Corsair M65 Elite - FPS Gaming Mouse review

Corsair M65 Elite - FPS Gaming Mouse review
Corsair M65 Elite - FPS Gaming Mouse review

Corsair M65 Elite - FPS Gaming Mouse review

FORBeautiful design
Excellent performance
Excellent build quality.
Outstanding performance.
Near-universal design for all hand sizes and grips.

AGAINSTAdjustable weights don’t get very heavy
iCue software is divisive
Stiff cable.
Not recommended for small hands with fingertip grip, or extra-large hands with palm or claw grip.

see psychic the heart of your system hi guys and in today's review I'll be taking a look at the knee corset and sixty-five elite mouse the m65 elite has a very sleek and beautiful shape to it as it is an upgrade from the previous m6 5 and the m6 5 pro it has a few new visual changes and a massive upgrade in the dots per inch and even a mouse button durability whereas a previous dpi numbers were eight thousand two hundred and twelve thousand the new m6 5 elite has a native eighteen thousand in which this is completely adjustable in one dpi resolution steps this 

will allow you to have ultra accurate tracking the outside packaging of the m6 5 elite shows you what the product is and lists some of the key features of the mouse actually has it seems as well that call sir obtains packaging ever so slightly with the added control freak motto listed on the side as we open up the box there is a warranty guide and a Quick Start Guide and how to set up your new Mouse this QuickStart guide will help you on knowing what the buttons are on your 

mouse how to adjust the mouse's weight system and generally just how to set up your mouse via the IQ system the product is protected by a clear plastic cover which nicely secures the mouse in place now having a look at the design of the mouse it has a durable anodized aluminium frame and can either be purchased in this black and silver or you can get it in a white and grey color scheme the mouse is fitted with a 1.8 litre braided fiber USB cable and this will allow you 

to have a lot of freedom in how much you would like to move your mouse whilst playing vm6 fiber Li is similar to its previous versions in the way that they all have the eight fully programmable buttons this will give you the option to remap or reassign custom macros to every click which will benefit you in the games that you play one of the aesthetically pleasing features a lot of mice have currently is the ability for them to have RGB lighting the m65 elite 

has two zone dynamic RGB lighting which is fully customizable with around sixteen point eight million available colors to choose from , another benefit and feature that the call semis have is the ability to change the DPI via the top buttons of the mouse this will be preset dpi options which either increase or decrease the m65 elites dpi the IQ software provides presets for you already however just like the RGB lighting you do have the ability to customize your dpi 

options to your preferred dpi presets as I was moving the m6 5 elite over my cloth mousepad I found that moving the mouse is very easy and didn't get caught in any of the material and just generally felt really comfortable to use the m6 5 RGB elite features an optical pmw 3 3 9 one sensor and has a selectable polling rates of either a thousand Hertz 500 Hertz 250 Hertz or even 125 Hertz this will allow you to select what rate your computer is scanning the movement in 

your mouse you can calibrate the mouse with any mouse pad via the surface calibration option within the software you can also adjust the weight of the mouse just by using a suggestible weight tuning system this will allow you to change the mouse's center of gravity and generally just reduce the overall weight of the mouse the mouse offers an overall weight of 97 grams to 115 grams without the cable however this way all depends on how you have your weight system adjusted finally I will be going through and showing you how to use a Corsair IQ software so 

that you can customize your new Mouse to the way you exactly want it to look and want it to feel first off you will need to access the Corsair website and download the software once this has installed you'll notice that all of the Corsair peripherals that you may have will be listed here for you once you have your mouse selected you can have different profiles for it I will go ahead and create a new one just for the purposes of showing you guys and this is also where you can 

save your macro profiles or your lighting profiles that you've made and you can either keep them saved on the software or you can actually go ahead and have your onboard profile storage which is actually on the m65 elite Mouse itself this means that when you take your mouse anywhere it will always have one profile and remembered on the mouse itself the actions tab is where you can change to eight programmable buttons on the mouse this can either be used to 

remap the buttons to a different button or can even be used to launch applications text media timers and actually a whole lot more it's worth fully having a play around with this and getting the most out of these customizable buttons here you will see the lighting effects tab once this has been selected you can see the zones of RGB lighting that are available to customize you can either deselect these zones and have no lighting effects or you can select one at a time giving you the benefit of choosing different colors or effects for the two different zones or you can have 

both the exact same by selecting both of them you have the ability to change the speed of the color changes the alternation of these color changes or even add fancy effects to the lighting on my current course err profiles I have a nice pink and white ripple effect across all of my peripherals I've always liked the choice of being able to have my peripherals matching and doing the same as one another there is also an option for a temperature lighting effect where 

