The best AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor - YD270XBGAFBOX review

The best AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor  - YD270XBGAFBOX review

The best AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor  - YD270XBGAFBOX review

The best AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor  - YD270XBGAFBOX review

 it's been a year since AMD launched Rison that was rising seven 1770 hundred X 1800 1800 X the big news being a whole new platform for AMD a whole new architecture called Zen and eight cores with 16 threads of processing power and then they folder will rise than 5 Verizon 3 that is now ancient history because of course Intel counterpunched by launching coffee like its 8th gen CPU which moved from quad core which they've been using for years to six cores and six Intel calls close the gap on eight AMD cause and gave AMD a bit of a fight for their money 

so now it's time for a post from AMD so we have two CPUs launching today we have the horizon 720 700 X and we have the risin 520 600 exits the 2 means its second gen so last year was 1718 hundred x this year and today and for the time being just those two models we have the 2700 x the top cpu being the 2700 x as far as we are aware there is not going to be a 2800 x but who knows now the significant change inside the cpu is a move from 14 nanometer 

fabrication to 12 nanometer the architecture remains untouched however it still Zen although the calling it Zen plus but enough chitchat let's do a quick run of Cinebench because that's gonna tell us a lot about what we need to know let's just crane minute round here and click the button so this is the Rison 720 700 X running as it comes out of the box the only change I've made in the bias of this gigabyte Oris motherboard is to enable XMP so the ddr4 memory is 

running at 3400 megahertz that's mildly significant because previous rise ins would happily run at 3200 megahertz but 30 fonda 30 tarun yeah but other than that stock clock speeds all the boost II type stuff is left up to the bias and the CPU and we are using as you will see the AMD prism cooler so it's running on air cooler the air cooler you get with the CPU and the school we've got is 1800 marks and the reason that significant is because the direct competitor this 

process of a core i7 87 decay coffee lake the six core Intel processor that will run 1,400 marks that stop clock that's 4.3 on all cores and it'll run 1600 marks in Cinebench if you overclock it to 5 gigahertz which is pushing its limits but thermally obviously depends on the exact process you have of course you can deal in coffee late but that's a different story so 1404 1600 this is just 

done 1800 out-of-the-box on an air cooler result game over and surely that's a win for AMD there's no denying that this Rison is very impressive in cinder bench we if we do another run and we keep an eye this time on the clock speeds as shown in HW monitor and we'll see the 

clocks rip up to over 4 gigahertz and then they drop back and they basically sit bang on 4 gigahertz that is precision boost to or work what it means is that there is no longer a fixed all call clock speed in the new horizon 720 700 X essentially it runs at the maximum clock speed possible as long as it's staying inside the thermal and power and current and voltage envelope and that's quite a mouthful but the score is very good now this is a relatively cool room when I was doing my testing early the temperatures a few degrees higher and actually we were 25 

megahertz under the 4 gigahertz well mark not that limit but a mark so the clock speed is a dynamic thing here at kick guru we review a lot of CPU coolers so of course we think that cooler you choose to use in your brand new a core CPU matters of course it does the fact that AMD includes this Wraith prism with the CPU so effectively free of charge is significant for a number of reasons so for one thing it's let's call it of value add okay that's significant because the CPU itself or the CPU package rather is a penny including v80 

here in the UK launch the 8700 which is the one the CPU they're constantly preparing it to is about 3:15 at the moment so close allow for the cooler and this quite a gap that's  difference because of course Intel doesn't supply a cooler with their CPUs or not so cool you'd want to use so this is a point of differentiation but of course the Coon is only worth having if you're gonna use it so if you're going to chuck it straight in the bin then it becomes irrelevant if on the other hand you think I've got it I'm looking for the value I'm gonna use it

 then how good is the cooler in terms of performance it works it defines the CPU as a about four Giga CPU slightly I'm doing a warmer clime when it's nice and cooled it'll go just a tad over four gigahertz all cores and the old cause is significant because that's precision boost too and xfr to the extent of frequency range features working in harmony I have to personally say however I'm not mad keen on this CUDA now it's may but cooler master and you get some 

software with it which controls your RGB lighting that works perfectly where it's a color wheel it does all the usual stuff you saw it working away earlier and it looks the part I have to wonder how many people who want an eight core processor who might be in the more sort of workstation side of things are gonna want an RGB cooler looking all Larry you wouldn't have thought of great many of them which said yes this is more aimed at the earth sort of home 

