Logitech Illuminated Ultrathin Keyboard K740 with Laser-etched Backlit Keyboard

Logitech Illuminated Ultrathin Keyboard K740 with Laser-etched Backlit Keyboard
Logitech Illuminated Ultrathin Keyboard K740 with Laser-etched Backlit Keyboard

Logitech Illuminated Ultrathin Keyboard K740 with Laser-etched Backlit Keyboard

 hi everybody  I don't boxing I'm not as at my usual on boxing station because as you can guess this is a keyboard and a little bit of back story as usual I've been having a hard time finding a new keyboard and I think that's mostly because I really like my old keyboard usually I use go with with Logitech you know what they're doing they got good and my old one is called key 750 Logitech k7 15 and it's solar solar powered wireless and very flat that's the thing I'm like most about it is very flat and my only problem is okay in the winter I have some problem with the solar power thing so I usually forget to put it in my window and the battery power is low during the summer I don't need to have the in my window you can have it by the computer works just 

fine but now let me see some keys that I really use like Q and W now of course they work and the number pad yeah this one doesn't work I have to punch a bit harder and then it works fine and that kind of irritates me especially the keypad so I'm in thinking of buying a new one and my first choice was to get a keyboard that works with iOS products I have a video of that so there you have a switch we can change between your computer and your iPhone and type an iPhone seems very nice but the keyboard war was very plastic I didn't like that feeling at all and it wasn't flat enough then I decided to get the K 800 I think it's colder maybe 850 I think it's called age 50 is this but the newer model and without the solar power thing and I have a backlight keys all right fine so I checked like a text site you were sold out I checked with our 

Swedish store Cornetto net and there they have two very different prices of the key age 50k 850 let me see if you just have the right number there okay hungry I think is called yeah K 800 became 850 is a combined keyboard with the mouse okay 800 is one of them that I'm talking about it feels fine a bit thicker than this one but I feel fine I asked nothing at what I had two different prices they say it was the old model and the new model so I emailed lager take two to get to know what the new model was what the new thing was because the thing with many Logitech keepers as this one people learn the old one and really hate the new one I don't know why but maybe lager take care I've been chipping out with the products I don't know either way it was sold out for like two months and then I didn't bother anymore so I was just going for a flat keyboard and I realized it doesn't have to be Wireless because I only use it by my 

computer so then we have this K 740 number lower than this one and I what I understand the higher the number the better or the more expensive the keyboard so this should be wired version of this one the number is that is a bit thicker but not much I don't think it was if this was I don't know I gotta put those number in in my blog post so I really hope I'm gonna be satisfied with this one I don't like the wrist pad on any keyboard but people really seem to love this one but we have the same issue here that people loved the old one both home and at work and everything but they hate the new one and the new one in Scandinavia we can see that they have both Norwegian Swedish and Danish letters the old one only had either only Danish or only Swedish so that's the new version but it's flat I like the glass frame the keys or a bit thicker than this one yeah they are and it's back light so I'm gonna plug it in and I get back to you okay 

so I must admit the cable channel ruins the look for me a bit but yeah I shouldn't be bottles and I thought that the cable is 1.8 meters I think that's about 6 feet and I thought up that's gonna be well good enough but actually when I have it like this it is precisely that if reaches the computer that I have under my under my desk the backlight thing is knife the quality's absolutely good not a plastic sheet like old or the other model that I tried just that I have to punch the Keith a bit harder and a bit deeper than on this one so the keys are a bit longer a bit higher a bit a bit harder damped but I think I'm gonna like it this doesn't bother me at all not at all it helps it helps to make the keyboard feel a bit flatter than it is and I think it is you see how I can do this all right now I realize how obtained this is I can fit this keyboard under this one so this is this is a great one I really should have bought just another new one but I usually blog at night and in the summer it gets so warm in mind and living room so I have to have the lights turned off so backlight is nice and I still have a program programmable keys I've read it doesn't bother 

anything to me but I read that the guys that are gaming there is some kind of option that is not available on this one but I don't care I only type and here to change the light yeah a couple of steps three steps I think I like it and it directly connected to the computer of course but I think our gonna use the same software that I have with a lot of tech mouse to program the keyboard but I think that's it so far so good , the keys are a bit longer a bit harder if sort of feels like a mechanic's keyboard and I like the touch of a laptop keyboard but yeah this is it lager take K 740 I think the price was maybe a bit more I don't remember actually but ask me
stubborn and I like it when I can change the position of material easily so I think big is gonna get rid of their rubber things but this one this one not as easy but the spacebar being so stubborn that challenge irritates me so when I use type work and yeah so I missed it this doesn't activated is this does so yeah not even every other time the space ball taps and that irritates me this doesn't move it at all it's just the same place I don't want to do like this on the space bar every time this should be enough yeah that may be a deal breaker that may be the I don't know I ran from monkey but not another of this problem maybe here's the problem with use my keyboard

