sensors

I got in my EVGA RTX 2080 super for the win three ultra graphics card someone's got to change this marketing scheme because these names are getting ridiculous okay as I said these names are just getting psychotic first off super oh my god I'm waiting for some of the answers going super thanks for calling I mean it's just it's ridiculous I hate this name anyway let's open this up before we get it swapped out standard EVGA packaging at the moment not much to it 

one thing I will say is boy this thing is frickin heavy which I don't think is any different from the twenty eighty or the twenty seventy or the twenty atti I've got a couple before to wit for the one two three cards I love the twenty ATT eyes but for the price this is an interesting card to have so we get it out of the ever annoying and loud static bag and this is what we get I mean it looks exactly like the 2080 except for now this is super and yeah not particularly exciting 

aesthetically compared to what you currently got but it is a little bit expensive then when the 2086 came out so what we're going to do is I'm not going to take too much more about the unboxing experience because it's it is what it is where I get this thing installed here I guess everybody probably would like to know what's in this little thing though so first the EVGA badge , and then HDMI to DVI cable for your VR outside of that that's what you get in 

the box nothing else exciting so let's go ahead and get it swapped out and come back play some games run some benchmarks talk about some minor thoughts about the new card for the 2080 series , okay got the card installed it looks no different than the 2080 for the wind three ultra oh it says on is super however there is going to be a performance if it so we're going to go over that here in just a second we're gonna run through a couple 

benchmarks run a time spy real quick and then play a couple games finish the benchmarks and then we'll wrap it up here first off for calm activity this does have 21.4 display ports - 2.0 B HDMI ports and a USB type-c port right on the back this also does have a dual BIOS mode right now it's defaulted switched into normal probably to keep this thing in overclock in the OC mode before I get going I just I have to do the same thing everybody else does it has done why 

in god's earth did we name this thing the super I mean what marketing idiot sat there and goes oh my gosh I've got the best idea ever we're gonna call this card wait for it super isn't that a great idea because then I'll just tell everybody then it's better than the previous one holy crap I mean this has to be the dumbest dumbest marketing scheme I've ever come across I mean it is just brutal I don't know if someone was sitting at EVGA and just or not EVGA I'm sorry 

NVIDIA was throwing darts at a board and it landed a dirt landed on the word superhero that's what we should name our cards let's call them super for the next out role I mean it's just oh my god is the worst marketing ever however I'm gonna back off that everybody else has hit it but I had to say something cuz it's just so idiotic is horrendous thing right off the bat I noticed it's extremely quiet in fact you'll notice that the fans aren't even spinning at the moment the reason why because it's not being used and in idle while it's not being used right now 

temperatures 29 degrees Celsius I mean it's I guess it's not being used oh you're the the it's not drawing much to it so that makes sense why it would be as cool as it is the ideas as it ramps up for heat and thermals that it's the going to then dissipate that by turning on the fans and going from there now I could set a manual fan curve go through this and have it running all the time leave it silent doesn't matter but I will say it is very quiet this card also seems to run pretty cool 

especially when I get the fan curve going here and you're the most sudden game once we start running some tests on this thing so let's actually dive in let's get a couple of those taken care of here we'll discuss pricing and some of the features of the card when we get done and go from there first thing we're gonna do is run a time spy extreme test and we're gonna do this with stock settings I'm not touching anything here at a touching fan curve boost behave your power 

target nothing we're just gonna leave it completely stock so here we're goal is go ahead and run this and come back here in a second and see how this is working first thing I'm gonna notice or point out here is our clock boosted right off the bat up to 1995 that's fluctuating a little bit there GPU temp is at 56 55 degrees and right now the fans are not even spinning it she's memory usage remember clocks at the 77 51 frames you can see that I'm just bright extreme again this 

is a little bit heavier than just a 1080p workload but as temperature is coming up here a little bit the fans have started kicking on they're really quiet you can see my boost clock came up a little bit there for a second when the fan skipped gone now the fans are off again you can see how the temperatures all over the place our urgency all over the place but as you know in the 50s anyway so we're going to finish this see what the score is that we get and then we'll come 

