Logitech G502 SE Hero High Performance RGB Gaming Mouse review
Logitech G502 SE Hero High Performance RGB Gaming Mouse review
Low click latency and excellent sensor performance.
Lots of programmable buttons.
Fully compatible with Windows and macOS.
CONSLarge design may be uncomfortable for people with small hands.
Stiff cable.
DPI: 16,000
Sensor: Optical
Interface: USB
Buttons: 11
Ergonomic: Right-handed
Weight: 121 grams
Logitech hasn’t changed much in terms of design with the Hero, and for those who know and love the G502, that’s definitely a good thing. While I don’t love the very sharp angular “gamer” look, I can get over some questionable aesthetic decisions when the Hero feels this good in my hand. I used it as my daily driver for a few days, and I never once felt like I was struggling to get a good grip, or experienced even the slightest bit of wrist pain.
The Hero’s body is plastic, with a soft matte finish. Its curved body is big enough to accommodate even the largest hands, while still having some breathing room so your fingers aren’t crammed together. The bottom of the mouse is tapered off and rounded, giving a ergonomic curve that is perfect for palm grip users. The thumb rest is perfectly placed, allowing your thumb to sit naturally in its deep groove. The grips on both the thumb rest and
the side are made of a textured rubber that improves the grip without feeling irritating. The only strike against the Hero is that it’s not ideal for claw and tip grip users – some of the buttons, particularly the front-most thumb button, are tough to reach when using those grips.
but real quick just to kind of squash any questions right here what's different with the SE or the special edition here it's just the looks that's really it and let me tell you what the looks are awesome and again you really feel like you have a special edition in your hand compared to the regular one which is all black again I can't get over this thing it is incredibly awesome but of course looks aren't gonna sell us our mouse right well I guess sometimes they will you don't have any mine anyways that's not what we look for in a mouse we really look for the
performance and how does the g502 perform now first of all if it's using the hero sensor in its spot on I mean I honestly can't tell the difference from the old 502 to the new 502 with the hero right here they both felt exactly precise and spot-on now as far as dimensions weight of the 502 it really fits any grip style really nice for a palm you can kind of bring it into a fingertip kind of you know the side little lip that comes out for the thumb right there and then in the side button
which we'll get into a little bit later how you get to the way a little bit for a fingertip but if it's really nice for a palm bring it into a claw and again that fingertip you might want to have - yeah you might have to adjust your thumb around a little bit right there but it's very comfortable for any grip now as far as the weight it is a lofty Mouse even without our extra weights and the weights in right there and it gets even heavier but it's really cool with the
weights you can pop off the back right here and really adjust the weights to your liking however many you want to keep them all out or just adjusting to whichever side you like again kind of just adjusting the weight to your liking if you want top-heavy or front have you back heavier side heavy really nice so you can really adjust that there but real quick I'd like to talk about the topic of weight ratios I know we're all hooked on lightweight mics right now you know Mouse with holes in it this end the other than anything that's over like 90 grams for all I
had no I don't want it you know what I mean and I disagree with that honestly because I really think if it Mouse fits your hand perfectly that weights really not going to affect you much nicer if you got tiny hands and you go with his gigantic Mouse it's gonna feel funky in your hands it's gonna feel incredibly heavy same with the lightweight Mouse you know what I mean you go with the lightweight Mouse you got a gigantic hand or a smaller Mouse gigantic and it's gonna
be the opposite it's not gonna feel right you know what I mean I think number one what you need to focus on is how the mouse feels in your hand over the weight and over the dimensions of your hand I really think you got to get your hands on the mouse and see how it feels for you because I've used small mouse that felt great for me but I've also used small mice that feel absolutely horrible and then opposite with the big ones as well so again coming in with a 500 to
you here at 121 grams right there whenever I'm using it cuz my hand really gets into it and wraps around it and it fits just in here perfect and that way it doesn't affect me and I really don't feel it being that heavy so again my main points right there is don't get wrapped up in this whole weight then you know what I mean get your hands on the mouse and see how it feels like for you cuz again a lot of people might get scared by the weight of it right there but get it in
your hands really feel it and see how it works out for you alright so now talking to build of the 502 here this mouse feels incredibly solid no not just because of ft weight just to build total across the entire Mouse feels very well built you have a very nice braided USB cable here and as far as it coming out of the mouse you see having a long extension coming right out of you here to reduce that initial drag coming from the mouse right into your mouse pad I really like that touch right there as far as USB cable it is quite lofty quite firm right there not incredibly
