VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse with Unique Silent Click review

VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse with Unique Silent Click review
VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse with Unique Silent Click review

VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse with Unique Silent Click review

Decent build quality for the price.

Inconsistent CPI.
Very high click latency.
No customization or button programming due to lack of working software.

Minimum CPI (DPI)
800 CPI (DPI)
Maximum CPI (DPI)
2400 CPI (DPI)
CPI (DPI) Adjustment Steps
400 CPI (DPI)
CPI (DPI) Error
-9.1 %
Mouse Acceleration
Lift Off Distance
2.4 mm
Maximum Polling Rate
250 Hz

The performance of this mouse is good. Its CPI can be adjusted, though only up to 2400, which isn't nearly as high as most gaming mice. We also found quite a significant CPI error which changed depending on how quickly you moved the cursor, which means its sensitivity will change during use.

Battery Type
1x AA
Use When Charging
No ( Single use batteries)
On/Off Activation
Auto Off And On/Off Switch

The VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse is a wireless-only mouse that uses a dedicated USB receiver. There's no USB input on the mouse at all, as it uses a single AA battery for power.


Cable Length 0.0 ft (0.0 m)
Port Type: Mouse End
No Port
Port Type: PC End
No Cable

The VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse is a wireless-only mouse that uses a single AA battery for power, so there's no cable whatsoever.
Compatible Software Option

Software Name CA32 Driver
Software Windows Compatibility
Software macOS Compatibility
Account Needed
No Software
On-Board Memory
CPI (DPI) Adjustment
Polling Rate Adjustment
Profile Configuration
RGB On/Off

While VicTsing's website had a download for software for this mouse, we would strongly recommend not installing it. When installing the software, our computer simply ran the task, without showing a graphic interface, and then disabled mouse clicks on our PC. We tried several mice, and while we could move the cursor, none of them were able to click. Upon 

rebooting the PC, the software auto-booted on start-up so we had to use our keyboard to uninstall the software. We tried on two different computers and had the same results on each. If you want to reprogram the buttons of this mouse, we suggest using a reliable third-party program.

greetings everyone hope you're keeping well out there as I'm sure you all know by now my name is Alex and today we are here check this out which is in fact a highly sought after budget Gaming Mouse so been looking for a new Mouse now for quite a while and I'm just gonna show you the one I've currently been using for the past six seven years and yeah it's the Nexus 5 D optical mouse it works really well I've had no trouble with it at all but straight away it's wired 

ok so that's a bit of a down point I'd rather have something that is Wireless like this one but the main thing that I had to get rid of this one for is basically the DES that is on it so today we're gonna send this little old chap off to retire and then we're gonna unbox this one and test them out starting off with the packaging then well the first thing I'd like to mention is that this is not in the box I thought it was coming in because when I've checked out other reviews on this 

mouse and it came in a different box honestly what I saw was just like big plastic colorful immense casing but this this is cardboard but I'm not gonna take anything away from the actual mouse itself I mean the package has arrived bow secure nothing's rattling around inside you've got the company logo on the top there a nice picture of the actual Mouse and then it states Wireless optical mouse let's take a look inside then and we have the mouse and the 

instructions and nothing else in there so we don't need that anymore take this out of here and Wow well you know what I am surprised with just how good that looks I mean that is like something from the future don't forget I've come from this to go to that and I think straight away in terms of how comfortable that is mask I mean that's getting nice to use that design is very very awesome it really is I mean it just looks absolutely phenomenal and on the top here you've got this very smooth and quite moist feeling matte black finish where you best your 

hands and then everything else is in like a go see black plastic now this scrolling wheel here is moving absolutely flawless it feels actually quite beautiful and I love the little indentations here on the rubber to allow you to get a bit of a better grip with your finger these two points here are for adjusting the CPI and then on the side off so you've got the forward and back buttons and they're moving on too quickly underneath we've got an on/off switch and as well as a light 

on/off switch as well so you can actually adjust if your domain you save a bit of battery life you can't have the lights off I'm gonna have them on though because I think that'll look quite spectacular and look at this here this is what I do like this little hideaway conceals the nano receiver which you obviously you just plug straight into your laptop or PC and then that allows you to use this Mouse wisely before we set it up though let's just check out this rather basic 

