Corsair K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

Corsair K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review
Corsair K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

Corsair K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

Hypnotic disco lighting
Handy media and shortcut keys
Classy aluminum build

Awkward software
Rubber palm rest gets grungy quickly


At its core, the K95 RGB Platinum shares relatively the same shape, design and aluminum build as its predecessor, but there are key differences.

The most obvious change here is the fact that the Corsair K95 RGB Platinum is much narrower, thanks to the number of macro keys being reduced to just six. Some might not like this lesser amount of macro keys, but be honest – you’ll actually be able to reach them this time around.

Coursera has launched its new flagship keyboard the k95 RGB platinum we took a look at this is kind of a first look at CES and as a fan of the k70 in k70 RGB that i've been using for quite a while I'm kind of curious to see whether or not well I'm excited about this one they bring a few new features and bring back some old ones that people kind of complain that they were gone so let's go ahead and crack her open play around with it let's see exactly what Corsair is bringing to the table hey that's a pun didn't mean to do that whatever go with it now I'm gonna start with the wrist rest cuz this is one of my favorite features it's removable of course that's a big deal it's got some of its own rubber on the bottom here to make it an anti-slip and of course it has got as I showed at CES the Magnetic reversible wrist pad here so some people like a more 

textured pad and some people like a more smooth pad well now you can just choose the one you want flip it around stick it in the groove and it's gonna stay because it's magnetic the only it kind of sucks about this rubberized texture here is it does pick up dust and fingerprints and dirt really quickly I've been handling it here for only a few seconds and it's already got dirt on it so you probably cleaning this quite often the only other thing you get inside the box here is of course some warranty information here for Corsair make sure you fill out your warranties because that way if something breaks how so they're gonna know that you bought it legitimately so alright well let's uh get this crap out of here and let's look at the keyboard here 

she is right in here and all of her spectrum waving goodness now this is the part that kind of turns a lot of people off I think with RGB is they think oh my god stop with all the RGB but let's talk about this here for a second people complained when there was a color scheme because what if you didn't want that color well RGB was a thing now because you can customize the color to be whatever you want anyway one of the first things you might notice that's quite a bit different with this platinum keyboard versus the standard k95 RGB that was before this one is you have one row of macro keys right here instead of three now there is also onboard memory on this you can save three user profiles to this that go with you wherever you go one of my major complaints I had especially with the k70 RGB the color profile I would load 

didn't actually work until it was plugged into a computer that had Corsair link on there to allow it to load the profile it was saved on the machine not on the keyboard and that was a huge mistake in my opinion now it's saved on the keyboard three customizable profiles that you can put on there yourself but as you can see when it's off it looks quite sleek and stealthy let me turn it on it's like whoa check out all of those colors I mean you got three brightness controls right there but you got the usual suspects when it comes to buttons you've got your profile key your brightness key and your windows luck and then over here you've got mute you've got a volume rocker as well as a well it's actually a volume dial I'm not really a rocker but a dial and then of course the multimedia function keys yeah does anyone actually use those every 

keyboard I think I've ever owned has had them but I don't think I've ever used it even once one thing I think is kind of neat though is even the Corsair logo is RGB so you can control that what really stinks is when a company gives you lighting control but then there's some parts of the keyboard that doesn't actually change color like for instance if you had RGB control here but the logo always shined red or the multimedia Keys always shined red or shone red whatever the right term would be and it was shown I don't know words are hard okay then it kind of defeats the purpose of having RGB if you're forced with another color down your throat whatever I digress we talked about it a little bit at CES but on the back here you have a channel that's kind of a cross channel here so you can control which side of the keyboard it comes out of this is actually designed for corded headphone users that you can have the headphone cord 

come out the middle of the keyboard and not be routed around it which can get in the way of your mouse and if you're a competitive gamer then maybe that would bother you having the mouse routed around your keyboard it's never bothered me but it's a function that's there nonetheless so you can take advantage of it but as you can see on the back of the keyboard here we have a USB pass-through they've brought that back thank you that's been gone ever since they started RGB they talked about and all those bandwidth of the cable or something for whatever reason they didn't have a pass through USB anymore thank goodness that's back then want the I think it could have made it even cooler as if there was a built-in SD slot but that's 

because I built I do content creation and so I would always looking for SD cards I'm looking for places to stick it you might also notice here you have some edge lighting that's kind of new right this is new to the Platinum series this right here what appears to be just a spectrum wave of LEDs ashley has night zones that can be controlled and colors that change with almost endless customization you can control what these do in Corsair link and it gives you a full complete control of the lighting like I talked about it I mean if this was always spectrum wave and no matter what you change the colors to that would kind of stink but it would also kind of sink if this was just a solid color you could make a solid color if you want but it's cool because you can change this in 19 different zones some other things worth mentioning here that are actually 