back to this in a second okay coming to the the test here and complete stock settings it's the first thing I want to point out nothing's set with regards to power limits memory clock core clock nothing fan curve everything is purely stock so our graphics core on times by extreme was 50 to 96 okay so it's a good score for what it is I want to point out I did use the I 999 100k it's also at stock settings as I don't believe that it would be fair to overclock the heck out of my CPU to try 

to show some false performance of and how someone might use this out of the box what I want to do next is we are going to shut this down I'm going to switch it into the OSI mode for the BIOS on the card and see if there's any type of a difference and then we're gonna do some benchmarks play a couple games of me and then be done here okay we are gonna go over here to the card flip the little bio switch now we're into OSI mode start everything back up then 

we're gonna do it all again okay first thing off the bat clock boosts it up to 1995 drop down to 1980 temperatures almost immediately hit the low 60s we'll see if this affects our score at all in the long run the only thing difference of noticing is it is staying at that higher 1980 to 1995 now a little longer the last one last one seemed to be going to 1980 down to like 1950 right off the bat I also noticed that the temperatures a little hotter this time around than it was last and again I 

expect that coming from the OSI profile on the BIOS but we'll go ahead and let this finish up come back and review this okay here we are and scores a little higher my graphics court is 5437 so that's higher than the I believe fifty to ninety six of the last one so let's go ahead and boot up a game like I guess overwatch or something play that real quick and see what that's like okay we're gonna play a little overwatch here pick this because had 1080 this is probably where most 

people are gonna be playing this game if they're playing competitively they want a high refresh rate monitor they want the fastest response time possible and you're not always gonna get that in 4k or even 1440 now I think this game in 1440 and in 4k plays more than all enough right now I'm sitting 195 to 201 FPS but obviously I'm not in action at the moment the clock is boosted up to twenty one hundred megahertz the memories at 79-76 temperatures sitting nice 

we're gonna see how this plays here I'm not an overwatch King by any stretch of the imagination you see my frames are at 200 227 my boos clock has not changed one bit but I will say it's pretty darn smooth probably charging in like that was not the best plan died frames pulling around 200 which I would say is really nice , that was fun now again why did I pick overwatch the play on a 1080p monitor because this is 

indicative of what someone might play that's gonna be a competitive gamer that you know maybe playing league or whatever I like this game I think it's a fun game plus it's you know it's free so anyway um we're gonna do a 4k game here just to show how this handle this game handles for game on like a higher in title and yeah we're move upstairs to my other monitor cuz I'm not gonna unhook it and bring it down here okay so this is the Asus PG 27 UQ 4k ultra 

high def monitor pretty straightforward so as far as 4k gaming goes this is about the creme de la creme now right off the bat and I know it's really hard to see because of of the resolution of this and how it shrinks everything in 4k right now the booth glottis clock is sitting in 1980 you know what I should do first things first let's go back and let's check the precision and let's let's actually turn on an overclock here so we're gonna load this this is a real mild overclock that is 

very stable it's got a nice fan curve to it we're gonna come back actually we're gonna make the fan curve a little more aggressive let's make that fan curve like crazy aggressive so easy it is to adjust things in precision x1 so now we're going to hit play apply I'm gonna go back and hit save to one actually I like my stuff loading on startup so anyway okay so now we've got a little bit of a boost clock so let's go back into the game so it was boosting in nineteen eighty on stock 

so now it's boosting to twenty seventy well it like I said small overclock I'm not gonna break records at the moment or anything I just wanted to see what it could do right off the bat memory clock 79-76 temperatures sitting at 62 just sitting here at i/o frame weights at at 93 frames per second again that is in 4k okay we're using full-screen mode pretty straightforward in fact I'm going to put this up to the 120 because that's what my monitors said it right now I 

prefer to go to the route of the best possible UHD sitting on this monitor if you go to the overclock or the 144 Hertz which this is not competitive gaming so I don't need the faster refresh rate you lose some of your color so I'm gonna go ahead and leave it at that I don't have an FPS limit right now I'll get the HDR on I'll let Susan here at hgr settings I'll stir it up a little bit why not and cut going to our graphics everything said of ultra high we're gonna put the 

