Asus Prime X570-P Ryzen 3 AM4 Motherboard review

Asus Prime X570-P Ryzen 3 AM4 Motherboard review
Asus Prime X570-P Ryzen 3 AM4 Motherboard review

Asus Prime X570-P Ryzen 3 AM4 Motherboard review

so X 570 motherboards comes with beef your VRMs more bandwidth and PCIe 4.0 and they also do cuss what a lot more than its previous generation X 470 an old question is can we get a motherboard which delivers all that the X 570 chipset promises and keep it affordable well that is exactly what Isis is trying to do with its entry-level first time builder all-rounder prime X 570 - P a gourd with one mission and one mission only to work for everyone everywhere in a four-day play yeah I think that's it did I forget one now the old challenge here so deliver a very 

focused motherboard which does not sacrifice anything to performance quality or premium manufacture and in the same time keep it really really affordably and Asus really cannot get this wrong because the prime series if their best-selling motherboard of any kind of chipset this is a Asus board you're most likely to find any build in the world so yeah can you feel the pressure now to start with the obvious the prime X 5 70 P is a 6 layered PCB 80 export it is 

powered by an m4 CPU socket both supporting AMD's Rison mm see PE series and Rison 3000 cpu series erm wise we have an impressive eight CPU centric 50 amps power stages organized in four true phases delivering up to 400 amps of electricity who are poor processor that is enough to overclock even a 16 physical core processor which is obviously the maximum you can put on such motherboard now I just want to note that this is not just any vrm it is exactly the same theorem the same power stage is the same control model that you would find on much 

more expensive motherboard such as a Maximus 11 formula  even though this is a cheapest x5 70 motherboard Asus produces this is also equipped with one of the most expensive vrm they had equipped the Maximus 11 Series I know it's an Intel powered motherboard but still that is impressive alright so one more thing you see these capacitors they are 5,000 hours graded those are the very same ones you'll find on tough 

motherboards which themselves have a five-year warranty so overall a very beefy and premium vrm and if you couldn't tell yet I absolutely love it now to keep our faces cool we have upgraded it sings with plenty more of surface to dissipate all that heat and luckily enough I did not detect any kind of overheating or temos rattling at this level rom wise our board can support up to 128 gigabytes of ddr4 ram overclockable with a rising 2000 series up to 3.6 gigahertz or more interestingly with a risin 3000 series up to four point four gigahertz that is a thousand 

megahertz more than previously available on x47 team of the board that's that's one of those departments or compartments or elements where rather than 3,000 has a definite and immediate effect on to performances staying in the memory this board can support up to 2 and dot 2 solace that drive sticks which is very hard to pronounce with a rise in 2003 second swap data up to 32 gigabit per second and with a risin 3000 up to an incredible 64 Giga bit our second thanks to the PCIe 4.0 standard and in both cases this is going to generate a lot of heat 

luckily if you're going with PCIe 4.0 enabled and not to solicit drive they come with pre-mounted hit things so that's that's fine you want our most fertile here but because on our x5 70 P here we do not have any hit things available to us we are running a risk of term of rot so indeed if you wanted to put from an end to solicit drive I would place it right here far away from our heat producing video card now a little word on our chipset the X 570 chipset needs up 

to an unprecedented 11 watts of electricity which is twice of its predecessors and producing a lot of heat and that is why X 570 motherboard now come equipped with a blade blower which despite keeping our chips at very cool did not make much noise especially if you keep it behind you tempered glass staying in the storage our board can support up to six 3.0 SATA plugs meaning six gigabit of data transfer on each plug which again is not a lot and as I've been saying for the past few reviews I would like to see the SATA 3.0 gone with and replaced by 

something a little bit more Bend with export wise we have five PCIe slots three single slot single speeds and 216 slots with different speeds note that couple was arise in 2000 suppose they will run at a PCIe third generation standard and if coupled with horizon 3000 this will double the available and which per Lane on our PCIe and it will be running at a fourth-generation PCI Express s now that sounds great and make a big deal of a difference if you put you know iOS 

