Havit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Blue Switch 104 Keys Rainbow Backlit Keyboards

Havit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Blue Switch 104 Keys Rainbow Backlit Keyboards
Havit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Blue Switch 104 Keys Rainbow Backlit Keyboards

Havit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Blue Switch 104 Keys Rainbow Backlit Keyboards

hey guys how's it going welcome back to another review  so guys in this review we are going to be doing the part two of the unboxing for the mouse and keyboard combo from habit so first off let me just let you guys know that I purchased this keyboard so for you all you Americans out there that is 38 United States dollars USD so if you're able to pick this up I would say that this is probably one of the best combos you can get out there that I've found in Amazon especially in the Canadian Amazon store this isn't clapping the best combo and let me give you some reasons why so first off guys this keyboard is a mechanical blue switch keyboard so as you guys can see right here here's a demonstration of what the key cap looks like and there you go alright so now we're gonna be doing a keyboard sound which answers what the keyboard sounds like I'm typing so this keyboard actually comes with the wrist rest and honestly this is actually like pretty it's pretty comfortable I'd say like it's not it's not like anything soft but like it's it's it's a 

solid piece of plastic but for the use that for gaming and so on like honestly like this is pretty comfortable I actually like it cuz my my last keyboard didn't actually have this so this is actually like pretty good at least it comes with one and if you do like this side I hate you don't like this you could just take it off and you can use it without hey guys so we're gonna be doing quickly reviewing the colors on the keyboard itself so for FN you could you can click F men and when you're on the color settings you can click up to change the color this feels like a rainbow clipdown its uses the color it's blue pink yellow purple so on and this these are just for the solid color mode you can click SN + FF m + f9 and that way you're able to change the mode so this one is like a you type it like has a ripple effect click after an f9 this one is a single ripple effect single color effect each time you press on the key f9 this one lights up the row that you click in 

so if I click in this row there you go you can see each row f9 f9 this one's a little bit of a ripple effect as well it go start from the middle it goes to the end of your keyboard you can change the color you guys can see f n f9 we have another ripple this goes from left to right constantly back and forth you can change the color blue there you go it's a blue it's like purplish pink so on then we have a rainbow so the rainbow is actually going from left to right but if you click FN you are able to by clicking FN and the left arrow key you can make it so that is going from right to left or back to left to right and there we go here's some more color effect this one goes in like a little lake circle this one is kind of a random color effect another ripple and this is like a solid color color lines rainbow solid and there we go so yeah that is pretty much it for the mechanical keyboard blue switches it's awesome for 50 Canadian dollars or 38 United States dollars like 

this is probably one of the best keyboards you could get for the price honestly it's my favorite I've been using it for about almost I don't know a couple weeks now and you know what like it's an awesome keyboard I spend like 200 like a a really expensive mechanical keeper when you just get one of these you know for last year a little while so I said this is the most important part of this video the mouse I tested this mouse out and personally this is probably one of the worst gaming mice you can use to game with now it looks nice on camera but this is like an this mouse is just honestly I think it's just trash like I think the fact that it comes with the keyboard is awesome because it's a bundle you can use this as like a regular Mouse for like anything I've been gaming like you can do this for like regular web surfing and so on but the reason why I don't suggest this is because when you are playing fortnight like for example flora is a game 

more people like me we like to use on mouse buttons right the side most will change and the problem with that is when I try to build like I'm from doing 90s right I have to click I left click but you cannot use these side buttons you have to let go of your click of your click button your first button and you then then you can click so this mouse does not receive more than one input at a time okay so yeah so want to try to 90s and I click the mouse button it doesn't work like if I have to let go literally press this and then it works you cannot place press this and this at the same time ready look I'm gonna have my build open click so this is my oh shoot so have it click here this is my my my wall if I click this it doesn't happen but if I let go and I click this you can see that a wall please let me do it again so we have this I click this nothing shows up let go and I press this and as you guys to see the wall is there so that's the problem I have you can't you can't crank 90s and certain games you need to click either hold it insert a clip you need to use your mouse buttons and in this case you can that's one of the biggest worst things about these 

