Asus TUF B450M-Plus Gaming AMD Motherboard review

Asus TUF B450M-Plus Gaming AMD Motherboard review
Asus TUF B450M-Plus Gaming AMD Motherboard review

Asus TUF B450M-Plus Gaming AMD Motherboard review

 the B Series boards I had my eye on this guy for a long time the reason I went ATX is because this is going to be a media system build and it's replacing my boys old living room computer unfortunately I don't have a good case to match it it's an old NZXT case top mounted power supply a little bit aged but it will do the job for now I'll post a picture of the case that I'm 

looking at getting once prices get straightened out so here's the AC stuff be 450 m+ gaming motherboard they classified as UTX now and it supports or a sink of course a guy I'm going to pair it with looks like the risin 5 2600 I didn't get to 2600 X again this is going in my boy system so they should be just fine cable mods RGB strip also supports Asus or sink a couple of course 

iere sp1 20s that's not really an EVGA pass flask or C air 750 some Noctua fan headers because this board only supports three and on this case I can do one two three four in the front somewhat to split them some team are G team t4 excuse me I don't know why I said team yeah t4 is Delta our RGB memory sticks it's only 300 3000 megahertz not 3200 again going to my boys so not exactly don't eat the best the best and this little guy got from myself so seen Paul 

Kyle and and others basically install an OS on an SSD and then you know whenever they have to work on a system or something like that or switch from system system to just take this as D with them so the plan is install Windows 10 on this all my benchmarks basic games which is gonna fill up really quick because there's a 120 gig but at least that way I can let my boys use 

their current hard drive for all their games and when they clutter it up with silliness I don't have to worry about it I could easily grab the case or the system unplug their hard drive plug mine in and just boot on up into Windows or whatever operating system I want so time to get started I'm gonna start throwing this together and I'll bring you on for that all right let's see what kind of goodies they got for us yeah that's pretty nice ps2 USB 2.0 DVI HDMI type C 

three point one 3.0 doesn't have an audio advanced codec but we don't need to be finding the best sound Saito over here so succeed ah good media storage for dims RGB header CPU fan another fan header chassis chassis MDOT to slot should be able to run an nvme a full bandwidth what is that so USB to USB 3 speaker front panel connectors audio there you go yeah there we go it also comes with these rod stickers or a tough series not raagh sorry asus 

tough stickers a state of cable it's two two of them a pair the certificate of reliability top Vanguard capacitors chokes MOSFETs that's pretty neat tells us the actual thermal shock test method all that good stuff and then this rear i/o shield is pretty sweet-looking alright guys not exactly the best cable managed computer case looks like a string of wires these wires over here it's got to go to the side case fans that I don't like but if we move that out of the way there's our 

T force RGB memory our stock rise in cooler ref cooler the motherboards all connected good to go all the fans in here unfortunately a three pin connectors not four pin which is why I have extra cables this SSD could be a little bit more secure but this is just a temporary setup I already power cycled it on got two BIOS you always want to test your setup outside maybe on your motherboard box before you you you actually install it into your case otherwise would be 

a problem Paul's Hardware rule of thumb and honestly it's been mine for the longest never put your side panel on don't build your system inside your case and put your side panel on because nine times out of ten it's not gonna power on you're not gonna get any boots cycles codes all right and continuing from the build guys this motherboard is definitely great if you're going to be using the 2,600 2,600 X however I would urge caution if you're going to be overclocking in 

2700 or 2700 eggs at the stock clocks it looks like and be able to maintain it but I think the VRMs are gonna get highly uncomfortable which I would provide some insight or detail towards that later or point you in the right direction because I'm not the best at telling you what the V RMS and MOSFETs and the companies and the features and what they're rated for but looking at this board it's definitely capable of running the SLI you can use your m2 storage 

at 32 gigabytes speed it's got your USB 3.0 your 3.1 gen2 and your Type C so it's definitely a board that will give you all the the latest and greatest features again I got this from new wake as a combo pack with the 2600 for around 220 bucks I believe there was a mail-in rebate to race basically 200 bucks really of steal of a deal so I grabbed it great medium medium you know 

gaming build or media center living room build I would highly recommend though with this board that you grab a memory kit from the qvl list like check whatever motherboard you decide check the qvl list before you buy because the memory for me was temperamental I chose the team group memory the delta 2 delta t force RGB which is not on this list i was able to get it close to do CP which is the XMP profile that the motherboard lets you choose but i couldn't run 

it at you know 3,000 megahertz i had to leave it at auto then drop down choose 2933 and then go into memory timings into 16 18 18:38 manually for those that don't know how to do any of that this board and the CPU is really great you just plug it in make sure you get some memory you know on the qvl list and then go ahead and just move over to overclocking asus board has got five way optimization so when you hit start tune it will automatically tune to the best frequency however with the stock cooler that I was using I was not able to get where I wanted 