gamer enthusiasts end of the spectrum that's absolutely fine but I don't much like the fact it's a relatively noisy cooler I mean as the as the load goes up and down the fan speed goes up and down it's a proper PWM job it works correctly in addition to the PWM we've also got the USB which controls the Coolermaster software for lighting or you can instead plug this RGB cable in and connected to your motherboard header in which case your motherboard software will control the RGB lighting that's y'all should be done to death or you can turn off the RGB if you 

are as AMD says an RGB heathen which I quite like actually as a point of observation this is a direct contact of cooler the three heat pipes have flattened surfaces they sit directly the heat spreader of the CPU it's there are grooves I don't much like the finish you can see lines of a Tim and you can also see lines on the heat spread of the CPU I put quite a lot of Tim on here and he's been kind of taken up by the grooves in the cold plate so you are gonna have to use quite a lot of thermal compound and check you got a decent contact having said that it worked well 

enough if you're intending to use this cooler it will work out of the box no need to go liquid if you really don't want to and you can if you choose overclocked about four point one five gigahertz so despite me being a bit it actually performed perfectly satisfactorily while I talk some along the run time aspire to give you eye candy not that there's any doubt the combination of an eight core sixteen thread processor along with the GTX 280 TOI can run 

time is why but it's something to look at and let's run around the spec of this test system so we've got the risin seven twenty seven hundred xcp running at stock clocks at the moment we've got some G skills Sniper X ddr4 memory that's thirty four hundred megahertz the motherboard is a gigabyte X 470 or ask gaming seven Wi-Fi graphics card EVGA gtx 980ti a super clock and the cooler is a fractal design Celsius s 24 underneath the pc we've got a see 

sonic prime titanium thousand watt power supply and the SSD which is a regular Saturday I've is from SK Hynix and is their SC 311 STD 2 things there that stand out although they may well have slip past you the first is that the memory is g.skill Sniper X which is kind of their mainstream memory whereas a with rise and the thread refractor now we use flare x one of the problems frankly was rise and is it's very pernickety when it comes to memory this egg ISA AG ESA which is the firmware that's to do with the memory compatibility it's been an absolute 

swine when rise and launched the original rise in a year ago memory compatibility was just absolutely atrocious and it's got better since has and it's getting better still but the fact is this is still a very young platform compared to all the Intel platform platform spin around now for years the memory manufacturers and lovable manufacturers they've had to get to grips with it and they are getting them so the fact we're now seeing sniper X rather than flare X that's quite encouraging but nonetheless you do want to check very carefully to make sure your 

motherboard and your rise and support the memory or using or indeed the memory want to buy also the cooler have a look at the compatibility of your liquid cooler all the liquid curry or looking at and make sure it has a m4 mounting hardware because you'll often find that Intel is covered backwards and forwards but Rison not necessarily an a m4 that's going to be around till 2020 so it matters now the socket so a m4 which introduced last year Rison and it's going to be around for another generation or two 2020 is the year they said they'll support it until so this 

is still early days but the fact is that despite the fact this processor is pin compatible with X 370 from last year you do need a bias update to support it and furthermore to get the feature updates with the arisin 2nd gen you need an X 470 motherboard so I am gonna get round in some proper long-term testing with Rison motherboards and Rison CPUs to check compatibility with old processors in new motherboards new processes and old motherboards there simply hasn't been time with this launch we've had bias revisions like wouldn't believe 

over the weekend is really caused mayhem and also had a failing graphics card which was a whole different war story so yes the the twin of this gtx 980ti it started to fail me and I didn't twig at first what was going on had all sorts of blue screens and such like I was putting it down to overheating and extreme clock speeds no graphics card so that was a real good waste of time back however to this so compatibility a m4 if you want to get the full benefit of precision boost to an XF - you need to buy a new motherboard to go to their new CPU so your CPU is 300 

pounds or less depending which model you get but your motherboard the I've got here a stack of motherboards and they're all high-end  now I know compared to some of the Intel models which can go from three to six hundred rounds that's relatively cheap nonetheless if you want to buy into this platform that's  right there it's something to consider the spec of this x4 70 horas gaming seven Wi-Fi is interesting in that the 

