The best AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Desktop Processor (YD1200BBAEBOX) Full review

The best AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Desktop Processor (YD1200BBAEBOX) Full review

The best AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Desktop Processor (YD1200BBAEBOX) Full review

The best AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Desktop Processor (YD1200BBAEBOX) Full review

Four physical cores for much less than competing Intel Core i5 chips.
Gaming performance on par with similar Intel chips.

Lacks thread-doubling SMT tech of pricier Ryzen chips.
Better-performing, higher-clocked Ryzen 3 1300X .

General information
CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment
AMD Ryzen 3
Model number  ? 
CPU part numbers
§  YD1200BBM4KAE is an OEM/tray microprocessor
§  YD1200BBAEBOX is a boxed microprocessor
Frequency  ? 
3100 MHz
Maximum turbo frequency
3400 MHz
1331-pin lidded micro-PGA package
Socket AM4
Introduction date
July 27, 2017

Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core  ? 
Summit Ridge
Core stepping  ? 
Manufacturing process
0.014 micron FinFET process
Data width
64 bit
The number of CPU cores
The number of threads
Floating Point Unit
Level 1 cache size  ? 
4 x 64 KB 4-way set associative instruction caches
4 x 32 KB 8-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size  ? 
4 x 512 KB inclusive 8-way set associative unified caches
Level 3 cache size
8 MB exclusive 16-way set associative shared cache
Extensions and Technologies
§  MMX instructions
§  Extensions to MMX
§  SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
§  SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
§  SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
§  SSSE3 / Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
§  SSE4 / SSE4.1 + SSE4.2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 4  ? 
§  SSE4a  ? 
§  AES / Advanced Encryption Standard instructions
§  AVX / Advanced Vector Extensions
§  AVX2 / Advanced Vector Extensions 2.0
§  BMI / BMI1 + BMI2 / Bit Manipulation instructions
§  F16C / 16-bit Floating-Point conversion instructions
§  FMA3 / 3-operand Fused Multiply-Add instructions
§  SHA / Secure Hash Algorithm extensions
§  AMD64 / AMD 64-bit technology  ? 
§  AMD-V / AMD Virtualization technology
§  Precision Boost
Security Features
§  EVP / Enhanced Virus Protection  ? 
§  SMAP / Supervisor Mode Access Prevention
§  SMEP / Secure Mode Execution Protection
Low power features
§  Pure Power
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics
Memory controller
The number of controllers: 2
Memory channels per controller: 1
Channel width (bits): 64
Supported memory: DDR4-2666
DIMMs per channel: 2
Maximum memory bandwidth (GB/s): 42.7
Other peripherals
§  PCI Express 3.0 interface (16 lanes)
Electrical / Thermal parameters
Maximum operating temperature  ? 
Thermal Design Power  ? 
65 Watt

today we're taking a look at this setup specifically the CPU under this Wraith stealth heat sink and that would be the risin 312 hundred we're gonna put it through its paces with a few modern 2019 titles and really just answer the question whether the rise in 312 hundred is still a really good budget option for somebody that's trying to build a low-end gaming system this still maintains a lot of upgrade ability down the road so let's take a look at this CPU and see if it's still up to 2019 games now before we actually jump into the testing of this CPU I want to make 

mention of this platform because this Rison 3 1200 is currently sitting on a be 350 motherboard from MSI this is their gaming + motherboard and it does have compatibility with Rison 3000 series CPUs and most be 350 boards that I've seen out there do have that support though that's definitely one of those things you want to check up on before you purchase a motherboard and that is something that you're gonna want to have on your motherboard for a Rison first gen product and that's mostly just because it gives you a fantastic upgrade path moving forward 

that isn't necessarily available on all be 350 motherboards it's really dependent on whether the manufacturer has pushed out a BIOS update to support those Rison 3000 series chips now I do believe that most be 350 motherboards do support rise in 3000 but like I said definitely check up on that this one in particular does and I was able to snag the 1200 the motherboard and eight gigabytes of ddr4 Ram running at just 21 33 megahertz so very basic Ram but I snagged the whole platform for  flat now for the testing here I'm not actually using that Ram that I 