and using Nvidia shadowplay because I didn't have OBS in the machine I'm gonna show you a little recording and I'll try to be quick and run through this route as fast as possible but as you can see I'm using the Asus AI suite so this is inside your operating system overclocking if you're not familiar with BIOS I prefer BIOS but you can manage this the CPU switching frequency 300 to 350 kilohertz is is you know more or less for you know high overclocks if you needed to 

do that extreme for power phase controlled load line calibration and then SOC load line calibration however for the 2600 I did not have to touch any of this you may need to adjust these parameters though for the twenty seven hundred and twenty seven hundred X which is why I urge caution because you might be pushing the limit to the prm's I believe they rated up to 120 C according to ACS website which I have linked in the description below but you don't 

want to push it you know you don't want to be um you don't want at the V arms to be uncomfortable of course in the turbo Evo section of the AI suite I was able to set up some profiles 3.85 Auto from Asus Auto tuning my 4 gigahertz my 4.1 and my 4.2 I'm currently running at 4 gigahertz as you can see at the bottom for 1.34 1.35 is the sweet spot but I wanted to see where like if I could drop the voltage down and get those extra temps or cooler temps 

because I'm using a stock cooler here is the fan control the motherboard comes with 3 p WM you know fan you know 4 pin fan but one is gonna be used for your CPU so you really only have one for the front and one for the rear but you can use fan expert little down there or in the AI suite to control your fans if you want silent performance turbo or standard they have the feature called PC cleaner I didn't dive into that because I used CC cleaner not really necessary 

for me easy update which is also over there on the left it's for updating your BIOS which I updated my BIOS from the BIOS so you can when you load in you can use the internet flash tool really easy really simple audit to text you know what the closest server and then just updates for you but you can also update from within the operating system I just prefer BIOS 

next oh and I am running the latest BIOS 0 4 0 3 at this current time of filming on August 26 2000 or August yeah August 26 2008 een right right anyways my days are all screwed up I stayed up really late trying to get this board fine-tuned and the CPU or the overclocking of the memory and the overclocking of the CPU gave me a hard time more the CPU than the memory because I want that precise tune I want to get that perfect voltage for the CPU I'm going to 

keep temps low I want to keep a stable overclock but low voltage or as low as the system will allow me the next tool that you can use is rising master which is pretty cool I liked I need to know I'm curious to know real quick let me see if I could go back to that you see how my first course says fastest core in the system and then my third core or my fourth core says this is the 

second fastest core of CCX two third core I believe is like the third course the first fastest of CC x1 and then my fifth core is the the fastest is CC x2 I want to know if you have a rising system and you're using rising master does it give like is your second CPU like the fastest and then your your sixth one is the second fastest with CC x2 I don't know that's pretty neat feature because I didn't see that in rise and master before when I was using it of course there's other 

features you can manage in and rise and Master I wouldn't touch the memory voltage again if you're using do CP or you manually overclocking but you can't address the megahertz as well this will apply it but will need to restart and up at the top there you can do and apply a test and that over here this apply and test is basically going to run a stress test which I'm going to show you here it's in the settings you can set the interval in seconds you know turn on live monitoring 

speed temperature show histogram so a little chart showing how your attempts and everything was running the proc hot I wouldn't disable it because that's protecting you from overheating you know set your stress test you know stress test duration you can choose whether it's your CPU or memory or both and then you can check for updates last but not least another feature that a gamer would like is the DTS sound equalizer manager of course I can't click on anything well two things because I have any sound or speakers or headphones plugged in but tacticals 

for first-person shooter soundscape for MMO is like wow and an aerial for our tas the prom dealt with this board and i would recommend checking out actually hardware overclocking bill Zoid because he talks about the b-series motherboard some of the b-series overclocking with them is pretty good pretty easy but you want to be concerned if you're going to be overclocking as much with the b-series that you watch the VRMs and make sure that you're getting a great 

board here I will have this video linked in the description below so check for that but he goes over he gives more analytic details about the vrm the MOSFETs and stuff like that which you know the chokes which I prefer because I want to know more about this board again this is gonna be a media system build so it's gonna be more or less my boys playing it and they play lesser not lesser games but less intensive games so you know I'm gonna run it at stock clocks 

and let the system decide what it wants to XFR to boost up to but I would not or I don't recommend overclocking in 2,600 2,700 X or 2,700 on this because you're probably gonna be pushing these things to the limit but that's up to you it's your to your computer and last but not least that the older hard thing is the memory man that's that was that was annoying only because I thought I got it from the QB oh damn Asus what I was looking at was an actual QB Ellis for another brother board the ATX version not the be 450 m+ gaming and that's what 

messed me up so anyways motherboard is great it's got plenty of great features I haven't messed around with storeit am i I would check out the video from from - from that basically you're using one drive to boost another but they're performance metrics were a little bit janky or it wasn't performing at all so until I see storm I actually given me something some proof 

results I'm probably not gonna use it anyways I'm using that PNY a small SSD which runs just fine and it's great and that's pretty much it.

