G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288Desktop Memory Model F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC

G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288Desktop Memory Model F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC
G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288Desktop Memory Model F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC

G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288Desktop Memory Model F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC

About this product

Product Identifiers
eBay Product ID (ePID)

Product Key Features
Capacity per Module
8 GB
Number of Modules
Number of Pins
Bus Speed
PC4-28800 (DDR4-3600)
Form Factor
Total Capacity
16 GB

the role of RAM memory in today's generation of PCs is significant for both stability and performance and many tend to relativize the importance of one of the most basic components ram memory has become more important with the launch of the new generation of multi-core CPUs the more cores your processor has the more important is the need to use a faster memory on your computer this is quite noticeable on the latest generation of AMD arise in 3000 cpu

 series which has a separate memory controller for the Infinity fabric bus so it supports operation of much higher operating frequencies with RAM that it did with previous generation of CPUs the immense popularity of the AMD arisin 3000 processor series has led all the leading Ram manufacturers to include specialized modules in their offerings optimized for AMD X 470 and X 570 platform today we present you one of these Ram options in the form of g.skill 

Trident Zinio 3 600 CL 16 16 gigabyte memory kits that are configured in dual channel mode using two existing eight gigabyte memory modules each g.skill is one of the current most popular and preferred brands in the world of ram due to the fact that the last couple of years it had the highest performance product in its range certainly the most famous of the series are the Trident z models which were among the first to bring the advanced RGB light effects and 

combine that with top performance considering the features of the Zen 2 architecture and the fact that they deliver best results working with a memory at 3600 megahertz frightened Zinio comes with a working profile tuned to allow operation a frequency of 3600 mega Hertz with CL 16 delay factors this makes the memory are ready to boost your performance affair AMD arisin platform to its maximal level in addition to performance the Triton Zinio is also noticeable for 

its exceptionally attractive cooler appearance that combines black brush aluminum with solar surfaces the RGB light bar with eight addressable LEDs houses and a milky white diffuser that translates the effect into pleasing shades of light and works really beautiful and quite appealing light effects are controlled from the dead energy skill application but they also support 
motherboard life control programs for all the leading manufacturers such as gigabyte RGB

 fusion MSI mystic light and so on however what we're most interested is the performance the G skill tried and Zinio modules are manufactured in 10 layer technology which guarantees better signal quality and integrity making it easier to achieve high operating frequencies and low latency values in response to the requested data the second dimension of quality and 

performance of these modules is refracted by the fact the memory chips are manually bent to achieve absolute stability at declared or clocked operating frequencies to simply put it top quality workmanship that maximizes the performance factory loaded XMP profiles support the following parameters , everything we said earlier about these Rams sound almost perfect but how does it really look like in real use in everyday applications and games when you compare the performance of the Triton Zinio memory with some of the cheaper modules at 

twenty six hundred and sixty-six megahertz the situation is following the tried and Zinio 3600 has shown performance gains and applications that they advantage a faster system data transfer such as archiving programs that record up to 17% better performance applications for creating more demanding content such as video editing 3d rendering scenes do not feel an overwhelming benefit by recording up to 2.5% acceleration while Windows 10 registers gain up to 25% and system environment and some system utilities such as RAM disk application give a 

speed of 20 percent in terms of gaming performance the acceleration ranges between 5 to 10 percent it may sound small at first glance but if you convert it to a frame rate it means that a game like Gears 5 which averages 60 frames per second you get 6 more as a result of using faster Ram far cry 5 is similar resulting in seven additional frames with an average frame rate at 100 frames per second all in full HD in addition to working on the values of the loaded 

profile which is actually the optimally affected value since the memory controller is set to operate at 1800 megahertz and where the f CL K is equal to the optimal 1800 megahertz we also try to measure the impact the further reduction of primary latency factors this procedure presupposes an additional voltage rise to one point 4 volts however we were not able to reduce the delay factor to see L 14 it was an ambitious attempt because it is obvious that the built-in SK Hynix chips did not reach such low latency values a high operating frequencies at 3 600 

