AOC C32G1 32" Curved Frameless Gaming Monitor review
AOC C32G1 32" Curved Frameless Gaming Monitor review
AMD FreeSync
Stunning contrast levels
Looks smart
Reasonable colour quality
Backlight is too weak
Fewer adjustment options than rivals
no USB ports.
AOC C32G1 Specifications
Screen Size: 32Inches (C32G1)
Resolution:1080p FHD
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Panel Technology: Vertical Alignment(VA)
Refresh Rate: 144hz
Response Time: 4ms
Contrast Ratio: 3000:1 (Static)
Brightness: 250 cd/m²
Speakers: No
Stand: Height -Yes
Stand: Tilt – Yes
Stand: Swivel – Yes
Stand: Pivot –No
VESA Compatibility: Yes (100 x 100)
Connectivity:HDMI 1.4 x 1, DisplayPort 2 x 1, VGA x 1, 3.5mm Jack
Dimensions (W x H x D): 28.1” x 88” x 9.65”
Weight: 15.39lbs
being released LED the AOC g1 a gaming series that are offering complete gaming packages for a much cheaper press so the monitor I have just behind me right now is the AOC CQ 32 g1 which is a 31 point five inch gaming monitor that comes with all the trimmings that you can expect for some decent gaming performance and it's something that I've just experienced over the last couple of weeks and I couldn't be happier with the results the monitor itself uses VA
technology which is a great medium between TN which offers super fast response times and IPS which usually gives you a healthy-looking color reproduction and with the g1 series I have behind me we're treated to a 1 millisecond M PRT response time as well as a nice 16.7 million 24-bit color it also includes the now popular AMD freesync 2 which will also work with GTX 10 series graphics cards thanks to their newer driver update the panel sits at 32 inches and although heavy it can be mounted on a wall bracket thanks to the base amount on the back it
does come with a stand as well if you if you wanted to put it straight onto your desk now the stand is made from plastic but it still does a pretty decent job of keeping the actual panel sturdy one problem though is that the monitor starts roughly around 4 inches from the desk which for me is a little too high for my setup but there's no way of raising or lowering the monitor on its stand like you can with something like the LG 34 GK 950 the actual monitor can be tilted
forward and backwards but it can't be twisted it also follows in the same footsteps in terms of designers older AOC gaming monitors like the AOC G 25 90 by retaining that very kind of sleek looking red streak at the bottom there's also very subtle red finishes to like at the base of the arm where it meets the stand now the bezels on the left right hand top all measure of well under an inch making this a real contender for multi-screen setups the whole panel is also
curved as well branded 18-hundred are making the easy of kind of for your peripheral vision to track unwanted enemies sneaking into the corner of your screen in FPS games now on the back you will find a single DisplayPort 1.2 and 2 HDMI 1.4 ports I used a DisplayPort 1.2 and testing this monitor but there's also VGA as well for those older machines if that's more your thing and a headphone jack if you typically use your HDMI as an audio pass route as a gaming
monitor the CQ 32 g1 does take all the right boxes and that the gamers are looking for when they're selecting some kind of panel that competitive gamers generally prefer TM panels because they can give super fast response times although the color is really bad on these when compared to IPs now take note that the 1 millisecond response time advertised is moving-picture response time grades of gray response times are being quoted at around 4 milliseconds
however I never really noticed any kind of banding issues during my testing thanks to the game settings that can be found on the monitor but I'll talk about that more in a bit now being a VA panel you can get a decent response time and nice color reproduction as well as larger viewing angles there's also the inclusion of free sync to and 144 Hertz refresh rate which will only heighten the smoothness of the image in front of you when playing games like overwatch which
are generally fast paced so there are also several gaming profile modes that the monitor can be set to which fall under first person shooters racing titles and RTS strategy games that there are also some custom profiles that offer full customization options as well now personally I found myself for most games and even some desktop work on Photoshop and Premiere Pro to use a
custom profile called game of one inside this I had the low input lag setting turned on as well as the low blue mode switched off the overdrive feature I had set to medium which is designed to reduce motion blur if I set too strong then it introduced artifacts that weren't there before and turning it off altogether just made the monitor produce some very blurry images while gaming I actually quite a pleasant time I play a mixture of games ranging from the MOBA heroes of the
storm Metro Exodus apex Legends Starcraft 2 I devil with as well and all of them looked absolutely fantastic especially something like Metro thanks to its wide color gamut and 3,000 to 1 contrast ratio and you know when diving underground in that game with the corners of the room being lit by candlelight only it just looked absolutely stunning motion although it's not the best did still perform quite well for the games that I play and the overdrive setting really helped with that freezing - for those lower refresh rates kicked in quite nicely providing smoother