USB or MDOT to Saurus that drive connected on your pc export but when it comes to gaming you're not gonna see a lot of or at all any performance game simply because our current video card I still do not produce enough bandwidth to bottleneck the older PCIe third generation so it's great for future proofing so next year or so year after you're gonna have those PCI for upon all video cards which will output plenty more bandwidth but for this year it's like I said gaming wise you're not gonna see a bunch lot of performance gain back on a motherboard note that 

only the first 16 slot from the CPU can deliver up to 16 line speeds therefore this is where you would want to put your video for optimal performances and that is why we also have some metallic reinforcements and our second 16 slots have been capped up to four lane speeds and here I'm gonna allow myself a little remark this motherboard cannot support SLI so if you put two Nvidia video cards forget it it's not gonna work together on any given game but it is crossfire compliant like any other motherboard meaning that you can potentially put two 

different AMD video cards and run them on a game and I understand why there wouldn't be any metallic reinforcement if we were running this motherboard in pcie 3.0 but if you run it with a risin 3000 processor and therefore unlock the PC a 4.0 then doubles that bandwidth and then your video card can run perfectly without any kind of bottleneck so I would have wanted to see anyways a metallic reinforcement even on the second 16 slots and something I really hope to see on the next iteration of PCI 400 motherboards I wise starting from the left we have a 

mouse keyboard ps/2 connector to second generation USB plugs 23.2 first-generation USB plugs for 10 gigabit 3.2 second generation USB plugs a single 1.4 B HDMI display outputs are search protected 1 Gigabit LAN and finally our 8 channel real tech budget driven audio in an output alright so here I am going to make another remark I'm not surprised by the fact there is no i/o roofing or integrated plate or Wi-Fi or even more USB plugs or type C's or what have 

you this is normal when you're dealing with a budget essential driven motherboard I'm expecting this kind of of barebone layout where I'm not so happy is the fact that there is no bias flashback option on any of the USB plugs and I think this is the only board where Asus did not add it on the on its x5 70 series and I'm not sure I understand why because it wouldn't cost Asus any more to add it it's pretty much integrated in the BIOS as it is so it's a couple color 

lines of codes so yeah regret and something I'd like a PSA's to to to add on the next iteration of that particular motherboard logically moving to our board we have two second-generation USB front panel connectors as well as 23.2 first-generation five gigabit front panel connector which here I have to admit somewhat of a luxury I was expecting only one but we have two of those so very happy and kudos races for this cooling why so prime X 570 P gives us the bare minimum 

five pwm fans one of which can support all-in-one water pump but nothing more remember this is not an enthusiast motherboard so if you want it to have something which will run a custom water cooling system stay away from this and you'll have to upgrade your budget and plus to have dedicated water palms you know all that you need to properly run a custom water cooling solution and talking of essentials what Asus fangamer builder would 

survive without all rising effect craziness all around it I ask you well if you're not a sucess added an RGB addressable strip right under is chipset heat shield as well as three RGB or a complaint connectors one of which is addressable in conclusion  the prime X 570 - P is the cheapest fully operational X 517 motherboard Asus produced so far and let me start by this if you're looking for more options and to see a Stickley driven options Q let's 

troubleshooting Wi-Fi more USB etc etc this is not a motherboard for you you'll probably need to go more an and higher to get where you want to be this is not the goal of this motherboard here we have a focused motherboard strip from all the non-essentials and most shooing of aces ability to cost control every of its component and deliver something in the flawless manufacturer so you have the perfect balance between budget and performance 

exactly what aces need to get right with the prime X 570 P and ensure I did have a couple of remarks is the only X 517 motherboard produced by Asus without a BIOS flashback which i think is important and doesn't cost much to add to something I want to see on the next iteration and the fact that we did not have a metallic reinforcement on the second 16 slot PCIe but this seems to be details in front of the fact that this board comes with a truly premium theorem 

again a vrm which you can see on maximus 11 series model board much more expensive motherboard and which can truly operate and overclock eight 12 or even 16 physical core processors I mean you have to really put this back in context  I mean the truth is if you are a budget builder or first-time builder and want to be in play with the most powerful components our industry can currently produce this is where you money wants and needs to be alright .