megahertz we were able to achieve such low delay rates at 3200 megahertz but with all the reduction panel deals it carries with lower clock speeds we also tried raising the operating frequencies with identical latency factors and achieving a maximum of stable 4000 megahertz at a voltage of one point 42 waltz however we have to introduce additional dividers in operation with the controller so effectively the memory benefits only in applications that are depending to

 a higher data transfer value and at the same time not depend on response we'd the achieved frequencies allow for a 5% performance gain in data archiving applications while demanding content creation applications they're pretty equal and crashes occur in some utility programs such as RAM disk the Windows 10 system environments simply adores memory of the higher frequencies and in this particular case honors 3.5% of the game the gaming scenario does not 

like the slowdown in communication with the RAM so the backlog is between 3 to 9% those who want even more and faster have more expensive tried and roil modules at their disposal but g.skill tried and Zinio 3,600 CL 16 will offer most users optimum performance for the money invested g.skill tried and Zinio 3,600 CL 16 is a dazzling beautiful and attractive ram that will definitely be a prized jewel on your configuration it wins you over with its RGB light 

effects and it's a great choice to own if you have a transparent panel on your computer case in addition to being beautiful it captures great performance and quality workmanship it is also not very expensive because it's worth it,s a pretty average in this category it proved to be flawless in use and once again proved why g.skill shrine and Z memories are so 
desirable this is why we would definitely recommend buying them .

G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288Desktop Memory Model F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC

 this g.skill trident Zed or trident z neo ddr4 memory specifically ddr4 thirty six hundred megahertz thirty two gigabytes dual channel so tuber sixteen gig pricing varies hugely depending on where you go shopping bnh appears to be the cheapest and surprisingly g.skill zone store and amazon looks to be the most expensive so pricing refer to our written page for details and check links carefully because the pricing could throw you quite significantly I'm working on the basis this is priced at the time of this review I've made 

some notes about the old way of buying ddr4 for your gaming or workstation PC assuming you are using an Intel desktop processor which after was the mainstream you will typically look at the clock speed so 3200 whatever megahertz you look at the capacity in gigabyte say a gigabyte or 16 gig probably dual channel memory timings latency that was one for the aficionado the average noob doesn't have the first thing that latency and most enthusiasts know something about latency its ticks of the clock for the memory to get his work done that latency in 

nanoseconds then we've got cost as I've just referred to their cost is hugely tricky and we know that as you go up the speed scale from a manufacturer such as Corsair or indeed g.skill you can suddenly start paying a massive premium for the next speed bump difference between 4000 megahertz and 30 866 might be eye watering and you think well that's a tiny percentage increase in clock speed huge amount of money you have to you have to look at the price to 

speed thing berry carefully physical compatibility with your motherboard in your CPU cooler with a great big air cooler is not to other physical compatibility matters with an all-in-one liquid cooler not so much nonetheless installing memory on a motherboard it has to fit a cooler sounds obvious not always that easy and then we get compatibility with your motherboard and see you in the case of Intel generally speaking plug it in an able XMP in the biased job done 

with AMD it's been more difficult however with Rison 3000 this is non line 3600 X compatibility has improved hugely original rise and not-so-good rise in 2000 significantly better still a bit tricky Rison 3000 oh yes that's getting there the motherboard is a gigabyte X 570 horas elite I have a range of memory here and just to kick things off in the correct vein these three sets of memory all use Samsung B die chips this corsair dominator platon 3200 this t46 caliber 3600 and this G skill Trident Zed raw 4000 would not work on this ball but this 

processor and I should probably say with this bias with XMP enabled boot up absolutely fine enable XMP no joy so that Samsung B died in those three sets however this G skill Trident said RGB here also uses B dye works like a dream no problem so the issue is not Samsung B diaper say it's combinations of things and that's where the compatibility with your motherboard and CPU comes into the equation so if we take that trident z trident z RGB and if we take this royal with the funktastic mirrored heat spreader and the lovely crystal light diffuser obviously the 