and the mouse is all this mouse is also pretty heavy so when you're doing 90s or when you're even playing it's so hard to move around sometimes cuz it's just really heavy and really uncomfortable sometime for eat so if you have smaller hands this mouse is gonna feel really uncomfortable unlike really big but if you have big hands maybe you like it but I really doubt I really don't suggest basically what keyboard or what most what ghosting is is it's a keyboard term but for this case it could also work a keyboard ghosting is when a single keystroke or several keystrokes are lost so that basically means like on a keyboard for example if I were to press three different keys four five six different keys it wouldn't detect all the outputs it only detect like one two or three same with this usually what happens when you play certain games you want to be able to click more than one button at the same time with it receiving you know being detected by your computer but in this case this Mouse you cannot do that this is why I do

 not recommend this most for gaming second of all guys another reason why I really don't like this most is because it is pretty heavy like this is like this feels really uncomfortable like I have big hands and this is a pretty big Mouse but for some reason the way that they made it it doesn't it doesn't feel right like it just feels kind of it feels kind of weird I we can't explain it but it doesn't feel comfortable like I feel like it's like too wide so for this mouse we do have a software on it so another problem I have with this mouse is that you're locked to these specific DPI so like you can like they have their own presets you're not able to so you're not able to change it like if I wanted to do 400 dpi do that I can't do five hun I can't do 600 dpi I can't do 700 DPI like whatever these intervals are this one you can change it this one you can do a little bit lower well like it has like pretty set DPI intervals and this is honestly terrible because you 

can't go lower than 500 and for a lot of people like me where I use low dpi like I can't even do 600 like usually I play between 600 and 700 dpi I can't do that with this mouse you're stuck at 500 say or 800 and it honestly sucks especially when you're trying to like improve your sensitivity most actually has the option to do macros but I honestly have no idea how that works for the lights it does have different color options like dpi mode color for light rainbow I follow you like a fellow a light basically looks like this look it looks nice it looks nice though not gonna lie like the coloring it's like that the LED lights looks nice they're like four seasons on my shirt and Walt's let's do four or four seasons so I can show you guys what it looks like so right now as you click apply it loads and here we go this is what Four Seasons apparently looks like so yeah what I recommend this Mouse as an everyday Gaming Mouse heck no the keyboard awesome keyboards awesome no complaints it does its job it has no it has anti-ghosting which is basically what you need in a gaming keyboard on your other hand this mouse has ghosting and it is 

absolutely terrible but if you were gonna use this mouse for let's say like everyday usage just like you know surfing the web going on Google you know like watching YouTube videos like this will do the job it has colors it has a couple LEDs so it does it it does a job but it doesn't not do gaming so this is not a good gaming mouse so in conclusion do I recommend the keyboard for 50 or a 38 United States Dollars yes I do this is a thumbs up five-star honestly this is probably one of the best keyboards you can get for this price point 50 Canadian dollars 38 US dollars you literally cannot go wrong and on top of that this also has a warranty I believe it's like one year or two years so you can even contact the manufacturer if there are any problems that is awesome but for this on the other hand you're getting this included with the  price tag but should you use this as an everyday Mouse yes but if you're gonna game with this do not is it's it's not that good I mean certain games if you don't need to cert if you don't need the mouse

 buttons and you really like the mouse it's okay it's alright but for like gaming as in for tonight and you're trying to use mouse buttons and so on and you're having more than one input with ghosting this mouse is not something I would recommend but for the price point you can basically say that you're getting this for free as most mechanical keyboards at this price point usually just come with just the keyboard itself and no ristretto this is actually an awesome deal 

 this keyboard is just so awesome I have to make it sound truly as good as it is I am also standing to record this because my tripod is not tall enough so I will be holding this I have an old mic plugged in so my audio might not sound great but yes if it doesn't sound too professional then feel free to let me have the comments but anyways if you guys are looking for a mechanical budget keyboard this is definitely the keyboard to get like I am Telling You like this is better than like a like a hundred dollar keyboard if if you feel like you don't you'll know what I mean it is blue switches which basically means they're super loud and it is mechanical now I don't know if you guys can tell but around the edges it is actually an aluminum finish it looks very nice you can even see the reflection of the camera is that cool now if you guys look down here you can see the little wrist rest it has so if you guys are like you know playing or 