you can set your mouse to flash bright red if your PC components very hot or green if your components are lovely and cool here is a dpi tab and this is probably one of the most important for this n65 elite FPS Mouse as it is here where you will adjust all of your dpi presets including the sniper precision button on the side you can change the colors of your LED strip in between your increase and decrease dpi buttons to your preference and you can adjust any of the presets

 from being really really slow a hundred dpi to super fast being 18,000 dpi ,there is a performance tab that will also allow you to check angle snapping on or off or adjust the pointer speed of the mouse and finally this is the surface calibration tab this is recommended to do as soon as you plug in a new mouse to calibrate it perfect to your current mouse pad or if you get a new mouse pad calibrate to your mouse you get the idea this way you will be getting the most 

out of your peripherals with very smooth mouse movements whilst you game so that is it for my review on the Corsairs and 65 RGB elite mouse thank you so much for watching guys so just a couple of things that I found in my time of using the mouse so the mouse wheel itself felt very very stiff it didn't feel like a very smooth transition into going in like just felt like wheeling them out so it didn't feel very smooth doing so it felt very heavy and very kind of tacky I guess 

um another thing as well is the fact that the DPI buttons are very stiff I don't know if after time of being used whether they will loosen up a little or anything like that but they are very very tough to press and unfortunately I think if you're a mid game you are gonna kind of struggle a little to press it if you're not like full on the hammering down on it but other than that I felt that the mouse is really comfortable it moved really well and I love the fact that you can adjust the 

weight of the mouse as well so if you want a very light feel Mouse they can go ahead and remove the weights that are inside I like this addition this benefit that they provided for you also as well like majority people these days do you get their peripherals the added customization options of the color changes and definitely the dpi options as well are really really good I like having the option to go ahead and change the DPI of my sniper precision button if obviously that is 

something that I wanted to go ahead and do maybe it felt a little bit sluggish and slow where I can go and change it to whatever I won or it can change the DPI buttons to whatever presets I fancy depending on which game or which application I'm using I can go ahead and and change it just with the click button and just generally the mouse did feel really comfortable I loved the weight of the mouse it felt nice to hold it's got that claw grip so it didn't feel that the mouse was too big for my hands my hand fit quite nicely on it to be honest and just it's a really affordable 

Mouse  from overclockers I think that this mouse is top-notch for gamers especially if they are gamers who play FPS games like counter-strike and pub G I did used to use the m6 5 pro so going from that to the m6 5 or GB elite definitely has its differences in the way that it looks how it feels and just generally just everything about it but it's such a good upgrade and I'm gonna 
give this off thumbs up 

Corsair M65 Elite - FPS Gaming Mouse review

this is the corsair m65 RGB elite white edition I ordered this mouse from coursers website the day it was announced I heard I had a new sensor and was an upgrade from the previous version so I figured it would be fun to review for you guys so we'll start with the unboxing as usual the packaging is pretty basic just comes with the mouse and some documentation the mouse has three weights and some screw caps that keep them inside already in it and that's it man that 

was an exciting unboxing but no really I loved unboxing new toys so the m65 RGB elite was announced at CES 2019 by Corsair alongside their other new Mouse the iron claw but we have seen this m65 before yes it came out back in 2016 but then it was called the m65 pro the new mouse is called the m65 elite it looks nearly identical so what's new and if you have the m65 pro should you upgrade to the elite in my opinion yes the elite has a new sensor which I haven't 

used before this mouse and it's a step up from the classic pmw 3360 sensor we've been seeing for a couple of years now and most eSports mice the m65 elite has the new pmw 33 91 sensor but what makes it better than the 30 360 well I tried to do some research but I couldn't really find anything about this new sensor not even on pix arts website and they're the people who made it as you can see it's not even listed here but I can tell from my use that it is a responsive 

and highly accurate sensor no noticeable improvement over the 33 60 in my final mouse but I imagine it's incredibly hard to measure the differences in the sensor just by feeling it so blahblah has new sensor blahblah what else makes this mouse different from the older one it's got a better design yeah way better I have never owned the m65 pro but I can tell from images that the new design is better so the forward and back buttons on the older m65 were smaller 

and hidden right up at the top edge of the mouse the top dpi buttons have gotten larger as well and have been moved closer together versus the m65 pro the rest of the mouse is mostly the same just lighter than the pro and speaking of the mouse seems to weigh in at 98 grams with all of the weights taken out and with the cable and a mouse bungee and 119 grams with all of the weights installed the mouse weights are 4 grams each and the screw caps that keep them in are 2 grams each corsair advertises 97 grams on their website and on the box and with a max 