images again the free seem to range just to let you know sits comfortably at between 48 Hertz and 144 Hertz and just take note that if you did want to take advantage of the freezing - then you need to use DisplayPort 1.2 by no means is the IO ccq 32 g1 monitor the best for ultra smooth gaming but for the press and for the specification that it can offer you it's a very good option as I said before it ticks all the right boxes for those wanting some decent gaming features
all the while giving you wonderful color reproduction as well the 1800 our viewing angle is subtle enough not to intrude but it doesn't give the immersion I think AFC we're really hoping for nevertheless the AOC CQ 32 g1 gaming monitor on Amazon right now which is a bit of a bargain if I do say so myself .
the AOC c-32 g1 is a 32 inch curved gaming monitor it's full HD and it's a real price breaker the free sync will prevent stutter during gaming if you have an AMD graphics card the image is very fluent and that's thanks to the 144 Earths refresh rate the difference between 60 and 144 hertz refresh is enormous and you can definitely see that on that screen and also due to the
beautiful curved design you have way more in-depth experience in my dream when gaming cool thing is that it almost has no bezel so you can easily put to side by side the contrast on the screen is great the colors and the blacks are awesome especially for that price so very pleased with what I saw it's very good for 1080p quality and that's maybe also who think I want to talk about if you buy a new monitor right now and it's only 1080p well then you're maybe a bit on
the far side because everything is 4k right now but a it's it's so so we really can't have everything of course for that price and then I'll do a few negative things for example you can't change the height of the monitor but you can bend it a little bit or what's less that's called pivot it's a little bit and not changing the height is a bit of an issue for me but hey for you it might not even be in this shoe there are also no internal speakers on your monitor so you'll need to
connect your headset or your external speakers to get the sound of course oh and do make sure you have enough room because the stand is a little bit big needs a bit of room but hey it doesn't cost more Apple , the screen does have a bit of reflections especially in the bent part but it's okay so so I really don't like reflections but with this screen it's okay maybe a bit in the bending parts when there's a lot of sunlight but you can of course blot that outfit if you're
gaming and as you can see there are a lot of options to change colors and all those other stuff in the menu on the monitor even different gaming modes as well like racing or focused on fps and freesync as well one thing you could notice and I also read online is the ghosting at 144 Hertz and one millisecond response time due to the high refresh rate the mother can't keep up during fast paced games I can't really say I actually noticed it when gaming and the game I played was
very high paced so maybe it's only with some people and maybe it's only after a while but for me for that price it's not a big issue compared to some other monitors I've tested for the same price the aoc which is by the way not very famous the brand it has a lot of ports and that's that that's a very good thing because a lot of monitors I've tested only have like one HDMI and that's it and that's not a very good thing but this one has two HDMI ports as one VGA has one
audio jack as well and eight DisplayPort which is very nice the looks are flashy and that's of course your personal taste if you like that to be honest I'm not going to go into the gammas or the srgb gambits and all that because I don't even understand that myself but let's say the monitor looks a bit pixelated when you look very close that's because of the 1080p and a very wide screen but you get used to it just to the bit farther and you won't even notice it but at a
regular distance it's okay there are some complaints about the backlight being too dull I've read them online I've checked it I don't really care because this is only the colors are great the contrast is great the refresh rate and all that stuff and equality is overall very good curvature is nice the design is cool and yeah the backlight is bit dull and there are some others minor things which are not that fantastic as well but hey for gaming monitoring pretty nice so yeah for
that price this is a steal for your first gaming monitor I really say your first gaming monitor because I'm not a real big hardcore gamer I'm a casual gamer and I really enjoyed using this for gaming so I can surely say safely say that this is a great piece of hardware if you're looking for some standard gaming or maybe for your kid who likes gaming and who has a very small
monitor and wants a new bigger screen which won't cost you well then this can be your best choice the aoc monitor.