kind of almost not worth mentioning it's got all the functions you'd expect of a mechanical keyboard and key rollover anti-ghosting all that stuff in fact it doesn't even seem like a marketing point anymore because every single mechanical keyboard on the market has it but it has it some as well at least mention it now one of the neat things about Corsair and its ecosystem with the Corsair link is this can actually sync with any other coarser RGB products that you have in your computer your water coolers your mice your keyboards your Void headsets whatever so you can have one piece of software that controls everything so if you want kind of a unified color scheme then that's something you can actually do anyway let's do this real quick let's go ahead and do a quick typing test and then I guess that will pretty much wrap things up now I'm not gonna be doing the typing test with the intention of accuracy in there I'm not the fastest or the most accurate type err but I kind of want to see how the MX speed 

switches feel and I'm also checking for things like noise I've never typed on the MX speed so let's go and see how they sound to test the audio on this I have a shotgun mic actually mounted right here right in front of my face but I'm kind of using the same distance that your head would be to the keyboard to try and gauge the sound of course your volume levels in everything are going to vary but here is how the switches sound now the speed switch has a little bit less travel I'm used to typing on Browns which have a tactile hump and a little bit more travel so I'm probably pushing pretty hard on the keyboard but anyway I think that it feels pretty nice okay let's talk about undoubtably the most subjective portion of the review and that being price this is the  keyboard and I know right now that that that sounds super expensive and it is 

trust me that's a lot of money on a keyboard the most expensive keyboard I've taken a look at coming through here with the exception of the taupe race which keyboard from coolermaster we took a look at a couple years ago but you get a lot for this though you get a aircraft grade aluminum construction it doesn't creak it doesn't twist it's flat I've had keyboards where I go do the review and I put them down and they're like rocking and teetering because they're twisted or somehow it just feels like quality it does so at least you get that the case 70 in k70 RGB keyboards I've had those since they launched they're still going you get the longevity and the life out of them so you could buy  keyboard and it probably last you five years no problem but pricing is one of those things you have to decide for yourself if it's worth it I can't 

do that for you I must say it seems like courser is listening they changed some things that the audience wanted and now you can find it on the K 95 platinum I guess the question is gonna be whether or not some of the features we're looking at here are gonna trickle down to say a K 70 Platinum who knows I've got no word on that so that's just speculation and wishful thinking realistically anyway guys time to go thanks for watching today's video where I take a look at the K 95 Platinum's tell me in the comments section what you think about this keyboard versus the price point let me know if you think it's bond point or if you think it's way off and why also to let me know what keyboard you're using and why that's a also a big gauge in all of this hit that like button 

 the Corsair k95 platinum XT keyboard this just came out we'll go over a tall talk about the brand new features what separates it from the original k95 platinum and my overall experience with it so this is the 2020 refresh - the top-selling k95 platinum from 2017 nearly three years after its initial release this keyboard is available in cherry silver blue and brown switch options a mite unit here has cherry blues although after using the speed Silver's the past 3 years I'm probably gonna swap this unit out because Linear's for the win now when get it unbox it's gonna look identical to the original k95 because in terms of design it's literally the exact same keyboard we do have two physical changes that aren't - the actual keyboard itself but I wish it did something extra to kind of separate it make it stand out more on that stuff in a minute so one of the improvements our new PB Tiki caps a new wrist rest and that's it but the main 

selling point comes via software with their compatibility with the elgato stream deck software making these six macro keys a virtual stream deck inside the box they include the extra set of textured fps and mobile key caps and these new blue s keys to replace the grey G macro keys this allows you to do things like switch scenes go live mute your mic anything you would usually use a stream duct for but while we're on the topic of new features let's just knock this out real quick the nude textured double shot p bt keycaps feel nice and they're similar to what razer did on the huntsmen tournament vision although as you can see we'd still have that slight bold gamer font since they're shining through you'll have the RGB shown nicely to the characters and while that fine grain texture on them is either love or hate for most people I for one like it 

they still feel smooth to the touch and it's not rough or anything it's just enough to give you this little extra grip and the other new addition is they're brand new wrist rest this one is much more cushion and it's definitely a welcomed addition and a worthy upgrade from the original old wrist rest that one was reversible with these two rubberized textured side there was also magnetic so it just snapped into place but there were zero padding there it really didn't do much for me because there's just no give now we could say it's a proper wrist rest and is much much more comfortable if you guys remember I was always using a third party wrist rest with my k95 because I just dislike that sock one so much it's still just locks into place in the bottom of the keyboard easily removable if you want to attach it and stuff so no complaints here on my end definitely a worthy upgrade in terms of a wrist rest that is so that's all that's new to the 

