The best Noctua NF-F12 PWM, 4-Pin (120mm, Brown) review

The best Noctua NF-F12 PWM,  4-Pin (120mm, Brown) review

The best Noctua NF-F12 PWM,  4-Pin (120mm, Brown) review

The best Noctua NF-F12 PWM,  4-Pin (120mm, Brown) review

 do you have an awesome powerful computer that's just a bit too noisy would you like to have a silent running computer the solution could be as simple as a couple of fans in today's review we're going to be installing three nook Torah fans to improve the noise volume or rather reduce the noise volume of our Cadillac build one case fan and the two fans on the liquid cooler are what we're replacing now this is a very nice machine it overclocks nicely and at the moment I have installed a Corsair H 100 IV 2 liquid cooler this is cool it does a very good job of cooling 

that CPU but coursers liquid cooler fans are not silent they're quiet but they're not silent now how important this is to you depends entirely upon your personal noise sensitivity I'm very noice n sitive I like silence furthermore this is going to be my live streaming PC port which so I want a completely quiet system so we are installing these two 120 millimeter fans onto that we're also replacing the rear 140 millimeter fan on the back it's a blue LED fan I don't want a blue LED fan I want a completely blacked out system with no lights in it for when I'm live-

streaming so we'll replace that as well to establish a baseline here's the sound from the room with nothing on the computer is completely off you can see we're just under 43 decibels with the system turned on we're just under 49 decibels this is with the stock cooler master and Corsair fans on the liquid cooler and in the case now a decibel rating is fine but that doesn't account for the war or pitch or tone of the sound these fans aren't bad but they're not great the knock Tora fans are great and it really is worth replacing if you want a completely silent system now you 

can see the fans replaced you can see the knock to our fans installed and we've cut about half of the sound of the system out we were just under 43 with the system turned off we were just under 49 with the system turned on before now we're at about 45 and a half most importantly the systems sounds much nicer we have our case open and laid on its side and we have our three fans here to 120 millimeter fans which will replace our liquid cooler and a single hundred and forty millimeter fan which will replace the rear fan now that fan is actually quiet enough but 

the blue LEDs bother me I want no lights anything this is a completely blacked out system so we're replacing that fan with this excellent one when it comes to quality of packaging you just cannot beat these things it includes multiple ways of mounting including tooless pushpins there are several cables including a Wye splitter included an extension cable and this is really cool these fans are a max 1500 rpm but if you use this cable it slows them down to a max 1200 rpm so it's either fixed 1200 rpm or if it's PWM connected to one of the four pin connectors on the 

port then it's variable with a max speed of 1200 so you can either have a high performance or a quiet fan all in the same packaging you don't have to choose when you purchase because the fan will do both jobs taking the packaging out of the box I've said before I'll say it again quality products come in quality packages cheap products come in cheap packages take a look how nice this is here is an extension cable there is the low noise adapter I mentioned and then there is the Wye splitter the nice thing is the cable that is actually on the fan isn't too long and they're sleeved in these very nice quality black sleeves just as a side note black nut Torah fans are now 

available with colored tabs so you don't have to get this color if you don't want them the first step is to simply unscrew the existing fan using a screwdriver these four screws are actually the same type that are included with the new fans so we can reuse these we don't have to use the new screws if we don't want to and with those four screws disconnected we simply unplug it and take it out of the case I'll save this for use in some other build where I do want a blue LED fan when you install the new fan think about where the power cables gonna go where it plugs

 into the motherboard because you can these are square you can orient them in any of the actions that you want and also think about the intake versus exhaust the fan generally blows towards wherever the label is so as the fan spins it's going to blow air in this direction because we want this as an exhaust we want to put it in this configuration the fan is now screwed securely into place and we have the power cable plugged into the motherboard I am not using the extension or the low power adapter that might change in the future but for now I'm just 

plugging it straight in I am now going to change the top two fans on our liquid cooler one of the things I love about this case is the fact that these screw mounts can be undone at the top and we can remove the cooler without having to access the rest of the system this means that I can change the fans without having to take everything out of the case these Corsair 120 millimeter fans are very effective at cooling they are not silent and so the primary reason to change these fans is because I want silence we do want to reuse the existing screws that came with the liquid 

cooler because they are sized to fit into the holes properly so we take the existing Corsair screws and run them through each of the holes and we just screw it right back on and we take our second fan and we simply put our Corsair screws through it and we will screw that into place now you can see that our two screen if our two fans are screwed into place we take our two cables and plug them into the pump head no it does not matter that these are not Corsair fans they're just fans they're PWM fans the cooler does not care and now we'll just reattach 

everything even though these are thumb screws still use the screwdriver to make sure they're securely in place not too tight just tight enough now to keep the cables out of the fans and off the system memory I am zip tying them off yes I'm zip tying to the hose I am NOT tying that tightly that there's actually slack here this is not very tight this is important never tie anything you see how they're slides never tie anything tight to these hoses it's not ideal but it's really the only place I have to tie it off make sure it's slack because this way it's not going to dig into the

 hose overtime note I don't show it here but after doing the sound test I went and changed the front two fans with knocked or 140s it took another decibel off the sound and further improve the acoustics of the machine so all five fans are now knocked arose with the upgrade complete you can now see that the sound volume has been reduced but the actual decibel level is not tremendously lower the biggest difference is the pitch or the actual frequency of the volume sitting here next to this machine there is a noticeable and perceptible sound improvement 

versus the Corsair and the Coolermaster fan that was installed it is not massively quieter from a decibel reading point of view it's much more pleasant to listen to and for me totally worth doing so if you have an existing system that's just a bit noisy or maybe the pitch or the sound of the fans is not up to your liking these knock tour fans are an excellent choice they're about twenty dollars apiece yes that's a lot for just fans but they're very very well made fans with wonderful accessories and easy installation options you will find link down in the review
description below links to Amazon and Newegg for these fans go check them out and if you're interested in buying them buy it where it makes the most sense to you .