VM hardware is familiar we've seen it on coffee lake sky lake and all manner of other boards I don't mean to say that gigabyte has just recycled the hardware without thinking but it suggests that what works with that processor family works with this processor family and that's really encouraging to see because it means that the designers aren't working from scratch they haven't got to come up with some whole new solution so you do need to check compatibility of your ddr4 although that's getting better you definitely need to double check the compatibility of

 your cooler whether it's liquid or air cooler to make sure that will actually fit on socket a.m. for there we go nice score overclocking the Rison 720 700 X on air we got to four point one five gigahertz so reliably with the liquid cooler 4.25 and this is how I went about it just as the hardware the motherboard looks conventional so too does the bias it is worth pointing out if you're not familiar with a gigabyte bias this little sort of thing here they have a little pop-up where you'll find q-flash if you don't know where it is that can be a swine to find so easy 

overclocked tuner we ignore we go down to clock ratio and we punch in the number we want which in this case is 42.5 for an accord gigahertz XMP is already enabled and has mentioned before and then we go advanced memory settings we can ignore because that's all handled by XMP advanced voltage settings so we were told to try it by gigabyte up to one point four volts depending on how good the CPU was the lower get away actually with his lows below 1.3 just wasn't to be one point four is what it took and curiously enough they didn't want us messing 

around with the system-on-chip voltage then if you go down to load line calibration and you've got a bunch of sort of names rather than one two three four they go Auto normal standard low medium high turbo and extreme turbo was the one so I guess that's he couldn't - they didn't send the about the load line calibration for the system-on-chip either which was a surprise and that was it and we simply save an exit but before we do that let's just rattle through the rest of bits and pieces in there so that just tells you what's going on the bars that's your boot manager 

in the usual way peripherals nothing interesting there particularly to see you got control of RGB fusion but obviously I do most of that in Windows in the software what else all the usual stuff SATA drives and suchlike and there we go and that should now boot into Windows quite happily at 4.25 gigahertz all calls and voila the test that I found that actually stresses the CPU long enough to actually confirm it's stable not just a momentary thing blender works particularly well for that so we've got four na'kal to get 4.25 there and we start the render Wow

 blenders running you'll want to keep an eye on CPU temperatures so software such as HW monitor is a natural choice a funny thing is though that AMD's really keen for you to use rise in master which is their own software and it's got a kind of Radian drive a sort of interface the this is version 1.3 of the software which is new for the second gen risin if you have an original rise and you can't use this software refuses to run which seems a bit mean and you have temperature and peak speed at the top you also have this star which denotes which is the best 

core if you want to try overclocking individual cause that about is based on the information reported by the motherboard to do with clock speeds and power so quite how the motherboard gets that information whether it's in the cpu or whether the motherboards do something clever not entirely sure but if you want to do that then fine that's not for me similar similarly if you want to knock off simultaneous multi-threading I you reduce it from 16 threads to eight well okay but they only got the wrong processor so we've got temperature reported here but it's a 

big clunky piece of software it does have a certain amount of CPU overhead so I found it better to instead use HW info 64 has a long list of things that it monitors and if we scroll down we have a couple of temperature figures one of which is T CTL and one which is T die there's ten degrees between the two figures I'm not actually sure it's always exactly ten degrees but certainly is here and the T die figure is the one that seems to be the most accurate certainly the processor wasn't throttling on me at any point I mean the system would refuse to run at certain 

clock speeds but it it didn't sort of hit 90 or something degrees to wrap this up I've actually got mixed views about the Rison 720 700 X it's it's a nuanced thing for one thing it's only a marginal improvement over the previous generation Rison for another you really do require an X for 70 motherboard to use with a new CPU rather than mixing matching with an old motherboard that seems quite clear the layout the construction of the new generation of motherboards is certainly superior to the original so you've got to budget the money balanced 

against that the new CPUs are considerably cheaper than the first generation arises when they launched so in a sense you could actually buy a new Rison 7 with motherboard for the same price as the very first wave of horizon 7 1800 X's which is a very pleasant surprise as to who's going to use the CPUs and how they're going to use them this is the thing if you want to play games then Intel still has the lead in IPC on the other hand rise and gives you more cores and it seems quite clear that's going to give you better future proofing but at the moment how many games require six cores let alone for we are moving in that direction but right now if you buy a 

coffee late with six cos you're good you're good for a while yet the advantage of 8 over 6 in gaming really you have to scratch around to find that advantage but if you're doing work that requires flat-out grunt so blender rendering video editing and such like the egg cause arisin are we and here's the thing if you're doing that kind of work you probably already own a risin if you didn't rush out to buy the eight core rise and when it came out last year or one on the sixth cause versus the fall cause of Intel why didn't you if you didn't rush out to buy the eight call last 