Asus TUF B450M-Plus Gaming AMD Motherboard review

the Asus top gaming bought the be 450 m+ game in Madhupur form it's just so as you can see based on the name suggested this is a b4 540 chipset here for AMD Rison and this motherboard supports AMD crossfire and it also has a HDMI output that allows you to use your rhizome 2200 g20 400 G 3200 G and 3400 G and oh and it is also VR ID and most importantly this also supports a sauce or a sink now let's go to the back of the box where it shows all the features 

here and as you can see this part will support four dimm slots and there's audio here which is the real technique LLC it's 7vd to a channel high definition audio codec on the ball itself and I'll show you that later on and without and this and this post has a three year limited warranty so without further ado let's go inside the box here I just want to say that this is a new set which I'm going to use to put a video editing machine soon aperture one so be sure to catch my review 

with the model by itself but let's set that aside first and let's see what's inside the box so so we have the i/o panel here has a black color here with the branding here this is the manual this is the specification of this 4md processors so as you can see it should support up to 34 6 ddr4 it is very high indeed expansional start that the support for expansion 

starts depends on the you processor you're using with riser 2nd gen 1st gen you must support one-time pcie 3.0 2 times 16 slot and the graphics storage so disk has m dot 2 circuitry with M key support here which uses PCIe three times for mod and SATA mode storage device support as well and for USB we have a USB gen one pot at the packet opener but there's actually of German behind it and I'll show you later on and here is actually the certificate of reliability this is the first time CDs so you can see that we have the tough LAN card moisture resistant a 

vibration mechanical thermal shock so low resistance or the bounce or ability so spread test pair there's a lot in capacitors as well the most s monster resistant so basically the same chops and MOSFET and he actually also come with T speaker which is two people here to tell you what's wrong if your PC is having proper which is nice types touched great services and here it's just what about standoff and screws inside so without further ado let's set the Box aside and

 we'll take a look at the motherboard so so this motherboard comes in size texted back let's just take this out and here's the button itself so if you can see properly you see a big battery here and we have some mosfet around here six of them and the CPU sits here and it comes with the stock clipping for AMD coolers which is cool and we have 14 stops here to in black stewing gray this is the 24-pin power here and the CPU power here on top of it as well and it actually has 

three four pins frying connectors here which is right below the battery here one here right above the processor here one here I know I had the far side middle here and he actually supports six SATA ports here four on the bottom here two more at the right angle here and as you can see you have three pieces in slot to long one on one shot the first one is actually steel-

reinforced others call it safe slot so they can support your heavy GPUs and prevent long-term damage here and the second one doesn't have any steel reinforcement here as you can see with CD and dr connector here which is the M key if you can see properly and thus chesa is right here guarded by a still run over which allows it to cool and it's it's a p450 chip sent here and 

here we see the sound codec here and that's some nice kicks in here but no he seen on top of the here and we have an RGB head to here which is the only one this one only has one and we have the USB 3.0 connector here USB 2.0 connector here both of which here and see I believe this sister France picker header here and not entirely sure the rest of it are so this one is a speaker here this is where the people go and I think this is just switch button this button had this 

activity already here everything here and not entirely sure what is this also not entirely sure what this is maybe some of you can show me your knowledge here and we have and this boy actually supposed lot of sizes are ended okey so all the way up to 20 to 80 or even 20 to 11 zero here is the stop for 20 to 60 and here's the stuff for twenty to forty two and when it has a screw provided to you inside the box which I have already screwed on here and we have the LEDs see 

that I love this teal tough gaming local here so I see this is actually RGB and you can control if our racing and no more RGB on the others parts of the box only this one corner here and if you flip it back you'll see some of the lg0 one two three four five six of them behind and I must say I saw steel creature on the soldering pad it does look nice but given this is a tough series I think I have seen thicker Matt about this is I'm not entirely sure if it's realistic but I think I have seen 

thicker PCB now I go to the I all parts so as you can see still has the ps2 for your keyboard mouse this pot actually has six USB slot to OS is 2.0 2.oh is 3.0 Jen one this is the one this is 3.1 gen2 and this is the USB type-c here this is the TV ID and this is the HDMI and I mean this is the audio here as you can see the speaker in and Mike in so I guess that's about it .


