Redragon K585 DITI One-Handed RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

Redragon K585 DITI One-Handed RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review
Redragon K585 DITI One-Handed RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

Redragon K585 DITI One-Handed RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

hey everyone  today's review I'll be sharing my experience with the red dragon K 585 one-handed RGB mechanical gaming keyboard this keyboard was sent to me by red dragon as part of the dragon trainer program so I'd first like to thank them for accepting me into the program and giving me an opportunity to test some great products ok let's get into it the K 585 is a 47 key mechanical keyboard with OK mu blue switches multiple programmable macro keys for customizable profiles 5 customizable lighting modes a removable USB type-c a USB pass-through next to the USB type-c and also a nice magnetic wrist rest that originally I didn't think I would use it all but is come in very handy now to be honest before getting this keyboard I was worried it would be a bit large but to my surprise it feels very natural due to a lack of space on my desk my old keyboard would sit right at the edge leaving no support for my wrists which 

would end up leading to pain and fatigue making my gaming sessions shorter than I really wanted them to be the included magnetic wrist rest on the K 585 fixes this issue though with the slightly textured finish to the top which helps her stay in place as you move your hand around the keyboard it's very comfortable and effortless to maneuver your hand and get it right back to home position the o-tama blue switches are quite clicky with a nice tactile bump letting you know the key has been pressed another feature of the switches on this board is that if you ever need to change a replace one every switch except for this top row of buttons here can be removed easily by removing the key cap and then the switch underneath with the included tools looking at the keys you get what is essentially the full left side of a keyboard with the addition of N and P at the bottom here you have G two three four and five on the left side and G one sitting above the spacebar which I personally uses ENTER because I find it very convenient one thing 

I didn't really like not that it's affected me much is that there is a slight wobble to the space key probably because of its large awkward shape but I feel an extra stabilizer or something could have been used here just to make it feel a bit more solid now one other feature that I really like with this board is the programmable RGB which can be programmed in the software but you can cycle your color modes just by pressing function and the space key there's five modes that can be cycled through and I'll go more into that once we look at the software okay so I've just booted up the software and it's fairly straightforward well let's go through it together on the top you can choose which profile you'd like to make changes to currently profile one which is my default gaming profile as you can see I've programmed all these keys here it's currently selected for the purpose of this video let's select a profile I haven't used yet profile for now you see that I've loaded up the profile for light has changed on the keyboard so let's check out the lighting settings click this box here beside light to open your RGB customization section once that box is checked you'll see all your options show up the top drop down box here has all your RGB modes starting with go with the stream the trial of light pass without a trace ripple graph and fast in the Furious all of these modes are fully customizable but let's go to go with the 

stream as this has the most options first of all if you notice this is just a solid green yet this is an RGB keyboard to make it RGB just check this box called colorful as you can see it instantly changes to RGB then if you want to go back uncheck the box and you're back to a solid color click this drop down to choose the color you would like to show on your board let's go back to RGB now is this go with the stream mode has all four customizable options available to it let's look at them you have the brightness which starting at 0 is off you have level 1 level 2 level 3 and level 4 which is full brightness and you have the speed customization which is at level 1 very slow level 2 a little bit faster double 3 gets a little faster more and then 4 finally at its fastest speed you can also change the direction as this seems to be going from left to right let's have it go from right to left some other options available would be starting from the inside working out going from the outside working in clockwise counterclockwise it all depends on which RGB mode you like but my favorite is go with the stream all right now that we've set that let's assign some keys let's uncheck this box here to activate the assigning section all of these 

keys on this board except for this top row of five keys here can be programmed today I'll be programming the g1 and g2 as my enter and backspace so to do this you click on the first key you'd like to assign being g2 and this brings up a selection box with three tabs starting with macro setting if you wanted to assign a macro there which I'm not interested in assigning a macro today but if you did you would add a new macro hit record do your button presses this would then say stop you would hit stop and then ok and that macro would be assigned to that key you can also have the option of multimedia options you can make this key open your media player play or pause a track stop go to your next track or video change your volume or even go to some webpages for today I'm just going to do a single key and a keyboard action so once you have the flasher in this box what you want to do is either open your on-screen keyboard with this button right here or with another connected keyboard press the key you would like to assign to that space I've hit backspace once I've done that I hit OK and backspace is now 

assigned to the g2 key let's assign enter to the g1 now doing the same modes I would hit g1 to open the selection box I would make sure it's on single key and keyboard action is checked I would then click in this box hit enter and then okay I have now assigned enter to the g1 key and you highlight it it'll tell you that the g1 key has set key is enter now to apply all these settings to my board just hit apply as you can see it refreshed and now the settings have been applied to escape this just hit OK and you'll be returned to your desktop all right now that we've assigned our keys we have our profile right I've jumped into a game with state of decay - currently my favorite game and I figured I'd show you a little in-game review with the red dragon k5 8/5 diddy RGB one-handed mechanical gaming keyboard start out with like a specialized skill well I don't have time for that I'm doing more of you right now now I've been using this keyboard for about two weeks I'd say maybe maybe going on three and the transition took less than a day it's extremely comfortable once I had all my keys programmed for whatever games I was using 