 the asus prime x 570 - P and I bought this x5 70 motherboard because I ordered or i pre-ordered the Rison 930 900 X that CPU is not gonna come for another week or two and I'm just starting to get everything else ready so when the CPU comes I can just go ahead and start upgrading my current CPU which is hosted in this fractal design case my current CPU is a Intel i68 50 K which is a 6 core processor so the Rison 930 900 X is a tough core processor I'm getting 

a 12 core because I want to be able to export videos much faster than the what my current CPU can do and I think this this combination with the x5 70 and the Rison 9 is gonna do a much much better job than my current CPU setup so I got the motherboard I'm just gonna go ahead and do a quick unboxing of the motherboard there's really not much to it but I want to show you guys what exactly comes with this motherboard because this is actually one of the few 

cheapest x5 70 motherboard you can buy on the market for now this is our basic prime lying so it doesn't have any of the fancy features like additional plastic coverings LED lights maybe it have a few like somewhere over there I can see some LED hints that compatible with asus or a sink so if you have compatible devices and compatible fans or whatever you can use a source or a sink to sync up your LEDs this is our shield and it looks like all the other stuff is actually 

stuffed in here let me take the motherboard out first and I leave it on the side so the manual is right over here with a driver's disk looks like support DVD and what's this looks like a coupon 20 percent of cable malt cables well if you guys need this coupon code feel free to use it I don't think I'm gonna be ordering it so who ever used it first might get a 20% off for those for the cable world website take a look at some other stuff actually since this is a very entry-level 

motherboard it comes with limited amount of stuff and over here we have two SATA cables and a this looks like the adapter for the led the cable adaptor for LED it might be because I haven't seen this connection before so I suspect that's for LED anyway that that's pretty much it you just get two SATA cables good things I don't really use those SATA cables because I'm gonna be using a m2 SSD anyway and here are some mounting screws for the motherboard they give you 

some additional mounting screws okay and so let's actually take a look at the what this what this motherboard looks like and it's really hard to actually the selection so the selection of motherboard at this moment for Verizon nine is very very limited actually a lot of motherboard you can see they are all on pre-order so and this one is actually Inc stock quite surprisingly in stock on the first day I I think I ordered from new AG and they have one of those motherboard available as prime X 570 P over here are two PCIe slaw and I think it supports one at times 16 

and two at times eight on each lane and this is actually PCI Express 4.0 standards so all those lines are PCI Express 4.0 and the rest of the PCIe it's 1x I believe so you have just one m2 connection over here and this is the new amount for the new horizon 9 CPU let's see and over here just give you guys some close look at the motherboard so and this looks like a maybe an 8 face plus plus 4 design and so in terms of some you know supplying power it should be able to supply a decent stable power for any CPUs that doesn't require overclocking if you need to 

overclock you should consider one of those more expensive motherboards but for me I'm using it as is I'm not doing any crazy overclocking it should be doing a they should be doing an excellent job and over here on the lane of the length ship you actually have a little langar which is like yeah my shield for the LAN ship however you don't see any shield for the audio output right over here so and it looks pretty basic over here again entry-level motherboard in terms of connections so it's kind of hard to see with all those lying out over here you have USB 9 10 USB 

11 you 32g one I don't I don't really know what those connections are this looks like a USB 3.0 and up connection and over here are your connections for the for the PC buttons and the LED lights you have you have six SATA connections over here and over here is the extra USB 3 connection the power connection over here I don't know what this is it says add gen - yeah I I don't know I'm gonna check the motherboard on the menu and then just post the description 

over here for you guys and over here this looks actually no it's that different okay so this looks like another jumper cube RGB header so I might be for the LED lighting and those are obviously the fence so you have one two three fan connections and if there is any extra nope I've only seen three connections for the fan and over here interestingly so even on this quite entry-level x.25 70 motherboard they actually incorporated a fan for the for the British chip over here which is quite nice it's always nice to have you have you know fans for for coding on the 

motherboard because usually some of them those chips rounds really really hot and over here they actually have some actual metal aluminum heatsink on the power faces so those are smaller and this is actually quite bigger over there and I actually quite liked it it's it's very simple but it's actually very to the point there's no additional fancy plastic coverings all over like some of the other gaming motherboard that you see on the market today which I think 

actually affects the coding efficiency of a actual motherboard so I really don't like those plasticky looking things covering all over the motherboard this is actually quite simple quite to the point I really like this design very minimalistic like there's really no additional fancy features out here actually I see two m dot 2 connections over here and in terms of i/o connection over here you have your pretty standard the audio output that gigabit laying those are I think

