PICTEK Gaming Keyboard with Phone Holder and Volume Wheel review

PICTEK Gaming Keyboard with Phone Holder and Volume Wheel review

PICTEK Gaming Keyboard with Phone Holder and Volume Wheel review

PICTEK Gaming Keyboard with Phone Holder and Volume Wheel review

 what's up guys this  is about the big tech mechanical keyboard so without further ado let's get straight into it the box comes with the keyboard a key opener and a manual , the keyboard has 87 blue switch keys and has many different color options you can change the color mode by pressing the function key and the keys on the right hand side together it also has customizable features which is given in the manual , you can adjust the speed and brightness of the light using their arrow keys ,  and is a great choice for those who want to get a feel of mechanical keyboards the only thing I didn't like is that the keyboard is a bit higher than others apart from that I think it's pretty good like I said before this keyboard is a good choice for starters 

2019 new version pic tech RGB gaming keyboard with phone holder customizable RGB backlit wired keyboard nine independent multimedia keys and volume wheel waterproof computer keyboard for Mac / PC gamers amazing customizable chroma RGB backlit light up your gaming atmosphere with pic tech RGB keyboard there are four RGB lighting modes eight single color lighting modes five backlit brightness and three backlit changing speed you can also customize the lighting effect and press FN and pgdn to turn it off 9 multimedia keys and volume wheel beside the 12 shortcut keys are USB wired keyboard is additionally equipped with nine independent multimedia keys as well American Samoa a volume wheel which allow you to directly control the multimedia functions without simultaneously pressing the FN key 

two-five anti-ghosting keys and when lock key pick tech backlit keyboard is outfitted with interchangeable WASD and arrow keys as well as 25 non-conflict keys to ensure the most accurate and simultaneous key press and you can also press FN and when to disable the wind key for better gaming experience keycaps and comfortable typing constructed with bouncy keys of crater structure our desktop keyboard is fast responsive and very comfortable for typing without hands strain the suspended key caps can also be taken off for easy cleaning perfect both for office workers and game enthusiasts spill resistant and phone holder designed with a draining hole on the back it's easy to drain water out if you accidentally splash the drinks or tea on the keyboard there is also an extendable drawer on keyboards top for holding phone never miss your girlfriend's phone calls while indulging in gaming with this design 

  the reason for this I was contacted by victi singh who manufactured this keyboard and they've asked me to do a product review on it so today i'm reviewing the pick tec mechanical gaming keyboard now pic Tech is one of their sub brands who manufacture a range of different gaming accessories such as keyboards and mice now I purchased this particular keyboard about two months ago and I've been using it since then just have a look at this particular keyboard itself a very good quality and after using it for two months his fantastic key was one of the best I've ever had now the reason why I bought this is because I did a lot of gaming and I do a lot of streaming as well and it's great to have some various controls at my disposal so having a look at the keyboards itself it is the UK layout as you can notice with the pound symbols on the three so

 this is the UK layout keyboard never did say mechanical now this is manic mechanical feeling keyboard which is controlled by the red key switch which you can see underneath of there now that does offer you a great fast response and it's very low noise as well I know some of them you can buy where they're quite noisy so it's great to have that feature in this particular keyboard now there's other keys that you can might be able to see here and this is the media controls so the media controls are at the top here and this particular keyboard has the previous track next track play and pause and stop buttons all laid out along now now on this site we can see we have a volume scroll wheel now this was the reason why I bought this particular keyboard 

because I love this feature now I can actually scroll up to turn the volume up and turn down scroll down to turn the volume down and that is fantastic feature especially if you're streaming and gaming at the same time you're listening to music you can use it very easy to control the volume now you can see the font is very easy to read on the particular keys and they are very well made with the good quality now it's very easy to clean and is spill resistant because the keys are raised up from the actual body itself now a little tip for you when you're cleaning your keyboards what you can do is use a paintbrush like I do to get in between the keys and that makes it a lot easier so that's just a little bit of cleaning tip for from me so there is software 

