Fosmon Mini Bluetooth Keyboard (QWERTY Keypad) review

Fosmon Mini Bluetooth Keyboard (QWERTY Keypad) review
Fosmon Mini Bluetooth Keyboard (QWERTY Keypad) review

Fosmon Mini Bluetooth Keyboard (QWERTY Keypad) review

everybody gets lined Simon and we're looking again at the bricks fanless PC because I wanted to find a way to control the bricks without having to use a full-size keyboard and mouse especially if I'm going to eventually work this into my home theater environment I wanted a simpler way to use it and you know there are a lot of like home theater front ends you can get but you're always finding yeah I'm always finding I always going back to Windows every once in a while to control things and I wanted a really simple way to control it but I also wanted something that would work across multiple platforms and I found this little keyboard on Amazon there's it's made by a bunch of different manufacturers it's called the mini and it's really cool it is a fully functional keyboard and a trackpad on a single device that's bluetooth 

it's not some proprietary dongle it just works over Bluetooth and it works great not only does it work with my bricks but it also works with my Leah and any Android device and the keyboard portion not the trackpad but the keyboard will also work on iOS and I really like this the size it's about the size of a remote control so it's really you know it's not too hard to use and it pairs up pretty easily so what we're going to do real quick here is we're going to pull up my computer and we're also going to it's the wrong device there we're also going to pull up the little device here we'll just hit the Bluetooth button here after switching it on it's got a built in battery on board also so you just hit the bluetooth pairing button and we're going to see it pop up here and I'm just going to go and connect to it all right it took Windows a minute to just get everything installed it didn't need any drivers Windows has all those built in but it just took a second or 

two to get up and running but as you can see I can type on here then I can also use the trackpad let me see if my there's my mouse and I can move it around what's nice is that they give you a couple different options for pushing mouse buttons so on the side here you can push this for a left-click and this side for a right-click you can also do it right here so you have some alternatives mine broke on this side already and actually feels like a pretty well-built keyboard so we're surprising that this button is already broken so I'm going to be returning this and getting a replacement they already accepted my RMA request so they're very quick about that so I'm going to get that fixed because I think it's a lot easier to use the left side here the button here on the left as a mouse button versus versus just hitting these buttons here you also have an arrow keypad as well so you can move up and down just basically mimics an arrow key set on your regular keyboard so that's pretty cool as well so it's a fully functional keyboard and it's a 

fully functional trackpad all in one little device which i think is pretty cool it's also very small again it's about the size of a remote control so for a home theater PC it's kind of a nice and non intrusive way if you do have to pop into Windows to check that out but it also works across platforms so let's see how it works on my Lea console which is running the Android operating system all right I have paired up the keyboard with my Lea and again this is an Android system so it will work with just about any Android device as well as you can see I can use the mouse with the trackpad here and I can also of course use my arrow keys and what's cool about using this with something like the Lea or Android is that if you want to have keyboard controls for some emulators that require maybe number pads or that sort of thing this will certainly get you there you may have to use the controller separately which might be a little awkward depending on the game or whatever but one of the greatest examples I can show would be wargames which was a colecovision game what I've done is mapped all the ColecoVision x' number pad numbers

 to the keyboard so I can just select my easy challenge level and this was one game where you had to hit the the number pads here to actually jump around in the game and again it might be a little bit awkward having to use the keyboard in this manner but it is something that I think will actually get you back maybe to using some of these older games that require a little bit more than just a traditional controller input so so I'm pretty impressed with this the build quality is not so great at least from the standpoint of these side buttons I mean overall it feels pretty nice as a built-in battery you charge it via USB and I think it's pretty useful I just thought they'd send it back get this fixed and I'll let you know if I still have any more problems with it this is LAN siphon .

Fosmon Mini Bluetooth Keyboard (QWERTY Keypad) review

"Three Cool Tech Deals". This was one of this cool things that I mentioned was really interesting to me. I'm like "You know what, I'm just going to order it up!" It is a mini Bluetooth keyboard with a built-in touchpad. Interacting with your gadgets from the couch. Lean- back style, lean-back position which believe it or not, it's a great way to enjoy Unbox Therapy videos. Launch the Unbox Therapy marathon playlist. If you didn't know that playlist existed, it's over four hours of therapy. It'll probably solve most of the problems in your life, so... Ahh, I think the company is called, like, "QQ" or something. It doesn't even say on here, you can check the link in the description if you want to check it out yourself. It'll work with your laptop, your desktop, IOS and Android The continuous working time is about twenty 