 USB 3.1 gen2 I believe HDMI connection Gen 2 and this is USB 3.0 and those looks like regular USB 2.0 ports call me if I'm wrong and over here is your CPU power supply and under is this you don't really see much stuff going on over here so it's the board is pretty the board is pretty empty and you see some of the spares capacitors over here and over here those are probably for the audio I believe and so that's pretty much it so the next step I'm gonna be doing is probably 

put this back into the box and wait until my CPU actually comes over and then we're gonna do a swap out from my current CPU and upgraded into this new Rison 9 setup so there you have it if you guys have any questions about this particular motherboard feel free to ask me in the comment section down below otherwise thank you so much for watching and I know this is just a quick unboxing without any additional fancy stuff but I know those models are fairly new so

if you guys want to take a actual physical look there you have it this is the Asus prime x5 70 - P so their entry-level motherboard that's currently on sale and here's a back view of the motherboard just for you guys to check out the build quality of the board and the soldering flick me into the front you you .

Asus Prime X570-P Ryzen 3 AM4 Motherboard review

 the Asus Prime X570-P motherboard. I got this motherboard for my new computer It's the Asus Prime X570-P It's an AM4 board. It supports the latest Ryzen 3000 series out of the box and it has the latest chipset, the X570 chipset. And some HDMI ports and PCI Express 4.0, that's pretty nice. Looking at the box, there are a lot of features for this motherboard even though this is almost... I think it's the cheapest motherboard you can get with the X570 chipset. It still has a lot of features. The HDMI port works only if you have a processor that supports... 

that has a graphical interface built-in. A GPU built-in. Lots of USB ports. 3.2 gen. 1 and gen. 2 and also USB 2.0 Lots of USB ports for this motherboard, it has a gigabit Ethernet connection and audio that is separated from the main board you will see later what I mean. It has RGB features if you're interested in that. Addressable Header Gen 2, I don't know much about RGB. These are the processors that are accepted. Chipset X570, the latest one. It can have DDR4 memory with really good speeds. I will use the DDR4 3200 memory on this one. For storage, it 

has 6 SATA ports and 2 M.2 slots which is pretty good. And if you want to have the... to use the built-in HDMI port you need a processor, one of the Ryzen processors that has, I believe the c code, I'm not sure. Write in the comments or I will write later which processors support this built-in video feature. Lots of PCI-Express slots and the PCI Express version is 4.0 for a GPU that supports 4.0 or an M.2 SSD which has really fast speed if it's on PCIe 4.0. Let's unbox this.

 This knife really needs to be sharpened. OK, let's move on so let's see what's inside the box. Firstly, most important, you have to be careful when you handle the motherboard because it's an electrostatic discharge sensitive device. Wear one of those electrostatic bracelets. Or if you don't have one of those, touch some metal part in your house that is grounded. Best case is just to touch the computer case and then handle the motherboard. If you can avoid touching the 

electronic parts, don't touch them and also keep it in this bag, this is an anti electrostatic discharge - anti-esd bag. Try to keep it in this bag for as long as you can. Let's see what other things are inside the magic box. Some cables, it's a bit hard to remove them but OK we could take them out. Cables and some other stuff bellow. Let's first look at the cables. Two SATA cables, one is straight and the other one is 90 degree angle. That's pretty nice. I though they should bring - give more SATA cables but OK. This is some RGB connection, I don't know 

what that is. Under this paper thing we have the firewall ( i/o shield) for the motherboard this goes into your case, try not to loose that. These are M.2 screws so that you can install your SSD, super-fast M.2 SSD. and some paperwork. The most important paper here for you, if you're gonna install this is the quick installation guide where it will tell you step-by-step how to install it. I followed this one and it worked perfectly, you will see later. You will see in another review. If you want to pause at each step I'm not gonna explain now all the steps but, if you follow this 

guide it's very easy to just build the computer as long as you have all the parts that you need with you and they are compatible of course. So that's how you install the memory different versions for the coolers, the Ryzen coolers. It's pretty straight forward. They even show you how to install the graphics cards and the motherboard. The connectors for the power button and LED. and the ATX connector, basically everything that you need to know is here. I think 

you can find this online, I'm not sure but when you get the motherboard, this will be in the box. Do not throw this away and before you install it, make sure you read this paper because it's really important that you do everything right. These are the connections, it shows you how to install it. Pretty straight-forward. Thanks for this. Let's move on to the next thing. Of course, I couldn't pack it as it was before, that's normal. And the DVD with some drivers which are probably outdated anyway. So I don't think you would want to use this DVD, you should 