heavy by any means but again it does you do feel it dragging across there so I recommend you throwing it into a bungee just to make it that perfect combo but as far as the basic build your glue i feet on the bottom of mouse right here very very solid everything feels incredibly durable on this mouse but the one thing that really scared me is the hump on the side of the mouse are here or not the humped a little swoop that comes out right here for your little thumb rest because most of my mice actually all of my mice to use I don't use that thumb rest and I was
kind of worried about it I was like man that's gonna be kind of weird right there but honestly whenever I'm gaming with it it's just the same as my thumb sitting right on the mousepad it doesn't really feel any different it took a little while I used to become used to my thumb sit on a mousepad but again it really didn't affect me at all it was actually pretty stinkin comfortable but now I'm talking about that thumb rest being comfortable I want to talk about the buttons and first off what we'll do is a sound test and then I'll give you my opinion on it all right so as
far as that sound test right there the buttons are incredibly crispy very nice very to-the-point presses not squishy by any means you press them BAM and they actually right there now you did catch that a little bit of rattle right up here in the scroll wheel there's a lot going on the score you got left press right pressure basic squirrel your continuous scroll right there in the scroll wheel is metal very heavy-duty scroll wheel but again that rattle I think is because we got so much going on with this one scroll right but you do have that rattle in it right there of course
when you're using it or playing with it you don't notice it you got to pick it up and really shake the bananas out of it but again that rattle is there alright so now what I want to talk about on the g502 year are the buttons and there is an absolute plethora of buttons on this mouse and that can either be a good thing or a bad thing for you number one as far as your grip and number two as far as just basic using the mouse so number one let's talk about the grip right here my hands I have bigger hands right here my thumb I got a little chunky thumb right so
when I get it down here on to that comfortable grip and everything as you can see my thumb is almost right on the buttons right there so that is nice cuz bam I can just roll my thumb up and press the buttons but it's also bad because when I get in a heated moment again my thumb is right on the buttons that also goes through the two extra top buns right here on your left mouse button right there these two right here and again they're right there so if I get into a heated moment again with this and that's usually my shoot button or pretty much all of our shoot buns
were playing a first-person shooter or something you're gonna go really spicy moment I am all over those two buttons right there and I am constantly pressing them I'm pressed them so bad that I had to go into the software and disable them also very nice that that third button right up here as far as a sniper button which will drop it right down to your lowest dpi and it's pretty nice if you use a higher dpi BAM little slow down right there you want to get a sniper shot or something almost like cheating but it's pretty good to have the option but not talking about all
of the buttons and how it could be a good thing or a bad thing or again a personal preference deal right there not as far as the handgrip or anything like that just again all of the buttons on the mouse and this point really goes two different ways number one this is the first Mouse I have ever used when I started a PC gaming the original g502 when I start first started PC gaming and that's where I really recommend it again for someone just getting into PC gaming coming from console son we're used to a console controller right and it has all these buttons on
right where you just do everything right there me personally getting into PC gaming going to keyboard and mouse was pretty tough for me it probably took me about a solid two months to be 100% comfortable with it sure a few weeks you kind of know what you're doing everything but to be truly comfortable with it it took a little while you know what I mean but the 502 really helped me with that transition a lot again all the buttons on - when I was in game playing a fortnight for example right I was like holy smokes I gotta press all of these keys I was just like
no give me your controller you know what I mean but anyways the final two really came in handy and really helped my hand through the transition which was fantastic because it can I had all these buttons I'd go into game and I programmed these buttons through every different thing for me and I just really had to focus on getting used to WASD and then my spacebar on the keyboard so me personally that's where I think the g502 really comes in handy and it's absolutely fantastic kind of like think about it like training wheels getting into PC gaming and
this will help you out a lot and just make that transition a whole lot easier and a lot more fun so you still enjoy your games rather than worried about that transition now that also can be transition into a negative right there cuz you really get used to it I got really used to right and I didn't want to switch it but again even after a while when I was comfortable with keyboard and mouse I still wanted to use the 502 because I was so used to all the buttons right there I didn't
have to use my keyboard at all except against WASD and my spacebar everything else was on the mouse and I remembered every single button right there and it was that easy again with my keyboard WASD everything else was on the mouse and I didn't want to get rid of it I didn't want to break the habit but I came to this conclusion I was like wow if I ever really want to get into this I didn't learn how to use the keyboard more right because again I relied on the 502 so much so I had to really break the habit get the 502 off my desk and go through just the basic
