Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 64GB review
Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 64GB review
GOOD STUFFNew inside-out tracking works well
Convenient tetherless design
Supports some of the best VR games
Doesn’t require additional hardware
BAD STUFFLess powerful than wired headsets
Sometimes uncomfortable
Screen is still grainy
More expensive than non-VR consoles
all the setup from the PlayStation camera for tracking me in space to the wires that connect my headset to the ps4 it's just enough friction for me to talk myself out of it and maybe play something else instead it's just not as easy to say pick me up a controller and playing something on my big-screen TV so the thought of bringing the oculus rift or the HTC vive into my home along with a powerhouse PC to run it on never really sounded that appealing to me mobile VR
as you see here like Google's daydreams Samsung's gear VR and even the oculus Go are nice baby steps towards a pickup and go experience but just not powerful enough for my liking I kind of got bored of them quickly what I've always wanted is a self-contained fully capable VR rig that takes little to no setup and provides an expansive VR experience where I can move around the room freely and talk about checking all the boxes the new oculus quest is out let me tell you right now it's something special which is not to say that I don't have some minor
quibbles about it but in my experience this is the level of convenience and power that I feel has the potential to actually move VR more into the mainstream so what makes the quest so special first of all the specs the quest has two 1440 by 1600 o LED displays one for each eye of course and that's actually an upgrade in resolution from the higher-cost oculus rift setup and everything just looks sharp in there also it has a 72 Hertz refresh rate which to my eyes
personally was perfectly sufficient I never felt sick with movement I know some people can be kind of sensitive to lower refresh rates so keep that in mind the device is powered underneath by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor now two years ago this was the top-of-the-line mobile phone processor in the Android space which might give you some pause but really doesn't seem to hold the quest back in my opinion also four gigs of ram in here to power it the
quest can be purchased with 64 gigs of storage that's going to run or one twenty-eight gigs of on-board storage running and that's what I have on this unit here and personally I recommend shelling out the extra money you'll get double the storage if you can you want to do that up front so you can install all those games on it battery wise there's enough power here to run you around two hours of solid gameplay that's what oculus touts and
I absolutely ran into that upper limit repeatedly on my own if that's not enough for you oculus includes a 20-foot USBC cable that can be plugged in to provide power while you play yes it means you'll be wired once again but it's better than having to come back to reality the headset itself is designed to be easy to use with little setup needed it looks nice but I would say it's a bit heavy definitely heavier than the rift headset primarily because all of the technology is
embedded inside the headset itself the straps on top and the sides have ample adjustment capabilities allowing for cinching and pivoting in many different directions I will say that I could never quite get the absolute perfect fit for my face I felt like I got it to the Goodenough point but never the perfect point and I could never eliminate just a small amount of light leakage coming up from the nose bridge but I wouldn't say that was a total deal-breaker at all comfort wise there's no denying that the headset is pretty heavy when you're wearing it
especially after two solid hours of play I definitely felt it and mainly in the way of maybe a slight headache or hot sweaty face so keep that in mind now underneath is a volume rocker that drives both the onboard stereo speakers as well as headphone ports on either side you can plug those in and then that volume rocker adjusts the volume there the onboard speakers are a very nice touch they make this more of a pickup and go solution which I liked and on the other side
of the bottom is a slider that helps bring content into better focus shifts those lenses around slightly it's best to slide that around lock in the best sharpness for your eyes you'll enjoy your experience a little more when you do that now these cameras on front are how the inside out positional tracking happens on the device that's going to save you from having to install
cameras throughout the room this is where the quest goes from neat to magical when powering up the device to use in a given room the quest actually enters what's called Guardian mode this is where you literally draw in the space in your room that is safe playable area you do this with the included motion controllers which I'm going to talk about in a second the cameras show a
black and white 3d pass-through and you literally draw that area that surrounds you this way while you're locked away in VR land whenever you get close to the border of your guardian space maybe you're coming close to a wall a digital grid is gonna appear inside that deters you from leaving your playable space if you start to move beyond it it's kind of interesting the real world starts to fade into view and the rationale there is of course that's gonna keep you from
slamming into that wall it's incredibly well executed and the more I use the quest the more I learned to trust those invisible boundaries it's super liberating this episode of hands-on tech is brought to you by expressvpn stealing data from unsuspecting people on public Wi-Fi is one of the simplest and cheapest ways for hackers to make money it cost less than seven dollars per month and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee their apps use powerful encryption to secure your data just download the app click to connect and you're protected protect your