keyboard and we'll take a closer look at those as streamed at keys in a minute but real quick let's point out what isn't new here and that's a standard bottom row come on of course there so we'll still touch on some of the actual features to the keyboard but check out my just review of the Kate 95 platinum if you want to see a more detailed look at this because I'm not gonna go over the same exact points because it would just be a replica review but some of the highlighted features are the dedicated multimedia keys and a scrolling volume wheel always a nice addition to a gaming keyboard and here they do it right on the backside with silver USB pass-through and the RGB on this keyboard yes it looks really nice you have an addition of the light strip on the top and back side pretty much so it's like shining out the side of your keyboard the logo on the forehead is also illuminated but again all the same stuff on the original k95 and as I mentioned before we have the cherry blue switches in this unit now after using the speed 

Silver's for the last three years I'm definitely used to them and I'm more of a linear fan as it is but for those who you know like the clicky cherry blue switches this is gonna be the same story here the rate of four one hundred million clicks in terms of durability and while there's no actual construction change to these stabilizers and stuff in the keyboard it definitely sound better than my original K 95 we'll do a sound test now so you could hear how these blue switches sound so while some Keys like these shift and enter still had a reasonable amount of play and stuff where the actual key is gonna be audibly rattling there wasn't that loud resonance like we used to have when I know you know a lot of companies out there will put those metal bars for stabilizers here with the actual stems and the housings it's decent for a you 

know mass-produced gaming keyboard yes there are better stabilizers out there I wish they would have maybe had like a factory Lube on there so we're just a little bit better but that's you know the enthusiasts in me talking now revisiting the main selling point of this keyboard with those s keys you'll actually have to download the old god or stream deck software this is completely different than Corsairs IQ software so yes you'll have to have two different software is running to take advantage of these s keys and if you're familiar with the stream deck software it's very easy to use in terms of your actual layout and customizing what these keys are it's all drag and drop from the the list of functions and macros and tie-ins with OBS stream labs mixer YouTube twitch all of the functions are there again drag and drop very very simple and you'll see next to the software there is those vertical six keys and that's pretty much like a visual reminder of what your keys are and what these s keys are gonna be so you can kind of have that 

bear on the screen you could also like drag it around if you wants if you have multiple monitors you can just drag these six visual Keys wherever but they're not actually like you can't press them on-screen so clicking them with your mouse doesn't actually toggle it and again the reason they do this is so you can see what those keys are sends on a regular stream deck you have the actual LCD screen here you don't have that now we're starts to get confusing for me and where I start to be cynical a little bit is the fact that the elgato stream deck tie-in isn't just limited to the k95 Platinum XT if you have an original K 95 you can also download the software and use it with that so it's strange that this brand-new keyboard with this is a brand new feature isn't just limited to this now I'm also gonna go as far as to say that this just isn't enough for me what I really would have liked is maybe replace the six physical macro keys with those actual LCD 

screens like on the stream deck or hell maybe replace that numpad with an internal stream deck so you could still have a numpad if you choose to use that but it's an actual stream back with the LCD keys and I remember when the stream deck first launched and then I'll gato joined Corsair my first thought was like yes we're gonna get a full you know stream that keyboard something like that you guys remember the old razor desk soccer ultimate keyboard like give us something like that but better your button said we just have a tie-in with software and an extra set of blue key caps now I get that every keyboard release doesn't have to be this you know grand update but it's been three years and three years in the tech industry is a long time and for their premium flagship keyboard I would have liked more innovation from Corsair giving us just you know new key caps that a new wrist rest isn't gonna cut it and I'm pretty disappointed overall and it's the same keyboard from three years ago it's also launching at the same price  if you go on Amazon and look at the again the 

original k95 now it's around 130 140 so what's stopping people from buying the older keyboard for a 60 bucks off which still gives you the stream deck software compatibility is 60 bucks for textured pbt key caps and a new wrist stretch that's worth it probably not so come on course they're pre-designed the keyboard give us a new flagship with some sort of additional stream deck tie-in where we can actually have those physical screens possibly on the keyboard itself that would have been worth it in 2020 not a 20-17 keyboard and guys I'll wrap it up for showing you what's new with the Corsair k95 platinum xt

course there's new k95 RGB platinum mechanical gaming keyboard this is their new successor to be very popular vengeance k95 and Corsairs gaming cane 95 RGB series which where flagship models in their keyboard lineup at being a flagship keyboard means the new platinum doesn't come cheap priced at  the kid 95 RGB platinum is one of the most expensive gaming focused keyboards on the market but is it worth paying that premium price we'll find out after a quick message from our sponsor the new NZXT air RGB fans can be daisy chained together for awesome lighting cohesion in your build with vibrant and accurate color illumination all easily controlled through the hue plus via camp software full details in the description below now before I get too far into this video a mention has to be made about the pricing of this 