something you could rest your hand or your wrist on that as you play it's very comfortable but it is removable just in case you guys do not like it the mouse pad there is actually not with the set it comes with the keyboard and mouse if you guys can tell the mouse actually aside buttons on it which is great if you're playing like you know fortnight or something like that you can just you know how extra buttons to bind if you guys are still here make sure I really strongly encourage you to go buy other things from habit I believe that's how you pronounce it please don't kill me guys I am NOT a hundred percent sure how to say it's either have it or Haven its H a vit all caps you guys can within description it will be there I'll leave a link to the keyboard and mouse but a lot of you guys are wondering what did you buy this for so originally this 

keyboard was sixty US dollars I got it on Amazon it is also  the interesting part is if you order it from the actual site I think it price dropped to fifty US dollars but if you order on Amazon it's only like 30 or 40 which is a great great deal a lot of you guys are probably looking at this and wondering you know it's blue switch but in case you guys don't know what that means or what it is it is a mechanical switch basically it is the allowed to switch for all the mechanical it's louder cherry red is the silent ones Browns like in between red and blue if you guys go to the keyboard right here I know it's dusty in my basement for a little bit but if you blues actually need a little bit more resistance I still think it's better than membrane keyboard but that's just 

my opinion if we go to switch you'll see it's very loud and you'll see how much pressure we need to put on it to actually push the key down so like that we're actually not pushing it down you will hear a simultaneously click once we do I don't know if you mic will pick up on it but say you see you have to push it pretty pretty with a decent amount force and it is very very loud now a lot of people don't like that they're loud but I actually find it great especially when playing video games and stuff like that just because like you know when you press a button and like you know you that you press the button and like it helps you not to get confused a bit you guys may also see that it the back lights are rainbow now we can change that a lot of seen a lot of other videos that people sometimes are confused on how to change it which I'll show you guys right now so first of all I can't go over all the colors because there are so many that it 

would take 10 minutes just to get all the colors down is that that big of a selection anyways to change the colors guys all you need to do is press f naught or FN + f9 so that is our other one you can see it's rainbow it's a little different of a format pressed again this is the randomized colors I do love it you guys can actually see it each individually individual key still changes it's pretty cool this is pretty cool too it's just a random assortment of colors that is just a straight rainbow you can see red orange so it's not in the order but you know it has the colors of a rainbow this is pretty cool like runs down the keyboard and back up and it's pretty cool probably not for me though alright next color the solid colors except the rotate now I believe if you guys want to get a solid color all you need to do is press FN and one of the arrow keys and should stay on that but the next one is just pulsing colors kind of similar to the other one when you're on this is actually if you guys look at just a solid rainbow going across the keyboard it's 

not animated or moving the next ones are actually pretty cool the next two every time you can see it's off every single time you touch a key it breeds across the whole keyboard it's pretty cool so if you do this play that's pretty cool isn't it I love that one it's really cool but when I'm in a dark room that's pretty hard to find where the keys are so I usually don't leave that on the next one is another cool one similar to the other one now each individual key that you press will turn on just like that you guys and see what I mean now if you press a whole bunch they all stay lit for a second it's also pretty cool here's another one it just every time you press it it's the row that you press of the key and if you press all of them you for a couple keys once this is personally one of my favorites the ripples down the keyboard you guys can see I do have it set to purple now we can change this all right you guys have seen that I did change the color all you need to do is press the FN button again and one of the up arrow keys you see you could change the color we actually were rainbow pools so that's really cool I like that and I guess once you 

