XFX Rx 5700 8GB GDDR6 Dd Ultra w Graphics Card Rx-57XL8LBD6 review

XFX Rx 5700 8GB GDDR6 Dd Ultra w Graphics Card Rx-57XL8LBD6 review
XFX Rx 5700 8GB GDDR6 Dd Ultra w Graphics Card Rx-57XL8LBD6 review

XFX Rx 5700 8GB GDDR6 Dd Ultra w Graphics Card Rx-57XL8LBD6 review

 I have the XFX Radeon rx 5700 XT thick - and not too thick like some of the guys in our comment section but thick to calm down guises it's just a joke okay so now let's get into it given the name you might expect this to be an overly wide graphics card but by today's standards for a mid-range to high-end graphics card it is pretty typical the thick to takes up three expansion slots as it measures 54 millimeters wide 

making it about 4 millimeters wider than the MSI evoke OC and 3 millimeters wider than the power color red devil so it is wider than the recently reviewed 5700 XTS here at harbor unboxed but only by a bee's wiener lengthwise it measures 290 millimeters long while it stands 115 millimeters tall so again nothing outrageous here the card weighs in at eleven hundred and fifty three grams which is up there certainly much heavier than the 889 gram of oak but a little 

bit lighter than the twelve hundred and fifty-four gram red devil as for the design I rather like the look of it on the front we have a pair of 95 millimeter fans and I like the chrome detailing found around the edge of the fan housing it's quite an elegant design you'll find no RGB lighting here in fact the only LEDs to speak of are some blue LEDs on the PCIe power connectors the fan shroud has been made from plastic but on the back side we do find an 

aluminium backplate the backplate features a number of cutouts which look visually impressive and they'll no doubt help vent some built-up heat from the backside of the PCB also next to the PCIe power connectors we find a small cutout which provides access to a little switch on the PCB XFX says this allows users to switch between the default UC profile and then a silent profile however I found virtually no difference between the two modes in terms of temperature and fan speed moving on around at the i/o panel we have a pretty standard configuration I 

think it's fair to say three display ports and a single HDMI port so at this point I think it's time we rip the cooler off for a better look at the PCB as well as the cooler itself okay so let's start with the cooler the heatsink alone weighs 511 grams and that makes it 44% heavier than the piddly little heatsink we find on the MSI evoke that said it is still 26 percent lighter than the heatsink found on the power color red devil so while it is reasonably beefy there are bigger 

heavier options available one of the reasons the red devil cooler is so much heavier is down to that large nickel plated copper base plate which covers not just the GPU but also the GDD our six memory chips XFX on the other hand have included a smaller copper base plate and then used an aluminium heat spreader to cool the memory so this shouldn't impact GPU thermals all that much but it will be interesting to see if there is any difference when it comes to memory 

temperatures as for the vrm we have another aluminium heat spreader here and this one attaches directly to the primary heatsink speaking of which there are three fin arrays all of which are connected via four six millimeter thick copper heat pipes moving over to the fan shroud we find two first D yes the company is called first D anyway we have two DC brushless fans and these are the same models used by most of the XFX graphics cards and that's good 

news as they are very easy to replace at a warranty you're only looking to replace them then over on the PCB we find a standard seven plus two phase vrm and this is the same configuration used by AMD's reference card given the 5700 xt is very limited overclocking headroom the power delivery here is more than adequate so there's no need to make any upgrades so now that we've gone over the thick twos design let's see how it 

performed in our test system starting with the f1 2019 stress test out of the box after an hour-long loop the card peaked at just 66 degrees in a 21 degree room inside the corsair crystal 570 X fully populated with 120-millimeter fans this is a huge 18 degree drop in peak operating temperature and compare the a reference card which peaked 84 degrees under the exact same conditions at this temperature the thick to maintain an average core clock frequency of roughly 