Redragon K585 DITI One-Handed RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

at the current time it was like I've been using it my whole life there's the only issue that I had as I stated before is the spacebar seems a little bit wobbly for my like but other than that you got a zombie coming sorry and as you can see I programmed this key here's my inventory I've got my map programmed up there just do that again there you go that program there just look around that anything gonna need fine think there's supposed to be water over here somewhere or was it down here anyways yeah so back to the game so I thought you guys would enjoy just a quick in-game look at me using this keyboard I hope you enjoyed this part of the video well that was my review of the red dragon k 585 one-handed RGB mechanical gaming keyboard being that I have limited space to begin with on my desk something has to really blow me away to get a permanent home here and this keyboard has done it the simplicity of the setup the ease of use in the software real mechanical switches portability with the removable USB type-c and 

removable wrist rest for the gamer on the go just makes this an amazing bargain ,I'd have to say for any gamer budget or not this is a great one-handed keyboard so I'm giving it a thumbs up if you're interested in finding out more about this keyboard or picking one up for yourself head over to red dragon shop comm where you can find this and many other great products

 the products that's being released and all just some easy unboxings so anyway today we have the Aradia dragon k5 8 v dt dt dt yes so we have it here and it's a game pad now you probably have seen game pads before some of the popular ones are from a razor which is the razor torturous the new one v2 and then also the orb-so this one is much more affordable at half the price of the tortures , so we're gonna check it out see if it's actually worth it getting I've kind of always been interested in trying out a game pad and if it's something you really shoot gates not really I mean you do have a keyboard but it could be fun so we're gonna check it out and see ya see how it is you can already see some damage on the box thanks to custom so far for your customs for that they also take the thing 

like crazy where I tore it as well so yeah so first you we have the day pad it's actually a lot bigger than what I thought they took if we do the BG's okay so we're gonna leave that there for now first you get your manual which don't really care that much bad so you get your key cap color and then also your switch of puller so you can remove the switches which is a cool looks like you do get some extra ones in here let me just okay all right so you do get 4 extra blue switches which we'll cover later and then you do also get your USB type-c braided cable probably it's pretty short like 1.2 meters yeah 1.2 meters next we have the gamepad it's so good okay so firstly notice that it is plastic everything is plastic even the wrist rest which is magnetic looks like so pretty strong magnets actually but that's not too bad I mean you don't really need a blazer or whatever this race it's just going to lift your hands up a bit you do have some 

additional pads here at the bottom understand goes with the pad itself you have your USB connections here at the top I'm not sure why there's two ones I believe yeah I'm not exactly sure why there's two but both we'll check it out and then they're race off the gamepad nice big buttons everywhere so let's we just connected and then see the lighting and the switches and so on alright so connecting with USB type-c alright so it is connected let's gonna see there there is RGB a backlit I'll have to check if there's actually software for this I am not sure so again this is pretty much a first look at the product don't know a lot about it so yeah so far let me just sort this out alright so far it doesn't look actually too bad it is quite a bit big yeah kind of straight sure of your hands somewhat to fit everywhere but I don't believe that's going to be too bad I do like a mechanical feel now or whoever that's that mem chemical it's good enough but I do prefer mine mechanicals it's just these all blues so they're quite loud and then yeah alright so 

you do get quite a lot of space for it you do have your five a macro T's G keys here that it's going to be programmable I don't I'm not sure if all of the keys are programmable I think they are and then you do have your for macro profiles and then you're on the recording do you have that followed be our lighting quickly taking the manual there's I think five lighting profiles so you if in a plus the spacebar is going to switch so you get your color fade or color cycle you have your react you have kind of a ripple there and then another react and then your normal rainbow way so decent enough it's not too crazy I don't believe there is software off the chicken in the manual that you do all this on the keyboard I don't think there's gonna be software health check again and once I do the full review but so far it looks pretty cool try I'm gonna try it out for a bit see how it feels and if it's actually worth getting boo seeing I have actually been looking to get like a gamepad for quite a while what's looking at the rate the eraser ones but 

just for the price you get you pay not even like half you pay like three quarters and get a quarter of a keyboard so decisions but maybe this is gonna be a nice middle ground not too expensive at there  it is kind of the price of a raid right in Tibor nowadays or maybe even just for like consoles I know some of the consoles like PlayStation Xbox I'm not sure I don't own consoles they can actually use keyboards now keyboards and mice so this might actually be a cool and little extra serve me so that is pretty much it up for this first look at the raid dragon k 5 8 5 or DT gamepad looks very cool gonna try it out see if it's worth it 

Redragon K585 DITI One-Handed RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

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