weight of 115 grams their measurements aren't far off from my not so professional mouse wing techniques here at home but maybe don't take their listed weights for exactly what they are if you're super concerned about reaching a very specific weight for your mouse and yes the mouse is very well balanced with its weight balanced in the middle , so now let's talk about how the mouse feels the palm rest and buttons is all one glossy piece of plastic it feels nice but 

remember what we found out about glossy mice they get slippery when wet at one point during my stream i actually did sweat enough to feel the gloss get slippery it kind of messed with my aim for a bit the sides of the mouse however are a nice grippy matte finish and the way the mouse is curved on the sides makes it easy to pick up the mouse is definitely made for medium to large size hands my hands are 4 and 1/2 inches wide and 6 and 1/2 inches long the mouse 

measures about two and three quarters wide at its widest spot the middle I also measured the mouse to be about four and a half inches in length from the tip of the mouse buttons to the edge of the back lip the mouse is designed for a claw grip I can definitely agree with this my usual palm grip feels weird a claw grip feels more natural but I never play with claw so I would be putting my aim at risk if I did if you use palm grip on this mouse you'll probably find it weird 

where your ring finger and pinky finger rests on the mouse for me my ring finger rests right on the edge of the right mouse button and my pinky sits on the very small side of the mouse trying not to fall down and rub against my mouse pad claw grip fixes this however if you truly claw grip the mouse the finger placement feels more natural and the mouse begins to actually make sense all right let's talk about the mouse feet now I love them they glide super nice it didn't 

really catch on anything they are rounded quite nicely the mouse also has a very short liftoff distance from where the sensor actually picks up movement I don't know if this can be adjusted at all but it shouldn't be a problem I do have a little bit of a problem with this mouse however I don't think the sniper button is necessary it is well designed though requiring the perfect amount of pressure for it to be pressed easily enough but without your thumb accidentally 

pressing it the sniper button allows you to assign a dpi to it that activates only when the button is pressed letting you switch to a dpi on the spot without any hassle at all it's just that I will never use this button most games already let you set your scoped the sense and I am already tuned into my sensitivity enough that I never find myself needing to slow down or stabilize my shots with the aid of dpi switching another problem I have with the mouse are the primary 

buttons they travel too far before they actually press in the switch this gives the buttons more of a softer feel to them instead of a tactile click it definitely bothered me at first but I got used to it and it never affected my gameplay so now I want to talk about the software I think Corsair has improved a lot here I used to have a Corsair keyboard a long time ago the software would always crash or fail to load my profiles even across new installs of Windows but using this mouse and their updated IQ software for a week I had no problems when you first plug in the 

mouse you get a little pop up for IQ you click download and it downloads the software and then starts the install this is the best way to do software for the end user in my opinion I literally had to do nothing but click a button after plugging in my mouse and I already had the latest software for configuring and customizing my new Mouse no searching online or anything absolutely perfect job there Corsair as for the software itself it's actually pretty clean you click on your device and then start customizing you can set up macros and lighting and all that good 

stuff here's me testing a macro, in my opinion setting up lighting was annoying first you need to click the plus button under lighting effects to add a new lighting effect then you toggle the lighting zones on the right by clicking them once I guess I just find this annoying because I'm not used to things toggling when there isn't a checkbox or a switch in the IQ software it's just a rectangle that says scroll zone and it toggles when you click it I don't know just a weird way to do it it works though you can configure five different dpi levels that you can switch between 

using the two buttons on the top of the mouse and a sixth a dpi setting for the sniper button you can even configure separate x and y-axes values for the DPI here which I have never seen before you can set angle snapping and adjust your pointer speed in the performance section there is also a way to calibrate the mouse to your surface you click and drag this little coin in circles until it's calibrated and you're on your merry way the software lets you create different profiles attach them to software and even load them to the mouse's on-board storage now that's 

epic over in the settings tab you can set the polling rate for the mouse clear the storage on it and update its firmware the software is pretty good I'm not gonna lie ok I think that's all I have to say about the mouse I think Corsair did an excellent job here the mouse does achieve a weight under a hundred grams the software is amazing improve design over the last Mouse of two years ago I mean it still doesn't have auto aim built-in can't wait for mouse manufacturer to finally implement that much-needed feature into their mice alrighty .