Deming River Blues Ellucian at 60 frames a second why not adaptive anti-aliasing shadows ultra high so we're just going nuts on everything here right so I'm gonna hit apply game but we don't care but this is up I'm not looking to really show you how amazing I'm at this all right now and the menu I'm sitting 111 frames a second again no big deal let's just wander around here a little bit it's been so long since I've been in this game I can't remember exactly how to 

play all of it but doesn't matter the idea is to show you a a triple a title in 4k with everything set at Ultra the top-end for resolution and see what it looks like I mean from my standpoint this screen looks absolutely stunning it's probably hard for you to see just because you don't see the same HDR that I do here but and right now you probably can't see the frames per second but we're sitting about 58 frames a second with everything maxed out let's mount up here I don't 

remember where I am in this thing menu okay I'm app whoo that's bright so it looks like I need to go over here okay , horses yeah yeah , I'm definitely not gonna win any horse riding ,I hit him that there is no way that he survived from that isn't supposed to protect the innocent right I haven't played this game him so long so you can see what it looks like hey I mean this is buttery smooth at 60 frames a second plus in ultra 4k everything maxed 

out I mean is unbelievable alright so actually here let's exeter this one and then let us boot up let's boot up overwatch again why not alright here we are in the options menu of overwatch and everything set up ultra as you can see boo let's go to epic why not let's see what that's like fly who 20100 is my core clock 1776 is my memory at the moment and my framerate 4k epoch is 136 I've no bad guys anywhere yet shotgun somewhere oh there we go okay as you can see I'm 

at Ken 4k epic settings and my frame rates are more than acceptable to 130 frames a second 128 I'm getting my core clock is between twenty eighty five and twenty one hundred megahertz memory is 79-76 at the moment I just walked out and got my butt kicked oh and never going now we go outside of a skirmish into an actual match so we'll go ahead we'll play through this real quick well you have our opinion and then we shall come back and show you the 

benchmarks and ,okay and that's how overwatch plays an epic setting a 4k uhd monitor 130 frames a second most of the match the clock again with a very mild overclock was at 2070 a super super smooth fantastic picture it's a great way to play a game , okay let's recap you've seen the benchmarks a great card performance is between the 2080 it should be and the 2080 ti it's not quite at the level of the 2080 ti this card MSRP is for they won directly from Nvidia I missed our P's 

which one should you get kind of depends if you're gonna just stick it in a system on air I personally would say by the founders Edition yes this has got some profile there's benefit to a custom PCB but with how it's set up now you get the similar fans it's only two fans but it's going to give you the same performance this is basically if you're going to water cool it I would I mean I that's what I like to do I like water cool I like the look of it does it add much more 

performance no but I like the look of the low temperatures I love the look of the block itself the water I mean I that's my preference personal thing right I would say to get this card with the hydro copper block already installed that's eight hundred and eighty nine dollars directly from EVGA maybe you can find a cheap here I haven't done much looking around but that's my opinion because if you buy this block and you spend that they want for the hydro 

copper blocks which i think is I think water blocks are getting too expensive now again my opinion that puts you  so the already installed that's a good value especially if you consider the fact that the founders Edition 2080 super if you put a block on that from say ek that's already a mid 150 you know mid 100's card operate 100's card or block sorry not card but block you're already approaching or eclipsing the price of this already installed and then 

you've got the custom PCB so if your water cooling it that's what I would do if your leave err personally I just got the founders Edition and be done with it I mean for that kind of a price you're getting a lot of value especially when you consider it as the next step up is a twenty atti starting around twelve hundred dollars and going north from there I personally don't see the value in that any longer especially when this can handle about everything you want high refresh 

great gaming for competitive nature you got it go buy yourself a high refresh rate 240 Hertz screen that's you know there you've got that I think that the person buying this card and having a ninety nine hundred K or a 3900 X from rise in or 3700 X whatever the case is 9700 K I think they're gonna be gaming personally on a 1040 I'm sorry if 1440 a monitor or a 4k monitor I personally game on a 4k monitor this handles it no problem triple-a titles as you see