download the drivers from the internet but if you don't have an internet connection, this is a pretty good start. Here, this is one gift for you If you want to use this coupon, please go ahead. It's one so whoever sees this review first and needs it, just try to use it. If it doesn't work, someone else used it. I'm not gonna use it so it's yours. The manual is pretty well structured, you have all the usual information you would want to see about the components in the package and the most important, the motherboard layout so you know where is each port and what 

every connection does. That's the description, how to install the memory, again it's important - the order in which you install it. And the manual you can find online for sure so if you want to read that manual before you get the motherboard, it's easy to look it up and download it from the Asus website. That's the shield for the motherboard, this goes into the case. you make sure you don't loose that and this is the... this is pretty much it. That's everything so let's have a look 

at the actual motherboard, let's take it out from the package. Now handling it, try not to touch something, I didn't use a strap here - a esd bracelet but I wasn't touching any sensitive parts, just touching the cooler or plastic components. That's how it looks like. There is a cooler on the chipset. Board looks decent, it doesn't look like a space ship but it doesn't matter it's in the case. Full-size PCI-Express slot for the GPU, 16x and then the smaller PCI-E slots and another fill size PCI Express slot which is useful for other cards. Processor PGA slot (Socket). and the 

power is really kept cool with nice radiators of aluminium. And here you have the chipset which is also kept cool with a fan. There you have USB connections, fast USB connections SATA- 6 SATA connections Some M.2 slot which is a longer size and a shorter size M.2 A bunch of connections for USB and these are headers for the front panel. And the audio which is separated, you see this channel it's separating it from the main board to isolate it so it's less noisy. These are pretty good from aluminium. Those are power for the processor and the fan controllers, sockets and whatever. Memory, 4 slots of memory, that's pretty nice for a board 

that it's supposed to be low cost - entry level board this has a lot of features. USB 2.0, the USB 3.2, HDMI which will not work with my processor and Ethernet - gigabit Ethernet and the sound card could have had more inputs and outputs. Here these ones act as jack sensing so if you plug in a microphone it will work as a microphone, if you plug in a speaker it will output signal so still it could have had more audio outputs but usually if you want more quality from
 audio, you get something extra. This is the board and I will install this in a future review .


ModelBrandASUSModelPRIME X570-P
Supported CPUCPU Socket TypeAM4CPU TypeAMD AM4 Socket 3rd and 2nd AMD Ryzen / 2nd and 1st Gen AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processors
* Refer to for CPU support list
ChipsetsChipsetAMD X570
MemoryNumber of Memory Slots4×288pinMemory Standard3rd Gen AMD Ryzen Processors
4400(O.C.)/ 4266(O.C.)/ 4133(O.C.)/ 4000(O.C.)/ 3866(O.C.)/ 3733(O.C.)/ 3600(O.C.)/ 3466(O.C.)/ 3400(O.C.)/ 3200/ 3000/ 2933/ 2800/ 2666/ 2400/ 2133 MHz Un-buffered Memory
2nd Gen AMD Ryzen Processors
DDR4 3600(O.C.)/ 3466(O.C.)/ 3400(O.C.)/ 3200(O.C.)/ 3000(O.C.)/ 2933/ 2800/ 2666/ 2400/ 2133 MHz Un-buffered Memory
2nd and 1st Gen AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processors
DDR4 3200(O.C.)/ 3000(O.C.)/ 2933/ 2800/ 2666/ 2400/ 2133 MHz Memory

* Refer to for the Memory QVL (Qualified Vendors Lists).
* The maximum memory capacity supported vary depending on the CPU you installed.Maximum Memory Supported128GBChannel SupportedDual Channel
Expansion SlotsPCI Express 4.0 x163rd Gen AMD Ryzen Processors
1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 (x16 mode)
2nd Gen AMD Ryzen Processors
1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 (x16 mode)
2nd and 1st Gen AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processors
1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 (x8 mode)

AMD X570 chipset
1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 (max at x4 mode)PCI Express x13 x PCIe 4.0 x1
Storage DevicesSATA 6Gb/s6 x SATA 6Gb/sM.23rd Gen AMD Ryzen Processors:
1 x M.2_1 socket 3, with M Key, Type 2242/2260/2280 (PCIE 4.0 x4 and SATA modes) storage devices support
2nd Gen AMD Ryzen / 2nd and 1st Gen AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processors:
1 x M.2_1 socket 3, with M Key, Type 2242/2260/2280 (PCIE 3.0 x4 and SATA modes) storage devices support