hours, uses bluetooth 3.0 You guys know when you are on the couch you guys input text, *Groans* Drives you crazy, You are like Tata tata tata tah Tata tata tata tah Tata tata tah Tata click click Nightmare! It's actually sleeker than I expected! Wow, that's really, that's really slim. You can see that there, Jack. You've also got a micro-USB cable to charge it up. Tiny bit of paperwork. We don't need it! Let's see, may be it has some power right now. Power out the gate. It does. Bluetooth LED fires up. Kind of has a video-game controller footprint to it. On the bottom, micro-USB for charging it up. Multimedia buttons on the top, here. Bluetooth button, volume controls, mute, play/pause, fast forward and such, a search button, So that's 

pretty cool! Of course you have also got a left click/right click for the mouse buttons. You can either use these ones down here or the corner buttons for mouse clicks. See if it does what I hope it to do. Does that make any sense? Ooh! Action! I'm in. So now I'm navigating "" "Therapy", of course! I love it. I mean this, stuff like this, it's so simple but useful. You just don't realize until you have something like this in your hands. Man, I have had a Mac Mini hooked up in my living room for years now. I have always had some kind of media center there just because no matter what streaming box I came across, there was always something I couldn't do without a full browser or full OS. So I have the full-size keyboard sometimes with the trackpad on the side. I have had the earliest, like, Apple wireless keyboards and stuff. But inevitably, those things get put away. 'Cause other people that I live with Is that-- Why am I 

doing that? Other people like to put away those things, like, big things. It's messing up my living room, Lew. Something like this, though, it fits into the realm of, like, remote, like a remote control. Closer. So now it's like, "That can live in the living room!" No one's going to give you a hard time. If somebody gives you a hard time about that being in the living room, that person shouldn't be in your life. Okay, that's a little extreme. Sometimes you find a little gems like this on Amazon. Sometimes it doesn't need to be the high-profile thing. That's what we do here on Unbox Therapy! We uncover it so you don't have to. 

 the ultra-thin bluetooth keyboard with touchpad from mini suit so this keyboard works with most Android devices it even works with the laptops and PCs but I don't really see people using this smaller keyboard with a laptop or a PC so you're going to be using this with your phone or at best a tablet nothing else so let's go ahead quickly take a closer look at this so this is the box that it comes in let me just open it it's about 162 millimeters long 69 millimeters wide and it's twelve point five millimeters thick again it's got a micro USB that's what that's what you have on the back specs I'll talk about that in a bit and that's pretty much it so let's get done with the Box first micro USB cable for charging that's your standard micro USB what you get with Android phones and you've got an instruction and we'll just detailing the keys and shortcuts and so on and that's pretty much it so let's get to the keyboard mouth so this here is the 

keyboard to give you some perspective this is my Galaxy s4 so that is the size as far as thickness goes it is thicker than the expo but it's pretty light it's just it weighs just about 75 grams it's really light and minisode promise a battery life or ten days for usage 50 days for standby it takes about two to three hours to charge so let's go ahead pair it with the galaxy s4 and see how it works so opening up my galaxy s4 going into settings turning on bluetooth so guys another thing I actually like about it is that it's it's got pocket uh buttons so let me just quickly turn off the okay let me first pair it so you just hit this button oh yeah just hit it and hold it and head scan on your phone and it will get detected enough just Bluetooth keyboard so it gives you a code that you need to enter on the keyboard to 7/8 triple zero hit enter that's it you're good to 

go so guys if you can see they go let's quickly hit home get back home let's open up the browser let me just screen rotation turn it on alright so now tapping in enter there you go and you get mouse pointer you can also click using these buttons over here the one over here and the one over here and now you can see it is backlit you've got backlit keys and you've got shot keys for your common Android stuff like home you can also when you if you ever use it with a PC you go you also get shortcuts like control alt elite you've got a function key the feedback is also pretty good with the keys and here that we just get it close to the mic and let me quickly get back home and okay let's go into Chrome okay and nice one negative if I were to talk about it would be that the touchpad is over here which means that you don't exactly get the split right down in the middle lesson when you're typing your right thumb needs to stretch a 

little more so how I use it is I take this let this set of keys and I still hit that with my left finger left thumb that is so and it just takes some getting used to you just don't split the keys right down the middle use your left thumb a little more and it's pretty comfortable to work with the touchpad is a definite advantage and it can done it can do most things fine so let me just go back into Wow okay so anything let's say you just want to move this around there you go you want to practice resize it works really good the feedback is good and so on and again you can also select left and right clicks we are here the right click access the back button with Android and the left click access your regular touch so that's pretty much all there is to this keyboard it's pretty sweet and at about  it is kind of worth it in my opinion so if you guys are in the market for a Bluetooth mini keyboard well you can get one from any su mini suit with a 

touchpad and backlit keys as well so I cannot really like this keyboard and I just wanted to let you guys know about it so if you guys like this keyboard and you want to get it you can get it from the direct link to get it is there in the description right below the like button so that's pretty much it for this review.

Fosmon Mini Bluetooth Keyboard (QWERTY Keypad) review

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