particular keyboard since I know a lot of you will be critical about it while it may be completely outside many of your budget you can't remember the core set already offers many other alternatives at lower price points on the other hand if you want all the bells and whistles then the K 95 RGB platinum could be a good fit my first mechanical keyboard was in fact the original Vengeance k95 it's for an 18 dedicated macro buttons but I never took advantage of them for some reason revisiting this keyboard brings back so many memories because I love the detachable wear stress dedicated media playback buttons the rock solid build quality and the excellent Cherry MX when switches the white backlighting on the keyboard looked amazing at the time and it still does it works great and I have passed down to my siblings and they enjoyed 

- although not as nerdy as I am now coming back to the K 95 RGB platinum Corsair has made some significant changes from their previous models to better suit their entire keyboard lineup including the k70 RGB strafe RGB and DK 65 RGB first and foremost you won't find those 18 dedicated macro buttons on the left side of the keyboard but rather you are left with six of them with texture key caps so welcoming change over the previous key 95 because it reduces the footprint a little bit but if you desperately need 18 programmable macros you may need to look at external solution or even Corsairs on scimitar Gaming Mouse the font on the key caps have also been revised with a wider shape compared to the previous model it's definitely not my cup of tea because I love the simple thought on my first k95 but it does make sense that course is trying to share their design language throughout their keyboard lineup on the positive side the 

build quality is still amazing the anodized brushed aluminum frame is one of my personal favorites and while it's a little bit on the heavier side this should last you a really long time and that previous k95 is a testament to that this keyboard comes in two finishes one is the stealth black model that I have here with two switch options Cherry MX speed and MX brown the other one comes in a gunmetal finish which is only paired up with MX speed switches so be mindful of that the included wrist rest mounts easily onto the keyboard but Corsten has done something interesting with this part the soft touch rubber surface is magnetized to the frame and it's dual sided with different textures so if you prefer a slightly better grip for your wrist the layer with the crisscross design works out really well but I ended up using the softer side and it was very satisfying they also include an extra set of walls and mobile key caps that are 

textured for better grip and a key cap for my such flipping over the keyboard Corsair has implemented appropriate rubber feet to eliminate movement and adjustable ways to angle the keyboard to your convenience they've also added a cross section cable management route for your peripherals ideally you'd be writing your headphone cable or something else that you might take advantage of but personally I like my cables to be separated on my desk speaking of cables Corsair still needs improvement here this one is super thick and quite challenging to rock cleanly on your setup since its meshes very dense and hard to menu play it's my least there part about this keyboard because I prefer cables that are made of more bendable mesh and are thinner some of the extra core thickness is due to the extra wiring needed for the single USB path report at the keyboards back I would have preferred another two of these ports especially 

since when a keyboard is dis expensive there's an expectation for extra features alright let's talk about those cherry MX speed switches getting into the technical aspects this is a light and linear switch that activates at one point two millimeters compared to two millimeters on an average MX switch does a few things one it doesn't require a lot of force to actuate and two they are super fast coming from my white fox which features MX blue switches I took a solid week to get used to the larger layout of the keyboard and these switches typing scripts became a lot faster gaming on it was an unbelievable experience especially in FPS titles responsiveness in games like Battlefield one felt really nice and my fingers weren't too tired after a few hours of gameplay which I normally do experience with my MX blue switches I do have to mention that these are regular hallmarks of MX speed switches so it's not like anything new is going on here 

from a feedback perspective here's a quick sound comparison the lighting on the platinum shares a lot of similarities with the k70 RGB which we took a look at last year Corsair calls it the dynamic multicolor backlighting which basically means that you can customize the LEDs with a variety of color options through the revised q software that we'll get to in a moment a few noticeable changes are an LED light strip at the very top of the keyboard that consists of 19 individual zones that can be customized through the driver software this includes the illuminated Corsair logo and I've gotta say it's stunning to look at the level of lighting customizability is endless with 13 different effects that you can take advantage of or if you'd like to create your own effect you can do that through the driver and the last thing to cover is 

the drivers software the Corsair has revamped the q software and it works alongside the k95 RGB Platinum's eight megabytes of on-board storage so you can easily modify settings and have them saved directly to the keyboard this is perfect for gamers on the go who may not have the advantage of bringing their own personal computer with them everywhere for some reason this software comes pre-installed with a demo version of lighting controls for their scimitar Mouse void wireless gaming headset and their RGB Polaris mousepad it's a bit weird because I haven't connected any of these peripherals to my computer in the first place so there's no point of having them there Corsair I'm sure you can fix that with a driver update on the positive side I fairly enjoyed playing around with the lighting and the macros on the Platinum gaming 