year rather than you know double the cause of quad core albeit not as good why are you now gonna rush out to buy an eight call when you can buy the six core Intel that's the conundrum I cannot see anyone with the first gen rise Dan upgrading motherboard and process as a second gen I mean sure there be some people but it doesn't make an awful lot of sense the advantage you're gain for the money you spend not really worth the aggravation if you want to go out and buy the Rison good on you it's a good choice but I would question why you haven't already got into rising it's been out for a year and rise in seven seven two hundred and eighteen hundred 

they're good so possibly you've just started doing more CPU intensive workloads that that's perfectly possible and now you need a proper CPU and you want the six core Intel all the eight core AMD and you could more or less flip a coin on it that's the truth of it I actually prefer the way that AMD handles the clock speed dynamic power balancing whereas in to--if you're overclocking the coffee leg and you push it up to five gigahertz it just gets hot I mean it goes faster it gets hotter you know the exponential power thing that's required if you're gonna do 

that you really would be doing it to kindness to deal it and give it some proper cooling because the package is fairly nasty that is one area where AMD continues to shine with the solder the heat spreader and now going to continue doing that we hear rumors the Intel might do the same as mahai and CPUs at some point and I say bring it on but here and now that's an AMD thing and it works well I like the way that AMD handles the dynamic speed and power trade-off they do it very well and if they continue to improve on that that'll be brilliant so in that 

sense AMD's actually more sophisticated to my mind than Intel I'm not the least bit clear how many people are going to rush to buy this processor and motherboard just because on paper it's better in certain use cases than the Intel the previous generation was better er it had a distinct advantage if your video editing with 8 cores of Rison you kick full cause of Intel all around the park no two ways about it but then of course you can always move up to the x2 9 line platform and yeah it's an endless conundrum and if you're gonna do that why not thread Ripper pulling 

this back to the absolute fundamentals Rison 720 700 X works well it delivers good results it's been a surprisingly stable platform despite from a dying graphics card which let me down a horrible blind alley overall it's been good to work with so far and I am quite confident it's gonna continue to be good and will get better because that's the nature of these things but the fact is I cannot bring myself to love it I really wasn't that impressed by that prism cooler which 

is a shame because I thought it would be when I switched over to liquid cooling that certainly helped it's much quieter and much more sophisticated and that's a shame if you buy the high end processor you get what looks like a decent package but I'd be inclined to actually Park the prison cooler shame but there we go so there we have it do please head over to kit guru net to 

look at the graphs and suchlike when i finally get around to making them because they should give you a lot more information I'll be able to put into this review there'll be detail about power temperature and all the rest of it as you would expect plus endless benchmarks .

The best AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor  - YD270XBGAFBOX review

 it's the rise in 720 700x RGB pc build yes we'll be using the brand new rising 2nd gen processor and let me tell you 2700 x is a beast and today I'm making an ultimate RGB PC build in a budget of around 1 lakh rupees if you're using all top of the line components from AMD Asus and Coolermaster alright let me show you the components that we'll be using in today's build so let's first start with the processor this is AMD is brand new 2nd gen rise in seventh CPU the model is 2700 X 

it's an 8 cores 16 thread processor has a base clock frequency of 3.7 gigahertz and a max clock frequency of 4.3 gigahertz and this processor comes with the all new red prism cooler this stock cooler comes with RGB lighting on it how cool is that let me unbox it and take the CPU out so here is the rise in 7 2700 X the packing looks very similar to the previous models I'm super excited to see how it performs and along with that you get the heat sink fan pre included in the box let me open it and show you so here is the all-new red prism cooler it's an RGB LED cooler

 looks quite nice has a big heat sink with direct contact heat pipes for improved thermal management AMD has definitely stepped up their game here and also guys this cooler is exclusive and comes only with the risin 720 700 X the 2700 X cost about twenty four thousand five hundred rupees the motherboard I will be using is all new asus rog crosshair seven hero gaming motherboard it has a name for socket and the brand new x4 70 chipset it's made for the new rising 2nd gen processors and the rise in process with Vega graphics supports nvidia sli 