run out of color options you just go down again which is really cool I personally like the purple is one my favorites the darker blue green red then you can see that just lights up yeah important buttons so that's all we have for that side of colors but yes there are many more that I will not be sure because it just takes a very very long time now on to the mouse the keyboard is not the only thing that can change colors you can see this has a kind of backlight on it the nice rubber on the scroll wheel is very satisfying very good very clicky I like that a lot you can just see it has the have it symbol on it which is pretty awesome - and that glows it does on a keyboard but you know who really cares about that but anyway if you guys see the buttons right here we have the brightness and the DPI which just basically changes the colors on it you see this is the same kind of format it's kind of like rotating through colors except these are solid colors as opposed to rainbow click it again it just goes through the different colors kind of in the rainbow format I could turn the color off and there's the rainbow but if we go to the DPI this is actually how you get solid pulsing colors which is also pretty sick so I like that they have once 

again a lot of colors even on the mouse which I like a lot so and then as I brought up in the beginning these two buttons are awesome to have very very clicky which I do love you can even see the glow inside once you press them um this may look like rubberized gripping on side guys but it is actually plastic although this is very very comfortable it also has on the other side so this is definitely a very great Mouse my hands do sweat on a little bit but you know that's with everything going up to the front you also hear that that is very clicky as well I like it a lot I'll going to the underside if you have a good mouse pad or a decent mouse pad this thing is awesome but you kind of do need it like a pretty good mouse pad because I tried with that one it's really tough and that's just like any other Mouse that um mouse pad one thing to note guys if you are getting this Mouse well if you're getting the keyboard comes with mouse you don't have to use it or anything that's very compatible with other Mouse's and stuff like that they are 

both wired and this is a very very big Mouse I have gigantic hands guys keep that into consideration but you used this mouse and then go to any other Mouse the other mouse is literally gonna feel like a seed it's gonna be feel really really small and you guys probably won't enjoy it but um if you use this one a lot I would say you would so that's the cool part if we go to the wire you can see it is actually very nice it's threaded as opposed to a normal rubber wire and that goes all the way through the wire the wires are decent length I believe they were around five feet so they go they can stretch very far because you'll never be that far away from your PC when gaming or typing or anything like that if you do then you do um I believe I forgot to mention the beginning I don't know if I did or not but if we flip this over this is actually removable I know a lot of people love to take this off but I personally or I personally prefer having this on it yeah I'll let you guys actually hear what the click sound like I'll bring my mic like right up to the keyboard on all right I don't know if you guys will be able to hear it 

but hopefully you will now that is the other important thing to note when buying this specific keyboard and all other blue switches blue switches are extremely loud and if you guys do not like the click sound do not please do not purchase this keyboard you guys won't have a good time but on the other hand if you like the blue and you love to click like me I highly highly urge you to get it I felt other blue switch keyboards this is by far one of the best quality especially for the price it set once again I will leave it in the description guys so you can check this out for yourself and a lot of people are scratching their heads like all right well  might be a bit too much I know I'm when I was looking for my first budget mechanical keyboard I was looking for once and  because that's what I had at the moment and maybe in the future depending on how good this does we can release another review
about mechanical keyboards under $25.00 because I do know a couple that I would like to show you guys in review so anyway

Havit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Blue Switch 104 Keys Rainbow Backlit Keyboards

 the habit mechanical keyboard so I got this from Aliexpress it about 1800 bucks on a sale one of the cheapest available mechanical keyboards you can get it has this 87 keys so there's no number lock pad in case you're used to that and it comes in a nice black box like this it says game note for some reason on that and once you open the black box you'll get this nice red coloring inside and this is the KB for 35 L model and obviously this keyboard is a driverless so you don't need to add any driver so I'm kind of privacy and anti-ghosting for all keys as most of the all keys are actually mechanical on this one okay let's go ahead and unbox this one right now [Music] opening up the box you will see a nice foam cover inside and inside dad there's a keyboard so let's just keep that aside for a second so under that there's a manual a very simple 

paper manual says have it to the manual and there's a key kilo mole tool as well inside so let's say let's just keep these aside and open the actual keyboard that ring is tiny to look at it okay so that's a nice black finish it's got a metal plating so it's very sturdy he's a very very chunky and it's the model of KB 435 L it's written in the back as well and the keys are really dark you cannot see them you know indoors without the backlight on so just remember that solid finish at the back and of course there's a good amount of thrown these keys and the gaps make them very evident they also make it easy to clean they claim and keys are nice and TV I like the finish it's a really good finish and yes plenty of gap one of the keys so easy to clean so it comes with the braided USB cable and that's a good thing because in case you start pulling the key keyboard a little further it could kind of damage some of the older keyboards which have 