modules themselves physically are basically what they are identical except for the aesthetic differences and that same is true of the Triad neo however under the surface all different the RGB uses be dyed the humorous thing there being is memory manufacturers tell us that Samsung has told them that B dies end-of-life and has been for months now and yet it continues supplying it so if management if manufacturers want to buy B die it seems that Samsung will 

continue making it then we get the Trident Z royal 30 200 megahertz specifically that uses SK Hynix C died apparently 18 nanometer but it's still the same density as Samsung B die it's still eight gigabit factures switch between ICS all the time generally they go to SK Hynix to save money that's what we understand at any rate and then we come to Trident Zinio with its a.m. do you rise and logo on the packet this is the first time that we've seen SK Hynix di in action 

and as far as we can see d die and c die from SK Hynix it's basically the same clearly there's something different going on under the surface fabrication process appears to have gone from 18 nanometer 217 nanometer as if that makes the blinds bit difference density is still a gigabit however the modules on our 16 Giga piece so 32 in total for dual channel and it is compatible with AMD out of the box plug it internal XMP job done better a MP that we saw very briefly 

which is kind of XMP for AMD that's not a thing when you turn on your PC go in the bias enable XMP all being well it should work otherwise you've got problems manual memory tuning and so on well if you like it's an awful lot of hard work and realistically of these kits for work out of the box 3 do not bats compatibility with your motherboard and CPU and then we get RGB now you might not care less about RGB in which case fair enough however RGB is a 

thing and there's no doubt about it there's Corsair Vengeance LP X this is now very slow very crusty very low density 4 gigabytes per module 32 hundred megahertz modest latency I keep it around because it's my get out of jail memory it's as dumb as a brick it's just black in color on this particular version you can get them in red and blue as I recall but it just tends to work if me lpx don't work I've got a problem G scale flare X also dumb as a brick in terms of just a 

black heat spreader the significant thing with flare X is compatible with thread Ripper original thread Ripper you could put four of these modules in the next three in and I'm bored it would work or put two into other systems they would work so not exciting heat spreader slightly taller than the LP x no I GB again gets me out of jail and then we have the Trident zrg B with the RGB under this diffuser here looks very pretty works with G skills own utility the same is true

 quite frankly of the Royal except it looks more glitzy with that diffuser there and the same is true of neo you have to use G skills utility it works perfectly well it is not gonna sink with your motherboard there's a slight flaw in the Ottoman ear because it's tempting to say that no memory manufacturers utilities syncs with motherboards until CES the other week when Corsair announced they've got a tie-in with the zoo Sora so from there's a beta now actually if you have a Anna's ooze or a motherboard and you're running Corsair memory and other bits 

and pieces and you're using their IQ software you fire up or minimize it and then IQ will take over and will sync all your hardware including your motherboard to IQ so that has changed things slightly if that's the route you want to go down other than that all memory manufacturers such as team with their own utility for their memory they're in a very similar position to G school you need the correct utility for that company I think every memory 

manufacturer has just the one utility for their RGB so you have your G SKU utility you're fired up you control the memory it looks lovely the big thing with Neo its compatibility with AMD Rison as we move on to discuss benchmarking I've done some kick guru merch because I need the wind of my back for this benchmarking memory is a thankless task synthetic tests work beautifully for memory but finding a benefit in the real world or a problem in the real world 

slightly more difficult for our test setup the motherboard is a gigabyte X 570 or a silly graphics card is an Nvidia r-tx 2080 founders Edition power supply see Sonic prime platinum we're using Noctua n age 15 as our air cooler to make sure everything stays lovely and chill processor risin 930 900 X running or auto settings out of the box memory XMP enabled this is stock stuff this is going for that dynamic see what it can do if you just plug it in turn it on and let it rip so

 here's the thing with synthetic benchmarks we can run tests and we demonstrate that faster memory works better and lower latency memory works better we have the results that demonstrate that and this is no surprise whatsoever there are a couple little surprises when I come to those in the main synthetic tests show that what synthetic tests do not show is that an 8 gigabyte kit - before gigabytes versus a tuber 16 32 gigabyte kit it doesn't show any benefit or hardly any benefit of 32 gig / 16 gig or 8 gig funny but true there are certain scenarios where if