you know basic Mouse with two side buttons right there and it was a pretty tough transition but after I used to it I absolutely loved it and I didn't have to rely on a 502 with its plethora of buttons anymore so anyway sorry about going on about there I just wanted to really share my story with you and that's again how I kind of placed this mouse a great getting into PC gaming mouse right there or a great productivity Mouse but a mouse that you really got to break that habit once you get used to keyboard or Mouse in gaming right there unless of course you're
using it primarily as a prototypical emmaus and again talking about all the bugs and the customization on the g502 right here the Logitech software is fantastic it's really easy to use though there's not much RGB customization on this Mouse you just have that logo on the back right there but as far as your buttons again you can customize them to whatever you want in there we really get in there and tweak this mouse to your liking Logitech software again super easy to use and so many options to adjust all right so my final thoughts on the logitech g502 SC
number one I think it looks hot I mean this thing looks so stinking good but number two again my personal preferences I take it as primary a Productivity Mouse or a training wheel Mouse for getting in the PC game that's not saying a bad thing by any means same training wheels it's a great thing to get into PC gaming and I'd recommend this to any first-time pc gaming user right there just again it makes it a little bit easier customize of buttons and really focus on
getting used to that kind of control using two hands rather than your controller right here but again you got to be able to break that habit in the future so all in all I like it I don't think you could go wrong right here complete when so let me know what you think about the g502 or more importantly g502 SC do you use it and what do you think about it or are you looking at pick one up .
I've been building pcs for a long long time I wouldn't have always considered for myself as a PC gamer in my early years as a PC person I was moreso a tinkerer than a gamer and truly it wasn't until I got my first ever gaming mouse in 2014 that I would actually start considering myself as a PC gamer this mouse was the logitech g502 proteus core and at the time I actually got on sale for about even though it was an incredible upgrade over what I was using and it completely changed my life fast forward to a few weeks ago and I
found myself actually at Best Buy staring down at the 2018 revision of the g502 the g502 SE hero today we're going to take a look at the differences between the older protist models and the newer hero model as well as talk about the heroes specs its performance and all that good stuff but before we get into that I want to let you guys know that I was not paid or anything to do this review I bought the g502 SE hero with my own money and this review is based on my
experiences with the mouse also make sure that you guys hit that subscribe button so you guys don't miss out on our future content we will be releasing videos every single week this year and so there's gonna be a ton of content for you guys to look forward to throughout the year feel free to also check out the description box below for any related links I may be talking about today alright when it comes to the actual design of the g502 hero it is nearly identical to its
predecessors the g502 proteus core and the protis spectrum this is actually a good thing to me because I have always enjoyed the comfort and usability of the original g502 now with that said there are two major differences that you guys need to know about the first is that the hero has a redesigned thinner cable that was designed actually prevent kinks praying and unraveling and at this point in time I obviously can't confirm it works because I've only had um the g502 hero for a few weeks but the cable is much thinner and it feels much nicer than that of the original
I'm going to try to round back in a few months and add my experiences with the cable whether a phrase or not in the description box below so if you're interested in that be sure to check out in a couple months from now the second major difference is the hero has the new and improved hero a sensor this raises the maximum VPI to 16,000 versus the protis is maximum of 12,000 and now it might sound cool and all but the problem with this is most people actually use DP is between 500 and 3500 and so there really won't be many people who can actually even utilize
this increase when it comes to the hero and the SE hero there is only one difference and that is the color scheme the SE has the has this white accent colour to break up the different parts of the mouse while the hero is just a strict all-black Mouse what do you guys think about this color scheme would you guys like it you guys hate it let me know in the comments below I actually love the pop that the white accent provides and man I think it just looks it just looks so so so crisp I wouldn't think twice about picking this one up over the original hero and I kind of hope
I really hope I really really really hope that Logitech starts to release more either release more special edition mice with this car scheme or they just like you know change their color scheme to you know to this one now that we have all the differences out of the way I want to go over the actual Mouse its features and what you'll get with it and so forth if you're not and if you're not familiar with the g502 is already the g502 se hero comes in at a hundred and twenty-one grams