The best Noctua NF-F12 PWM,  4-Pin (120mm, Brown) review

 the Noctua I think that's how you pronounce it I'm not sure if I'm wrong you can guys can correct me in comments below this is the NFF 12 120 millimeter pwm fan no and I know where you guys thinking I have fan why review a computer fan well this ain't no I'm just your typical computer fan this is a pretty high-end fan and I wanted to make a quick review of it so I have a custom built computer that I built myself the CPU cooler I'm using is called a hyper teapot of evil from cooler master and the CPU fan or the fan that came with a cooler it kind of crapped out on me the fan still work but the behringer just shot and it was making so much noise 

instead of contact and cluemaster and trying to get a new fan form from them i bought this one from amazon isn't that bad for a decent quality quality fan but if you having all several fans in your computer case it does add up but anyways when i took it out of the amazon box i was shocked to see how heavy this fan was i mean this is a lot of weight probably over a pound pound and a half I'm so pretty shocked I also noted how well this was packaged I mean a little front door here and it shows you all the cool scientific details of the 

fans that a breakout and some thermal imaging and some air flow visualization yeah have a nice bundle here so you can see the cool fan now on only that the back opens up to to review all the features of the fan as well like all the SSO to Berens the uses and the focus flow system I'm pretty high-tech fan you know if you kind of think about about it but yeah let's take take a look inside step to the side here's what you get inside the box and take the plastic cover off here and review the fan itself let's have some rubber grips on the end or anti-vibration pads so it's a little hard to get out of the package get it up here this is the fan itself pretty far up cable but it does 

come with a extension so that's cool yeah it's made me really well it's got metal bearings which is awesome um very very smooth just the weight of it I'm just very surprised how heavy these things are I'm hoping that doesn't put too much stress on the gun the cool air mount but I have seen quite a few pictures of people using the hyper 212 evil and using two of these on there as a push and pull configuration so it shouldn't be a problem but I'm excited to install this let's see what else is in the package set that down right here so you guys can see it we have what looks 

like an extension cable what does it says it right on it yeah this is the Y cable and it also comes with a low noise adapter this changes the maximum rpm of the fan from 1500 to 1200 I think that's what this does they also give you some screws here fan screws they also give you anti-vibration mounts as well so you don't have to use these if you don't want to know any guys I'm gonna go saw it so this is the CPU cooler I have the hyper 212 Evo and singing tell not using the stock fan and came with because like I said the fan barons crapped out on me so I found a replacement fan in my closet it's probably miss it in my closet for about 10 years now it it's a

 blue LED fan so I actually snipped the wires to the LEDs so cuz it was extremely bright it's running out like 1200 RPM max all the time and barons are starting to go on that as well anyways this is a view of inside my system and that's my new graphics card I just installed 16 gigs right now got my SSD down there okay so I got to fan off and let's take a look at the fan inside beside so this is one I've been using for about a month now it is a cool master fan as well that doesn't make any difference but there's only one that I had to get that was quiet enough

 that I can use temporarily so I have to do now is have to take off these brackets and put them on here okay I got the brackets on the new one I was actually was able to leave the vibration pads on so that was cool now let's install it okay I got the new fan installed took me a few seconds to get plugged in on the ball of the board see there's not much room down here between the CPU cooler and the graphics card right there but I managed to get it in you can see how 

much further I have to bring the fan up order to make clearance for the RAM but not a big deal so I'm gonna go grab power cable and start it up and you see how sound you guys have got the power plugged in hand let's start it up power switch one bottle the power button here we go Wow I think it's quieter I know the no key word hatch I know very nice cool well .

Learn more about the Noctua NF-F12 PWM

ModelBrandNoctuaModelNF-F12 PWM
DetailsTypeCase FanCompatibilityCaseFan Size120mmBearing TypeSSO2 Bearing (second generation self-stabilising oil-pressure bearing)RPM1500 RPM +/- 10% max., 1200 RPM +/- 10% (w/ L.N.A), 300 RPM +/- 10% min. (via PWM control)Air Flow93.40 m3/h max., 74.30 m3/h (w/ L.N.A.)Noise Level22.40 dBA, 18.60 dBA (w/ L.N.A.)Power Connector4 PinColorBrownLEDNo
FeaturesFeaturesFocused Flow frame for pressure demanding applications such as heatsinks and radiators.

Advanced aerodynamic design measures improve efficiency and make the fan's sound pattern more agreeable to the human ear.

Integrated Anti-Vibration Pads minimise the transmission of minute vibrations.

SSO2 Bearing and a metal bearing shell guarantee superior long-term stability.

Low-Noise Adaptor reduces the maximum fan speed from 1500 to 1200 RPM.
Dimensions & WeightDimensions120.00 x 120.00 x 25.00mm
Package ContentsPackage ContentsLow-Noise-Adapter (L.N.A)
Extension Cable
PWM Y-Cable
Anti-Vibration Mounts
Fan Screws.

The best Noctua NF-F12 PWM,  4-Pin (120mm, Brown) review

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