 easier lower in titles I don't want to call overwatch or a pub G or one of those low end but it handles it doesn't matter what it is this card will take care of it again I think if you're bit spending that kind of money hopefully you've already got that 1440p or that 4k monitor if you're gaming on a low refresh rate 10 SiC 1080 mono don't buy this card upgrade your 

monitor and then buy a better card that's my opinion price points you've got I mean as you can see invidious showing you some decent value now for the price points I still would like to see am becoming a little more competition for them it is specially the upper end card to get these prices down especially on stuff like the 1080 TI or the 2080 Kanak TI maybe they will who knows I 

guess I'm not expecting that at this point that doesn't seem to be the market they're driving for but anyway I I have to say that I'd recommend this card if you're using it for a hyerin system or if you just want to have one of the best 2080 supers out there how to hit that name you scheme.

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper Gaming iCX2 Technology - 9 Thermal Sensors

 I started getting random freezes and games and crashes constantly card was never over 71 see put my 1080 t back in and no issues wish the 2008 et didn't have any issues was a beast while it worked see review buyer pro equals highest voltage limit of all 2080 T so far con equals prices a joke review by Matt the first one of these I bought had a stability problem I'm not sure if the built-in boost was too much or what the card ran fine for the most part passed the all the 

extreme 3dmark stress tests and benchmarks easily my brother happened to ask me what it scored on the ffxiv benchmark I wanted to see high numbers so I tried it out I never got to see those numbers with that card though every time the benchmark got to a certain point it crashed by crashed I mean it actually reset my computer that got me looking for what could be the problem this is a brand new rake I just put together so it could have been anything at that 

point I eventually found out that if I reduced the clock speed of the card by 200 it made it through the benchmark I requested an exchange of the card on Amazon and they sent me a new one the new one worked perfectly through all the stress tests in the ffxiv benchmark I got my high numbers that is my reason for four stars it's a great card if you can get one that works I never expected the ffxiv benchmark to point out an instability that 3dmark extremes tests 

didn't but it did all in all I'm happy with the card I just wish it was not such a gamble update April 15 2019 I'm going to bump this to five star since I have now found the problem I started having the same problems with the new card I got if you run into the same problem I had of the computer suddenly turning off and resetting try using separate cables for each eight pantsy power plug on the card I found that 1c cable that splits into two eight pin connectors cannot 

supply enough power or at least the cables that came with the corsair HX 850 ike and after i plugged in separate cables for each eight pantsy slot the card worked fine in the spots the computer was crashing in review by Michael simply put the 2000ad tea is the most powerful consumer level graphics card you can buy the exorbitant price however is based on us yet 

unproven technology ray-tracing has the potential to revolutionize game development DLS s is a possible solution to providing excellent image quality without the massive power requirements of running a true native 2160p but for now there exist no games that take advantage of either so we'll have to wait to see if our TX's ray-tracing and dl SS technologies are worth the asking price the EVGA gaming XC is one of the cheaper models available it is 

shorter than other models and uses a 2 slot design that will fit in smaller cases it fits in my n ZX th 500 mid 80 x case with plenty of room to spare but this compact design comes at the cost of cooling and performance this model is based on the reference PCB and has similar performance and overclocking capabilities as invidious founders Edition card I was able to squeeze an extra 850 megahertz out of the memory and 130 out of the car power consumption 

more quickly becomes an issue compared to more expensive designs that allow for further increasing maximum power consumption the duel fans design is perfectly adequate if you practice proper cable management and have decent airflow the fans keep my o set card in the mid 70s after hours of gaming under full load with my ambient temperature of nearly eighty degrees fahrenheit I expect better cooling once the hot Phoenix summer passes this is a great 

card if you want to play at 4k / 60 or 1440p / 144 but it is incredibly expensive until we see what kind of support we see for our TX it's hard to recommend this unless you really feel the cheaper 1080 TN 2 and 80 aren't going to meet your needs review by SP after some intensive research about the card despite doubt about the cooling issue with the card I gave it a shot it's been 2 days since I got the card and it is performing really well I'm o seeing up to 1900 megahertz and 