regular wires but this has got a Braille cable for the keyboard so that's really nice and of course you can't remove the cable because it's fixed and just quickly looking at the manual to look at the combinations it has it's got plenty of combinations you can even record your own combination of lighting for this keyboard and pressing the function key along with f9 changes the modes into different different colors I'm going to show that there's an option to reduce the brightness and increase the brightness in case you find them too bright these keys of course each of the rolls have their own light color so you can join the color color combinations of the existing keys but they all have different colors right we're trying form orange and it ends up blue all these fellows in between and the keys are really beautifully laser-cut let's have a look at 

some of the combinations preset combinations of lighting pretty much won't use this but it's got some good funny combinations are very good to us and there's one which has this wave pattern it's also got side waves coming from both corners and then there's a mode where you get the light only when you touch the key yeah it's it's fun to do that but no practical use be honest and then you have another combination where you have light gliding through the keyboard it's good use of lighting when your keyboards Izone you gonna make it look better and then you have the story mode of course you can record your own combinations and have some crazy lighting schemes like this mode though you know it lets the light stay and you just click on the keys it's going to tell you which key is you press , the windows light remains on on the windows button just to let you know that you know that's one of the keys there , and of course the various combinations change just too addictive to play with this for some time and this is just like under 2,000 bucks so let's share how the keyboard sounds let me know what you guys think 

it sounds amazing , so it's actually using a new switch under the keyboard it's called a KA I hit switch low profiles which is that what 3 mm of travel makes that unique sound as you press the key and it's useful for both gaming as well as typing , anyways I enjoyed using this cable and it sounds incredibly amazing, now here's here's the tool and we'll just try removing one of the keys and it's very simple you just lock it on to one of the keys you want to remove and then just plug out the key it exposes a switch at the bottom and doesn't cause any damage to it so and the key still works so that's best part so plugging it back is so simple just take the key push it back and it should stop work these are cut so beautifully the only way to do is just put it back in space and in its place and then just give it a gentle press and it's it's back to working so it's as simple as that that's some other key and it's the same same thing that happens [Music] it's a tool with the key , just put that back , here's another thing look at it look at the footprint it's got along with the regular keyboard it's actually not so high I mean 

there are keywords which are fatter than this but here's the difference so this is a regular keyboard and next to it is to have it mechanical keyboard on the right and you can see that the height is almost a centimeter more than the regular keyboard so why would you buy one of these well first of all it sounds amazing and the click of the keys is great you know you get that nice feeling that you're actually pressing the key and it's it's the build to be honest it's it's got really good pearl it's got this metal plate on it so that it's very sturdy mechanical keyboards last a little longer than the regular keyboards any game over to tell you that and this one comes with a switch that is a combo so it's good for gaming as well as typing and you know those who are looking for a mechanical keyboard trust me the backlighting on this is really nice for the 

price you pay any kind of keyboard you get on Amazon here is very very expensive this is less than 2000 and does a great job it's definitely a recommended by for anyone looking for a good typing or a gaming experience keyboard I'll leave links in the description in case you want to know maybe the product and how to buy it right so that's my short review on the habit mechanical keyboard 37 keys and to let me know what you guys think 

the habit mechanical keyboard so I got this from Aliexpress it about 1800 bucks on a sale one of the cheapest available mechanical keyboards you can get it has this 87 keys so there's no number lock pad in case you're used to that and it comes in a nice black box like this it says game note for some reason on that and once you open the black box you'll get this nice red coloring inside and this is the KB for 35 L model and obviously this keyboard is a driverless so you don't need to add any driver so I'm kind of privacy and anti-ghosting for all keys as most of the all keys are actually mechanical on this one okay let's go ahead and unbox this one right now [Music] opening up the box you will see a nice foam cover inside and inside dad there's a keyboard so let's just keep that aside for a second so under that there's a manual a very simple paper manual says have it to the manual and there's a key kilo mole tool as well inside so let's 