the AFC CQ 31 g1 now this monitor is pretty exciting specifically because of the price point it comes in at and also what it offers it's a 32 inch 1440p VA 144 Hertz curved monitor it comes in the UK it also has AMD freesync technology built in which I have tested they were Nvidia g-sync which means it also has Nvidia g-sync so therefore you are getting a lot of bang for your buck so in this review I'll be comparing it to other
monitors there are so many monitors to compare it to but all these monitors are either more expensive or have a solid difference or specification for example have a TN panel instead or come with HDR technology built in but have come in so a significant premium on top so full specifications we've down in the description below it's got a quoted one millisecond response time I'll touch on that in just a bit other than that there's not really other specs that
you really want to know on the fact it doesn't have built-in speakers the stand is only a tilt adjustment it doesn't have any pivot rotate or height adjustment so bear that in mind that's why you can see on the IKEA fretted desk it is kind of positioned lower down because I couldn't get it to fit and other than that you you've got HDMI and DisplayPort inputs I'm using DisplayPort with the GT X 1080 so in terms of build quality I'm really impressed with what's a OCE have delivered over here you've got a relatively small bezel underneath which is which has
got a black and red design a triangular as a plastic stand which provides plenty of support for the relatively big monitor as I said before in terms of stand adjustments you're kind of limited it's got a curved design 1000 / 1800 our curvature which means a little bit more emotion I can say if you report that when you're looking at the extreme angles you're not gonna see a tail off on the ages of the monitor so no source of complaints there other than that you've got a low
bezel as in low also I say no bezel design 3 sideboard less design and it means that this monitor doesn't take as much space as you would pretty much expect for a large screen monitor to do so so again very good attention detail especially at this sort of more budget price point - a budget I mean again relative to what you're getting in terms of specs it's quite impressive to see what AFC have delivered now one sort of thing I didn't really like was the actual buttons there's a set
of off-centered buttons actually where my hands are hopefully you can hear you can you can see that it's off-center and these sort of indents over here are kind of hard to see so it's a little bit annoying in terms of the on-screen display I'll just zoom in it's got a full selection of everything that you'd expect on a a UC monitor a very comprehensive set so again good job by by AFC so luminance color setup now just bear in mind these settings are not things that you should go by it's just I've just set them just for the purpose of the video I will go through
certain things for example within the game settings in a little bit but you've got a huge selection of settings over here to play around with and I like the fact that s you've got a cool comprehensive a suite of OSD settings now the immortal doesn't have any built-in speakers but to be honest you never want to use built-in speakers on a monitor so just bear that in mind now let's talk about the picture quality and then we'll talk about of course the gaming performance
now picture quality I must say I was actually very impressed straight out of the box I was like wow this actually looks really nice it doesn't have really washed out colors seem to pop it looks really nice and flicking through a few images for example for example in this image you'll see sort of greenery over here really popping out really well if I just reduced the evie of my camera give you a little bit more accurate reproduction really nice popping colors throughout the scene
and no sort of lacking of contrast of such you've got again a nice soft trust in this image but in terms of black so deep black tones again pretty good for a VA panel and in terms of wife to accuracy again pretty pretty nice essay over here oh I think if I'm not mistaken it's a Ferrari I could be wrong but so the white or the silver glistening over here on the side it looks really nice and it looks pretty accurate so to the naked eye I was actually really impressed it doesn't quite for me beat a class-leading IPS panel but let's be honest doors are going to be a lot more
expensive especially first aspects that you get in so overall I must say the colors really do pop and you know a pretty vibrant so just to check my room check if my eyes were we're not lying to me put it through a calibrator and lo and behold pretty much what I expected now set to the srgb color profile within the monitors settings so srgb as a as a color and it sets limits to ninety percent brightness 100% brightness gets a little bit better scores I'll show you in just a bit nevertheless at srgb you get 245 Candela you've got two thousand twenty seven to one a