provided so you can customize the RGB backlight as well so you can have it flashing can have it different colors and we'll have a look at the software now so as you can see from this software I have got the light set to normally-on which is what I like because I can seal the keys when it gets a bit darker now I can change it through these different patterns as well so if I click on one of them just called go on the stream as you can see the keyboard is now rotating through a rainbow effect from left to right we have also got clouds fly which is a read-only so you can set it to how you want it as you can see it's got built-in presets that you can adjust so this one is a sort of a flowery multicolored design and you can adjust the brightness as well so if you didn't want it bright you can do that and you can also adjust the speed as well so if you wanted it faster or if you wanted it slower you can adjust the speed fully as well so that's absolutely 

fantastic now with edit macros you can also put in some macros into this particular software as well so you can record a macro you just press the plus button for macro one and then record what you would like to do so I've put in a few controls there and I can confirm that and then macro is a is applied and I can just press apply and it will apply the macro as well so what's my overall opinion on this keyboard I think it's a must by now the reason why I say that as I mentioned throughout the review it has a very good quality body the USB braided cable and the fact it has the media controls and the customized RGB backlight now this keyboard is fantastic value for money in the UK costs around about 40 pounds which makes it a must buy if you really do looking for a decent gaming keyboard with media controls this is the one to go for now 

this wired RGB mechanical keyboard by pic tech make sure y'all watch till the end to see some of my pros and cons on this keyboard overall so if you don't know this brand here is a budget brand keyboard by pic Tech and they make a lot of variations of mechanical keyboards and just gaming gear in general and this keyboard here I would say it's probably their most slim and sleek looking keyboard that they make in terms of gaming peripherals as you can tell by the design and build quality of this keyboard there is no number pad which is gonna make things feel a little more centered and minimal and I guess clean overall which I'm personally a big fan of because I do like less buttons on my keyboard and also I do like that your mouse 

won't collide with your keyboard if you know you do a lot of wide range movements with your mouse let's kick things off by checking out what was inside in the box inside the box you get the keyboard of course a mechanical key switch Pooler and an instruction manual with this instruction manual you're gonna see some helpful functions on how to control this keyboard more cific Leon how to actually use the RGB lights and features which we'll be getting more into a little bit later in the review in terms of build quality this I would say is a more slim profile keyboard and more minimal as I said earlier it's missing a number pad which is really gonna make this thing feel centered and more minimal overall and then the actual height of the keyboard I wouldn't say it's exactly a low profile keyboard like the large e tech G 915 but it's also not like a your typical large mechanical keyboard which has this base that's lifted high this one here is I would say in the middle somewhere and it comes at a little horizontal angle on the 

side so it starts off kind of slim and then picks up overall which I think adds for a better ergonomics and more comfortable typing experience the key switches are blues and I don't think they do come with any other options like Browns or Reds or anything like that if you do want to use other key switches with this keyboard you may have to do a custom job yourself but I wouldn't recommend it because this is a budget keyboard that's not really meant to be customized it's kind of like a buy it and then you're kind of ready to use it kind of keyboard so though I would say the typing experience overall with this keyboard is quite nice with the Blues you do get that clickety clackety sound where you know you can hear the clicks and here's a little test for you guys so you know it's pretty fairly straightforward if you heard a mechanical 

PICTEK Gaming Keyboard with Phone Holder and Volume Wheel review

keyboard this is traditionally with the blue switches sound like if this is too loud for you they do make other mechanical keyboards with red switches or brown switches that are a little quieter so you know just use your best judgment on whether the loudness is acceptable in your workstation or a gaming station environment something unique about this keyboard and that I thought was pretty interesting is that a lot of the RGB features are controllable on the keyboard themselves so if you hold the function key here and then click these buttons here on the right hand side of the keyboard and the numbers or rather the insert button and then the home there's a little indicator on light mode 1 2 3 4 5 etc etc and basically as you push these buttons while holding the function key you can control different RGB lighting settings so you have things like always keep the keyboard on then you have like a glowy effect the pulsing effect a ripple effect as you type and there's a lot of different modes this keyboard has to offer I believe there is 27 different RGB lighting effects they can use it at this keyboard and it requires no 