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issues when my hands left the viewable space of the camera on the headset they do take double-a batteries so I'd suggest having a few backup batteries for each controller on hand but they seem to last long a long time battery depletion was never an issue that I encountered with the controllers as for the control options you get the pointer finger trigger as well as the side trigger for maybe when you pick something up inside the game and the two face buttons on top as well
as the analog stick on top which is pressable so you can use that as another button you also have these wrist straps of course to keep you from dropping or tossing the controller's across the room in a moment of in-game panic as for the games the library is pretty decent at launch there's definitely room to grow though I played through some of the demos included on the device Creed was one of the standouts there stepping into the boxing ring in VR is an
experience to behold a little intimidating I'll just say that I also played beat Sabre and this is the game that I've heard the most about as being a milestone marker for the capabilities of the quest it did not disappoint because well who doesn't love wielding light sabers to dance tunes I also enjoyed the playfulness of job simulator and even more so I delighted in watching my 6 and 9 year old daughters lose themselves completely in the convenience store level of the game
Ritchie's plank experience sounded more intriguing I'd say than it actually was it's essentially a walk the plank above a city scape experience that I expected to be a bit more convincing it's definitely overpriced so take from that what you will but I absolutely lost myself in racket fury Table Tennis VR now I'm a life long table tennis fan I don't have a table at home of course this game feels real the physics the fact that you can challenge real players across the world I
literally spent hours playing what felt like real-life ping-pong against people I didn't know and it worked up a sweat doing it in all cases the inside-out tracking the controller's the freedom of movement it all combines to create a VR experience that has me jonesing for more now I definitely have a rosy outlook on a potential of VR I love what it promises but I'm also used to being let down for a number of practical reasons with the quest I only have a few main gripes
first that the comfort of the headset wasn't absolutely perfect like I talked about and second that the short battery life can be a real drag especially when you're lost in another world and you don't want that interruption but you can plug it in to charge while you play that's a solid solution you can even pick up an external battery back to plug it in and that'll keep it chugging with no tether but I long for the day when this kind of hardware could be pushed even further
out of the box so can you tell I'm smitten this has been a fun review to prepare for and I'm sad to let it go the oculus quest is in my opinion the VR platform to get if what you want is something that is instantly palatable easy to set up and thoroughly enjoyable with the wider content library coming things will only get better .
the oculus quest all-in-one virtual reality system now you pick this up at oculus comm or on Amazon I'll put the links up in the description the price on this one now shout out to oculus for sending me this one to check out so let's check it out here we go oculus quest now this is 64 gigs if you want 128 gigs that's gonna run you okay so let's go through all the features all in one virtual reality oculus quest has everything you need to explore VR right out
of the box no PC no wires no limits precision controllers with oculus insight tracking and touch controllers every move punch and throw are instantly translated into VR easy setup in any room play at home or someplace new oculus quest works with your environment standing or sitting and spaces big or small now here's some of the new games coming out you got veda immortal sport scramble dance central National Geographic Explorer VR dad and Barry -
Creed rise to glory okay so we got a nice presentation that alert there it is inside oculus logo let's slide this out ok inside we've got another box ok let's open this one up now this is gonna be a charging brick you got a spacer so if you wear glasses this will actually push the VR unit out a little bit further so you don't have to take the glasses off you got two double-a batteries these are gonna be for two controllers got your Quick Start guides say it at home and this is gonna be
a 10 feet long USB type-c 2 USB type-c cable nice and thick alright so here's the actual VR let's take a look at the controllers first and I use it some nice heavyweight controllers you got two joysticks on the inside you got a and B X&Y this is like your menu button you got some more triggers left and right brand new so you know where to hold them and you got some little strings so this way you can wrap them around your wrist so you won't drop them triggers on
the back also Oh so this feels nice I see you got triggers with these fingers with these fingers and use your thumbs for the controllers and the buttons now here's the actual head unit on the front you got your four inside cameras now this also works as pass-through so you don't have to lift these up and take them off your head if you want to see what's going on around you hit the button and activate these cameras nice quality feeling on this let's see you got your before you
start install the app now this works on iOS and on Android here's your head straps now these are adjustable let's see you got plus and minus this would be your volume up and down you could change your focus right here with this on our level and that's pretty much it oculus Brendon on the front decent weight on this not too heavy alright so I'm gonna pause the video I'll get everything set up and then we'll test these out talk amongst yourselves all right Jess we'll be back in now the first thing you want to do is download the oculus app once you open that up
