ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Dual Gaming Graphics Card (DUAL-GTX1060-O6G)

ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Dual Gaming Graphics Card (DUAL-GTX1060-O6G)
ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Dual Gaming Graphics Card (DUAL-GTX1060-O6G)

ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Dual Gaming Graphics Card (DUAL-GTX1060-O6G)

I wanted to do a short little review on my graphics card talking about it and give you the specs and everything about the graphics card now if you guys want to check out I did do a review a while back on the graphics card I'll put down in the description below and my motherboard because I'm gonna be talking about the motherboard so yeah so honestly people want I get a lot of questions in comments about my graphics card and stuff in the price and everything so we're 

gonna go over it and we're gonna talk about alright so this is the graphic card that I have it's the dual aces GG force gtx 1060 with 6 gigs of memory this is what the box actually looks like you guys want to check it out it is white so it goes with my white set up now real quick i wanted to go over this graphics cart because people ask me should I get to 1080 T I should I get no you don't need to know this graphics card has been running great for a year now now I don't do 

over it overclocking or any like stuff like that I just run the games but a listen tell you straight up this is 6 gigs memory ddr5 but I do have BD r 4 so it does support up to ddr5 so it has two HDMI ports a VR already compatible so you could plug in your VR right there that is epic and DisplayPort and DVI port now what's all this mean that means it's good basically like a book plug in at virtually headset in the computer BAM ready to go that's what I like about this this is 

also my computer's 4k ready so yeah this is the ars z2 7 0 X gaming 5 RGB fusion so so that's the motherboard I am actually running right here with this graphics card and to be honest with you to be honest with you this computer runs great now I don't have any overheating or temperatures going up or anything great air flow through this PC and stuff so I am running everything else or settings all different kinds of games also running a lot of applications and stuff alright so now I'm gonna give you the specs of my PC real quick I do have the i7 700 not 

the K I do have 16 gigs of DDR for Corsair memory now real quick I did build this a year ago if you guys want to check it out it's in my tech review playlist I did do PC updates and they do PC built on it so if you guys want to check that out I'll put down the tech playlist down below where you guys could check that out all that stuff will be in my tech playlist so if you want to if you want to you can overclock it addition if you want to now to be honest with you like I said 

I've been running my games at 1080p 60 frames PS now my monitor is ultra wide so I'm running a high resolution 2560 by 1080 and that's a lot higher than 1920 so it's not much of a difference but it does use more but the biggest thing is running games now the thing is when I'm streaming and gaming and all that stuff and I'm editing on the same computer I have no issues whatsoever I do do live streams like I said and when I'm running pop G or any kind of 

game ultra settings and I'm running a 10 1080p 60fps with my live stream buffer all the way up and I have nightbot in stream labs open so I have three windows opened through Internet Explorer running a game streaming and ultra settings not one issue now for this you do need to have a good internet and I did upgrade my net but you gotta have a good PC now after I'm done rendering it I don't edit the game I just usually upload it but when I do edit I used used 

Adobe Premiere Pro and everything runs super fast now I could go a little higher to 16 gig to 32 or 60 for a gig but I don't need it honestly I don't I do want to upgrade to 32 gig because I just want to I do want to get the RGB Corsair  so if you guys are looking at that remember RGB is to cost a little bit more than the one on TVs do not have our GPS or just 16 gig so you're looking at you're looking at least  now real quick for the price for this graphics card for this graphics card now I won on Amazon Prime and I looked at it for new 

and don't know why I bought this at Fry's for like for  I believe so at the time a year ago now I'll put Amazon description down below and Fry's Electronics story if you guys have that near you in LA or certain areas it's an electronic store if you guys have that location if you don't you have to get in on Amazon and it is a little pricey for this graphics card because I didn't pay that much so but I will put 

both of them down below so you do get a three year warranty with this graphics card when you purchase it I still have a three year warranty three years limited warranty stuff so yeah that's about it, but real quick that's about it I just wanted to talk about my graphics card and basically just tell you what I thought about it and it's a great graphics card I really loved it it was a good purchase at the time now real quick there is a picture right here if you guys could kind of see right there oh there it is right there that's what basically I got the white 

and black set up so maybe in a couple years maybe three years I might be upgrading my graphics card to something else but for now everything's good so if you guys want to purchase this and get it recommended now the cool part about the vidya geforce good part about this is the programs now if you running this you can just control all f9 you can basically all f9 and record your gameplay straight from the graphics card and it's gonna give you the best graphics better than OBS actually to be honest with you because you're recording straight and it just 

comes out beautiful now this does have g-sync g-sync indirect 12 so and VR works of course so in this graphics card is awesome I even like the box the box is just spectacular so but that's about it where's my my motherboard now if you guys liked this motherboard I'll put down a description below where you can guys get it and check it out and and the graphics card so that's about it.

ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Dual Gaming Graphics Card (DUAL-GTX1060-O6G)

 the RGB life so anyways the RGB lights on the motherboard can change multiple colors so basically this motherboard has all different kinds of types of different colors has pulse music color cycle static flash random it has all different kinds of brightness you can just with the RGB lights and it is amazing it's cool that you could change it and stuff now the motherboard is white and I got I got the white with the PC build so I can match everything now the graphics 

card is that it's the Asus dual geforce gtx 1066 gigs of memory ddr5 so it's a graphics card that I did purchase and this graphics card more than enough 1060 GTX GeForce now what I was I rendered ever I've mentioned this before the reason I went for this graphics card and especially than the video because with this graphics card you can actually record what the program under the videos shield you can use their recording and their options to set the recording to record 

your desktop or your audio or your webcam that's really cool you have that on your computer and you can access it so I really enjoy that you just hit alt f9 and start recording and it actually records straight from the graphics card so you're getting at the best instead of OBS 4 or the computer but within the video you'd be able to port straight from the graphics card and stuff and you can benchmark and all that stuff but anyways that's why I went for the video GPX 

graphics card the cool part about this graphics cards the GTX 1060 asus it has it has virtual reality port so you can plug your virtual reality headset directly into the back and you're hooked up and good to go it has HDMI port and it has DisplayPort and it has a DVD VI port so all those are great to use I am using I am using the HDMI right now I could use the DVI port but my monitor does not have DVI port in the back it only has 2 HDMI and DisplayPort now 

DisplayPort is actually pretty good HDMI display forwards is the same but just apply your ports a little bit better but I have that option to use that but I can't use it on the graphics card because of the monitor now some monitors have that in some don't so you depends on the model motors you have but just grab the cards cool because I when I get the virtual reality if I ever buy anything like that I'd be able to plug it in and you'd be ready to go and you will have 

all the wires everywhere and stuff but yes so this is the graphics card that I purchased I want to do a short little thing on the graphics card when I'm running on the computer and stuff this could be the part about the graphics card I will do another video about the motherboard and everything give you the kind of details and specs what I'm capable of running on this computer now when I do game and everything on the computer it runs amazing I did run Shadow 

Warrior and Shadow Warrior was running at like 140 frames per second now Shadow Warrior is kind of an old game but it has a lot of detail and the graphics are really high backed all the settings out it did go up up up to 240 when I got near more stuff like fire and more the higher the resolution the higher benchmarks goes up the closer you get to stuff that has more graphics like fire water or anything that has a lot of movement your benchmarks going to go up usually and then when you're running games in the beginning and it just shows the title loading 

everything is everything's like there frames-per-second whatever 60 frames-per-second is good if you go any higher than that over 100 you're doing great you're over you know your graphics card is running great so do I recommend this graphics card yes I do it's only when I purchased it so graphics cards are actually going down tremendously incoming good deals now they do have the 1080 with the eight gigs same graphics card but I got the 1064 about 279 that was when I purchased it I can put down the link down Amazon the playlist 

down below where you guys can check it out doing like this one check out the graphics card also the graphics card also the graphics card is also white so it also goes with my theme and everything in the desk and the motherboard so guys notice the case so it looks really great I am going to switch off the fans so but that's about it guys I wanted to give you a short little detail on the graphics card that I'm running and if you guys want to check it out I'll put down 

description below I will do another review on the other parts and stuff the PC is still running great and strong now I'm trying to get used to all the settings and everything because when you uh when you adjust the settings on arrow lbs and all this stuff you got to set the from you guys set the screen resolution and the screen resolution is to point my monitors detect with you playlist I'll put it all down below and you guys can check it out do all clink stuff so more stuff will be coming soon I am going to do a desk set up again but I want to wait till I get the 

keyboard and a few more other things and maybe update the fans and then I will do a complete setup of the whole PC jet set up since I haven't done one because the last one I did was a while back when I had my old PC and the mouse I had the black mouse and the mouse pad and everything so the end old monitor so I didn't upgrade anything so I will do a new review and that will be coming soon .