1980 megahertz there is quite a lot of variance in clock speed with these 500 series GPUs but this was about the same frequency we saw from the reference model it is worth noting the fans spun at around 2100 RPM and that does make the thick - quite a bit louder than the red devil which typically saw a fan speed of just 1,400 rpm and I'll compare the temperature and operating volume data directly in a moment just quickly for those of you wondering flicking the 

thick - over to the silent bias or no real change in operating temperature or volume and this was of course after a full system reset the card still peaked at 66 degrees the fans still spun at around 2100 rpm but the average boost clock did seem to drop down to around 1900 megahertz so although the card was slightly down clocked we saw no reduction in fan speed before moving on to overclocking let's talk about the fans stop feature of this graphics card when the GPU is 

idle or under very light load the fans don't spin you can see here that the fan speed is reported as 65535 rpm but obviously it's not spinning almost as fast as a turbos turbine the software just isn't reporting zero rpm correctly any way that that's not the issue what is the issue here is what happens when you go from an idle state to load oddly the fans don't activate until the GPU temperature hits 100 degrees and this causes a few problems firstly the card gets unnecessarily 

hot the back plate becomes scorching hot and you definitely receive a good burn if you touched it secondly the GPU clock speed drops right down below one gigahertz in fact I saw a clock as low as 300 megahertz at times and this is when gaming this means when you fire up a game for the first time the card will begin to throttle after roughly a minute and a half then for about another minute the car will throttle quite badly resulting in loss performance as the GPU 

temperatures climb then a little over two minutes into your game the fan begins to spin up problem with that being it cranks up to 3200 where it makes a real racket I recorded an operating volume of 62 decibels the fan continued to spin it around 3200 rpm for the next 40 seconds before very slowly winding back down to a sustained 2100 rpm all certain done this process took six minutes from start to finish this obviously is a big problem but thankfully it 

doesn't happen all that often when gaming in fact it'll only happen when going from a long idle period to heavy load so once it happens once when gaming it won't happen again still this really isn't good enough and XFX really do need to fix it as for overclocking we're still looking at a voltage cap of 1200 millivolts and a frequency cap of 2150 megahertz which aimed applies at the bias level with the limits reached we saw a peak operating temperature of 73 degrees but 

unfortunately this did see the fans cranked up to 2800 rpm and that did make the card quite loud although we're targeting 2150 mega Hertz the card maintained a core clock speed of around 2 gigahertz so that's just a mere 8% increase in frequency from stock the GDD r6 memory also doesn't respond to that Walder overclocking and for our sample even increasing the memory to just 900 megahertz caused artifacting so I just decided to leave the memory 

alone ok so let's move into a few quick benchmark graphs as usual we're testing with our core our 999 or ok GPU test rig the CPU has been overclocked to 5 gigahertz we have 16 gigabytes of ddr4 3400 memory the latest drivers available at the time of testing have been used and for this one we just have a few select games to look at I'm just going to blast through these game benchmarks as they don't really tell us much other than the fact that the XFX thick - performs like any other 5700 xt and we see that here in Assassin's Creed Odyssey the same thing can be 

seen when testing with falls on horizon for the Red Devil was a little punchier out of the box but we're only talking about 2 to 3 FPS here finally we have shut off the Tomb Raider this time we see the thick - it's just a frame down on the Red Devil making it 2 FPS faster than the Evoque OC now when it comes to power consumption I was surprised to find the thick - consuming slightly more power than the Red Devil it's not exactly a big increase but given the performance I was expecting to find it somewhere the Evoque OC and red devil that said we're looking at 

total system draw it basically matched the other two 5700 XD graphics cards here is a direct temperature comparison with the other cards tested after our thick to match the MSI our TX 2070 superdome a next Rio with a peak operating temperature of 67 degrees which sounds rather impressive and it would be if it weren't for the fact that the fans were spinning more than twice as fast this also means that while the thick too was 3 degrees cooler than the red 