keyboard as you can see you're greeted with a physical layout of the keyboard towards left under the actions tab you can create customized and assign macros to any button moving on to the lighting effects tab you can cycle through different lighting effects that I talked about earlier as well as create them the performance tab lets you adjust the windows lock key settings and finally Corsair has implemented onboard profile storage options that can be accessed without eq software oh hey there ncx comm is Canada's leading a tailor for anything your mind desires just keep within those categories which are plenty and be attempted by the weekly deals visit ncx dot-com for all them sweet deals so is the k95 RGB worth it's  price tag this is a great keyboard that comes with a ton of features and I really enjoyed using it everything from 

low quality to the cue software and its layout we're very well done the only criticism I have is that thick cord but since your keyboard isn't meant to move that much it can easily be forgiven with that being said the Platinum will likely be outside most people's budget if you desperately need six dedicated macro buttons onboard profile storage options the cable management feature hidden at the bottom the light strip with the Corsair logo on the top then perhaps this could be worth taking a look but those features aside this keyboard is basically a k70 RGB which is about 60 dollars less another option is the regular K 95 which will save you about $40 if you really want to try out the new MX speed switches which by the way is my new favorite 

switch I would save a lot of cash picking up the k70 RGB rapid-fire or the K 65 RGB rapid-fire it's a game changer especially if you want to try something different from your typical Cherry MX which I will admit it does take time getting used to this new switch but you're going to love it after that what do you guys think of the K 95 RGB platinum would you spend on this flash or gaming keyboard or are there any new alternatives that you might be interested in let us know in the comments down below

Corsair K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

 the Corsair k95 RGB platinum and as you're all very aware any gaming peripheral with the word platinum in it is clearly 100% infallible in every way shape or form but just to verify we're going to be taking a closer look at it today and seeing all the new fun features that come along with it because there are quite a few and despite there being many similarities between this and the original k95 RGB Corsair has taken a lot of user feedback to heart made a lot of revisions that weren't so hot with the original k95 RGB and fix them with this board as well as added some new features that you guys are probably never seeing unless you were watching all the CES coverage on this particular model so with that said should be a very fun board to 

check out mechanical of course we've got some cherry MX speed switches which are currently advertised as being the fastest mechanical switch on the market we'll take a closer look at that as well if you're watching this video right now which obviously you are this keyboard should be available right now worldwide in black at the very least if you happen to be living in North America then you'll also have the option to get it in gunmetal gray they may extend that availability to a world wide release at a later date but keep your ear to the ground for that MSRP 199 199 USD that's not cheap by by any stretch so we are talking about a high-end keyboard here that is pretty much cream of the crop when it comes to mechanical gaming keyboards these days so whether or not it's going to be worth your hard-earned dollars is like 

always going to heavily depend on your needs as a user in order for you to figure that out and decide whether or not you should buy this we have to take a look at all those features first so why don't we take this out of the box and have a closer look so here's the keyboard plugged into a PC that I've got back there you can see kind of just defaults to this rainbow wave sort of effect as far as the backlighting goes and these are of course individual back wit you can customize each individual keeper key lighting so to speak so that's really nice pretty much familiar with what we've seen on previous RGB boards from course share you can see they've actually enlarged the lettering the cutouts on the lettering just a bit to allow more light to bleed through which is really nice it looks very very bright and vibrant and all that sort of thing the LEDs are 

not the LED bulbs themselves are not visible whatsoever it's very nice even in diffused glow and also the aluminum chassis that we're dealing with here is pretty familiar for the most part but there are some big notable changes first of which being this light bar that kind of goes across the back end here and even kind of curves around to the sides of the edges there this is really nice it's actually got 19 different zones that are configurable and customizable within the cue software of course and you can actually program those independent of the keys themselves or you can sync them all together there's actually quite a bit you can do with this light bar in terms of just the different lighting effects and what we'll play around with those in just a bit apart from that you've also got this nice Corsair logo here which has kind of a glossy finish 

which I'm okay with because it's so small and pretty discreet but that's also you can see backlit illuminated with RGB lighting of course now one of the main revisions that I really like about this keyboard is that there's now only one column of programmable G keys whereas in the past the original k95 RGB had three columns which for my needs as a user it was just a bit overkill plus it added quite a bit of whisk to the profile to keyboard itself and was and quite frankly was one of the reasons why I never went with a k95 for my daily driver because I have limited desk space so this kind of gives you the best of both worlds there they are fully programmable you can do macros you can launch applications they are fully backlit as well just like the rest of the keys with cherry MX speed switches and all that jazz they do have this kind of gray textured finish I don't mind the texture at all but I would prefer them to be black just to be more cohesive with the rest of the keys on the board in the top left corner of the keyboard you get three buttons one of which is your Windows lock key we've also got brightness adjustments 