 you obviously if you're running multiple tabs you open Chrome and then open multiple tabs within your browser and such like that's gonna eat memory we know that but of course if you're benchmarking that's not a good thing to do because it's totally unrepeatable so real world versus synthetic test it's a horrible fraught situation a trident zen RGB 38 66 this is fascinating back when Luke did his launcher of rise in 3000 he talked about the memory 

controller once you moved beyond 30 600 megahertz or so the memory controller speed is halved the spec of the 38 66 with its 1819 1939 timings not brilliant timings but not bad the performance is low the reason is that Rison 9x 570 is not driving this memory to its full speed and you can see the results so for Rison nine less you've got some clever manual settings in mind 3600 megahertz is as fast as you want to go in real-world tests particularly games the 3600 pulls ahead by a small margin and where it specifically helps we've seen this previously is in 

terms of raising minimum frame rates fund enough in some of our tests by up to 5 fps a significant number of frames and a significant percentage in other tests you do see changes you see benefits in there Nia thanks to a 36 hundred megahertz speed but they are small one other thing you see with the Trident Xenia it's inaction is the power draw for the system is higher above out 5 watts I had a word with Luke about this because I was seeing the same numbers 

consistently and I said what's going on here to which he said in essence that's the system being allowed to work you know to its max the memory is just letting the system do its thing and as a result performance is very slightly higher and power draw is very slightly increased clearly using more power is not a good thing we like efficiency we like low power draw however in this instance it's just demonstrating that the slightly faster neo is doing something compared to the other memories interesting to see that literally at the wall socket in terms of the RGB 

illumination the neo looks perfectly decent but it doesn't look significantly different to the trident said RGB it does look substantially different to the Royal I happen to like the look of the Royal a great deal on the other hand if we want your memory to be part of a system rather than standing out as they look at me look at me then the raw might not be for you pricing if you buy neo from B&H the pricing is quite sensible it is very slightly more expensive than a comparable kit of Corsair lpx not a lot in it then the LP X 32 gig kit has various slightly slower latencies 

than an air in the real world a better you'll notice much difference the much bigger difference is the fact that the neo is RGB and is compatible rise in 3000 that is its big selling point the small percentage here or there that's a bonus the compatibility rise in 3000 that is why you're buying this memory so provided you pay sensible money or less for the 32 gig kit 3600 megahertz and you plug it into your x5 70 motherboard I think you're going to be very happy at Trident 

Sarnia but the thing for me is not whether you get a little bit of extra performance not whether you boost your frame rates in games of Tad's those are welcome it's not the end of the world it's the compatibility with Rison 3000 that it sells this memory for me and therefore I am pleased to give g.skill Trident Zinio the metaphorical thumbs up it's a good product I like it and on that 
note .

Learn more about the G.SKILL F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC

ModelBrandG.SKILLSeriesTrident Z Neo SeriesModelF4-3600C16D-16GTZNC
DetailsCapacity16GB (2 x 8GB)Type288-Pin DDR4 SDRAMSpeedDDR4 3600 (PC4 28800)CAS Latency16Timing16-19-19-39Voltage1.35VECCNoBuffered/RegisteredUnbufferedMulti-channel KitDual Channel KitColorN/AHeat SpreaderYesFeaturesDesigned and tested for AMD Ryzen 3000 series CPUs

Optimized compatibility with AMD X570 chipset

Sleek dual-tone aluminum heatspreader design

Fully customizable RGB lighting supportLED ColorRGBFan IncludedNoDescriptionN/A.

G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288Desktop Memory Model F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC

To find out more from Amazon link below

1 comment :

  1. "https://gccgamers.com/computer-parts-components/rams/g-skill-trident-z-rgb-cl18-16gb-2x8gb-ddr4-4000mhz-f4-4000c18d-16gtzrb.html
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