and when you add all five optional 3.6 grams weights the g502 then comes in as a whopping 139 grams and for a mouse and 20 Tony I'd say it's a bit heavy that is until you of course add the adoption weights and then it becomes like really heavy especially compared to the other mice on the marketplace regardless this is completely preference so you'll have to be the judge of that I would suggest going out and testing the mouse out to see if you are okay with the weight some people prefer the weights to be higher or something few people for further ways to be
lower and you know you'll have to choose and determine what you like the most the ways if you choose to use them can be positioned in various ways so you can actually get the feel that you want for your mouse which I have always enjoyed the fact that this mouse includes that kind of customization because it lets us decide what we want you know we're you know it lets us lets us decide what's best for us not like somebody else deciding for us as for the length of g502 is 5.2 inches long by two point nine five inches wide my hands are actually just just over seven half
inches long and this mouse fits great in my hand I don't have any issues miss clicking any of the added buttons and I can reach all of them no problem as well of course that will vary from person to person and I can see this Mouse being a little bit crowded if you have really large hands this mouse is also intended for right hand users or only sorry lefties I mean there's nothing I can really do about it but you know a lot of tech tip designed it for that reason I mean you could probably use it if you decided you wanted to but it would be super uncomfortable
and you would be miss clicking like the extra buttons the entire time so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it the majority of it is actually made of high quality plastics and they're super nice and comfortable I typically use my computer for four plus hours a day and I did not notice a single issue with any comfort throughout all of my testing the mouse wheel on the other hand is made of like a metal and makes it makes it super easy to scroll with it one thing that I didn't
notice about the mouse wheel on the the g502 hero is that it wobbles much more than that on the original g502 and that also includes the fact that I've used the original g502 heavily over its lifetime and the mouse doesn't like wobble at all really even with again like I said with all the wear and tear that it's incurred this could of course just be my particular g502 hero but I want to let you guys know just so you guys were aware moving on from the build quality this mouse has eagle seven programmable buttons here is a quick noise test for those of you who are
interested now you have your standard left right and middle click buttons you then also have the scroll wheel left and scroll wheel right click buttons I personally don't ever use these buttons but maybe you'll be able to find a use for them you have two buttons that are going to be attached to your left click button these are initially programmed to increase or decrease the mouse's dpi there are two buttons that are gonna be directly above where your thumb will rest and one that sits at the tip of your thumb as well I use the two that are above my thumb for
macros into many of the games that I play and they work amazingly I absolutely love having them there the one that sits at the tip of your thumb it is initially programmed as what they would call the DPI shift or sniper button this allows you to quickly toggle to whatever dpi you set in the g hub program so for example if you want to lower your DPI so that you can get a more accurate shot or something you can definitely do that lastly there is the g9 button this button is in the middle of the mouse and by fault is actually used to change Mouse profiles I
don't have like any use for this button but I could definitely see if you do a lot of productivity work and you do gaming work you could switch back to different profiles for gaming and then one from productivity I could see it being very useful for that and so those round off the eleven perma buttons on this Mouse but before we move on though there is also another middle button that can have to be programmed but unlocks the scroll wheel so you can do your hyper fast scrolling I personally don't use hyper scrolling very often but it is super fun to fiddle with I'm
here and there so you know you have that as well now in regards to his performance the thing just like absolutely rocks in fact it's as good as or better than any Mouse I have ever used it's quick and accurate regardless of whatever surface I tested on before the testing I used my mouse pad I used my would death I use the glass stand that typically sits underneath my my case and I also use a few random boxes obviously certain services were easier to use and others but now a single service had any lag in the cursor or anything like that between the original
g502 and the newer g502 hero the performance is nearly the same I bounce back and forth between both of them and I couldn't really feel any differences between the two so the question comes out to being like you know what gives why is you know why are they is the same is the the you know the hero cents are supposed to be a bit better and you know we look at things well the answer is yeah it should be better but there are a couple things that you need to hear me out on first so first off you have four dimension returns and the original g502 sensor the pics are
two PWM 3366 was such a huge step forward in modern mice technology that you know even though the hero sensor could be a lot better we member may never actually feel it because the performance was already so freakin good secondly there is a slight difference I'm not sure if it's because my original g502 is much older and broken-in or what but the DPI of 3200 which is what I typically set my mice app it feels a tad slower on the g502 se hero than it does on my original G 502 I did the testing and se here it just feels a little bit slower it's not choppy by any