with four different levels of brightness including off which is nice if you want to go stealth and then finally you've got this button on the very left which is new this is a new addition this actually allows you to switch between three different user defined profiles via the hardware so there's eight megabytes of on-board storage you've got a 30 two bit ARM Cortex processor that's handling all the lighting effects macros all that sort of thing so even if you plug this into a different computer that doesn't have the cue software loaded up onto it you can still have up to three user defined profiles to switch between on the fly at any time which is super handy moving on over to the right side of the keyboard here you've got your mute button as well as a new and improved volume knob it does feel very nice to the touch it Scrolls and glides along 

with ease and just beneath that you've got four multimedia keys just like you had on the original board however these are raised there now a little bit elevated so that you just get easier access I remember on the on my k95 arm sorry on my k70 rapidfire which have the older style of multimedia keys if I'm leaning back too far in my chair the top row of number keys on the numpad actually kind of overshadow the multimedia keys because they're just so low to the board itself and make them a little bit less accessible than I'd like them to be so that's kind of been solved here with this raised sort of platform now due to popular demand Corsair has brought back the USB 2.0 pass-through port which is located right on the back of the keyboard next to the braided cable it's a very nice I believe is six foot maybe a six foot braided cable with 

the US two USB type a connectors at the end one for the keyboard of course and the other for the pass-through port now the pass-through port is very useful for things like connecting your gaming mouse or maybe even a wireless receiver for your gaming headset however if you were wanting to connect a wired headset to that port Corsair has you covered they've actually thought this through quite a bit always one step ahead by including this kind of cross channel on the underbelly of the keyboard itself so you can route the cable directly underneath the board instead of having to just let it dangle and hang around up at the top of your keys where it could easily get in the way while your games so I might have to swap out my k7 rapid-fire for this as my daily driver for that feature alone if nothing else before I forget there's also two fold out underneath the keyboard with rubber pads underneath them to keep it from slipping and sliding around if you just want to give your board a little bit more of an ergonomic incline while 

you're gaming or typing but the cooler thing that I want to talk about is the wrist rest here this is a new-and-improved wrist rest it snaps on very easily boom it's that's it it's super easy it's not a magnet or anything it's so just a latch mechanism but you just place the keyboard down yet the fiddle with it too much taking it out is a little bit more difficult you kind of got to like pull the gotta like squeeze together a little the little latches I do which the latches were metal just to make it a bit more secure feeling when you are detaching it but attaching it is super super easy and the cool thing about this wrist rest the other nice thing is that depending on which surface your dainty wrist prefers there is an inlay here that's magnetic you could just pop it out and either have a very smooth finish for your wrist or a more bumpy textured surface so whatever your heart's content there it is again perfectly magnetic slots and really easily I do wish there 

was like a little tiny tab just so you can kind of grab it and get an easier grip on it to peel it up initially but once you flip it and once you set it your the way you prefer it's probably going to stay there for forever for the most part so I think the other thing that I want to mention before we dive into the software and just take a look at some of the RGB effects is are the mechanical switches of course it's easy to forget them because they're hidden most of the time but there you go they're Cherry MX speed as I as I mentioned before one point two millimeters actuation distance 45 grams of operating force and a crazy ridiculous durability of over 50 million keystrokes so this thing will be lasting you quite a while to say the least let's go ahead and jump into the software now and take this bad boy for a spin alright so here we are in the q software and really quick I forgot to mention that this board also features any key rollover and 100% anti-ghosting so you never have to worry about pressing too many keys at once all those 

keystrokes will be registered no problem but here we are in the software looks a lot different than when I last used it about a year ago with my original k70 RGB it looks a lot better it looks more user-friendly the UI looks Gorge compared to what it used to look like and I think it's actually a lot more functional as well easier to navigate that sort of thing so this is just a really quick basic look I'm not going to go to the detail here this could be is this is a really a video on its own just a cue software but some of the presets here you've got about a dozen or so to choose from lots of variety if you just want to fire something up really quick boom to do boom boom boom little bit of a boom boom boom boom okay pipe gliding all all the good stuff you've also got these three user profiles these are the hardware profiles that we mentioned earlier that you can switch between using the button a little onboard button on your keyboard isn't that nice 