AMD crossfire and also has a sauce or a sink ok let's unbox it and check out the motherboard it's an awesome gaming motherboard has lots of features like one-click overclocking capabilities supreme FX audio or a sync technology and also has onboard Wi-Fi so this is how the ROG crosshair seven hero looks like beautiful motherboard the graphics card I will be using for today's build days asus strix geforce gtx 1066 TV model it's an ultimate graphics card for 1080p gaming at Ultra settings let me open it and show you it comes in this sort of box 

packing so here is the Strix GTX 1060 it's got a 0 DB triple fan wing blade design the build quality is very good Hazara RGB lighting on it and it's also we are ready this is how the back looks like it's got a beautiful ROG logo on the back coming to the ramp I'll be using the g.skill sniper it's ddr4 Ram they've got an awesome camouflage design on them it looks really cool they're compatible with the new Rison processors and I've got two RAM sticks here each of 

eight gigs so I'll be using a total of 16 gigs of ram in today's build for the storage I'm going with only an SSD this is Kingston's HyperX fury for 80 GB SSD it's a high performance entry-level SSD and as a good read and write speeds it costs about twenty thousand rupees actually you don't need this big SSD you can go with the 240 GB SSD plus a 1tb hard disk and save around ten thousand rupees here I'm using it because I don't have any other SSD right now the power supply I'm using in this build is cooler masters master watt 750 it's a semi fanless modular 80 

plus bronze certified power supply it's an excellent power supply for this build let me just take it out of the box and show you so this is how the master what 750 looks like and finally coming to the case I'm using cooler masters master Box MB 500 this is such a beautiful RGB PC case guys it's got three pre-installed RGB fans on it two on the front one on the back you can completely control the RGB light in the built quality of the case is very good you got the cooler master logo on the front it's made of metal few parts of plastic and as a tempered glass panel on 

the side the front control panel is here at the top and has this nice magnetic mesh like filter to prevent dust from entering into the cabinet and this is how the tempered glass panel on it comes off the cabinet is quite spacious you can put in all your components very easily so these were all the components we'll be using in today's build let's get started with the assembly first let's install the around the motherboard we've got a name for socket here just pull the lever gently 

like this you'll notice that there are no pins on the socket that's because the pins will be present on the processor in the case of AMD chips you need to be a bit careful here make sure you don't touch those delicate pins on the cpu and before placing it on the socket always take that you align the engraved triangle on the socket with the gold triangle on the cpu after that's done just pull down the liver and lock the CPU in its place so that is how you install a CP on the motherboard now let's install the sniper X RAM sticks just open the levers check the direction 

and push the RAM until the lever locks itself let's also install the other one and that's done the installation of the wraith prism cooler was very easy you just need to put it on top of the processor fix the two metal hooks on the cooler to the mount plate on the motherboard and after that you need to lock the cooler in its place for that you've got a lever over here you just need to push it hardly on the other side to fix the cooler firmly in its place I didn't put any 

thermal paste on the CPU because the stock cooler already comes with the thermal paste applied on the contact surface now it's time to place a motherboard in the case the MB 500 is quite spacious you can fit all kinds of motherboards like ATX micro ATX and also mini ITX so place your motherboard like this and align it with the screw holes on the cabinet after that fix the motherboard to the case with some screws just like this we're halfway done with the build guys let's install the graphics card on the motherboard you need to install the graphics card in the PCI slot closest to the CPU put the graphics card in the slot and gently push it to lock the 

GPU in its place and the final step you need to do is install the power supply in the cabinet take the cables to the other side and slide the power supply in the bottom compartment and fix it to the case with the help of given schools we are all done with the assembling part the only thing that's left to do is connect all the power supply cables to the components so here is our build guys I have connected all the cables the red prism cooler looks very nice our gtx 960 is here let me show you the SSD i've fixed the HyperX fury to the cabinet like this and also connected all 

the RGB fans to the motherboard alright let's power on our RGB build and check it out so we've successfully built our rise in seven 2700 x RGB pc build and holy smokes it looks gorgeous look at those RGB fans they look so awesome through the glass the complete RGB lighting can be controlled with a sauce or a sync software let me remove the tempered glass panel and show you the beautiful RGB components just look at those parts guys this PC looks so gorgeous trust me I am totally in love with this build and let me tell you about the cooler 