means it just feels like it's a lower dpi and this could just be me or it could be the Euro itself I'm not absolutely certain but that's the difference I felt when I was testing two mice out it was pretty noticeable so I kind of feel like it's you know it's it's if the the hero itself obviously when it comes to the air conformance it has absolutely no impact on gaming or productivity and you'll just need to set the DPI a little bit higher for the g502 hero and the Logitech G hub software and then you're gonna be obviously perfectly good to go speaking of a software it's
pretty good first off in the software you can modify your API you can but you can modify your button binds and you can also modify the color of the Logitech logo as well as the indicator profiles or profile indicators there's truly a ton that you can do in the software such as like launch applications you can set up a but set a button to launch applications or you set those buttons up to do macros or really whatever you really want for me I set the buttons on my mouse that are attached to each left click button to alt 1 and L 2 this allows me to kind of use
those keys for various tasks in the games I play without actually interfering with previous key binds that I might have on my you know my keyboard which is really incredible to me I never use a key bind with alt in it so since I use alt 1 all in all to on those two keys I don't ever have to worry about over accidentally overriding a previous key bind or anything like that anyways you can almost do anything you want with the extra button so you know get creative have fun now with all I said so what should you guys go out and buy the logitech g502 hero or SE hero
and well since about 2016 I've actually been using the Logitech G 911 and it still performs just as well as if it were a wired mouse that's why I got it in the first place because it's wireless I prefer Wireless so when I moved back to the logitech g502 se hero for testing I was initially a little bit concerned because now I was going to be tethered down by a wire but honestly in my testing it didn't make as big of a deal I would the wire is super light and I barely noticed it even though you know I'm used to a wireless mouse and the additional buttons that are actually on
the mice on the mouse itself the g502 helped a ton in the game that I like to play you'll have to decide if you like the way it feels in your hand but to me this mouse is an absolute no-brainer this is the mouse I would recommend to anyone who needs a mouse regardless of whether they play games or not it's just that good and it's that reliable especially if you aren't the someone that wants to go out and spend a ton of money on a mouse I actually kind of forgot what I was
missing when I switched the g9 up nine hundred because I wanted that that Wireless so bad and now I'm starting to think it's time to move back to the g502 because again I just I just love it
Logitech G502 SE Hero High Performance RGB Gaming Mouse review
to continue on the logitech peripherals today we have let's say a special edition and the S II doesn't stand for special edition actually I'm just saying special edition because it's different than the original one here we have the logitech g502 silver edition hero Gaming Mouse this is basically the same thing it has a hero sensor D 16 K dpi it has the weight adjustment with these five special weights each having 3.6 grams and it has the light sync so what's the differencebetween the standard g502 hero and DG 502 special edition silver edition sorry I must be mistaking by some well they made few difference for people that actually want a bit of a diversity you know because everything that they do is either completely black or em I may be mistaken but nevertheless let's open the mouse test it out see what we got here and well basically I don't think we need to test it out do we because the mouse is practically the same it's only the silver edition and you have this different colors so we can just presume that it is the
same of course we're going to do something about it okay let's see everything we have here we have the Logitech G sticker you have d keep playing thank you for choosing Logitech G Logitech G dot-com and here we go okay this is different actually this is really cool interesting now we'll skip the mouse for a second and as I said each weight has 3.6 grams so you can add 18 grams to your mouse if you wish to do so you can hear some instruction manual but we don't need that you know what to do and how to plug in your mouse now here is the mouse and how
it looks like as I said you have the bottom part around the sensor where you add your weights you can adjust the weight if you're very precise at it so you can do that as well it has the logitech g502 Silver Edition at the bottom and it has Hiro and the top part is completely different now you have the rubber sides as usual for a better grip and stuff like that this is the part where the Logitech G logo lights up is a bit matte black and the left and right click is I would say in a bit of a different color and the material so you most likely see some fingerprints
on it as well as for the buttons and the lines as you can see it has the white line over here these two g5 and g4 buttons are also white you have a white line here in the middle going through the home house you have the school button that's just the faster scrolling and standard scrolling and you have the g9 button as well the scroll wheel is actually silver so that's a bit of a diversity and looking like this you have one two three four five six different colors on the mouse you have the rubber color it's different than the standard black here on the mate on the matte one you