contrast ratio naught point one can there are black levels in terms of averaged LTE you're looking at no point in nine two we're just an offshoot on the Reds very impressive all together then put it through its srgb profile to see how it does and yet again you can see 96.3% while hopefully you can see ninety six point three percent of the gamut coverage whilst the camera volume is at 103 percent so pretty much bang on srgb standards again very impressive to see that in terms of the overall brightness which I talked about srgb it's limited to around 250 as I mentioned whilst if you go on user mode or warm mode or whatever you have you gets to
around 335 so you've got actually pretty impressive display over here in terms of color accuracy and in terms how it does now in terms of a backlight believers such is a big monitor and a uniformity isn't perfect but no large screen non-professional monitor I've ever come across has read perfect uniformity so nothing too much to complain about but just something worth mentioning now let's talk about gaming before I jump into g-sync I just want to talk about how it does for competitive gaming now I can't expect people with a 32 inch monitor to be really
competitive gaming but people do love playing on a big screen and if you're a competitive gamer that likes that I'm not going to discriminate I'm going to show you how it performs now if castrating with kindly like to work that would be fantastic now in terms of the waters responsiveness I must say I was very impressed now just just showing you in terms of a a quick little demo now in terms of the setup of the monitor what I noticed is it within game settings on the OSD you've got game mode which has set pre presets for you but low input lag mode is
what you're gonna want to have enabled and overdrive I've left 2stronk I've got MBR disabled at 0 and with free sync off the reason I had these settings is because when it came to competitive gaming this is what I found to have the sort of perfect blend between total brightness of the monitor and and responsiveness the monitor doesn't have too much an overshoot ghosting it responds very well in terms of input like very it seems perceivably quite low as an input light and the response time of the motor is also extremely impressive so when it comes to competitive gaming would I see myself competitive gaming as monitor if for some reason I wanted large
screen monitor absolutely now if for some reason you found that this setting wasn't really good for you you could actually go on to boost overdrive setting now boost overdrive setting really reduces that response time to that one millisecond coated response time and therefore gets you even smoother gameplay however this doesn't limit the brightness now you might not be seeing it on the on the camera simply because I've reduced the brightness around 15 percent so just to give you an idea to boost and it off is around 50 percent brightness so that is pretty low not
something I would be comfortable with even in a darkened room so therefore for me to be comfortable gaming I'm going to leave it on the strong overdrive setting rather than the boost of overdrive setting that also applies to the mdro setting which if you enable MBR it disables the brightness as you can see it kind of independently takes it over and gives you its own sort of setting the higher MBR setting you go motion blur blur reduction the lower the brightness will be again not acceptable in terms of overall brightness to me but your mileage may vary what
I'm trying to say over here is that my perfect setting was strong overdrive setting with MVR disables and low input mag at low input Mac lag enabled and then into a custom profile or the srgb color profile in order to get this all best experience and I must say as I said when it came to gaming performance it was really fantastic this would apply for casual gaming as well you know if you notice a lot of elevation ghosting which you don't notice on counter-strike but you might notice on a game like destiny too I just suggest dining down that overdrive setting and
therefore you'll get more visually appealing sort of experience so what if you're a casual gamer well to be honest if I were you I would use a MIDI freesync if you go an AMD compatible graphics card or like if you're like me use Nvidia g-sync buy the new Nvidia drivers and use a display port cable and a GTX 10 Series card and above and then you can enable juicing now you can see the option is disabled over here it doesn't even exist within the within the Nvidia control panel and that's simply because I had AMD freesync disabled reason why an ami free sync disabled is because sometimes it played around with a low input lag mode setting so
therefore in order to counter that I would just all together so therefore now when I'm enabling AMD freesync you should see Nvidia g-sync suddenly pop up on the Nvidia setting Nvidia g-sync is over here so all I have to do is enable it and now we are on Nvidia g-sync and now to prove that I've set the settings so it shows DG single logo on which you can see on the left hand side over here and now I have got Nvidia g-sync running on this AFC monitor which is an AMD certified monitor not Nvidia g-sync module installed so this means that you can actually enjoy tephra gaming and to give you an idea of how that would look like tear your gaming