AMD's red prism is literally the most beautiful stock color I've ever seen till now I don't even need to tell anything just look at it it looks like eye candy to me I think this is my new favorite RGB PC of 2018 , and this is the setup I'm using for today's rise in seven 2700 X build the monitor I am using is LG 24mp 88 it's a 1080 P infinity display monitor the keyboard and the mouse I'm using are from Coolermaster I'll just leave links to them in the description box and the speakers are from F and D now let's talk about the benchmarks the rise in 720 700 X 

caught a single core score of 4000 522 and a multi-core score of 23,000 867 these benchmarks were done on the base clock frequency now imagine if I overclocked it to four or four point three gigahertz the results will blow you away it's an amazing processor for the price compared to the previous gen rides and processors the newer second generation CPUs are 10 to 12 percent faster on an average that's a huge improvement coming to the OpenCL score we got about one lakh 35,000 949 which is as expected from the Strix gtx 1060 the 1060 paid with the rise in 720

 700 X makes it an ultimate 1080p gaming machine so let's move on to the gaming section and see how it performs let's start with GTA 5 and playing the game at 1080 P max graphics settings as you can see everything is set to max alright let's play the game and see how it performs by the way I'm using an Xbox 360 controller to play the game a much used to playing games with these controllers only so let's get going I actually planned on making this build with the 1070 TI but for some reason it got delayed and didn't reach me on time that's why I had to 

go with the 1060 GTX 1060 is also a good card it's more than enough for playing games in 1080p at max graphic settings the game feels buttery smooth I was easily getting around 60 to 70 frames per second into TF 5 its stock settings I didn't even overclock anything am very curious to see how it will perform an overclock it to 4.3 gigahertz and pair it with a 1070 TI I'll definitely make a separate video on that if you guys are really interested to see the test results just let me know in the comment section , please homie now let's play Just Cause 3 and 

see how it will perform and playing it at max graphic settings even Just Cause 3 was playing buttery smooth on this build was easily getting around 60 frames per second on an average now let's move on to battlefield one as you can see all the graphic settings are set to ultra let's play the game I just love this build it's an ultimate 1080p gaming beast on battlefield one I was getting an average frame rate of around 80 to 90 frames per second and not only 1080p have also tested the game at 1440p resolution and got an average frame rate of 65 frames per second 

I was quite satisfied with the gaming performance I just wish I had a 10 70 or above coupled with the 2700 X that would have been amazing don't worry I'll definitely do a build on that also very soon so that was my review on the horizon 727 and X RGB PC build it's an ultimate 1080p gaming beast for around 1 lakh rupees and yes it's also good for 1440 B gaming let me summarize all the component prices for you the Rison 727 hundreds will cost around 25000 rupees it's an excellent CPU for the price definitely value for money the gtx 1066 gb cost 35,000 

rupees they zeus crosshair 7 hero x4 70 will cost iran 20,000 rupees i'm not sure about the price because it's not yet available in the market the G scale Sniper X 16 GB RAM cost 15,000 rupees here you can actually go with 8 GB of RAM that's enough for 1080p gaming so you'll save about 7,000 rupees here the masterbox MB 500 RGB PC case cost five thousand five hundred rupees coming to the storage the HyperX fury for 80 GB SSD is priced for twenty thousand degrees here also you can go with a 240 GB SSD plus 1 TB hard disk that would save you 

another ten thousand rupees and the cooler masters master about 750 power supply is priced for about 7500 so the total cost of the PC I built comes down to one lakh twenty eight thousand rupees and the cost of the PC Bill I suggested comes down to one lakh 10000 rupees and for that price you're getting an amazing RGB PC which will definitely impress you with its performance in both gaming and productivity so that was my video on the horizon 7 2700 x 
RGB build .

Learn more about Ryzen 7 2700X

ModelBrandAMDProcessors TypeDesktopSeriesRyzen 7 2nd GenNameRyzen 7 2700XModelYD270XBGAFBOX
DetailsCPU Socket TypeSocket AM4Core NamePinnacle Ridge# of Cores8-Core# of Threads16Operating Frequency3.7 GHzMax Turbo Frequency4.3 GHzL1 Cache768KBL2 Cache4MBL3 Cache16MBManufacturing Tech12nm64-Bit SupportYesMemory TypesDDR4 2933Memory Channel2Virtualization Technology SupportYesPCI Express Revision3.0Max Number of PCI Express Lanes16Thermal Design Power105WCooling DeviceHeatsink and fan included.

The best AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor  - YD270XBGAFBOX review

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