 their all new MS 65 RGB elite Gaming Mouse at a CES a 2019 the elite sole features the same design as the previous m65 mice but it's lighter as an improved design and an all new Pixar a pmw 33 91 a sensor now you will be able to pick up the new elite on rebel take clearance of africa with the previous model or retailing for pretty much the exact same price if there's a no discount on it for those who are new to the m65 of mice you get a rather a large a body with a smooth plastic top rough a plastic aside and then an aluminum frame 

moving to the left side you get a more of a rougher surface for a grip and still get the iconic sniper a button two thumb buttons and then a larger a thumb erased for the side a buttons they are much closer together than at the previous version for a quicker use and also the thumb a buttons do appear to be a bit larger all three of the buttons has a nice and snappy click to them however the sniper button does require a bit more pressure because your thumb will be racing 

on top of it and most of the time so an accidental price is not as likely as for the thumb rest it has a more of an output curves than in the previous version which I did found to be a more comfortable honor the opposite side you get the same a rougher plastic for a grip with a slight curve towards the middle and to the back finger placement was a comfortable with a lot of space whether you want to raise your fingers on a decide or a more upwards to the top of the 

mouse because of how or why the m65 mice are they are more aimed up for a palm or claw style grips they do still work for fingertip style grips they're just not as comfortable moving on to the left and the massive buttons they feature omarama switches with a lifespan of 50 million clicks but I did unfortunately have a problem of them now I'm not exactly sure if it's just a my sample or if a people wanted it this way but I did found that a both the left and a right mouse 

buttons did have a way too much of travel before it hit the actuation point this makes it a lace as snappy and does require a more force to press it down and if you do have larger hands and by chance of praise more to the front of the mouse you might not even register some of the clicks I will say however that this was more of an issue of the side of a gaming with me not really having that issue of unresponsive clicks in games this is most likely due to me pressing 

really hard in games especially if like first-person shooters where the adrenaline is pumping in everything but it might be an issue for other users who don't really press their buttons as hard as I do but now I'm moving on to the scroll wheel you do get a smooth a rubber a grip with a nice a short step scroll it also does have some RGB illumination on the sides which of course we do need in now 2019 now just behind the scroll wheel you get the two DPI buttons for up and 

down that allows you to cycle through the five dpi levels each with their own a set of colors so you do know on which dpi level you're on taking a look underneath the elite you do get a 5 a PTFE a glide path that allows a smooth for Glide the all new PWM 33901 optical sensor with a max DPI of 18,000 and then three screw out weights for these weight each one weighs around a 6 grams which allows you to adjust at the center of gravity for the mouse and then also bring 

the Masters weight from 99 grams up to 119 grams so if you do want the lightest mass possible just remove all three offer those screws with the weights you also don't have to screw in the screws back again after removing the weights just leave them somewhere hopefully somewhere safe so you don't lose them and then just use it like that now I getting into the new 33 91 a sensor this is Corsairs a new sensor based off at the very popular pics art a PM a w33 80 and 9 

sensor so you are getting a top-notch performing the center with again a max DPI of 18,000 IPS of a 400 and a max polling rate of a thousand hertz and then also a max lift off distance of only one DVD gaming with the m65 elite was a great with the new sensor giving no troubles at all like any rollouts jitters or a lag so Corsair does really have a winner sensor here and I do hope see it in a more of their gaming mouse in the future then just quickly for the cable it is a 

braided fiber as a length of 1.8 meters and is easy to paint a for a cable management or not to hook on to anything then just finally for the IQ a software you can do all of the usual stuff like a sine at different commands to each of the buttons except for the left mouse button create your own macros launch programs and more then you also get your DPI settings where you can adjust at the DPI speeds 45 hour levels along with the sniper button and then also assigned in 

different colors to each of them and for lighting you do have a bunch of a fixed and a colors to choose from again there has a bunch of them and you are able to link all of your corsair RGB products together for an awesome a lighting effect whether it's your fans your keyboard mouse anything it just looks awesome then a new tab you get is at the surface collaboration where you have to keep your mouse speed inside the karina bar which will just give you optimal tracking 

on the surface you're on so in conclusion the new m65 elite from Corsair is a great upgrade to the m65 Pro and normal m65 the new sensor title group side buttons and the wider thumb race really makes it a much better than the previous models the only thing again that I didn't like that much was the travel distance for the left and right mouse buttons but again this might just be a problem with my model so hopefully it's not with all of them and maybe there's a quick fix 

to that so hopefully Corsair will be able to sort that out but other than that if somebody is looking for a wide a large Mouse with a plenty of side a buttons and a great a sensor this new m55 elite is going to be a great option for you

Corsair M65 Elite - FPS Gaming Mouse review

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