have different color on the left and right click you have the white color you have the silver color and you have the complete black gloss color on g8 and g7 as well as this short button so basically they did completely something different they changed the whole aspect of looking at the g502 with a different color and that's basically it there's nothing actually more to say I mean we didn't test the g502 and I have to say it's really nice Mouse I think I mentioned it a couple of million if I ever decide to go on the wild mouse it will definitely be g502 it's it's not
just the design and the buttons and everything else it's also the cable even though people are saying that rubber cable is much better if you're more competitive it bends easier and stuff like that okay everybody has their own opinion but to be honest I rather go with the braided cable maybe it's because I'm not a professional competitive gamer or out will never be who cares I'm just saying this is what I'm saying Sookie Mouse was standing in a box from the time of deep production until now and the cable is supposed to be stiff it's not it's completely standing straight as I placed it as you can see while moving the mouse the cable nicely bends however
you do it wherever you do it so there's no basically part where the cable stocks get stuck because it bends fairly easy even though I have to say until the cable loosens up completely it always when I push it forward it always bends on the right side so okay that's something if we're going very precisely into details when it comes to cables but I don't have anything to complain about so let's check how it goes in in the game will the different color affect the game of course you won't but you know just to give something for the video since we already did g502
so basically it's not that I'm filling my videos up it's just that I really want to show you guys every single Logitech product that I get for review so go ,and there you have it guys I mean the mouse is really incredible as usual I have to add that with the Logitech G logo you have the D dpi indication lights here on the left side that also light up that you could actually adjust in DG hub so basically there is it I mean this 16 K dpi optical sensor the hero one you have the new Silver Edition since it has all the white and these silver lines it's completely not man rebranded maybe you could say like that but I will say different colors
different perspective different box daring for something and that's it the design is actually really cool kind of gives a bit of a diversity to the whole Mouse and I really like it I mean it this is the thing where people either love it or they don't and don't blame me from having it but if you guys don't like it I completely understand it's a completely different thing and I'll leave it up to you let me know what you think I mean do you really love the old one BG 502 hero with
completely black single color design or do you like some refreshments when it comes to these kind of things do you like the Silver Edition g502 hero Mouse write it down in the comments and let me know what you think and of course if you want more details
[ Logitech and it's the g502 details are in the description below for anyone thinking of purchasing this have a quick look around the packaging comes really nicely packaged with an image of the actual mouse itself if I turn it sideways got some technical details there actually support dpi of a hundred to sixteen thousand has light sync as well so you can have it changing colors has up to sixteen point five million colors supported on this okay if we come round here has a picture of the actual underneath of the mouse and some images of some metal weights that you can attach to increase the weight of the actual mouse if you found it too light okay
coming around here got some branding and that's it so let's open it up and see what we get in the packaging okay so I've laid out everything you get in the packaging so let me quickly go through the items one by one so initially you've got this large sheet and this is to do with important safety compliance and warranty information and this is multi-language from what I've seen okay next thing is the instructions so a small piece of paper nothing on the other side just got details on how to connect it up so USB straight into your computer and it has details of
opening up the back and putting the actual weights on there okay next we've got plastic case all plastic all around some branding on there and if I pop it open you can actually see the weight you can put underneath your mouse to actually weigh it down a little bit more and if I come in close there just to give you an idea each one is 3.6 grams okay okay so let's take a look at the actual mouse so nice build to this and design very ergonomic look to it so if I just place my hand over it just to show just rest quite nicely over it in terms of size the actual length of it if I come
in just underneath just to give you an idea we're saying 13 centimeters in length from the top to the bottom it's coming close on here and just give you an idea some of it is matte black obviously you've got the branding there and some areas have subtle bits of gloss on there so just to show we come in underneath just here obviously you've got the sensor there and if I pull on that it just pops off and you can put the weights underneath to weigh it down a little bit more cable wise a nice braided cable on there just to show if I come in a bit closer it was really nice
actually slim as well not too chunky and a nice connector on the end as well button wise you've got 11 buttons on here so let me show and press them one by one just so you can hear the actual quality of the clicking there you go pretty nice film - all the buttons so positioning wise it does work quite well if I bring it in here so we see your thumb would rest on there click that one the other two at the side you can hit them quite easily as well and again you've got the additional ones here so really well-thought-out in terms of positioning of the buttons and a good feel as