purchased with this whole set up because it's only 8 gigabytes and I really want to test more the CPU so I'm giving this set up as much a chance to succeed as possible with 16 gigabytes here of corsair lpx running at 3200 megahertz that say 3600 kit though I was only able to get that stable at 3200 megahertz and it's paired with a gtx 1070 TI this is a for the win edition from EVGA so if we're seeing any sort of bottlenecking any sort of stuttering any sort of just 

unplayable games whatsoever this is not a problem with the GPU or with the ram especially at 1080p which is what we're testing at because my inkling is if you're buying a really budget system featuring a 1200 then you're probably looking at 1080p gaming to begin with at least in most titles those certainly some indie games and really some even triple-a type games with this set up would actually run fairly well on the CPU because as we know as you shift more towards resolution like 1440p 4k you're putting more and more load on the GPU and the CPU isn't 

necessarily working all that much harder to render out 1440 or 4k gaming so this could potentially work for that but what we're really trying to test here is that 1080p can this CPU still handle modern triple-a titles and the games we're gonna be looking at here are an O 1800 which is probably a little bit more of a CPU intensive game we have Metro Exodus on there as well and I also threw in the Resident Evil remake that's Resident Evil 2 where you make since it just recently came out as well so all those games will be tested and yeah I think that's pretty 

much all I wanted to mention so let's go ahead and jump into those titles and see just how well they performed no.18 hundred is likely the most demanding title at least when it comes to CPU load of the three titles that I did test we saw an average FPS here of 62 with a 1% low of 36 and a point 1 percent low of 25 now subjectively speaking and I know this doesn't really come across with the screen capture subjectively speaking though it was a pretty smooth experience though if you're somebody that definitely wants to hit 60fps consistently with this title you 

would need to drop down settings a little bit further though being an RTS type game the pacing of the game is very slow you don't really need 60 FPS for this to be a playable title unlike some other more fast-paced styles of games so for a real-time strategy game like anno 1800 an average of just over 60 with 1% lows dipping below 60 is likely just fine for the vast majority of people playing this title now the Resident Evil 2 remake is in a similar vein as a No 1800 in that it's not an overly fast paced game is a little bit quicker pace than an O is but in this case we saw 

an average of 93 FPS a 1% low of 54 and a point 1 percent low of 31 now those drops below 60 FPS were not particularly noticeable as they didn't really happen very frequently whatsoever as you can kind of see in the real time frame counter in the top left of the screen there the experience was very solid in this particular title at 1080p so once again with this title the horizon 1200 gets an e-zpass on this particular game now of all the titles I tested today I was most interested in Metro siddhis because it is the fastest pace title that we looked at of these 

three games now this is also a title that you can change your frame rate a lot based on what settings you key in so do pay attention to those settings that I show in the opening of this clip but all things told here we saw an average FPS on mostly high settings of 106 with a 1% low still above 60 at 60 78.1% low of 53 now in this opening level in the subway here I saw virtually no existence of any stuttering whatsoever in fact I can't think of a single instance here where it did stutter which would contribute to those high 0.1% and 1% low numbers hovering right there around 60 a little bit north of that if you're talking about 1% low but I was overall 

extremely pleased with the result of the risin 1200 here because this was a game that requires you to maintain a higher frame rate for it to be truly enjoyable and that's exactly what we got out of the rising 1200 here so this the third game I tested here is yet another pass so all three of these games are extremely playable on the Rison 1200 here in late 2019 now as the used market sits right now you can get a rise in 1200 for about 40 to 45 dollars depending on where you're looking I just looked and on Aliexpress you can get it with free shipping if you're in the 

United States so that's about the price point they're going out right now and if it were me I would look more towards the rise on 1400 because you get multiple threads per core than you would have eight threads instead of the four threads that you get the horizon 1200 and you're not really investing much more money to get to arisin 1400 all that being said though if you're looking at local deals and you see one of these come across whether it's Facebook market plays 