you're going to select the oculus quest and continue to set up next thing we're going to do is grab the headset we're gonna plug it in and let it start charging up next we'll put the batteries in the controllers so you're just gonna grab it slide it off insert the battery slide it back on just like that now the last thing you got to do is connect to your Wi-Fi then you're going to update the oculus software and then you'll be good to go alright so now I'm gonna put this on and try it
out alright so I just finished testing this out and I gotta be honest with y'all on a scale of 1 to 10 the oculus quest is a major major major major go and if you're new to my videos that's a quad major that's the highest ranking on my channel my mind is blown now full disclosure oculus did send me this to review but they only asked me to do two things go over the specs and unbox it that's it they didn't ask for my experience they didn't ask me to recommend it and they didn't
ask me to say it's my favorite product but trust me when I tell you this is easily and I mean easily my new favorite product this is the most fun I've had in years let me explain to what I mean first things first the build quality now the build quality on this it feels premium you got that cloth trim but it's a lightweight feel to it so it's definitely comfortable and it looks nice next the fit now the fit on this is important because when you wearing the virtual reality headset
you're going to be using it for hours the fit on this is super comfortable you got velcro straps on both sides and on the top once you get this fully adjusted and fit to the size of your head you could wear this for hours at a time and enjoy it next let's talk about the setup now the setup process on this blew me away normally when you're setting up tech products is boring it's tedious and it's a little bit of work but when you finish you know you're gonna have a good time
but with the oculus quest this the most fun I've had setting up a check product ever the setup bonus is almost like a VR game in itself now you can screencast from your oculus to your TV you can also record gameplay but I'm not gonna upload that in this video because I don't want to spoil it for y'all you need to enjoy this for yourself trust me I can show you with my hands you're gonna have to pick up virtual blocks and throw them you got a virtual paddle and
paddle ball you're gonna hit it you got virtual Paper Planes virtual guns you got a virtual punching bag it is way too much fun next let's talk about the inside cameras now I haven't used VR in a while so I wasn't aware of all of these updates but these four cameras on the front the inside cameras it's amazing if you put this headset on and you're in the dark room you're gonna be able to see it's like wearing night vision goggles and it's also gonna light up your controllers
you see a big R and a big L so you know which one is left and right it's just insane it's automatically gonna map your floor it's gonna map your surroundings my mind is blown next the controllers now with these controllers you see all these buttons and triggers and you know it just seems like a lot after about five minutes you'll get the hang of those controllers and it's just mind-blowing it's almost like you're in the real world when you're picking up stuff and you're
pressing buttons with your fingers I'm telling you it's hard to explain using words you're gonna have to see it and try it for yourself but the controllers they're definitely lightweight and like I said once you get the hang of it I was like John wick with the guns cuz like like this shoe in sideways it is so much fun next let's talk about the sound now these have integrated speakers built-in and they sound good you can adjust the volume with the plus or minus but you also have 3.5 millimeter headphone jacks so if you want to get really immersed into this VR
experience plug in some quality headphones and go crazy next now let's talk about one features that makes this my new favorite check product the internet browser once you put the headset on you're gonna have full access to the Internet all of the websites and all of the videos and when you're watching your TV shows videos or movies on a virtual reality headset it's gonna be the same as watching it on a movie theater sized screen it's gonna blow your mind now when you want to type you're gonna use the controllers the actor has laser pointers trust me when I
tell you if you haven't watched the video on a virtual reality headset you're missing out it will change your life now the last thing I want to talk about is the actual video games and like I said I'm not gonna upload any videos of it because I don't want to spoil it for you but trust me when I tell you once you put this headset on and you put on some quality headphones you're gonna be so immersed into this you're gonna forget your surroundings you're gonna forget if it's daytime
one night time it's like being in another world the only way I can explain it it's like being inside of a videogame now I was playing Vader immortal just now I was fighting dog Vader with the lightsabers after about 10 minutes I was sweating I was out of breath I was laughing and smiling I haven't had this much fun playing a video game in years and on a side note if you want to lose some weight play Dance Central for about 15 minutes it's like doing a full workout
this is incredible anyway oculus quest on a scale of one to ten it's a quad major go hit me up in the comments let me know something about this one shout out to everybody back with me on Facebook Foursquare Twitter Google+ shout out to all the Google gangsters I see how holding down that Facebook page shut up everybody hit me up on boxer and a special shout out to everybody .
Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 64GB review
I have owned the oculus quest for about three months now I was one of the early adopters I took the risk and bought this thing in a few weeks after I got release and throughout my ownership I literally witnessed oculus do work on improving the quests that's right the first few weeks when the oculus quest got released there was a few bugs here and there nothing too major that'll ruin the whole experience but there was reports was tracking and some speakerissues both of which I've actually had personal experience with but over two months after a few firmware updates all that got resolved and I think now it's the appropriate time to give the oculus quest its full in depth review so to this day the oculus quest is still one the most talked about VR headset in today's market and has been so far very successful they've been selling a lot of units and it's just now when you can't really find these things in stock finally in a bunch
of retail stores before this headset was in backorder for like the longest time and there's a lot of reason why this is actually a really popular VR headset but the tech and the software that's inside this headset is insane so this VR headset starts at u.s. and that will get you the 64 gigabyte model which I personally own and I'll be reviewing in this video it is more if you want to double the storage capacity but that's all you really get for the additional 100 now
Daniel from Zona tech like you guys content I like your team but I could confirm that theVR headset does not have a larger battery you can find this information on the oculus official website so both two versions have the same battery capacity up to 3648 milliamp per hour which could last you up to 2 to 3 hours it all Barry's on the game you're playing but you could also extend the lifespan by plugging it directly into a portable battery bank or if you have one
of these magnetic USBC adapter you could plug it in plug it in directly to a wall outlet for an infinity amount of time but that's too much nobody could last that long I think but was one of these cables if you trip on it you won't fall with your headset it was just safely get release but honestly the built-in battery cap these headsets have it's good enough because after honestly the second or third hour your eyes will feel tired and instance your plan on VR if you're playing
some intense games like beat Sabre your body is gonna want to take a break afterwards then from a depleted charge it takes about an hour and a half for the headset to charge all the way up to 100% now the resolution per eye that the oculus quest has is insane it's not crazy but it's pretty good it does use an OE let display which means the colors look sharp the black pixels are turned off for a more natural feel and look but when you compare against other latest generation VR headsets the oculus quest has the best resolution for its price the only one that
currently beats it is the is the valve index but that costs way more for just few more pixels and those other headphones aren't really considered at full console as I require hardware to be connected to like a computer and wires and stuff are involved quest it's an only one unit you don't have to deal with no debt the only thing to really mention and talk about is the frame rate the oculus quest doesn't have a really high frame rate compared to the other VR headsets on
the market the quest only has a 72 Hertz display rate while the competitors are way above that but to be quite honest the amount of time and hours I spend playing was to oculus quest there hasn't been a time where I actually wish the frame rate was faster I personally owned the psvr and that display can go up to 120 rates if I wasn't aware of the refresh rate of the oculus I would honestly think that it was actually above the hundred I don't know if the glasses as allowing me to not really notice the FPS difference I hardly doubt it which by the way you can
wear glasses what's the oculus quest there's plenty of space if your glasses fits this dimension you're good you can wear what's your oculus quest just fine just I don't recommend using metal frame glasses those are most likely to make a scratch if they make contact to the lens but back to my point 72 Hertz is fast enough and never once what slow enough that would actually wish that the FPS was a little bit faster I never even noticed the gameplay looks really good then
when it comes to the screen door effect the screen door effect is common across a bunch of VR headsets especially on the psvr the oculus quest still the screen door effect but it's less noticeable in my opinion if when you're fully immerged where you're being entertained whatever you're watching whatever you're viewing through that VR headset unless you're actually specifically looking for the screen door you won't really notice it but now when it comes to the gaming library of things this is the most important part all the popular VR games are on the oculus
quiz beat saver been here since day one job simulators here super hots here that's really fun game moss then of course you got rec room which is a really fun strong driven community game but in case there is a game that you want to play it that's only exclusive on the PC like mainly in the steamvr with side quests install and you have virtual desktop you could actually will remotely control a VR game on your PC this allows you to play some exclusive PC games on the oculus quests and if you have a beefy processor a beefy GPU on your computer you don't lose
any of the graphics by doing this I've been able to play Google Earth V argh minecraft in VR the rift version just fine and many more I could even install on my Steam library if I want to because in case you're unaware the oculus quest is using an older processor it's using that a Snapdragon 805 which was a processor that was released back in 2017 and the processor is