which has a little bit of tear would cook like this if you look at the pillars you might see a little bit of cracking that's occurring whereas if I enable do you think you're gonna get super smooth no tearing experience so in other words you're getting a fantastic experience with for casual gaming and if you'd want disabling all of that and actually using it for competitive gaming such as Counter Strike so ultimately what do I think of this monitor to be quite honest with you I think it's a fantastic monitor if and that's very much a big if if you want a large screen monitor if you don't want a 32 inch or thirty 1.5 inch monitor there are many hundred and forty four
Hertz Laurence's that you can find check in the link in description below for some suggestions for example from a you see themselves or even the one I would such as recommend such as a 27 inch from a samsung and alternatively again you've got MSI's variants and even another an asus model there's so many monitors to choose from at 27 inch but when you get to that larger screen format and you want that sort of curved nature and 144 hurts at 1440p you're gonna be paying that little bit of premium so all I'm just trying to say over here that premium isn't really felt on this monitor it feels you are still for what you'd expect to get fantastic quality and for
under 400 pounds this is an absolute must buy for those large screen gamers so that's pretty much it this is this monitor to me is among the top monitors that I would recommend one that I would highly suggest you guys check out again if you're use it and have your criteria if you've got any questions about the monitor or if you've got any more of the monitor questions that you'd like to ask or in terms of suggestions ask me down in description or in the comments below in a description below however you'll find links to this monitor and links to any
competitor monitors that I've found and/or tested and more .
AOC C32G1 32" Curved Frameless Gaming Monitor review
the AOC cq32g1 monitor it gives you the ability to expand your world and really enjoy whatever type of content you're going to be viewing on this monitor majority time it's gonna be gaming so let's go through my personal review during my review period I've had this for about three to four weeks I've tried using it on multiple different devices doing multiple different things and today is my personal and open and honest review there's many great features but one little letdown let's go through the features first of all so as you can see it's a curved display
as well so you get really drawn into your contents and you can really enjoy your content and feel immersed in that game and experience if you're running through a battleground or screeching around a rate of course you're getting it really pulled in and I do like a curved display as well it also offers three-sided frameless design as well which I've shown on other monitors is a very thin black bezel on the left and the right and on top as well which is barely
noticeable and it feels like your content just falls off the edge of your display no matter if it's a movie or a game or you're looking through social media as I do and productivity wise it's just really enjoyable it's from their g1 series and of course the link will be in the description to a HD UK and also the best price I have found currently for this monitor is from Amazon UK if you are watching this from outside the UK please do let me know not going to find the the color of this monitor is black with hints of red that fly through the
frame and through the column and of course on the back as well this is quite long known for a HD monitors so it comes full of features like I said but one little letdown let me go through the key highlighting features first and explain what they are as well in case you've never heard of them before so let's talk about the displays the main display itself the actual size is 31.5 inches
that's always measured corner to corner it has a quad HD resolution which is 2560 by 1440 that's really high resolution the devices you connected are compatible as well this might as to offer sixteen point seven million colors so all of your images your content your video your productivity your game it's just gonna come alive and really enjoyable then it offers something called 1800 our what does this mean this is all about the curvature of your monitor the R stands for how many millimeters the radius would be if the monitor formed a full circle the R is the
radius of the curve monitor or television 1800 R means 1800 millimeters or 1.8 meters is the maximum recommended distance you should sit away from your display to get that actually beautiful curvature and get enhanced in your monitor and pulled right into your content you can really enjoy what you're doing so some people may never heard of that before I like to just highlight you what it actually is and why it's actually on this monitor another key feature that most gamers will love is AMD freesync technology so what's this whatever your setup achieve