Craigslist wherever you're looking if you see a good deal on a risin 1200 especially if it features a motherboard and Ram combo sort of like minded I wasn't the best price out there but it certainly was a solid price nonetheless then you might want to go ahead and jump on it because frankly unless you're doing a lot more than just gaming if you're just planning to use your PC for you know gaming then a risin 1200 is gonna be just fine in modern triple-a titles if you're talking 1080p and in reality probably 1440p and even some 4k games with just fine on a rising 

1200 now if you're partying your system together and you buy the 1200 separately from the RAM then you will probably want to go ahead and buy a little bit faster RAM than the base level 21 33 megahertz that came with my 1200 parrot was something like 3000 megahertz 3200 megahertz it seems like those speeds are still in a really nice price point whereas if you go much higher than that you start to pay a premium for that extra speed and rise in CPUs especially these first and second generation rising CPUs really do like faster ram so it's definitely worth 

sort of keeping in mind if you're putting together a first or a second gen rising PC on the used market but it is absolutely still a solid gaming chip to be using and the great thing about going the 1st or 2nd gen Rison instead of some of these older Intel based systems like the 3000 or 2000 series of Intel CPUs is that the current risin be 350 first gen second gen be 450 even those platforms have a great upgrade path I could just drop in upgrade a Rison 3600 down the road if I really wanted to and move from 4 cores 4 threads to 6 cores and 12 threads the VRMs on this motherboard will be absolutely fine for handling back and you would get a massive 

increase on your cpu performance and of course we know that there was a massive uplift between first and third generation rising chips on the IPC as well so you're just getting a massive upgrade path there if you go with something like a 1st or 2nd gen Rison chip instead of going with an older Intel based system because AMD has done such a fantastic job maintaining forwards compatibility with these older motherboards where you can get a be 350 motherboard and pair it with 3rd gen Raisa now sure you won't get PCI Gen 4 but you still get the the 

majority of your money back out of it in the in regards to getting at CPU performance so I'm rambling now I'm going to just sort of cut that off there the Rison 3 1200 is still a really solid gaming chip in late 2019 I do want to hear from you guys especially for those of you that are still rocking that first gen rising stuff whether it's it rise in three rise at 5 or rising 7 chip or really even a thread ripper first gen chip let me know how you or PC is still performing in 
modern games like games they've been released in the last year or so let me know your thoughts on this rising 3 1200 set up as well let me know everything down below in those comments.

The best AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Desktop Processor (YD1200BBAEBOX) Full review

 the press kit which has just arrived a few minutes ago I've done unboxings for the Ryland 7 as well as the horizon 5 press kits so I wanted to continue that trend with the horizon 3 and hopefully the audio is good in this review I'm using a different mic and recording in a different room so if it's not what it usually is that's pretty much the reason why I really - in this room for the audio but hopefully everything looks good but I thought this would give us the best 

presentation for the product and yeah we'll go ahead and get this thing unboxing I've got the rise in 5 and rise in 7 press kits here next to me respectively and as you'll notice the boxes are a little bit larger than the rise in 3 it's like it's basically scaled down as the processor is doing price I mean risin 7 which was the first one to release got the big show and got the big wooden box and everything risin 5 came in a similar box although it was just black and cardboard and 

now we just got this AMD shoe box here for horizon 3 which is expected to launch it somewhere for the 1200 and the 1300 X we don't have official pricing on those yet but given that the rising 1400 is  retail actually right now you can get it  on Amazon which is a steal for that having a quad core with saw with SMT and all of that these are not going to have any SMT they're just going to be straight-up quad cores so with those being  for risin fourteen hundred you 

can kind of gauge where this is gonna fall pricing wise from there I'm expecting maybe 120 and 150 for the 1200 and 1300 X but yeah let's go ahead and open up the shoebox of CPUs here alrighty so I got my handy switchblade here let's go ahead and open this guy up and hopefully we won't get too much background noise from any of the neighbors I heard some guy just starting to uh kind of mow his lawn there but hopefully that that kind of knocks it off for for 