Logitech Illuminated Ultrathin Keyboard K740 with Laser-etched Backlit Keyboard

I know a lot of people been asking me what I use and I used quite a bit but for my office this keyboard has been my favorite now a little background about me I work in the office I work with computers coding programming so I use keyboards all day for eight nine ten hours even longer sometimes and so having a nice keyboard is extremely important for me and you know I've thought about which keyboard to use because I like mechanical keyboards but any mechanical keyboard seems to just annoy everyone around me because they're loud you could put all rings on it and try to silence it it's still gonna be loud so I decide to look for an alternative keyboard and this is where I came on this very simple Logitech k7 40 illuminated and this is not an expensive keyboard this is not a new keyboard you could find this at a regular 

electronics store like Best Buy but it's not everywhere because I don't think they sell this keyboard everywhere cuz it's not as popular I think this is a very very how do you call it valuable hidden gem because this keyboard it says right here so type comfortably day or night right so if you like laptop type of keyboards which have a kind of a softer feel doesn't rise as high you know has that quiet silent typing this is the closest thing I could find to a laptop type of feel I'm sure there's other ones out there but this for the price takes the cake now let me tell you these keys are very flat so if you look at mechanical keyboards look at that mechanical keyboards are much more raised and something about the ergonomics on that if you have to lift your finger up higher it does put strain on your wrist right here so I think having a low profile keyboard is a win and I don't know if you could hear but it's truly quiet it's just like any other office keyboard and it's very smooth precise if you look at the box here here's some cool 

characteristics bright backlit keys yep this keyboard has a backlit key so if you guys need it if you guys ever typed in the dark you know how important that is thank you for having it elegant and slim ultra-thin 9.3 millimeters profile and an elegant transparent frame it looks good and it is slim it types well types in comfort for hours that's true I type in it all day and I forget it's even there you know I only realize how much I missed this keyboard when I go home and use a different keyboard or when I use another co-workers keyboard and I hate their keyboard because it's just your standard keyboard and this one right here is the perfect stroke key system this is I think where I fell in love with this keyboard so it has like a micro scissor in there so every keystroke is quiet natural and fluid so basically if you strike this keyboard it's very very easy to actuate I mean it doesn't take much effort which is what I think makes it more ergonomic makes it much more easier on the fingers especially if you're just and we're talking 

about people who need to type all day 10 hours you you want to be kind of focused on organ onyx because if you don't ten years later you gonna pay for it all right and it's not a special keyboard but it is the best office keyboard that I've ever used and it's so good sometimes that I wonder if I should just go home and replace all my keyboards with this I feel like I could even game with this just because it's fast and it's low-profile I think I would even have an edge in gaming if I use this keyboard just because I could type so fast I type super fast with this keyboard because it's not raised it's very simple you have some this is the light there's a three different brightness you can adjust there's the volume keys you're not gonna use this too much in the office but it's there if you want to use it in the home full numb keypad all your standard 

buttons and thankfully these F keys you don't need you don't need to have a software for this so if you're a coder ephod after all these f keys just work plug and play so if you're in a company like me where you can't really install your own software a keyboard this is a godsend all right and if you need to use something else of course function works and this is cool too you know if you go ahead and use your function keys you could do simple things in here that might save you time so all in all this is a keyboard that I didn't share with anybody for a long time I've been using it for about two years now as you can see it's worn out but hasn't broke hasn't break broken and it's kind of one of those keyboards that you have to take care of so a lot of the complaints on this keyboard if you look up complaints you're gonna see that a lot of people break it and if you use this keyboard to let's say you have drinks or you let's say you have food and you keep putting drinks and and food crumbs and chip crumbs in here yeah it's gonna 

break its gonna break it's not meant to be handled with it's not waterproof it's not check proof it's not food proof it's gonna break and it's kind of delicate that micro scissor that they use in these it's it's very delicate but as long as you just come to work and type and you don't let it go for a swim or you don't throw it around I mean mines been working for two years so I don't know what other people are complaining about you know and I don't see this breaking anytime soon I don't necessarily need a wireless keyboard at work just because this is I unhooked it but this is just right at my computer I don't carry the keyboard around so I don't need a wireless it's just a very simple keyboard what will replace this I have no idea I know Logitech has their new round MX keyboard maybe I'll go for that if this ever breaks but I might just come back 

and buy this over and over and over again all right so there you go a lot of people have been asking me what I use at work this is it it's one of my favorite keyboards at work if you are looking for a similar laptop type of keyboard look look it online go to Best Buy go to Office Depot I think they all have it but it's the case 740 illuminated keyboard very simple and cheap you want to break your wallet buying this keyboard.

Logitech Illuminated Ultrathin Keyboard K740 with Laser-etched Backlit Keyboard

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