that's super cool and also there is the Advanced Mode for all of you hardcore lighting effect users out there who want to just you know really tweak and and tune your your LEDs to make them your own I did fire up something right here here we go as I just whip this up in a minute or two these are just random effects that I applied with you know typical hot line colors you can see that there's just a lot going on here you can really make everything act independently of each other we've got the G keys that are seizuring out here and whites we've got a nice ripple effect in the middle here with kind of the teal and pink and then just a bunch of other things going on here you can see the light bar also is doing its own sort of pulsing effect and I did want to mention that the Corsair logo here that's just one of the xix owns that also is sharing the the top middle part top middle portion of that bar actually and that's I got that illuminated right 

there should unclick that there so it's better and finally here's a quick look at all the different actions that you can apply to any of these keys not just the GPS but any one of these keys on the board is programmable guys so whether you talk in macros text remapping Keys media functions launching applications having a timer if you want to give yourself some cues while you're in game disabling the key entirely and profile switching they're all pretty much any of these keys can do any of those actions so pretty sweet overall let's go ahead and wrap this video out with some closing words so to sum up my thoughts on the k95 RGB platinum in a nutshell in my opinion it is currently the best gaming mechanical keyboard you can buy  whether or not you should spend  on a key is entirely up to you and depending on again whether or not you're going to use half of the features that this thing offers but if you do have 200 bucks to spend and 

let's say you're upgrading from a crap keyboard that maybe has membrane keys that's just way too old and outdated in need of a change then this is a very good option that will probably last you a super long time I always tell people if you're going to buy an office chair spend a lot of money on it because you'll be using it everyday the same goes for your keyboard however the thing said if you already own like a k70 or k95 RGB it's probably not worth upgrading to the platinum because there's just not enough new stuff to make the investment worthwhile but again you're coming from a potato keyboard this is a fatty upgrade that's going to last you a very long time and I'm sure most of you guys will be very happy with it as well the features of super solid build quality and quite frankly one of the most if not the most sophisticated 

software for keyboard in terms of both macro programmable functionality and lighting effects if you're into that sort of thing so those are my thoughts on the k95 RGB platinum

 Coursera now yes of course they're did provide this keyboard for the review but there is no money exchanged between us I was not paid to review just provide the product to bring that information to you now this is the k95 RGB platinum so pretty much the top-of-the-line keyboard from the folks over at Corsair this thing's made of top-line aluminum aircraft that's right aluminum aircraft actually it's made of a high-grade aircraft aluminum or aluminium as I know that people overseas say now aluminium although I know it's correct it's really kind of weird thing to say but hey I'll say it because I know people here every time I say luminaires like stupid American but oh well that's the story we say it over here but we've got it in there so this thing's made of high quality materials it has a bunch of programmable keys it lights up every key individual RGB just basically like I said this is like the Coupe DeVille Cadillac rolls-royce 

of keyboards so with that said let's see what it's all about so first off let's check out actually what comes in the box so you get the keyboard itself you get a bunch of different keys too so this way you can change the keys to be whatever you want them to be and just a little tool that comes includes you can pop those keys off easily and they're easily replaced you also get the wrist pad and that's pretty much it inside the box the detachable wrist plate even though it's not talked about very often on this model it's very nice you have clips right here that you simply clip into the bottom of your keyboard and then you have a double-sided face so that magnetically attaches one side is much softer one side is harder so no matter what kind of risk pad you like you're going to find it right here the t95 platinum is made out of a single piece of 

aircraft-grade anodized brushed aluminum this thing is built to withstand a lifetime of gaming its lightweight its rugged and this is necessary for a keyboard that's going to see a lot of action as far as the looks code generally it looks like any other keyboard that you've pretty much seen out there I mean let's just face it most keyboards are going to have a standard design where the keys are laid out you're going to have a few differences in the programming and the way things work but the way they look is kind of the same on all keyboards now so all time media controls are located up on the right hand side and these were all enhanced on this keyboard so that everything works with the programming so you can operate all your music and everything flawlessly through those controls also on the top left hand side of the keyboard we see the 

lighting mode button the next button is brightness and then after that you have the windows lock key button and as you put the k95 onto its face you can see if there's also cable management so if you're plugging something into your USB pastor you can keep those messy cables out of the way the keys on the k95 are also something very unique in partnership with Cherry the Corsair k95 RGB platinum utilizes new MX speed RGB mechanical key switches now these are designed specifically to meet the demands of hardcore gamers an ultra-fast 1.2 millimeter actuation point and a light 45 gram activation force make them ideal for split second key presses or clutch gaming moments with every millisecond counts and if you're wondering will these keys ever go bad well it comes with a 15 million keystroke guarantee so I think it'll be

 a lot of gaming before it breaks on you one unique feature of the K 95 Platinum is light edge now this is a 19th owned independently controlled light bar running along the top edge of the keyboard and wrapping around the corners what's really cool though is that this lighting accent can be programmed with very complex lighting effects independent from the effects being executed on the main keyboard matrix for an example you can have all the keys doing their own effect like a rainbow effect and you can also have the light bar doing something all on its own so separate animations on each one so that's kind of nifty probably the best feature of all though for gamers is the ability of the k95 platinum to have every key to be fully programmable for in-game actions what's even cooler however is a special place was reserved for six dedicated 