strong enough I mean the graphics on any game looks really nice every game on the oculus quest library i mean it's fully optimized for the quest itself find an example - this is comparing the Robo recall version from the rift to the oculus quest developers had to retexture everything from scratch in textures that's more efficient and more less storage demanding because if you
actually watch like a video side-by-side against a riff and the oculus of the same game you'll notice less robots the texture is slightly different color but overall the gameplay experience is still very similar another fine example of this heavy high-end optimization is beat saver on the PC side beat saver has a lot of reflection on the oculus quest some of those reflections toned down especially on the stage if you look at it but if you have the same game on the steam VR in theory you can't technically connect your oculus quest to your computer and play there so you
don't lose any of those graphics but I mean like again the graphics on the oculus quest is still very incredible I would compare it to like a modern-day high-end like mobile game like fortnight or something that type of graphics we're not there yet at a point where VR looks realistic like how modern PC game or even modern generation gaming consoles look like graphics wise we're not there yet by me like this is perfect the oculus quest it's powerful enough that the graphics look really good then the gaming library aspect of thing I mean overall every
week it seems like we're getting a new game introduced and added on the oculus quest door I'll recommend because the library is almost endless nowadays there's a ton of different games if you're curious to find out what games are available I recommend downloading the oculus app and once you have that download which to the quest side of things you can browse through the store and see what games are available same goes for the desktop you could also do this on your desktop view the available games that's currently available on the oculus but I know pretty
soon there's more some really cool exclusive making their way to the quest one example is Ubisoft is planning on releasing Splinter Cell and also assessing Creed so that's gonna be really interesting when that comes out but that probably won't happen until sometime next year or next year and a half that's when we had to start hearing rumors but there's a lot of games still continuing to being imported and added on the quest side which is really good and then when it
comes to entertaining apps YouTube is on here a YouTube viewer version a Netflix VR version is also on here and just very recently Amazon Prime added their own separate application as well so there's a lot of entertainment apps you can install and use the quest also has social apps like VR chat big screen which is another really cool one and then there's also some exclusive concerts you can actually watch live for free on the oculus quest I know I watched Jack Black in concert on the oculus that was a fun experience and then the most recent one was Billy Irish I
actually watched that concert live it was really weird but it was really packed with a bunch of people in virtual reality and you got to see the crowd live I'm sorry that the camera that's not really doing justice trust me it looks far better in virtual reality once you actually put the actual headset on your head but that's a little preview of how everything looks like I know WWE events are also on the oculus and there's like other cool upcoming ones coming out soon so if you want to find out more about the games and the events definitely do check out their website
and application so for a headset that only has four gigabytes of RAM this thing handles multitasking like a boss yeah that's right you heard me this thing only has four gigabytes of RAM total it's not just simply handling the game because it's not just a display it has for 360 cameras on each corner which tracks the controller motions and centers and at the same time it's also keeping track of the room map which works like this this oculus headset has something called Guardian mode well Guardian mode allows you to do is allows you to draw an outline on furniture walls anything that you don't want to bump into it'll create this virtual boundary if
you step outside the boundary you will not only see that boundary in the game but when you peek your head outside the boundary the cameras will soon kick in and switch to like passive mode everything will be in black and white but you can see your surrounding without having to take off your headset so that you go safely get back in the center in case you wonder it off too far so the headset itself keeps track of all of that and it does a really great job doing so and then
the controller isn't softer really advanced as well they have all the common button layouts that you expect to find on the latest generation console controller so you got your two bumpers X Y B X two analog sticks and they also have finger tracking so you actually physically point at stuff or grip to grab certain objects and the controllers themselves are very comfortable the only drawback to the controllers however although they're jam-packed with all this cool hardware they don't have rechargeable batteries which is really disappointing if you use these standard batteries they will only last you up to a week so I'll really recommend picking up some
rechargeable batteries because you'd be saving a lot of money and buying one of these then going through a lot of battery packs now unlike other VR headsets the oculus quest when it comes to gaming at night you have to have some light in the room if you start playing games in pure darkness the cameras are not gonna be able to track the controller's so you need to allow some light to get in so the cameras could then track the controllers but a very inexpensive