 the soos GeForce GTX 1060 duel fan overclocked three gigabyte version and see how it performs and some games and benchmarking tools inside the box we have the graphics card driver CD and setup information I recommend downloading the latest drivers from Nvidia rather than using the included CD which is likely out-of-date let's take a quick physical look at what the card has to offer as you may have noticed the whole plastic shroud is completely white on the front of the card there's two black fans which keep things cool there's no backplate on 

the back of the board which I suppose is expected at this price point on the rear of the card we can see that it's a two slot card and for display options it's got two display ports two HDMI 2.0 ports and one DVID connector there's not much on the top other than some subtle of Zeus branding and the six pin power connector the dimensions of the card are four point three 

centimeters by 24 point two centimeters by 13 centimeters and it weighs about 590 grams or 1.3 pounds in terms of specs the card has 1152 cuda cores and eight thousand and eight megahertz memory clock with three gigabytes of gddr5 memory a 1590 for megahertz base clock and a 1809 megahertz boost clock and overclock mode that's all well and good but how does the card actually perform I'm glad you asked to determine this I've run a series of benchmarks 

including some games followed by synthetic tests first I want to note that I'm not using G sync here as the panel that I'm using does not support it I'm also using the latest drivers from Nvidia today which is version 370 6.33 for reference the system that I'm running this card in has an Intel 6700 K CPU and 16 gigabytes of ddr4 memory at 2133 megahertz in GTA 5 I've disabled vsync and ran my tests with fxaa on and MSAA set to 8x with a 1080p resolution using DirectX 

11 with these settings I was able to get an average of 83 frames per second into Witcher 3 are used for ultra preset disabled vsync and Nvidia hair works and again ran at a 1080p resolution with these settings I was able to get an average of 55 frames per second while in shadow of mordor with ultra settings at 1080 he we averaged 89 frames per second now onto the benchmarking tools while a useful indicator note that these results are less practical compared 

to the real world gaming results previously shown in heaven benchmark with the quality set to ultra tessellation set to extreme and anti-aliasing set to 8 at 1080p the 1060 average 61 frames per second it's a similar story in valley benchmark with the quality set to ultra and anti-aliasing on 8 at 1080p a 1060 averaged 67 frames per second i ran both the fly strike and time spike benchmarks from 3d mark and got pure graphic scores of twelve thousand six hundred and 

twelve and three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five respectively I'll leave links to the full results in the video description great so it sounds like the card runs alright but how hot did it get during my testing the hottest the card ever got was 77 degrees Celsius in memory with an ambient temperature of 23 degrees Celsius the fans didn't get noticeably Loudy though so you could keep it even cooler if you don't have any problems with extra noise I ran some of the tests 

again with the fans maxed out to 100% the maximum the card got to was 64 degrees Celsius though of course it was a lot louder the results also didn't otherwise change as the card must not have been thermal throttling previously while performing the benchmarks or even just playing games there was a slight but noticeable coil Wain however I did have the system running on the desk right next to me I wasn't able to notice that it all with my headphones on 

 I think this card offers great performance especially when compared to the same 1074 masseuse which is almost double the price it performed well during my testing and was capable of running recent games at respectable frame rates and while it was starting to get a little warm this can easily be fixed by bumping up the fan speed as mentioned so what did you guys think about the Azusa GTX 1060 duel fan 3 gigabyte graphics card be sure to let me know your thoughts down in the comments .

Learn more about the ASUS DUAL-GTX1060-O6G

InterfaceInterfacePCI Express 3.0
ChipsetChipset ManufacturerNVIDIAGPU SeriesNVIDIA GeForce GTX 10 SeriesGPUGeForce GTX 1060Core ClockOC Mode: 1594 MHz
Gaming Mode: 1569 MHzBoost ClockOC Mode: 1809 MHz
Gaming Mode: 1785 MHz
*Retail goods are with default Gaming Mode, OC Mode can be adjusted with one click on GPU Tweak IICUDA Cores1280
MemoryEffective Memory Clock8008 MHzMemory Size6GBMemory Interface192-BitMemory TypeGDDR5
3D APIOpenGLOpenGL 4.5
PortsHDMI2 x Native HDMI 2.0DisplayPort2 x Native DisplayPort 1.4DVI1 x Native DVI-D
DetailsMax Resolution7680 x 4320Virtual Reality ReadyYesCoolerDouble FansPower Connector6-PinHDCP ReadyYes
FeaturesFeaturesASUS Dual series of GeForce GTX 1060 graphics provide sweet spot performance

1809 MHz Boost Clock in OC mode for outstanding performance and gaming experience.
Unique Wing-Blade Fans for max air flow with 105% more air pressure.
Perfectly matched with ASUS X99-A II Overview motherboards for optimized style and performance.
Industry Only Auto-Extreme Technology with Super Alloy Power II delivers premium quality and best reliability.
VR-friendly HDMI Ports for immersive virtual reality experiences.
GPU Tweak II with Xsplit Gamecaster provides intuitive performance tweaking and instant gameplay streaming.
NVIDIA ANSEL for a revolutionary new way to capture in-game screenshots.
NVIDIA GameWorks provides an interactive and cinematic experience, as well as incredibly smooth gameplay.
Form Factor & DimensionsMax GPU Length242 mmCard Dimensions (L x H)242.06 mm x 130.05 mmSlot WidthDual Slot.

ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Dual Gaming Graphics Card (DUAL-GTX1060-O6G)

To find out more from Amazon link below

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