seven thousand seven hundred megahertz memory clock hitting only 71 degrees 60% fan speed on the card I do have a big case with seven fans working it really seems that some cards have bad cooling whereas others don't so there is honestly no way of knowing whether the card is great in cooling unless you get your own you can always return your card if you want so I suggest you give a try I have previously used 1080 and the garden performance is as twice 

better however as a lot of people experience guard failures usually within a month I'm still testing the card update I've finally decided to return the card I will give you the honest treason why you should not go for this card if you were actually considering getting 2,000 ATT but before that I am assuming that you are getting this card because you want to get a high end performing graphic card that every dollar sign you spent is worth at least up to your 

expectation straight to this assumption with this 2008 80 card you need to compromise that was the reason why I returned some of you may say oh I just want whatever 2000 ATT that can actually perform 10% less than the 5k 2000 ATT card then yell you should definitely go for it but you will constantly have to compromise with your card in terms of benchmarking OC setting etc my logic was that if I were to actually spend to ka ATM 

which is already overpriced why do I even need to compromise I am already spending a ton yet I need to constantly compromise for memory clock and GPU clock due to temp and power usage to me if I were to pay a ton of money for this kind of card I to be fully satisfied with the card for your reference i over clocked 700-plus memory 200 plus GPU and 100 voltage with 112 percent power the temperatures stayed at 71 of max however I kept getting artifacts in BSOD 

because the card is rated pretty low compared to other 2008 80 cards yes the GPU goes all the way up to 2050 megahertz is it stable no I mean stable is for all games a lot of games will give you trouble so you need to compromise see this was the reason why I didn't feel owning this card now I'm owning 2008 etf tw3 by EVGA am I satisfied after spending  5k instead of 2k yes because the card handles every game with constant 2050 megahertz with more than 700 

megahertz memory clock it's barely camped by power usage as well I consider this value of not compromising  so it was worth switching my conclusion is this the current pricing for 1080 tee is close to 2000 880 black edition if you want to run 2008 80 at factory default go ahead and get this one because it will perform better than 1080 toç if you want actual 2000 ATT do not get this because as much as this card is legit 2,000 ATT you will always be 

compromising and by the way for the whole r-tx issue you are not gonna run into such a problem anymore even if you get it which is hardly 1 1 0 0 0 odd register your card with the manufacturer and get a new one .

Learn more about the EVGA 11G-P4-2384-KR

InterfaceInterfacePCI Express 3.0
ChipsetChipset ManufacturerNVIDIAGPU SeriesNVIDIA GeForce RTX 20 SeriesGPUGeForce RTX 2080 TiBoost Clock1635 MHzCUDA Cores4352
MemoryEffective Memory Clock14000 MHzMemory Size11GBMemory Interface352-BitMemory TypeGDDR6
3D APIDirectXDirectX 12OpenGLOpenGL 4.5
PortsHDMI1 x HDMI 2.0bMulti-Monitor Support4DisplayPort3 x DisplayPort 1.4Other Ports1 x USB Type-C
DetailsMax Resolution7680 x 4320SLI SupportSLI ReadyVirtual Reality ReadyYesCoolerHybrid CoolerOperating Systems SupportedWindows 10 64-bit, Windows 7 64-bitThermal Design Power250WSystem RequirementsMinimum of a 650-Watt power supply.
Two available 8-pin or 6+2-pin PCIe power dongles.Power Connector2 x 8-PinHDCP Ready2.2
FeaturesFeaturesNVIDIA Ansel

Adjustable RGB LED

All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed

Real-Time Ray Tracing

NVIDIA GeForce Experience

NVIDIA Highlights

NVIDIA G-SYNC Compatible

Game Ready Drivers

Microsoft DirectX 12 API, Vulkan API, OpenGL 4.5

Designed for USB Type-C and VirtualLink


Built for EVGA Precision X1
Form Factor & DimensionsMax GPU Length266 mmCard Dimensions (L x H)265.68 mm x 113.54 mmSlot WidthDual Slot.

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper Gaming iCX2 Technology - 9 Thermal Sensors

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