the highest frame rate and smoothest display possible by AMD what this will do is see what your graphics can outperform and what the monitor can outperform to as well and give you the best option the best display possible so it works together with your GPU and the monitor so your monitor looks really good this means when you're going through explosions or screeching around a rain-slicked bends wave goodbye to screen tearing and lag and leave your opponents in your smoothly rendered dust I love that saying they're from AMD that's a great saying it just
highlights what this can do with the compatible graphics cards that you have in your setup as well like I said look out in the summer for our own community build of a gaming PC and I'm looking forward to doing that I'd like to do more gaming on the channel as well so this monitor also offers a wide viewing angles with a 13.5 inch display and also a curved display you get a wide viewing angle this monitor has a big a panel so what does VA stand for the a stands for vertical alignment and is their type of LED or a form of LCD panel display technology the a
panels are normally known as having the best contrast and image debt among other main types of displays such as TN and IPS the one downside is the input time so you input light but with this monitor you have one millisecond that it's really good response time is one millisecond and it is measured by MP RT which is a better measurement and a more professional measurement compared to grade to grade I think I took really good things highlight here it has one downside but ALC of step up and giving you one millisecond input lag it also boasts 144 Hertz refresh
rate which is really high so at the moment currently on the ps4 Pro and the Xbox one X is 60 frames so we're going double that and a little bit more obviously when it's PC gaming you can pump it really apply and your images are going to look really crisp and really clean to gain that 144 Hertz refresh rate I believe this is only through the DisplayPort connection so that will have to go into your PC setup so what does this mean so equip yourself with twice the framerate of
other monitors and say goodbye to image stuttering and blurring motion 144 Hertz refresh rate every frame is rendered sharply and is in it smooth succession so you can line up the shots accurately and appreciate high speed races in all their glory so it's the same it's gonna pull away the motion blur and it's going to look absolutely stunning whatever game you're playing so one feature I like about this monitor that helps me with my visual impairment as you know it has the ability to use flicker free technology which helps you get less fatigue and less eye strain
when you actually use your monitor for a long period of time no matter it being productivity in Final Cut Pro or if it's gaming you can just really enjoy your monitor please always take a break though as well you don't have to sit and look at these monitors for hours on end I do recommend just get out have a break have a walk away and then go back and enjoy your gaming or your productivity so there all the key highlighting features of this monitor which is a great amount of features the one letdown that I feel is that it has no speakers onboard the
monitor there is an audio option which uses a 3.5 headphone jack again a little bit later on we'll talk about the connectivity and I'll show you where it is on your monitor I wish it had some speakers so you could use the inbuilt speakers straightaway if you wanted to okay gets you a lot of great features actually about the display which is awesome and what you for gaming I think it's just lacking a little bit by not having speakers by having that 3.5 millimeter headphone out port that's okay that means you can connect speakers that's just my little one downside compared to all these massive plus sides from the display options so don't in a bit
more detail and other features that I've noticed and I want to talk about if you like me and you use Adobe for maybe Photoshop or Lightroom or to edit and change images and videos is Adobe RGB coverage is 92% so that's really high and very impressive if you want that wide viewing angle as I said it has 178 by 178 degree viewing angles that's near enough of flat horizontal line possibly with your curvature as well you're going to get to see more people ask me about guarantees and warranties with these monitors this monitor comes with a three year
warranty and make sure you sign up for that as soon as you get your monitor and it offers 50,000 hours of usage as well which is really high so let's go through our menu buttons there are buttons here not a joystick control option there are buttons that are underneath the bottom bezel here and quite tactile as well than five buttons along there they are quite tactile to tell what they are there is a little LED here which is white I hope you can see that on the video so
that is right next to your power button or sleep button up to you what you choose and once it turned off that will disappear turn it back on again quite quick you're greeted with an AOC logo here please notice that lights you can see to the left hand side is not bleeding from the monitor that's just a light source that I have on that side so coming up next is your menu button so here is your menu button and you can scroll through your menu here you have different choices that you can change and adjust up to you and again I kept it pretty basic what the