devil it was also quite a bit louder and we'll look at operating volume now so despite matching the thermal performance of the MSI our TX 2070 gaming extra oh the thick too was 6 decibels louder in our test making it just a single decibel quieter than the Evoque OC and true decibels quieter than Amy's reference design still it was a few degrees cooler than the Evoque and slightly quieter so it's not exactly a bad result but it's also not better than the Red Devil perhaps with some fan shooting you could get a similar balance between performance and operating 

volume but sadly for now at least the silent BIOS doesn't achieve that balance okay so that's how the XFX Radeon RX 5700 xt 2 performs and I have to say bar a single quirk with the fan stop feature it is quite a nice graphics card if anything I feel it is tuned a little too aggressively towards thermal performance I would like to say XFX reduce the fan speed just a bit and I'll make the card run a little bit hotter but it will be a few decibels quieter and for me that would

 be an optimal scenario for this graphics card the fans stop issue where the GPU hits 100 degrees before the fans actually turn on which causes long periods of throttling followed by a long period of excessive fan noise really isn't acceptable but it won't be difficult to address either XFX just needs to change the temperature threshold from 100 degrees down to 60 degrees for example existing models will need a BIOS update though if they are to implement 

this kind of fix and I suppose while they're at it they might as well fix the silent mode so that it actually does something but as far as looks go the thick too is one of the best-looking graphics cards I've ever seen so that goes just be on 5700 XTS I think it really is one of the best looking graphics cards I've seen I really like the design and it should fit riding with pretty much any build and I'm also happy to see no RGB lighting on this model is I don't think it really needs it 

but if you do like a graphics card to put on a bit of a light show then this model may leave you a bit disappointed finally as for whether or not you should buy this thing really comes down to the price the red devil  which I feel is a really reasonable price for a 5700 XT of that caliber the thick two on the other hand and that'll really need to come in at no more than and this is currently what MSI is asking for their evoke receive the thick is a much better graphics card than the evoke 

but not quite as good as the Red Devil at least not until a few of those issues we spoke of get fixed up so the price really will determine just how desirable this graphics card is right now availability of AIB 5700 XT graphics cards is a bit sketchy but I'm hoping that situation will improve over the next few weeks anyway that's gonna do it for this one actually before I wrap this up you may have noticed I'm wearing on you embroidered Hardware unboxed hoodie you

can grab that over at our merch store Tim's been doing a good job of pushing the merch lately so I've got my hoodie in and it's my term.

XFX Rx 5700 8GB GDDR6 Dd Ultra w Graphics Card Rx-57XL8LBD6 review

 you can check the current price and discount by clicking the link in the description below now let's check some customer reviews review by Amazon customer this card while not exactly the coolest are most quiet of the partner models currently sits at the same price as the reference model while being much cooler and quieter even with all the controversy surrounding XFX is 5700 5760 launched I find myself hard-pressed to find a reason not to recommend it using MSI 

Afterburner I have yet to see the temps rise above 60 degrees Celsius and I am able to play all games tested so far o 1440p max detail 60 plus fps highly recommend for the budget buyer especially at this price edit started using AMD Whatman instead will include fan curve setup review by Jay DeVito I bought this GPU but ended up returning it it worked fine in terms of usage drivers and was a good value but it has its issues first off this card is chunky it takes up 

nearly three full slots and it's fairly long too as a result the card sags a bit but that happens to any large GPU the big issue with the size is that it doesn't cool well for a three slot card my memory temp eats up to 96 see the other temps were suitable but again not great for its size after I returned it I bought a power color rx 5700 nan XT red dragon and it only takes up two slots is about two inches short in length and it cools better at the same noise level roughly the 

memory temp on the power color doesn't even hit ABC with all of that said apparently XFX is putting a copper memory plate on their newer GPU s that may only pertain to the XT variants of this card but the copper should cool the memory somewhat better if newer versions of this card have the copper I did not take mine apart but from looking at it but mine appeared to have the stainless steel from looking at it review by ej recommend booting this thing up with a 