instruction manual okay we changed it to almost like a map okay now so it is multi-language I don't need any of the rest of that I just need this bit right here tell us all of a sixth or if you know how to use it how to customise it but let's just quickly go over some of these put up the features so top level Wireless Gaming Mouse solution okay then and the battery can last over 12 months it's got 2.4 gigahertz 2-way transmission distance which can reach up to 30 meters so that is that's actually quite a large distance I mean it in a while maybe sitting that far away 

from my PC but maybe if you are doing a presentation yeah that's gonna be quite handy to have fine adjust about CPI level of 800 1200 1600 2000 or 2400 and finally it states here that it has a multi-stage power saving mode which is always a good thing to have you don't want your mouse going dead right in the middle of maybe some epic gaming because that would just be highly annoying so that's the instructions doing live now and I forgot to mention by the way this is nice and quiet that is a super quiet click now if I just go to this one I'll put up to the 

microphone you can just about hear that and then this one nice and quiet again as you can now see I've got both mice connected up to my PC on the left here we have the classic Mouse for this mouse pad and then of course on the right we have this wireless stylish-looking supposedly Gaming Mouse I'm just gonna talk you through how they feel and of course how responsive they are so this is now the classic Mouse okay the one on the left with its mousepad and of course I know how this feels it feels fairly responsive you know it's easy to use you know it 

doesn't go flying around off the screen or anything like that but of course the downside for me really is that you have to have a mousepad but overall I do like it and it has saved me well now if we move on to this Gaming Mouse I mean straight away it feels entirely different it feels very nice very modern and of course it looks very slick now you can actually adjust the sensitivity of this Gaming Mouse with just a simple push of a button now I've been using this on its lower 

setting at around 800 CPI but with one simple press of a button I'm gonna go off now it goes off every four hundreds of FS it once you get a red light flashing and it flashes twice to show you that it's on the second setting so 800 + 2 400 takes it up to 212 from the CPI setting which and of course makes it even more sensitive now I'm just gonna show you some game footage and hopefully be able to see a bit of a comparison between how fast and the active each Mouse is 

and of course the different settings on the new mouse so starting off with the old Mouse as you can see I'm nice and easily being able to look around I'm not flying all over the place let's just see if I can go and find a targets now there's one behind me up there apparently and I can go get him and walking it slow hey hey there we go got one and yeah it was pretty cool actually I was able to easily move my mouse lock onto my target and you know put them to rest moving 

on to the gaming mouse now on its maximum CPI setting which is 2,400 and I mean even with just the slightest bit of movements as you can see it just flies all over the place if I move that literally about what half a centimeter but very fast I am going all over the place now I'm not a gamer and I'm not used to it maybe maybe that's the setting you want I don't know but let's just see if I can cheat but I went to walk up that ladder and like yeah there we go no it's just far 

too sensitive oh there you are get them well I wanna kill them and now I'm using this on its lowest setting which is eight on the DPI there you go it's nice and smooth I'm not flying around the local place I mean I can still move very quick and I do that but that is of course up to me if I wish that to happen but yeah you're on its lowest setting this works well for me now I'm not a gamer like I've said many a time so for you you might want it more sensitive but of course 

you've got five options there to choose from on just how sensitive you want the mouse to react right then so that was just a quick overview and of course demonstration of the X - 0 8 Gaming Mouse in action and you know what for me personally I think it is very cool I mean just looking at it it looks very stylish it looks very gamer esque if that is a word but most importanly it feels very comfortable as well I mean it just it just rests easily on your hands there and of course 

you've got the different options of how sensitive you want to use it so maybe if you are an elite gamer out there and you really want it to be super super sensitive then of course you can just increase that setting but maybe if you like me and you do a lot of maybe Photoshop or first of editing video editing and you don't really want it to be that hyper going across your screen then yeah you can just lower that down until you find your preference so overall it looks great it 

works well and for the price you can pick up one of these four it's an absolute bargain so maybe if you are thinking of a new gaming mouse or even just upgrading from your old Mouse like I was then yeah I really would highly recommend one of these because it's cheap it's affordable but most importantly it does the job but as usual before I go if you've got any questions or comments you like to ask me about the X - 0 8 Gaming Mouse then you know what to do put 

them in the comment section below and I'll get back to you answer as quickly as possible I'm not forgetting 

VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse with Unique Silent Click review

 the cooker review of this brand new wireless mouse I got because my old one kind of broke this is kind of a gaming themed Mouse as you can see but at the same time it does not stand out that much so it could pass for just about any normal Mouse as you can see it does have some LED backlighting not too much but a little bit nice deep blue however it's not very bright I believe that's likely because it runs off just one double a battery so that may be to save some power it 

does have an automatic sleep mode as I said one double a battery can see a pretty faint really faint actually lighting here for the logo and then it says I don't I don't know why that's there that's kind of bothers me but I mean you live with it probably rub off with your fingers anyways umm pretty standard two buttons main buttons obviously here you have your scroll wheel which is clickable you have two buttons which is a bit weird even though you only need 

need one of them cuz the top one is just to adjust the sensitivity up while the bottom lines to adjust it down I mean I got I think it's sort of a waste of lessons to be honest but it works um there are five dpi settings 800 all the way to 2400 I have mine at 1600 it works pretty well for me the default I believe it said was 1200 um let's see here so you can see the shiny glossy finish on this part in the middle here however the wheel and actual buttons and body are rubberized 

you can see that there is a light here it will flash right I believe as a battery indicator but it does it is not normally on okay so two more buttons shiny glossy buttons these are your forward and back buttons I am actually not sure if they can be disabled I do know that I don't personally use them and they have gotten in my way and they really pissed me off because there's things I didn't save I click back and it's gone but after you get used to it it doesn't really happen 

anymore you can see this is pretty unique the lighting comes through here oh exposure sorry the lighting comes through here on the grips the grip is texturized however it is not rubberized so it is smooth I mean not smooth but rather glossy type of plastic you can see the holes go straight through to the inside of the mouse I'm not sure how that would do in terms of dust like that would let quite a bit of dust in but I guess we'll have to see certainly not water-resistant 

however and yeah that's about it the grip is pretty nice it's a little bit different than the feel to get used to just because it's not reprise and there's the holes in it but you definitely do get used to it I've only had it for a few hours and I've caused incompletely used to it the biggest thing about the smells the biggest feature I'd say oh yeah by the way why are this transmitter one of those little standard ones goes down in there already have it tugged into my computer power 

switch there you can turn it the bottom one which I have it on is the light and on if you go to the top it's on without lighting and then the middle is off anyway it's also saying the biggest thing about smells are today is how quiet it is so you can see this is some of the same company actually I think maybe yeah yeah he's looking at him comfy so the biggest thing here is listen to this can you guys hear that you should be able to and then this this one is not loud compared to 

most Mouse's this one is just standard but this one is just so quiet it's pretty nice it does take a little bit of getting used to I weren't I will warn you about that however because the button press is much lighter takes a much less force to press than the standard Mouse's 

this wireless optical mouse and it says vicked tie scene Wireless Gaming Mouse with unique styling click and breathing back lift to program side button it's black so I have opened it forward open it I'll open it for you guys screen to that oh this might be out of weird angle pretty much I have it right here , this is a wireless gaming mouse but also borders , wired keyboard in houses format so that becomes it's so silent of course we 

make noise but this is so that's what I like glue is spam this button I'm standing here right now you barely hear it but of course this you here and this is the little thing you plug into your laptop or whatever you now it says it's ok so right here it has on/off and then on show like a little light , please focus I see all your views yeah , so yeah I believe this was like Lisa's on Amazon and my my wired keyboard in houses  that should be coming in any 

day now so soon we got some live streams with the keyboard and mouse yeah so this is Oh guys hey yeah I thought oh yeah I was talking the lightbulb is so I can write up so I'm gonna be our bike I'm gonna get a battery and imma show you how it lights up we didn't have any more double-a batteries so I'm gonna just steal one for a motor control you got - a living room for 

Johnson so you have to open this got it I got so once you open it how are you you tell you wre it slow this if it's red right here I mean this low okay I can't show you guys all right it doesn't working there but it's supposed to light up all around there it's what's new red I want to save action , put it in and see if that yours oh that , as my , oh yeah so that's pretty much gonna wrap up the review so just by me testing it out so how it works is I
 give this a 4 and a half out of 5 I thought it would light up a little more that's why I'm giving you a 4 and a half but it still lights up pretty cool and yeah it's pretty good oh okay.

VicTsing Wireless Gaming Mouse with Unique Silent Click review

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