the next five or so minutes while we get this thing open see I can't wait to see what's inside of this thing I don't there is son-of-a-bitch trying to figure out exactly which way this box opens here if he opens from the side open this way it's very very difficult okay I see all right I got it I got it we got we've got it here we go let's get it open here at school sorry if that's a little noisy all right looks like we got two in here so it's equally the rise in let's see what do we got here this is the horizon 1200 so we got the rise in 1200 there go ahead and set that down and the 1300 X 

nothing else inside of here besides the the packing list which they sent along with it and yeah that's pretty much it nothing else inside the box here so no motherboard or Ram this time around like we got with the horizon 5 and Rison seven samples conceivably because all the reviewers should have motherboards and RAM now capable of running this stuff and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be taking these and throwing them into the build that I did recently for the rise in 1400 I've got the MSI be 350 tomahawk in there which should be a nice pairing with 

more affordable CPUs like this be 350 I doubt anyone's gonna go out and really spend on the next 370 board to pair with the rise and 3 processor so let's both of these look like they come with the with the Wraith spire cooler I think it's the spire let's go ahead and crack this guy open first look there top down I've got the CPU here on the side go ahead and pull that out and then we've got the cooler and a secondary box with inside of it and I believe that's the 

great spire there it is nice little cooler should be hopefully good enough to to cool these guys I haven't had any issues in the past using the wraith max on the rise at 1400 or 1600 or even the 1700 didn't have any issues cooling those with the wraith max so i'm sure this will be perfectly adequate for for cooling the rise at 3 CPUs and that is really nice-looking as well I really do like the AMD stock cooler is as opposed to say the Intel ones which just look really boring I think these ones are pretty sexy and like they have RGB and stuff I'm pretty sure this one has RGB 

maybe not I don't know doesn't see whatever GB I think it does alright this one might not have RGB I think this is just a straight Wraith not the Wraith spire it's hard to tell sometimes just looking at these things I don't really use the stock coolers all that much I've used them in some testing but yeah that's I'll probably put that to use on something maybe I've got the CPU here the Rison this is the 12 that got the Verizon 1200 here it does come with a case sticker same box 

and packaging as all the other other rise in CPU so nothing really too surprising as far as this is concerned we've got like a little installation guide manual there I've got our case sticker maybe I'll do a giveaway for that not too sure just yet and then finally the horizons 1200 quad core nice otherwise known as like I said rest in peace all dual cores out there I just don't know why anyone's gonna buy a dual core now you know with these things on the market it's gonna be 

awesome getting to see these for the price and see what the performance is like on these quad cores here from Rison that everyone's kind of been waiting for and I've seen a lot of people in the comments ever since Verizon 7 came out that they're waiting for isin three to do their budget builds here in 2017 so that's the 1200 out of the way let's go ahead and pop open the 1300 X and I doubt there'll be anything really different inside of here he has same exact 

packaging for the CPU so nothing that's going to set the world on fire unless of course it runs like a you know Intel X 299 then it might set the world on fire but otherwise probably not but now same cooler as well in here looks like we got the Wraith cooler AMD Wraith cooler once again for the 1300 X so that's really good that they are including these along with this with these both of these CPUs being it's gonna be more budget oriented if you go out and pick these up you'll already have a cooler on hand so you won't need to go out and spend the extra money 

on a cooler unless you really want to obviously you can but having an adequate cooler in the Box is certainly a nice touch for anyone on a budget that doesn't want to spend additional funds that they could be spending elsewhere inside their building SSDs better graphics card what-have-you so we'll just have to find out once we test these you know what you know type of GPUs they pair well with where we see a bottleneck and all that temps and everything will be coming so yeah not too much to go before we can start really testing these and giving you guys 

performance numbers I can't do any of that here today because of NDA's and all of that but I did just want to do this quick unboxing so that I can share that experience with you for anyone that is curious to see what comes along with the Rison 3 processor so I'm gonna go ahead and get on out of here guys .

The best AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Desktop Processor (YD1200BBAEBOX) Full review

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