software it's all controllable on the keyboard which is kind of nice because sometimes installing a software just to control your RGB lights can be a little tedious and overkill in my but this is kind of cool because it already comes with some pretty nice RGB effects and lighting settings that you can use right off the bat without installing any software so I like the convenience factor that pretty good stuff here they also do have a few different modes that this keyboard enters and more specifically like the lighting effects so you can enter FPS mode which basically only keeps the WASD Keys lit up and you have RTS mode which stands for a real-time strategy it's more for those strategy games and that's where you have the WASD and then some of the quick shortcuts around there like the erq and basically some just typical buttons that would you you would use in these sorts of games another interesting feature that the keyboard has that a lot of keyboards I don't see out there have is Windows lock mode or game mode so basically what this

 does is disable the windows button so you don't accidentally push it while you're in the middle of you know playing a game because we all know if you're like a full screen in a game and you push windows it takes you out of the game which can be really annoying and it can cause you to you know lose and have to start over on you know the actual game itself and then you get your traditional media keys which most keyboards already have you got like your you know stop play skip music and go back to a previous track so that's pretty straightforward stuff and then volume controls as well and it's all accessible like most keyboards out there you just hold the function key and then there's these little icons on the F keys so if you want to skip a track you just click function skip previous etc etc I'm not going to get into the details of that it's pretty straightforward and if you want to see all the instructions on how to actually use this keyboard the little manual that this keyboard comes with and gives you all of those details on how to use it and all the shortcuts that this keyboard has to offer the build quality on this keyboard I 

would say is pretty decent it's not like this cheap little thing that feels like it's gonna fall apart and the keyboards keys they don't feel like really mushy I've tried some really budget mechanical keyboards out there where you're just holding your fingertip on the keys and this thing is just sliding and it feels like I don't know like you're pushing the key and it's like moving to the left and right and it feels really unstable but this build quality the keys here more specifically are really nice and the typing experience is pretty comfortable so you don't feel like it's a cheap keyboard even though it is a budget keyboard so I think it's really cool that this keyboard is pretty competitive in the budget keyboard arena actually I would say it's probably one of the best budget keyboards I've seen these keyboard does go for -- and it's mechanical switch blues and if you're someone that's new to the keyboard world and you just want to get a feel of what mechanical keyboards are I would say this is a pretty good starter keyboard and you can really like kind of feel the difference between using a traditional rubber keyed or 

scissor key the keyboard versus a mechanical keyboard so I can definitely recommend this keyboard if it's your first mechanical keyboard but if you're looking for something with higher build quality and just a better user experience overall I do a lot of mechanical keyboard reviews so make sure you check out my channel and just type in keyboard in the search and you can see some of the keyboards that I actually reviewed over there so pros and cons with this keyboard the pros I have is the biggest one is the price for 30 bucks you get a pretty solid keyboard you know build quality is good the typing experience is nice thicker the ergonomics and the comfort is good as well you can use this thing for quite a bit of time and you know your hands are gonna be tired and you got a lot of RGB options that come built into the keyboard and no software required that's a pretty nice list of good things about this keyboard 430 LR keyboard so the 

only thing I don't like about this keyboard I would say is the height at which it is and it's not even that high but I'd like to use more low-profile keyboards and the Logitech G 915 is personally like my gold standard of keyboards right now because that thing is low profile I don't have to lift my wrists up to type the keys but with this one you do have to lift your wrist a little but it's not even that high I would say this is like a medium profile keyboard so that's the only con I would say I have which is not really a con it's just a personal preference 

PICTEK Gaming Keyboard with Phone Holder and Volume Wheel review

To learn more amazon link below 

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