monitor does out the box I think that gives you the best options possible if you want to change or just something you can do by pressing menu you can go in here and scroll through press menu again and this is where you can actually change it press menu and you'll come back to come out of this go to the other side press back here and then you come back take your time go through the menu change and adjust this monitor to how you want it's all about you and changing your equipment to how best suits you no matter your ability or just your need for
pure enjoyment when Gaming so next to that is your crosshair feature this gives you a crosshair feature this was quite new to me so in the middle of the screen is a red crosshair and what this does is uses a target and it's easier to especially when you're playing like a first-person shooter it's really good and I enjoyed it using this feature when I was playing the division 2 on the Xbox one X so that toggles on or off with your third button along your fourth button will give you
different modes that you can scroll through so we have our FPS RTS yeah racing you have game of one game of two and game of three and then off again it is cycle through again you can change them gamer ones to make sure it's right for you that's good you have different modes on here and it automatically changed from the just the settings on the monitor the FPS like the first-person shooter is really good for like the division when I played that the racing was good when I played for so horizon so you can change and just it automatically very quickly there or
you could go through the menu as I've just shown you and changed and adjusted the way you want it then finally at the far end to the left hand side is your input option and like I said you have a display port and then two HDMI so obviously I have the ps4 Pro and the Xbox one X connected via HDMI and then to the right hand side I have my macbook that you can just see the edge of there connected into the DisplayPort and then you can scroll through them and select which one you want when we turn to economic to this monitor the only option you have is a tilt function so first of all you have a minus 1 which is minus 4 so if I do that there it's very
minimal and as you can see it doesn't really do much at all but you have an option to points your monitor down also you have the monitors point it upwards and tilt it upwards so this is plus 21 point 5 this is where you see a greater difference here we've taken a side look of this monitor you can see how narrow it is and how sleek it looks from a side angle as well so like I said the tilt up function is 21.5 and then when I tilt this down you'll see the difference as well where it goes to about minus 4 so it's not a great level of detail there and the minus aspects you do have a great tilt up feature as so taking a look at the connectivity of this monitor it is a up
and under feature which is slightly difficult to get your hands in and actually connect them up so first of all over to the left-hand slides you have your two HDMI connections so one is a 1.4 and one is a hasty in my 2.0 so these will give you different features and different options and in the middle you've got my DisplayPort connection which is connecting up on my macbook pro and that is using a thunderbolt connection to DisplayPort here and the DisplayPort is a 1.2 and then obviously in the middle as well you have your headphone jack which gives you your audio
and they use that when I'm playing my games on the consoles that are both to the left-hand side then next to that finally you have your power supply that plugs into a UK three-pin plug as well so you do see the hints of red on the back here you have a AC at the top in silver you have the hints of red flying around which is really nice it's sleek it looks really smart as well we have fans built in at the top there in the column and the stand like I said it's made of plastic which is okay you're thinking of the price there but it is sturdy it does stand strong as well having the
cable management system is really helpful then obviously as well this has the option of a VESA connection so you can take the column that stand off here the actual square pack here comes out there's a button hidden behind the column there that you press that releases the display from the stand in the column and then you can put in a VESA mount if you so want to to have this mounted and that's 100 by 100 also down here underneath the power connection you can see it Kensington lock and this is where I was talking about having a USB port would be really
good if possible but because it's very narrow as well they want to keep all their actual bulk at the main back and keep very narrow sides as you can see here so to finish off I want to give you my personal opinions on what I thought of this monitor what I really enjoyed and what could be improved for next time or moving on to the next series that AOC law so first of all please note this is a gaming monitor first and all is for gamers out there that wants to enjoy gaming either via console or mainly by PC as it gives you more options without AMD freesync