say let's just keep these aside and open the actual keyboard that ring is tiny to look at it okay so that's a nice black finish it's got a metal plating so it's very sturdy he's a very very chunky and it's the model of KB 435 L it's written in the back as well and the keys are really dark you cannot see them you know indoors without the backlight on so just remember that solid finish at the back and of course there's a good amount of thrown these keys and the gaps make them very evident they also make it easy to clean they claim and keys are nice and TV I like the finish it's a really good finish and yes plenty of gap one of the keys so easy to clean so it comes with the braided USB cable and that's a good thing because in case you start pulling the key keyboard a little further it could kind of damage some of the older keyboards which have regular wires but this has got a Braille cable for the keyboard so that's really nice and of course you can't remove the cable because it's fixed and just quickly looking at the manual to look at 

the combinations it has it's got plenty of combinations you can even record your own combination of lighting for this keyboard and pressing the function key along with f9 changes the modes into different different colors I'm going to show that there's an option to reduce the brightness and increase the brightness in case you find them too bright these keys of course each of the rolls have their own light color so you can join the color color combinations of the existing keys but they all have different colors right we're trying form orange and it ends up blue all these fellows in between and the keys are really beautifully laser-cut let's have a look at some of the combinations preset combinations of lighting pretty much won't use this but it's got some good funny combinations are very good to us and there's one which has this wave pattern it's also got side waves coming from both corners and then there's a mode where you get the light only when you touch the key yeah it's it's fun to do that but no practical use be honest and then you have another combination where you have light gliding through the keyboard it's good 

use of lighting when your keyboards Izone you gonna make it look better and then you have the story mode of course you can record your own combinations and have some crazy lighting schemes like this mode though you know it lets the light stay and you just click on the keys it's going to tell you which key is you press , the windows light remains on on the windows button just to let you know that you know that's one of the keys there , and of course the various combinations change just too addictive to play with this for some time and this is just like under 2,000 bucks so let's share how the keyboard sounds let me know what you guys think it sounds amazing ,so it's actually using a new switch under the keyboard it's called a KA I hit switch low profiles which is that what 3 mm of travel makes that unique sound as you press the key and it's useful for both gaming as well as typing , anyways I enjoyed using 

this cable and it sounds incredibly amazing , now here's here's the tool and we'll just try removing one of the keys and it's very simple you just lock it on to one of the keys you want to remove and then just plug out the key it exposes a switch at the bottom and doesn't cause any damage to it so and the key still works so that's best part so plugging it back is so simple just take the key push it back and it should stop work these are cut so beautifully the only way to do is just put it back in space and in its place and then just give it a gentle press and it's it's back to working so it's as simple as that that's some other key and it's the same same thing that happens [Music] it's a tool with the key , just put that back , here's another thing look at it look at the footprint it's got along with the regular keyboard it's actually not so high I mean there are keywords which are fatter than this but here's the difference so this is a regular keyboard and next to it is to have it mechanical keyboard on the right and you can see that the height is almost a centimeter more than the regular keyboard so why would you buy one of these well first of all it sounds amazing and the click of the keys is great you know you get that nice feeling that you're actually pressing the key and it's it's the build to be honest it's it's got 

really good pearl it's got this metal plate on it so that it's very sturdy mechanical keyboards last a little longer than the regular keyboards any game over to tell you that and this one comes with a switch that is a combo so it's good for gaming as well as typing and you know those who are looking for a mechanical keyboard trust me the backlighting on this is really nice for the price you pay any kind of keyboard you get on Amazon here is very very expensive this is less than 2000 and does a great job it's definitely a recommended by for anyone looking for a good typing or a gaming experience keyboard I'll leave links in the description in case you want to know maybe the product and how to buy it right so that's my short review on the habit mechanical keyboard 37 keys and to let me know what you guys think 

Havit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Blue Switch 104 Keys Rainbow Backlit Keyboards

To learn more amazon link below 

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