Supported CPUCPU Socket TypeAM4CPU TypeAMD AM4 Socket AMD Ryzen 2nd Generation / Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics / Ryzen 1st Generation Processors
Supports CPU up to 8 cores*
* Due to CPU limitation, CPU cores supported varies by processor.
** Refer to for the AMD CPU support list.
ChipsetsChipsetAMD B450
MemoryNumber of Memory Slots4×288pinMemory StandardDDR4 3200(O.C)/ 3000(O.C)/ 2800(O.C)/ 2666/ 2400/ 2133
* Refer to for the Memory QVL (Qualified Vendors List).Maximum Memory Supported64GBChannel SupportedDual Channel
Expansion SlotsPCI Express 3.0 x16AMD Ryzen 2nd Generation / Ryzen 1st Generation Processors
1 x PCIe 3.0/2.0 x16 (x16 mode)
AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processor
1 x PCIe 3.0/2.0 x16 (x8 mode)PCI Express 2.0 x161 x PCI Express 2.0 x16 slots (max. at x4 mode)PCI Express x11 x PCI Express 2.0 x1 slot
Storage DevicesSATA 6Gb/sAMD Ryzen 2nd Generation / Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics / Ryzen 1st Generation Processors:
2 x SATA 6Gb/s port(s)

AMD B450 chipset:
4 x SATA 6Gb/s port(s)M.21 x M.2 socket 3 with M Key, Type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (PCIE 3.0 x4 and SATA modes) storage devices support*
* When a M.2 device is installed, the SATA6G_5/6 ports do not operateSATA RAID0/1/10
Onboard VideoOnboard Video ChipsetIntegrated Graphics in the AMD Ryzen with Radeon Vega Graphics Processors
Multi-VGA output support: HDMI, DVI-D ports
- Supports HDMI 2.0b with max. resolution 4096x2160@60Hz
- Supports DVI-D with max. resolution up to 1920x1200@60Hz
Onboard AudioAudio ChipsetRealtek ALC887-VD2Audio Channels8 Channels
* Use a chassis with HD audio module in the front panel to support an 8-channel audio output.
Onboard LANLAN ChipsetRealtek RTL8111HMax LAN Speed10/100/1000Mbps
Rear Panel PortsBack I/O Ports1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse combo port(s)
1 x DVI-D
1 x HDMI
1 x LAN (RJ45) port(s)
1 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-A
1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 (blue) USB Type-C
2 x USB 2.0
2 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 (blue)
3 x Audio jack(s)
Internal I/O ConnectorsOnboard USB1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 (up to 5Gbps) connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 port(s) (19-pin)
2 x USB 2.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 4 USB 2.0 port(s)Other Connectors1 x Aura RGB Strip Header
1 x CPU Fan connector(s) (1 x 4-pin)
2 x Chassis Fan connector(s) (2 x 4-pin)
1 x Front panel audio connector(s) (AAFP)
1 x System panel(s)
1 x Clear CMOS jumper(s)
1 x COM port header
Physical SpecForm FactorMicro ATXLED LightingRGBDimensions (W x L)9.6" x 9.6"Power Pin1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector
1 x 8-pin ATX 12V Power connector
FeaturesFeaturesMulti-GPU Support:
Supports AMD CrossFireX Technology

Special Features:
- ASUS SafeSlot: Protect your graphics card Investment
- ASUS ESD Guard: Enhanced ESD protection
- ASUS Overvoltage Protection: World-class circuit-protecting power design
- ASUS Stainless-Steel Back I/O: 3X corrosion-resistance for greater durability!
- ASUS DIGI+ VRM: 6 Phase digital power design
- Aura Lighting Control
ASUS Exclusive Features:
- AI Suite 3
- Ai Charger
- PC Cleaner
ASUS Quiet Thermal Solution:
- Stylish Fanless Design Heat-sink solution & MOS Heatsink
- ASUS Fan Xpert 2+
- ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3
- ASUS EZ Flash 3
ASUS Q-Design:
- ASUS Q-Slot

128MB Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS, PnP, SM BIOS 3.1, ACPI 6.1, Multi-language BIOS, ASUS EZ Flash 3, ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3, My Favorites, Last Modified log, F12 PrintScreen, ASUS User Profile, ASUS DRAM SPD (Serial Presence Detect) memory information, F6 Qfan Control, F4 AURA ON/OFF, F9 Search


Operating System:
Windows 10 64-bit
PackagingPackage ContentsAccessories:
User's manual
I/O Shield
2 x SATA 6Gb/s cable(s)
1 x M.2 Screw Package
1 x Supporting DVD
1 x TUF GAMING Sticker
1 x TUF Certification card(s)

Asus TUF B450M-Plus Gaming AMD Motherboard review

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