AMD X570 chipset:
1 x M.2_2 socket 3, with M Key, Type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (PCIE 4.0 x4 and SATA modes) storage devices supportSATA RAID0/1/10
Onboard VideoOnboard Video ChipsetIntegrated Graphics in the 2nd and 1st Gen AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processors
VGA output support: HDMI port
- Supports HDMI 1.4b with max. resolution 4096 x 2160 @ 24 Hz
Onboard AudioAudio ChipsetRealtek S1200A High Definition Audio CODECAudio Channels8 Channels
* Choose the chassis with HD audio module in front panel to support 8-channel audio output.
Onboard LANLAN ChipsetRealtek RTL8111HMax LAN Speed10/100/1000Mbps
Rear Panel PortsBack I/O Ports1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse combo port(s)
1 x HDMI
1 x LAN (RJ45) port(s)
2 x USB 2.0
3 x Audio jack(s)
2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (up to 5Gbps) ports Type-A
4 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (up to 10Gbps) ports (Type-A*)
* The USB ports under the LAN port can run at USB 3.2 Gen 2 speeds with 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen Processors
Internal I/O ConnectorsOnboard USB4 x USB 3.2 + 3 x USB 2.0Other Connectors2 x Aura RGB Strip Headers
1 x Addressable Gen 2 header(s)
1 x SPI TPM header
1 x COM port(s) connector(s)
1 x CPU Fan connector(s) (1 x 4-pin)
3 x Chassis Fan connector(s) (3 x 4-pin)
1 x PCH_FAN (1 x 4-pin)
1 x AIO_PUMP connector (1 x 4-pin)
1 x S/PDIF out header(s)
1 x Front panel audio connector(s) (AAFP)
1 x System panel(s)
1 x Clear CMOS jumper(s)
Physical SpecForm FactorATXLED LightingRGBDimensions (W x L)12.0" x 9.6"Power Pin1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector(s)
1 x 8-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s)
1 x 4-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s)
FeaturesFeaturesMulti-GPU Support:
3rd and 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen / 2nd and 1st Gen AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processors
Supports AMD 2-Way CrossFireX Technology

Special Features:
ASUS 5X Protection III:
- ASUS SafeSlot Core: Fortified PCIe Slot prevents damage
- ASUS LANGuard: Protects against LAN surges, lightning strikes and static-electricity discharges!
- ASUS Overvoltage Protection: World-class circuit-protecting power design
- ASUS Stainless-Steel Back I/O: 3X corrosion-resistance for greater durability!
- ASUS DIGI+ VRM - Digital power design with Dr. MOS
- ASUS Enhanced DRAM Overcurrent Protection - Short circuit damage prevention
- ASUS ESD Guards - Enhanced ESD protection
ASUS SafeSlot - Protect your graphics card Investment
ASUS OptiMem:
- Improved DDR4 Stability
- Aura RGB Strip Headers
- Aura Control
- Addressable Gen 2 Header
ASUS Exclusive Features:
- AI Suite 3
- Ai Charger
- Armoury Crate
ASUS Quiet Thermal Solution:
- Stylish Design: MOS Heat-sink with dual thermal pads design, PCH Fan and PCH Heatsink
- ASUS Fan Xpert 4
- ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3
- ASUS EZ Flash 3
ASUS Q-Design:
- ASUS Q-Slot

256MB Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS, PnP, SM BIOS 3.2, ACPI 6.2, Multi-language BIOS, ASUS EZ Flash 3, CrashFree BIOS 3, F6 Qfan Control, F3 My Favorites, Last Modified log, F12 PrintScreen, F4 AURA ON/OFF, F9 Search and ASUS DRAM SPD (Serial Presence Detect) memory information


Operating System:
Windows 10 64-bit
PackagingPackage ContentsAccessories:
User's manual
I/O Shield
2 x SATA 6Gb/s cable(s)
1 x M.2 Screw Package
1 x Supporting DVD
1 x Extension cable for Addressable LED.

Asus Prime X570-P Ryzen 3 AM4 Motherboard review

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