technology to apologize that I don't have a game in PC to show you that AMD freesync technology and get the absolute superb resources out of this monitor like I said that is coming in the summer which I want to bring to you on the channel and build together as a community on tech tool setting that aside gaming on the Xbox one X and the ps4 Pro has been really good I've used the HDMI connections I've just previously shown you you have two different HDMI options there so with the Xbox one X I managed to get a higher resolution compared to what I
did on the ps4 Pro Emin was quick it was smooth it works really well and I played games like the division 2 and also rocket League FIFA Forza horizon multiple different games assassin's creed as well that the beautiful is such a cinematic game it really stands out and it's been really enjoyable and I've shown some content during my review here and I fact you have enjoyed colors are really good as well and the gradient on the colors is really good you're getting good shadow depth as well they have been really enjoyable to use not too sure why the ps4 Pro
doesn't work with this at a higher resolution than 1080p that was slightly disappointing really pleased with the xbox 1x though and the resolution I got from that again both were connected through the HDMI connections and then my macbook for productivity connected through the display port via thunderbolt connection so the MacBook and that's been really good as well with a large display you can have multiple windows open productivity can flow worked really
quickly through my social media as well replying suppose creating new posts setting out images and editing images with Adobe's been really good enjoyable to do iMovie and Final Cut Pro works really well on this I can have a large image and I can see everything I need to see being visually impaired really helps with a larger screen done with the curvature as well you're pointed into a focal point and that was nice to use also one other thing I did like while I was gaming was the crosshair feature that you can use with this monitor so it's one of the menu
options that I've just gone through as well you can have a crosshair on there I've never used that before and that was actually quite helpful during my gaming sessions when I was getting quite close to the monitor I could see exactly who I needed to line for that perfect shot as well especially during the division two so if you are after monitor is for gaming yes this ticks majority of your boxes for what you need so 144 Hertz refresh rate 1 millisecond response time a high-resolution display the AMD freesync bask rate like I said the little downside is that
there's no speakers but you can use the 3.5 headphone jack and to add in your own audio so that's okay but as well if you want a monitor that's quick productivity I've really enjoyed this monitor for that as well so you have different uses for a monitor instead of just one - - for gaming one monitor productivity this monitor does everything and I feel like it does it quite well to a high standard for the price is a really good price for all of them aspects that I talked about for gaming but like I said there's a couple of little let
downs one was the audio and the other was no USB ports I like to have a USB port on my monitor to maybe plug in a wireless charging map for a device like one of my phones like test or also for controllers or keyboards or Mouse depending what I want to use with the monitor itself and might set up around me so that's a couple of little downsides but all the pluses actually make it all okay I forget about them too little minus points and I think of all the plus side and the enjoyment I have had for the past two weeks it just doesn't matter in my opinion you can
add your own speakers I've got USB ports on my macbook pro that's fine so but I wonder if I like my little downsides to the review to make it open and honest and let you know how I feel about this monitor so if you have any questions or queries or if you have this monitor let me know what you think down below it's always great to hear from you the community is growing so well in Tech Talk now and it is about the community on this channel and bringing everyone
together to ask any question no matter how silly it may sound in your head please ask I'm more than happy to help or as other people are now I responding to other comments and that's great I really love that and that's why I set up this site because I have a passion for technology I have a passion accessibility as well so making sure everything is accessible for everyone to use no matter their ability thanks and the link will be in description to a hd's
website so you can go check out more features and everything else about this - that I have talked about today also I will put in hours in UK as well that's where it's currently again you could go through and click the link that I put in the description.
AOC C32G1 32" Curved Frameless Gaming Monitor review




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