GPS lined up along the left edge of the keyboard the carefully defined position of the six dedicated textured G keys as well as a concert and textured key caps on them are supposed to deliver the best gaming performance and they're supposed to do without fatigue or any accent no tea presses the gamer can also take advantage of those G keys to assign them for their most often use macros keyboard shortcuts or kiri maps the choice is yours and for gamers out there who don't have either a long enough cord who don't want to plug them actually into the PC you can plug the mouse right into the keyboard through the USB pass-through port with 100% anti-ghosting and full Q over effects you never have to worry about hitting too many keys or having the keyboard not respond to your command now earlier we did the unboxing we showed 

you some different keys now these are the FPS and MOBA keycap sets these are textured and contoured key caps that provide maximum grip and enhanced keel which means that they actually feel a little bit different than the other keys on the keyboard and these are like the WASD keys and you can see that we've changed these out and they look at different color actually than the standard keys as well instead of being black they're actually great so they stand out very well on the keyboard now this next feature I don't know how much will actually affect mini gamers out there some people going to be like oh hell to the S is the absolute best thing there is it would be like and that's no big deal but you can actually have three fully programmable profiles in the keyboard that are actually inside of it you don't have to program 

using any software or anything else you program into the keyboard itself and you can take the keyboard anywhere you want and have those same programs ready for you wherever you are at its heart the k95 RGB platinum is a platform which utilizes the low power and fast 32-bit ARM Cortex processor which together with eight megabytes of onboard flash storage and high performance LED display controls is capable of driving the most immersed dynamic LED backlighting effects and the most complex macros ever before available of course there are calls this technology Hardware macro and lighting playback this technology allows the imager to save any backlighting effects even the most complicated and multi level in-game macros can be saved to the onboard memory and played back without any need for external software and although the k95 platinum does come with a lot of options to be pre-programmed onto the 

keyboard itself with the Q software you can program anything you want and you can do much more sophisticated programming using the Q software and it's really easy to use and operate once it's installed you just open it up on your PC and everything's right there in front of you to be able to adjust you can adjust all the individual colors of each and key you can adjust the brightness of each key you can adjust pretty much the color spectrum of each key and basically it's almost I feel almost unlimited possibilities I'm going to try and see in the future if I can actually use the lighting effects to try to write something on the keyboard itself I think that would be really cool so those are pretty much all the specs and how the keyboard looks the k95 RGB platinum like I said before is supposed to be the creme de la creme keyboard out there fully programmable across the board macro Keys lighting effect comfortable wrist pad now all that sounds good on paper but how does it actually feel them what is the comfort level when you're in game personally I thought it was very very nice to use all the keys are very responsive 

and since you have such a low threshold to make it activate you don't feel like you're slamming the keys down and making that big loud clacking noise that you paired with some of the previous keys that come on mechanical keyboards I mean let's face it some of those cheery keys make a real banging sound when you're playing on them and I don't particularly like that if your user who doesn't like that and you like to smooth operation I think you'll very much like the way the k95 platinum feels so alright gamers and tech fans there you have it Corsairs RGB k95 platinum the badass of the badass if you're a gamer out there and you want the uber keyboard that has everything under the hood then this is something you'd want to want to look for because you can program every key individually to do what you want to do you could program the color of it you can program how bright it is great multimedia controls the bar 

that's on there for scrolling and doing everything is really nice it's comfortable it plays well if you like mechanical keyboards but you don't like all the noise I think you're going to really enjoy this unit now the cavity this thing is though is it does come to market  so gamers out there on the budget are gonna be like wow I can almost buy a PC but if you're somebody out there and you're like a professional gamer you just take your gaming seriously that's all you do you're going to want the best of the best there are a lot of keyboard manufacturers out there and making keyboards I know you guys can have left two comments I want to see them down 

below so I know the people gonna say they like this one I like that one and I welcome that kind of thing I definitely want to hear your guys opinions on what's going on so I know you guys been watching Tekken tomorrow down below that like button there'll be more information if you want to click on the button check out more information them or maybe purchase one for yourself check out more stuff on them before you make that decision though because I'm one guy and there's lots of the guys out there but honestly I give this key a double thumbs up it was a hundred and forty nine dollars I would say it's like wow totally worth jumping on two hundred dollars I have to admit a little expensive for most gamers budgets but hey if you want the best the best price means Jack diddly to you you're just going to get so see you guys 

Corsair K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review

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