single monitor on an HDMI cable on your first install and downloading the latest drivers directly on the AMD site after that this thing exceeded all my expectations and now works flawlessly on my dual 1440p monitors one DisplayPort in another HDMI with the new AMD drivers I did the Auto undervolt in AMD Whatman settings although some prefer to undervolt or overclock manually and this thing stays cool as a cucumber and I can still play any triple-a 

title I've tried so far on ultra the division to outer worlds and Kingdom Come deliverance so far huge upgrade from my rx 480 sapphire nitro plus I had prior I read you can also flash this with the XFX 5700 xt bios for another 10% performance boost but I think for now I don't even need to mess with that I don't feel like the fans are really any louder than previous card even under load but then again I always game with headphones for what it's worth review by Victor Reyes 

I was looking for a good deal on a non-reference cooler 5700 I believe I found just that in this product at first I was a bit nervous after reading several negative reviews about the 5700 but I am happy to report this graphics card runs cool quiet and stable I have yet to see any type of overheating crashes or anything like that I would like to also say it is a lot more efficient than my previous video card which was a Vega 56 performance is wonderful all my games run well 

over 60 fps with max settings review by mark after reading some negative reviews about this card I was understandably hesitant about my purchase thankfully my experience thus far has been rock-solid in a well ventilated case I have not topped 72 C and temp even after four hours of game play on Metro Exodus at Ultra settings 1440p resolution for the price I am extremely happy with performance of this card and can fully recommend for anyone looking to game at 1440p review by Johnny B this GPU is a replacement of rx 590 I purchased a month ago that 

had terrible issues this new GPU works great with amazing performance in both 1080p and 1440p and even cable of 4k the temperatures of the card never go above the 75 degrees Celsius even after five horrors of intense graphical usage through heavy gaming in titles such as bf 5 GTA 5 in arcade ultra settings the voice produced by the fans and hardly noticeable and there 

is no vibration caused by the fans overall it is an amazing graphics card for the price offering outstanding performance.

Learn more about the XFX RX-57XL8LBD6

InterfaceInterfacePCI Express 4.0
ChipsetChipset ManufacturerAMDGPU SeriesAMD Radeon RX 5700 SeriesGPURadeon RX 5700Core Clock1565 MHzBoost Clock1750 MHzStream Processors2304 Stream Processors
MemoryEffective Memory Clock14 GbpsMemory Size8GBMemory Interface256-BitMemory TypeGDDR6
3D APIDirectXDirectX 12OpenGLOpenGL 4.5
PortsHDMI1 x HDMI 2.0bMulti-Monitor Support6DisplayPort3 x DisplayPort 1.4
DetailsMax Resolution7680 x 4320RoHS CompliantYesEyefinity SupportYesTrueAudio SupportYesVirtual Reality ReadyYesCoolerDouble FansSystem RequirementsMinimum Power Supply Requirement: 600W
XFX Recommended Power Supply: XFX 600W PSUPower Connector1 x 8-pin and 1 x 6-pin
FeaturesFeaturesRDNA Architecture

2nd Gen 7nm GPU

Power Efficiency

Video Streaming up to 8K

DisplayPort 1.4 w/ DSC

Radeon Image Sharpening

Async Compute

Radeon Rays Audio + True Audio Next

Radeon Freesync 2 HDR

Radeon VR Ready Premuim

Radeon Software

Driver Optimizations

Radeon Boost
Form Factor & DimensionsMax GPU Length293 mmCard Dimensions (L x H)11.54" x 5.12"Slot Width2.7 slot
PackagingPackage ContentsAccessories:
1 x 8-pin to 6-pin power cable
1 x 6-pin to 4-pin power cable
1 x Driver Disk Installation Guide
1 x Installation DVD.

XFX Rx 5700 8GB GDDR6 Dd Ultra w Graphics Card Rx-57XL8LBD6 review

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