solution that I have found to solve this it's by picking up these very inexpensive IR illuminator ''s they just simply plug into a wall outlet and they do an excellent job in illuminating the entire room that the cameras have no issues and reading the controllers and you could enjoy playing your games in a very dark environment it's playing your games like this is really amazing because you're really emerged in VR as there's no light gain leaked inside the headset and then
if you're wondering if you could game outside like in a back yard or a big field of some kind you could do that technically a lot of people have done that I done it just be aware it's not safe for the VR headset and will only work if the Sun is down or overcast if you do this on a really sunny day not only are the controller's gonna have a hard time tracking because it's really bright for the cameras to pick up anything but you also run the risk of damaging the display if
the sunlight hits the screen it's gonna damage the oil if display so if you do need the extra space make sure there's no sunlight outside but you're better off honestly playing inside like a garage but even if you're very limited in space the vast majority of games on the oculus quest don't really require that much space the only two games I can think of right now that requires a lot of space is one Vader and mortal and job simulator there's actually quite a few games that actually allow you to play while seated and not only that you can also switch their guardian to
stand mode where you just play where you're standing you don't have to move around or anything like that for example I'm able to play beat Sabre right here in this little corner right here just fine comfort wise the oculus quest is OK the straps are indeed adjustable you can adjust it in three different ways and it also stretches back just past the first hour that's when the headset became irritating as soon as I take off the headset sometime it will leave like a red
mark like an outline here which makes sense because that's where all the weight generally it's just hanging in front right there but past the first two maybe like the second hour the headset does become very uncomfortable to a point where I have to readjust it or so on playing games but if I'm playing like a really good game that I'm really emerged into it honestly I tend to forget and it's when I take it off is what I feel fully relief so it's comfortable it's doable but I will
highly recommend if you can go over like your friend's house and see if you could test fit their virtual headset and there's mods that people have done on like reddit form to make the headset more comfortable so you could definitely go ahead and look into that but I'm personally able to enjoy my games just fine with the oculus quest standard bans so all in all my final verdict was my 64 gigabyte oculus quest I have no regrets going with the 64 gigabyte model as you see I have a lot of install apps a lot of games a lot of mods and I'm still left with plenty of storage I
like that actually does have a manual IP di adjuster that you can just right there on the go and the volume rocker is right here and it's really easy to access there's no need to go into the settings and adjust all this digitally it does have speakers which play right next to your ear they sound really great it's just a bass can use some work I would have compared these speakers to like speakers that you expect to hear out of like a MacBook Pro they're very acceptable and I
do like them because they do adapt to the game so if like a grenade blows up in the background and you quickly turn around and look at it the sound will also adjust as you're rotating your head so it does give you a full immersion it does also have a built-in microphone which based on my experience people were able to hear me just fine chromecast support is fully supported as well on the headset if you have a party around you and they also want to see what you're seeing in virtual reality you could cast it to your chromecast you go also cast it on your phone or tablet
just fine it's really easy just a start and there you go the resolution is a little bit toned down than what it actually looks like on the VR I think they do this to prevent latency but doing this is really useful especially when you have it on somebody who never experienced VR and this is a great way to help guide them and get them to get used to it so in general the quests I mean oculus did a fantastic job in engineering and creating such a masterpiece I'm very impressed and I'm really looking forward to the next generation oculus quest but who knows when that's
gonna be released special thank you to everybody that made it to the end of this video you guys rock I know this video was a lot longer than why I originally post but I really wanted to make this into a full detail review for anybody who's also looking into picking up a VR headset the product is new I want to make sure I highlighted everything so if your answers were answered greatly appreciate if you actually leave this video like they'll help me out a lot if you still got
some questions some concerns feel free to comment down below I'll try to get back to you and answer your question and if you're wondering what does this make sure to stay tuned I got a video rolling out on some awesome accessories for the oculus quest so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss that and if you own the VR headset definitely do check out this video right here as I go over a bunch of cool tips and tricks about the oculus quest trust me you
won't regret it and then this review over here.
Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 64GB review




To find out more from Amazon link below
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