you're holding it have to admit very comfortable to actually hold on to okay so I've measured the actual cable you get attached to the mouse and you get 1.9 meters on there okay so I've got an electronic scale here I've placed a mouse at the bottom and I'm gonna attempt to weigh it so it comes in at 110 grams okay it so next I'm gonna show how to attach the weights on the back of the mouse so as I've already shown pretty straightforward to open this up it's actually attaches and latches on varam magnet so if I let go because it just clip back on let's pull this off open up the actual case and each one can be taken out to your requirements so let's put them all
in just to show what it's like there you go that's what it's like with all the weights in there and again you can just close it off like so and it gives more of a weighty feel to the actual Mouse okay so next I'm going to show how to install logitech g hub software right click here in google and search for Logitech G hub download this software actually allow us to customize their products ranging from obviously the gaming keyboard mice and even the gaming headsets so there you go the first link that's appeared and Logitech me G hub and Logitech support if I
click on that kay scroll down and this is one where after so I've got Windows 10 and I'll download that and we'll just do a straight run on that okay so you agree to the terms of the end-user License Agreement but install let's dig a moment okay and just double-click icon on the bestop there you go simple as that got it set up now okay so it's picked up the actual gaming keyboard I'm using at the moment on here okay so next let's take the mouse and the actual
USB connector on there and plug that into my computer okay it's plugged in and there you go appeared straight away so g502 here oh I click on it you see the options available so let's show the primary first so the primary if I crease it there so it's just there and if I bring it around give you a better idea of what it looks like and obviously the logo is the G on the high increase rate on that there you go so going back to primary if I go to fixed I can pick a color along the side and again we fix I can pick a color for the logo pretty straightforward to change I come here
got obviously breathing same for the logo as well breathing and then you've got screen sampler so it will take a region of your screen and mimic the color from that area so that can be applied to both the primary and the logo and then you've got Audio visualizer so that all sort of play along with music you have okay next is assignments and just to show what you have available you've got commands Keys actions macros macros is an interesting one obviously you can create your own macro and a system as well so these are the clicks buttons you've got available so just by default primary click secondary click and then you've got your dpi up and down
should the sides here and then scroll left scroll right buttons on board profile cycle and middle click ok next if I go to here dpi settings so you can adjust to your requirements what you prefer and then shift between them so straightforward as that ok so another thing to mention regarding the actual DPI on this mouse so you've got this button on the side of the mouse so just here and that's the DPI shift speed so what the advantage of this is so if you look on the screen we've got a number for the DPI in orange and as soon as you press this shift button no matter
what setting you're on and the settings highlighted by it being underlined it will shift over to that orange value so great for gaming if you want to flip quickly over so if I hold the shift now there you go the orange is underlined and if I move the mouse they go much slower pace and if I release it there you go the faster pace has come back again so advantage is if you're using games where you've got a sniper for instance you can quickly slow it down and get it to a point where you've got that accuracy to shoot and then release and go back to your speed so really
cool bit of functionality on this mouse ok so we've got our gaming mouse connected to our gaming laptop and you can see in action now economically it works really well fits nicely around your hand and you can program the keys obviously just do have them to your requirements so let's show the actual dpi in action on a sniper gun for example so that's with the fast motion and if we take down the DPI just to show got and move it now and there you go and then you flip back to high DPI it's pretty useful and obviously helps get that accuracy when you're sniping for one example the other thing is if you look on the side of the mouse and if we
flip between the actual different dpi settings right now you can see the lights changing to indicate the actual DPI you've got selected pretty smart I gave me Y is very comfortable to gain with okay just to show an option on the actual scroll wheel on the mouse so that's one mode of operation where it doesn't keep rotating if I click here there you go it just keeps going flip it back so there's our two options you have available on the actual scroll wheel ok so you've seen the unboxing and setup of this gaming mouse really cool design to it and very comfortable feel
as you're actually playing with it buttons are positioned really well and a great scroll wheel on there as well build quality is great on there as well and the software is really nice how you can configure this so there you go hope it's helped anyone thinking of purchasing this details in the description below thanks for viewing and don't forget to Like
Logitech G502 SE Hero High Performance RGB Gaming Mouse review

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